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Not the first time, and surely not the last, but I'm once again having some health issues and am taking time off while it's looked into. 

Basically, I've had heart arrhythmia of some sort since last Saturday. Went to the local ER on Sunday, they monitored my heart for a bit and said everything looked the same as before, nothing particularly alarming, so they sent me home and told to check back again if things get worse. Things haven't been getting worse, I think, but they persist, so I have some blood tests scheduled for tomorrow and a call with a cardiologist on Thursday. I'm pretty sure the arrhythmia is caused by my medication, and there aren't that many options, so hopefully it's easy to narrow down and adjust.

In any case, I'm obviously a bit stressed out and tired, so I've decided to avoid exerting myself and focus on resting for the time being, so probably no art coming out this week. I'll keep you updated when I know more.



Your health is more important than our boners, Harm. Get well soon. :)