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Time for some art news and other stuff!

Art News

The exclusive Uzaki comic (tiers $5 and up) that I've been working on for the past three months is nearing completion. Those who have subscribed at a lower tier, or missed out on earlier months, will be able to purchase the full comic in my Gumroad store sometime early next month.

The next serial project will likely be to polish and color the Anal Ed pics that I've posted previews of for tiers $3 and up. On the side I will probably focus on some extra high-tier patron requests and the like for a month or two, or until I zero in on another serial or comic to work on.

Patreon News

I've been doing some thinking recently, and I might do some changes to the subscription tiers in the coming months. Initially I would be looking at tiers $1 and $3. They're not quite where I want them to be. If you're in one of those tiers, worry not, I currently have no plans to increase prices of the existing tiers, or any plans to take away any of the benefits your current level of support gets you. I will likely do a poll or two sometime soon on the stuff I've got in mind.

After that, I might look at tiers $5 and $10, which would most likely be a simple minor price drop. I'm hoping that would incentivize some people to upgrade, enough to keep the current level of total support the same, while also making the higher tiers slightly more tempting, particularly for potential new patrons.

But I'll be talking and polling on these things in future updates. Just wanted to give you a heads up that changes might be coming.

Personal News

This is a section where I talk about personal stuff going on in my life that may affect my productivity.

Last time I mentioned that I had heart biopsy finally scheduled, and it's been a month since the biopsy. I actually got the results like two weeks ago, but I wanted to focus on finishing the comic first before typing an update. Now that the essentials of the comic are done, I can also tell the good news. No heart sarcoidosis! No other unexpected findings either. Same with lung x-rays, clean, no signs of sarcoidosis. This means I can soon be taken off the sarcoidosis meds entirely. Starting from September, probably. Additionally, some of the values that have been really high and constantly rising in my blood tests were lower than on previous test, for the first time in like one and a half year. Although doctors haven't commented on it yet, it could be because of diuretic meds I've been taking, which I think is the only thing that changed during that interval. So all in all, things are looking up and I've been feeling marginally better overall.

Not health related, but another cool thing I heard is that the building I live in is getting fiber-optic connection, so sometime soon I'm also getting a faster and cheaper internet connection to replace the expensive VDSL I currently have. I'll probably save the equivalent of around $40-50 a month on internet costs. The upload bandwidth will also be much higher, which means that I could potentially stream art sessions in the future, but don't count on it happening anytime soon. I don't currently feel comfortable with the idea, but at least the technical requirements are met if I decide to give it a try.

The best thing was that I got pretty much all of the above news on the same day. Easily the best day of the year so far. Whoo!



Glad to hear that your hearts doing better

Old One

Glad to hear you got good results - hope your health keeps getting better!


> I'll probably save the equivalent of around $40-50 a month on internet costs. Lucky you... The way Internet works in the US means that something like this (being able to upgrade to fiber) basically never happens anywhere. I expect to be stuck paying the same ISP (Spectrum) for my internet for as long as I live in my current home, just like I've been paying them for the last eleven years. They are literally my only option for broadband, and the cost for their *cheapest service* has gone UP by $30/mo since I started my account.