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Hey all. Several new patrons have joined this month, so here's an extra update on what's up, and what to expect in near future.


In earlier updates I mentioned that I'd be dedicating most of my time this month on the ongoing comic which is exclusive content for tiers $5 and up (and sold separately later in my Gumroad store). I've finished two pages this month, and am hoping to finish another two, though due to stuff in the personal news further down, I may need to drop one page from my schedule. In addition to those, I have a Visionary tier request to do, and am currently working on a commission long overdue on my to-do list. It's possible (but not confirmed) that none of these will be public releases, meaning that tiers $1 and $3 wouldn't get any exclusive content... which is NOT OK at all, so I'll likely share a colored exclusive with the lower tiers as well! Every tier will get something each month, that's been my principle for a long time.

Next month my focus will likely remain on the comic, as I'll probably attempt to complete it, so expect another similar month, with one or two other works in addition to the comic stuff.

In case you're a new patron of tier $5 or higher and missed the art from earlier this month, the quickest way to view the stuff is to join my Discord server (instructions in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/faq-membership-29232755 ). Normally exclusive stuff is primarily shared via messages upon completion, and collectively at the end of the month, but I'll probably make an exception and do a mid-month compilation next week, for those of you who don't or can't use Discord. Basically, Discord is optional and you won't miss out on any art you're eligible to receive by not using it, but using Discord may give you access to stuff a bit earlier, especially on your first month of membership. Plus my Discord server is a pretty chill place. A bit too quiet even. I wouldn't mind seeing a few more people there. ;)


This is a section where I talk about personal stuff going on in my life that may affect my productivity. 

I've had some health problems for a while now, sarcoidosis and sleep apnea namely, but also undiagnosed chest pains in certain situations and unspecific findings in PET scans of my heart, possibly heart sarcoidosis, and I've been in queue for a heart biopsy for months now. Well, it's finally happening. On 25th this month. Although a minor operation, there are always risks involved when a heart is being poked at, plus I'll probably need to rest for at least a day or two afterwards, so my goal is to finish as much art as possible before then, in case the operation requires more rest than anticipated. Hopefully the biopsy results help me get the right treatment if needed, or get me off some of the current meds in case they're not needed anymore.



Wishing your heart the best of luck!


Get well soon harmonist 👏