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So last time I mentioned that the pipes, sinks, taps, etc were getting renewed in the building I live in and it was going to impact my art schedule. And it did, as you might've noticed from the reduced update frequency since then. The good news is that the renovations, improvements, or whatever you call the work, is going to be finished during the coming week. In fact, the only thing left to do in my apartment is the bathroom ceiling, so a day or two of work at most, I suspect. After that, I should be able to return to my usual work (and more importantly, sleep) schedule.

If all goes super well, I'll have two artworks finished by the end of the coming week.


There's one other thing that's happening on Tuesday. I'm getting a second PET scan of my heart and chest area, which should tell if and how things have changed since the last one, for better or worse. I'm a little anxious about it. If anything's gotten worse, the next thing ahead is a heart biopsy, and/or possibly stronger meds, if it's still suspected to be sarcoidosis. I'm just hoping it's nothing new or worse than sarcoidosis.

I haven't really felt noticeably worse at any point, so at least there's that. Though I've noticed some minor changes in my body, which could easily fit symptoms of sarcoidosis or be side effects of the cortisone medication, but anything different from usual is still a little unnerving. Blood test results haven't been improving either, which is the primary reason for the second PET scan happening now, instead of later.

In any case, the PET scan results should tell a lot, so all I can pretty much do for now is try and stay calm and focused on other stuff. Like... butts! xD


Ross Ramsay

take care of yourself and best of luck with everything. and enjoy focusing on butts!