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(If you're already pledged, please go and update your pledge. Pledges are now monthly subscriptions, instead of 'per creation'. Note that I can no longer accept custom pledge amounts or donations, as I'm making sure I comply with my local laws, which are strict when it comes to crowdfunding. Custom pledges will be either refunded or canceled. Please pick a pledge tier from the list and pledge the exact amount listed. Thank you!)

Harmonist11's Patreon Relaunch

I have just finished revising my Patreon page and the pledge tiers. From the start of June, I will be placing much more importance on my Patreon page, as it will, at least for the foreseeable future, be an important chunk of my income. How much art I will produce monthly will depend on the total amount of support from all you wonderful people. The pledges are now monthly subscriptions, instead of 'per creation', so hopefully you'll consider upping your pledge to the next tier. ;)

Because only some of my posts here on Patreon have been public, some people may not be aware that I recently decided to quit my job due to exhaustion from the shift work, and chose to try pursuing a career in freelance art, graphic, web design, etc, at least as far as my motivation and savings allow me. It will be a challenge financially, for sure, but I have full intentions of trying to make it work for the next year or so, at least. I will not be doing just hentai art, but also seek other freelance work on the side. However, the bigger my support on Patreon, the less time I need to spend doing other kinds of work. 

Overall, you should see a much more steady stream of art from me, compared to before, when Patreon was merely a side project for me and I rarely had energy to do art. There will also be much more rewards and exclusives for most pledge tiers. Again, the more support, the more content! And lastly, if the total support rises high enough ($400 is the first step), I will diversify my art a bit, as many patrons have expressed interest in seeing me do more than just my usual stuff. Those of you on the other end of the spectrum, fear not, majority of my art will remain the same as before, regardless, but I want to try and give everyone a little bit of something they'd fancy.

I will also do some commission work on the side, but I'm not taking on new clients just yet, as I have a backlog of projects from the past couple years I will tackle first. I will announce when I'm ready to begin taking on new clients. Probably around August. In the meantime, you may be interested in the $60 pledge tier though, which includes art requests. There are only three of these open at first, so be quick! In future, if these work nicely for my schedule, or if my support increases to certain milestone goals, I will open more slots for this tier.

I have opened a Discord server also. (Discord is a free communication software you can use in your browser, or with an app.) If you've already connected your Patreon account to Discord, you might already have my server listed and a role assigned according to your pledge tier. If not, or if you're not using Discord yet, re-pledge to one of the tiers and you should receive the Discord role and instructions how to get on Discord. I'm not yet sure how much I will be using Discord, but I'll be checking it out daily (mostly anyways) for any discussions, questions or ideas that might need my input. I might occasionally post sketches and other exclusive stuff there too, though they'll be shared on Patreon too eventually for eligible patrons.

The exclusive content archive, as it was known before, is now the Legacy Archive, and will be shared as bonus content to anyone with a lifetime pledge total of $30 or more. (See the full list of content on my main Patreon page.) The archive will no longer be updated with new content, but instead future exclusives will be shared individually. I will check whether new people qualify for this bonus during the first week of a month. Sometime soon you can also buy most of the Legacy Archive content separately, but it will be cheaper to pledge a total of $30 on my Patreon. ;)

If you have any questions about the relaunch, the new pledge tiers, or about anything, comment here, send me a message or catch me on Discord!

Regular art production will begin at the start of June. Until then, stay tuned for updates and promotion!



Gotta admit, I am super tempted to go for that $60 pledge,,,


Although the first step of the $60 tier art request is a sketch work, my sketches tend to end up pretty refined, so even if you pledge just for a month, you should get a nice little doodle out of it. And who knows, if I really like the work, I might just color it for free as a side project at some point. :) Still, up to you, of course. It's your money!


I'm on the fence between the $3 and $5 tiers... I definitely want that color art, but I've gotta be more frugal with my money these days. Decisions, decisions...


Understandable. Thank your for your support, regardless! I'll probably post some small size samples of the exclusives as promotion down the line, so you can more easily judge whether the normal size editions are worth the extra. :)




I might've pledged a tier if not for the EU's 21% tax