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Time for another small poll in preparation for my art explosion in June.

My artworks are generally about butts, and stuff that happens to them. And when it's not about butts, it's about boobs or whatever. You get the point. The question I have is pretty simple. How much importance do you personally place on backgrounds in my art? 

If you could choose, which would you rather see from me:

* 1 colored artwork with a detailed background
(examples: forest scenery, bedroom with furniture, locker room with lockers and benches, etc) 


* 2 colored artworks with lesser background
(see a bit of grass under a cheerleader on a field, sheets under a girl in bed, texture of a wall a girl is leaning against, etc)

Doing backgrounds with sceneries, furniture and fancy decorative objects can be time consuming, and considering that my art is pretty much about the characters, being hentai art, I could save quite a bit of time (and thus finish art more frequently) by keeping backgrounds simpler more often. On the other hand people often commend me on doing backgrounds in my art, and I'm sure it can be an important part of setting the mood in a picture for some people. It is for me too, sometimes. So...

In your case, which do you prefer? 

(Note that this poll won't completely define my future art either way. But if one of the two options wins by a lot, I will definitely lean a bit more towards that direction in future art.)



In this case, I’d definitely prefer quantity over quality (though I’d still consider your art to be quality, even with simpler backgrounds)

Pierre Johnson

Backgrounds can really 1-up an image like a cheerleader having a romp with some of the team while some spectators are still in the bleachers. It feels very different without the back ground in images like that.


Yes, cases like that definitely require visual aids to bring out the feel of exhibitionism.


Personally, I'd like to do semi-comic type works (two or more views in one picture) more often, and those would be much easier to do without needing to focus so much on backgrounds. That's one reason for this poll. :)

Ross Ramsay

background complexity is one of the first places I look for quality in a comic (I know I know). That said, I'd guess given the transition lower intensity backgrounds will serve you well. I think, for me, ideally what you would do is tend towards focusing on the characters (heh, literally), unless you felt the scene called for a more robust background. And hopefully you'd still give us a really nice background now and again, but my guess is that you should mostly save those efforts for your commission work.


That pretty much sums up what my goal will likely be, unless there's a huge demand for detailed backgrounds in the poll at the end. :P


I've personally tended to like your art with backgrounds moreso than your art without. Having the buttstuff happening in a clear location really helps tell the story of how the hapless girl came to have a dick up her ass. :) But it hardly needs to be *every* piece of art you make.


I prefer to look at the action. Background is nice though if you have an audience in the pic (hehe) but otherwise I'm not too picky about an overly detailed bg. I rather you focus on the action instead :p But da's just me..


backgrounds can add some nice context and make a pic more realized. I usually enjoy them as it makes the end result seem more complete as a scene


I feel it has been explained, but as long as the asterisk that there will sometimes be detailed backgrounds, then it is all good. For the average Patreon pic, I am personally good with basic backgrounds (I’m picturing like the Love Live 4 panels), and having the more detailed pictures with background extras and such as like special occasions

Abraham McNeil

I can not vote for I can not decide. Good luck to everyone!