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Handed over a signed resignation form to my boss today. 

Shit's gonna get real!

I have to admit, I'm equally terrified and excited about how this is going to change my life. Can I make enough money to keep doing art for a living? How will I cope with all this mentally in the long run? What if I encounter a serious setback? Who knows. What I know is that I'll be able to do a lot more art, and I don't have to deal with the horribleness that is working in shifts. Gosh am I in need of a break from that shit alone.

So, what happens next?

First, like I mentioned in an earlier post, I'll still be employed for another 30 days, by regulations, mostly to train whoever replaces me. My last day at my job is 10th of May. From there, for the rest of May, I'll be relaxing and preparing for the launch of my Patreon page 2.0, which will happen near the end of the month, most likely. From the start of June, I'll be doing tons of art, both for my Patreon, and possibly some commissions. The ratio in which I do these depends on the total pledge amount. And talking about pledge amounts...

Originally I estimated I could do four finished works per month. This is still true, but only if pledge total reaches an amount that makes it affordable. Basically, what I'm saying is, if the total is way below a certain amount, I will need to do stuff like commissions way more often than planned, to supplement my income, which means I won't have enough time to do four high quality works a month for my patreon. What's the amount needed to reach then? I mentioned it before, roughly $800. The survey results from 45 responses totaled $558, so we shouldn't be too far from reaching that number after adding some of the people who didn't participate in the survey, plus some new ones, hopefully. I'll be doing a lot of promotion.

Also, promising a fixed number of works is problematic to begin with, as the time needed for artworks varies a lot depending on the content. Doing a big group pic with multiple characters can take twice as long as a picture with a single character. If I promise to do four pics a month, that's basically bye-bye to more complex pictures, as I can't afford the time needed to do those. With this in mind, the minimum number of works I promise to deliver will be lower than my initial plans, but the goal will still be the same, to deliver four pictures. This gives me the chance to do some surprising big projects here and there, without breaking promises on how much I'll deliver. And those numbers, minimum and goal, will increase as pledge total grows, which I hope will happen.

As for commissions, I won't be accepting any yet. Once the new patreon page has launched, for the first month or two I'll prioritize people who have inquired about a commission in the past year or two. I also want to do some sfw commissions occasionally. I'll make an announcement when new clients will be accepted.

In the meantime, I may annoy all of you with more polls and surveys. Sorry. ^^;

Stay tuned for more updates in coming weeks!



ganbatte :D


Just as a small suggestion, it might be a good idea to relaunch the Patreon after the start of June, rather than before. Mostly because I *strongly* recommend using "Pay Up Front", to at least make an effort at avoiding gallery snipers and outright scammers. But if you do that, you'll want people to be able to sign up and pay immediately, which they won't want to do if they have to pay right away and then pay again on the 1st of June.


The initial plan has been to launch slightly before June, but to disable 'pay up front' until the end of the month, assuming that is possible. I'll offer something special for everyone who pledges before 1st of June. Hi-res version of the new header image, for example. Also, I still plan to share higher tier rewards, like hi-res versions and exclusives via messages, so scammers better be ready to get that pledge processed if they want 'em goodies sent. ;p