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they went bat shit crazy with the mash up this episode



They just started doing whatever the fuck from here on out, I see why the creators dropped out of this lmao


Aye please stop pressing the send notification button lmao


I thought I was the only I got like 6 notis of stuff they already posted😂


after you finish this booty cheeks show can y'all react to peak fiction Legion FX. its a few years old but it holds up. I will never stop plugging my favorite show.


Bro these notifications turning my phone into a vibrator


Great show, great suggestion would love too see that on a poll

Omar Bautista

Good to know it wasnt just me. I swear I got like 5 notifications each for pluto and classroom


Im not gonna lie this shit is so campy but I don't think that's necessarily bad lol. The plot bending is kinda ass tho. Hope they improve the acting and overall look for Book 3 though 💀


i see it!! i'm watching it patreon

Crawford Wooden

I feel alot of people will like the live action alot better if they stopped comparing it to the show. Like I get it, its all based off the show but some people like to complaim about very minor things that lets it ruin their experience.

Smash Bran'Discootch

How people can criticize THIS adaptation while at the same time praising the one piece adaptation is insane to me. This is a great adaptation that understands some things just don't translate well to live action.


It's hard not to compare when one is a remake of the other. That's why I haven't watched the live action yet. I'm worried that the comparing will interfere with my enjoyment. Maybe I'll give it a shot in a few years when the hype has died down.


Obviously things will change when adapting a story, but people get mad when the soul of the original gets lost in that translation. That happened here (in my and many others opinion) but not with one piece. Which is why there is such a different reaction to it. And to be clear, I don’t hate this show. I just know it could’ve been so much better, which is very disappointing.

Smash Bran'Discootch

But the DNA is still completely there. All the important character beats are there. The unimportant stuff is trimmed and the things that actually matter to the story at large are expanded on. People are making the SWAMP BENDERS their hill to die on which is ridiculous.


imo they made huge changes to the tone/interactions of the characters which makes it feel less appealing than the cartoon. The dialogue is poor and often cringy. Character motivations were changed entirely or dropped. To me that is losing the soul of the series.

Metweet .c


Omar Bautista

I'm currently watching it, STOP WITH THE NOTIFICtions

ellie greory

Facts it threw me off seeing the owl and the fox s1 this was definitely my least favorite episode they changed too much if they do get a season 2 hopefully they read the reviews and stick to the original story with out changing too much


You got a million notifications about these uploads. I got none. We are not the same.


Notifications turning my phone into a rose toy

Isaiah Coombs

Patreon leave me alone

Justin Peralta

I agree. I think they got character motivations right, it's just now in a more serious tone than the cartoon. I'm watching it with my gf who has no interest in watching the cartoon, and she is absolutely loving it! There's enough fan service to keep me happy while also seeing the story in a different lense.




Mr and Ms smith?




(Sorry this comment is kinda long) This episode literally incorporated content from like EIGHT ATLA episodes: Winter Solstice Pt. 1 (Hei Bai) Bato Of The Water Tribe (Sokka’s mark, Hakoda, June character and Nila, meeting Bato) The Southern Raiders (Katara’s mother’s death scene) The Swamp (in the series they saw the visions in the swamp, not from Koh- they added that in here so I think they combined the episodes) The Library (Wan Shi Tong) And then I believe the little kid was meant to imitate the kid from The Fortune Teller episode Siege Of The North Pt. 2 (KOH) The Storm (forgot the example) They also referenced lines from King Of Omashu and Tales Of Ba Sing Se. They referenced the Great Divide in the bar. They also kinda hinted at the fog of lost souls from Korra.


Omg what's with the notification

Uhohmykokoro (Ari)

They definitely changed some character cores in ways that don’t make sense to me. Katara probably being the biggest offender

Smash Bran'Discootch

Anorak, homie, that's a fair shout. I mean, I disagree but I'm also not gonna be able to change your mind with anything i say, yknow? I'm sorry it fell flat for you, my dude. Hopefully season 2 will be able to pull it off for ya.

Smash Bran'Discootch

NGL I appreciated the Katara changes. Katakana annoyed the living crap out of me. But I still think they captured who the characters are. How they are in this is more accurate to how a real life person would react.


patreon pls stop lmao

Omar Bautista

Yo I already watched it



Gabby Boakye-yiadom

I'm sorry Aang but Katara and Sokka are Koh food if your plan is to go to a whole other nation and back to save them. Or hey Koh might just like marinating those souls for who knows how long.


patreon taking notes from the duolingo owl and are harassing us

Hasnain Khan



I feel like I'm in a fucking time loop right now. Da fuck!?


Okay so I'm not the only one who keep getting the notifications over and over again. Patreon we know already! Shiet 😆

HBK 713 🏄🏾‍♂️

Yoshi bro you blowing my shit up mate... Baby start talking shit bout ya lil hos blowing you phone after the 20 notification 😑 now trying to explain what a patreon is and shit lol anybody else patreon going dumb?


100% by the third episode I couldn't deal with Clone Aang, Clone Katara and Clone Sokka. I watched the live action first before the Original by the way, To do a comparison. What I found was the Dialogue being an issue, because when I watched the Cartoon as an adult Again, It was Okay but with the Live Action and it’s Whatever Dialogue. I just couldn’t, in some scenes Also the Characters were not the Characters, Aang is not Aang, Katara is Definity not Katara and Sokka is Definity not Sokka. I saw it in the first episode even without thinking about the Original. It was hard for me to watch. The rushed nature of this show is also not helping, Character moments and Ideals being changed in a way of dulling what the story already set out to do. “But the bending was good” is the Only opinion I got for this show. The fun is gone for most of it and they Can’t recover from this, what was it “Serious Tone and Game of Thrones”.

Dark Shogun

I uninstalled the app because of all those notifications. I'll probably reinstall in a few days after they iron out whatever is wrong with the notifications.


Guys, I think they might have uploaded a new episode, but I'm not sure. If only Patreon would send me a notification to let me know.


I saw the library owl & was like "aye wait why is he here this early?? Wtf?"


One Piece sorry to say is way better live action then this and it was its first try at it🤷‍♂️


Yeah I was feeling the LA till I saw the owl & was confused why so many things are going on this early

Smash Bran'Discootch

One piece was over the top on a way that just did not translate well to live action and they didn't even do anything to address that. A dude with a sword in his mouth in an anime? Awesome. A dude with a sword in his mouth in live action? Looks fuckin' stupid. They didn't even have him USE it, just stuck it in his mouth. Not to mention cringey dialogue, bad CG, INSANE inconsistencies in cast and canon. One Piece just wasn't it, my dude. But hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Anyone else notice Aang hasn't so much as bended a droplet? Like we're 5/8 episodes in and he hasn't done any waterbending. Like, at all.

Andrew W

The things this show does new -- including most of the instances where it is emphasizing different relationships and motivations -- have been great, IMO. Love the Fire Nation capital stuff and getting Azula and Ozai developed like this, love that we're getting Aang's relationship with Gyatso and Katara's relationship with Sokka developed in this season rather than Kataang (which, I'm sorry, would be weird as hell to watch with flesh-and-blood actors this age), and I am enjoying the different dynamics in Zhao's relationships with the royals. But after a pretty good job of mashing up elements in the first Omashu episode, the last couple remixes haven't really been working for me. Contrasting the zealot Jet and the collaborator Mechanist felt like a solid new take, but having Wan Shi Tong, Hei Bai, the Fog of Lost Souls, and Koh all appear in this episode felt like running through a checklist. Exploring Sokka and Katara's pasts and motivations was the only part I thought they did well in this one. Perfectly decent show, but nothing I'd be rushing to recommend, so far.


The fox wasn’t in there don’t worry they added that. In the library episode the owl had “fox assistants” but it’s not portrayed how it was in the show it was really random.

Jordan Best

The name sokka came up with is from the name that aang made up as a grandpa when they first went to omashu in the cartoon


The Koh scene scared the shit out of me ngl


Why yall complaining about spirits being in the spirit world. They've establish blending episodes already quit acting like it doesn't make sense. Yall acting like the owl played a huge role and shouldn't be here. He was just a cameo straight up for a warning and left but yall acting like the library episode happened now.


Yo why is patreon notifying me of their uploads like 10 fucking times per episode within an hour?




Yo how many times is Patreon gonna let me know 😂


Especially since we got a lot of Helmeppo & Koby which was needed & the creator actually vibed with the live action compared what's going on with Avatar 🤷🏾‍♂️


This show turned into a Horror show


FYI season 2 and 3 have been confirmed

Tim Drake

Im bouta mute Patreon what the fuck is happening lmfao shit got me tight


First Facebook and Instagram now Patreon… Who hacking these apps?


Patreon tryna overcompensate for all the times they didn’t notify me😭


No worries. I love agreeing to disagree lol. And tbh I’m glad it’s not universally hated because it really wasn’t awful.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I appreciate that bro. Also I should state for the record that even though I defend the work and the cast, i can DEFINITELY agree with you that a lot of line delivery is super cringey and some of the moments definitely don't hit as hard as they should. More than anything this season showed me that there's a whole lot of potential here and with seasons 2 and 3 being greenlit already, I think that they're going to have more resources to work with. Plus the showrunner is taking feedback seriously and has already admitted to several mistakes and places they can improve going forward.

Jamaal Ellison

Apparently I'm not the only one getting harassed by patreon.


They really made Koh terrifying! OAN I'm about to fuck around and miss some shit I really wanna see cuz I gotta silence Patreon notifications 🤣


I just came to the comments to see if anybody else been getting spam notified and I see I’m not alone 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Omar Bautista

Nigga damn seriously I get it's about 10:30pm I hope you wake up to these notifications

Dark Danny

Y'all memory is so clapped but I get it, y'all haven't seen it for years and probably only once


Okay off topic but is everyone getting spammed notis from Patreon about the videos being uploaded cause this is like the 10th time I’ve gotten a notification 😭

Url Robbo

Dude i just had to mute Patreon bc what the actual fuck they going crazy😭

Champion Bescos

It should be obvious why people are complaining - it’s because this is bad. Wan Shi Tong (and his foxy assistants) is said to have chosen to remain in the mortal world, just like the moon spirit, and only after the events of The Library did he rescind his presence and knowledge back to the spirit realm. This changes all of that. It detracts from his character (a spirit who valued knowledge and curiosity enough to remain amongst mortals despite disliking them), and it takes away from the groups reactions to him. He’s far less mysterious and menacing and simply DID NOT need to be here at all. They just couldn’t help themselves and wanted to spam all these “member-berries” and it’s gross.

Elle E.

OH yeah that's so weird, and keeps notifying me about the same video upload like 15 notifications for this one video in the last hour


How do i make it stop?? cmon patreon 😭😂😂

Elle E.

I just turned off notifications completely for Patreon on my iPad and iPhone till they get it under control


Okay because I thought I was going crazy, good to know everyone else having the same notification problem 😭😭

halinton williams

Tlok lore in this is not what I expected to see


Man is it just me or y’all getting like 40 notifications??


Ok this is the 4th time I’ve gotten this notification as well as Pluto ep 6 bucchigiri and classroom of the elite. All of these 4 times. Is this a Patreon thing?


Patreon bugging like a mf lol


Why have I gotten 368 messages to watch this this episode. AFTER I WATCHED THIS EPISODE?!

Smash Bran'Discootch

Roshi: "Does anyone have any questions?" *10,000 hands raise* Roshi: "Does anyone have any questions NOT about the notifications?" *10,000 hands drop*


i legit said the same thing ty lee is gonna be toughhhh to adapt i hope they got her ass in tumbling class lol

Davon Thomas

They really messing up Ozai character because the biggest line in ATLA was when zuko said "My father says she was born lucky, I was lucky be born". This ozai compliments zuko way to much making Azula jealous is not the storyline they should be pushing. Zuko was always jealous of Azula.


Dawg wtf is goin on with these notis🤣


Please stop the notifications


This is the fifth time I’ve gotten this notif Roshi and friends 😭

Mike Lewis

Bro the people that is doing the live show is kind of pissing me off like the blue flames?!….Azula is bending red flames!!…why bro like changing the original is making me sad and they not even hinting at katara and aang love for each other 🤦🏽‍♂️

Mike Lewis

I’m mad they not hinting at Katara and Aang love for each other and also Azula not bending blue flames


Azula made her premiere in Book 2 in the anime. Azula is in Book 1 in the netflix show and her blue flames are just starting to come in. It makes sense that she isn't bending blue yet because her bending during Season 1 was never covered. AND the anime DID have flashbacks to where she was bending regular red flames.


There is a reason azula isn't bending blue flames yet, be patient

Delinda Arts

Ty Lee gonna give us one somersault and y’all gonna be happy with it😂😂


The blue flames were hinted, if you were paying attention you would have seen the slight flicker

Nicolas Joseph

Does anyone else think of Shang Tsung when they see Commander Zhao


It's funny that Lupa thought we'd clown on them for forgetting the whole fox spirit thing in the animated version, when in actuality that never actually happened 😭, whole ass live action creation


they probably will show won shi tong again, probably want to show aang had knowledge of him before hand

Norman kay10

am enjoying this ride with you all i cant wait to be here for s2 and s3 of the show.

Lamaree Jackson

When Zuko Alone, The Chase, the Library, The Drill, Tales of Ba Sing Se, and Appa’s Lost Days are all in one episode next season…


Y’all I was rewatching Avatar and I just noticed a cool detail that during the Solstice when Avatar Roku helps Aang escape the fire nation he freed Zuko because he’s his family too


@mike lewis i think it will be really hard to hint the love story between the two bc of the actors ages. They are 12 (Aang) and 17(Katara). It will be very awkward imo


When Roshi said he couldn't have a son because he would mess with him it reminded me of something my dad did to my little brother. He saw Chucky when he was young and was scared. So my dad decided to buy one of the chucky dolls and put it in the house. When my brother saw it he took that thing outside so fast and would not take his eyes off it until he saw the garbage truck come and take it away.


Ain’t the Fog of Lost Souls from Korra


Oh yeah, it's the episode Aang landed a Cessna in the middle of the Fire palace.


IDC what anyone says, as a hardcore fan of the animated version, I'm really digging the vibe and the direction their taking this one. You can hate on it if you want, it's within your right but hating on it, ain't gonna slow it down, or change the minds of the people who like it and who are down for this ride, cause they got you in their rear view mirror, and the show in their sights 🤷‍♂️. Loving this show btw and the reactions ❤️ . Hopefully y'all get a chance to get around to Sons of Anarchy, cause that show is S-Tier man, no cap 🧢.

cami ً

my only gripe with the live action is the need to bring s2 and 3 material into s1 when most of the foreshadowing wasn't really necessary imo but other than that, glad you three are enjoying the show!!!


Thank god its almost over and they can start a good show like shogun or something.


How we see the owl before toph 🥲


the girl who plays her (momona tamada) has a strong dance / gymnastics background so shes got this lol


I am very curious why they showed this mad early, show has surpassed the movie so any changes are Alr


This. Honestly people should lay off the show. Yeah stuff is getting shuffled around but its because they have a limited budget and they're trying to stick the landing on some things. I mean they got renewed for the other 2 seasons so I think they'll take note and do better, but if anyone has any idea how to cram 20 episodes into 8 with stellar visuals and not get half stories then I'm all ears.


Completely change the entire dynamic


oh shit this was a wild mixed of episodes lol. Really interesting how they're doing this adaptation


Expecting such young actors to have or fake good enough chemistry to act out a romantic relationship would just feel cringe or awkward to watch in live action. Especially if it gets physical like kissing. Replacing the relationships with Aang/Gyatso and Katara/Sokka could work much better, especially since it’s not some forced romantic subplot and is instead an already existing dynamic between those characters. Whether or not Netflix pulls it off, I have no clue.


@mike Lewis dude no. Seeing romance blooming between in live action with actors that have an obvious wide age gap is a no which is why they decided to change the lovers cave scenario. We don't need the romance scenes between them those actors. We know they will get together in the future and that's all we need.

sotonye ogan

the writers finna have CTE on the next seasons if they moving like this lol cuz...


this was a wild mashup idk how i feel about it lmao was this them trying to do a version of the swamp?

Bria A.

I don’t necessarily care too much about “changing the original” because some of the adaptation changes do work well, but I hate the fact that they’re making Azula “earn” her blue fire…bro she’s a prodigy, that and her naturally being a more skilled person than Zuko in every way that counts to Ozai is the entire heart of their relationship dynamic. 😤 If they make Toph “earn” her more creative techniques (not metalbending, just her advanced stuff) that’ll also be stupid. Some characters don’t need to struggle to prove their worth and that’s fine. Plus writers are nearly always one-sided with this treatment to female characters. Also, idc, Lizzy is a great actress for Azula; the script just needs some work. The general criticism of her having a baby face is not the biggest deal in the world, since it makes her look like Dallas—and people always overlooked the fact that Azula was only 14 anyway. Her facial expressions are actually very good. (But if they’re going to do this much speedrunning—which, understandable, showrunners never know if they’re getting a second season these days—at least let Aang touch the concept of waterbending. That’s way too delayed imo.)


Spending budget on the owl in season 1 also is questionable cause there was no need for him. really feels like they had no hopes of a season 2 going into this

Jay M

I don't think they'd spend as much money on this if they didn't wish it continued, but like as you said, some of that budget were misplaced


completely agree i think any issues with the adap lie solely in the writing cus the cast is great!

Markus Bryant

Just manipulated Azula the same way that Azula suggested. Saying exactly what she needed to hear to say to get the best out of Azula. Even though it will make her go crazy