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what exactly is pluto?



Pluto = Pluto


Pluto is peak.


Why is Pluto?


Pluto also known as pluton god of prosperity and the underworld explains hes control over the elements and you know the killing part


who is baby pluto? 🤔


"We are all Pluto"

Hasnain Khan



where is Pluto

Desert Penguin

Fun fact: The dub voice actor for Armstrong is Chris Sabat, the same voice actor for Armstrong in Full-Metal Alchemist. Funny how that turned out. Might've been on purpose


is a pluter?


I think they created an imbalance of emotions to cut down the amount of personalities it would have to process so it wouldn't be stuck processing forever. Imagine if you have to try every dish in existence and pick a favorite but, you add the imbalances: hate seafood, love beef. There's a ton of dishes you can cross off immediately but you'll end up eating mostly beef and will most likely pick a beef dish.

Champion Bescos

I really like this show. A lot. Unpopular opinion, however, is that its quality suffers from the Uran scenes from here and going forward. A lot of surface level, moral grandstanding, not to mention the way her empathy ability works is so rando. Their future world has nearly 10 billion people, right? They live in a mega packed future Tokyo, which is already millions upon millions of people in the real world. In all that chaos and emotional noise, a cat and some suicidal kid are the ones whose pain she feels. Does that mean the other quarter billion people in her greater vicinity aren’t feeling hopeless and sad at all? But a guy who lost his wallet gets through to her?? Does she just tune out all the anguish and hurt people feel on the daily due to some subconscious filter? If so, why do these random exceptions make it through? Oh, to move the plot forward with Tenma’s reintroduction, and to later remind us that Pluto is out there feeling sad and shit. Okay, yeah. Everything about her scenes is for the sake of exposition and emotional manipulation, none of it feels earned or organic, and really breaks the suspension of disbelief the otherwise fantastic writing creates.


Basically Tenma made Tobio (Atom), and made a huge imbalance of sorrow, hatred, and everything else in the robot that 'a certain individual' commissioned him for. No relation at all to the guy that Gesicht made a donut.


Honestly I think exposing despair to 9.9 billion personalities doesn't help in what you're saying but more so it just forces the choice so it can act on that pain. 9.9 billion people will react the same to sadness, despair, misery, hatred, etc because everyone feels it. I'm assuming he's exposing this perfect robot to SOUL CRUSHING anguish that nobody can tolerate. It's not narrowing the choice it's making the simulation force itself to end. In other words, scare it, anger it to a point where it makes an impulsive choice and activate.


Ya know, while I totally agree with you on your point, I think (and this is just me) that she was designed one way, and it actually works a different way in special cases. Now yes, she's a plot device, basically. As for the logistics on how her ability works, I think she was created to sense emotions of the people she comes into close contact with, and only in those moments. However, I feel her design is a mystery, as they make a point to say ALL these advanced robots are mysterious at their core. Whether it be evolving logic in their A.I brains, or unbelievable abilities no one understands or even knew they had, they're all a mystery in some way. But, specifically to Uran, I think she's supposed to resemble that "little girl who plays with ghosts". Like she's this show's equivalent to a clairvoyant character that kinda narrates events before they happen. I liked her character a lot, so I wanted to defend her one time! 😆

Champion Bescos

Haha, fair enough! I get the trope they were going for with her character, I just felt it didn’t work in such a ‘grounded’ sci-fi mystery. Then again, I also hated the final episode of the show, so maybe I’m just far too cynical for a lot of what this show is pushing (despite really enjoying and appreciating the journey!). 😂


Ya know, I'm right there with ya. I thought it was great and wildly interesting for MOST of it. There was a point that I realized it was way too smart for it's own good, and it started to over-complicate a rather simple storyline. I did enjoy it, but it tried to be so complex that a lot of it kinda failed to stick the landing for me.


Hope's Peak called... They want their robot back.


Right? I immediately thought of monokuma the second that bear started talking with all that despair talk.


😒 sighhhhhh…


Replace Pluto with Shagri-La Frontier when it’s done if you can, I feel like it would do numbers and you all would like it


Just name everybody in your phone Pluto.

Jamaal Ellison

What episode does Eddie Murphy and Rosario Dawson show up?


Ya know what... I realize why I love Uran and all her scenes so much. The show turns into Mushishi all of the sudden! 😆 I equated her to a robot medium of sorts due to her powers, but she feels like her mission is just to run from lost soul to lost soul to be a bit of a beacon of hope. Guardian angel vibes, for real 😇


Pluto sure as fuck aint a planet.


Roshi's analysis is on point in this episode!

jahara daughtry

I watched the series in both dub and sub form… and I think the English dub actually does a much better job with the dialogue between characters vs the English subtitles in the sub version. I feel like there was certain wording or changes to the translations in English dub that explained things much better as characters are discussing things and having those inner monologues. I guess it’s not a big deal unless you’ve seen both forms… but I just think some things were easier to understand in the English dub and flowed more smoothly.


I don't understand Weren't they trying to kill him for trying to kill Ghesict to early and now they are threatening his family to kill him now


confirmed every time there is a hurricane it is actually two robots fighting it out.


Isaac, I see your point but I disagree. During the episode they say that doing the same thing to Atom COULD turn him into a monster. Because they don't know the outcome for certain. They don't know exactly what personality he would develop. If they forced it, they would know for certain what he would turn into. The uncertainty is likely because people do not respond to sadness, despair, anger etc. the same way. Some become violent to others, some become violent to themselves, some become depressed and inactive, others see it as a motivator for being kind to others. Secondly, forcing an emotion on the artificial brain until you got a certain outcome would defeat the purpose of the brain learning and developing. At that point you might as well program it to act the way you want it to. I appreciate your comment and I look forward to seeing what they reveal to us next!


Thanks! I was recommended to be a teacher but the pay... 😭

zacharie garondo

pluto are the friends we made along the way


The guys in this show got some huge noses lol


What is Pluto? Well, it's a dwarf planet. And a character in Sailor Moon. And the non-talking dog from Mickey Mouse lore.

Stephen D

It also happens to be a free ad supported streaming service.

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

The anti robot group don't particularly care how Gesicht dies. The plan they made was for Adolf's sake so that Gesicht would be exposed for killing his brother letting Adolf get revenge before killing him. Them trying to kill Adolf wasn't really about them wanting to wait it was about the fact that Adolf showed he was a loose cannon so he had to go. And since they were going to kill Adolf they don't care about a plan that was tailored for him to get revenge so they figured may as well try and get him to kill Gesicht before they killed Adolf too.

Jean-Marc Mwandulo

The author draws europeans with larger noses and japanese with smaller rounded noses its his thing lol