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Sense set them up lol



Fern: I'm her

Champion Bescos

They blue-balled us with the ending last episode. We thought we was getting the full fight against clone-Frieren this week, but nah. It was still a fantastic episode though. Man, the animation is so consistently great, but when they really pop off, shit just turns super butter smooth. I’m hoping the quality is this great in the eventual second season, though that is unfortunately a rare thing..

Hasnain Khan



Frieren probably knew there was a secret entrance because there were 5 statues at the entrance outside and only 4 there, the missing center one being the king

Fernando Perez

Sense got that Batman logic. “I don’t like killing people. Sure you may have traumatic brain or heart injury, but hey at least you’re alive!”


Yeah I was a little disappointed with that too tbh. Should’ve at least shown clone frieren fight denken more


Why would they show what I assume is the climax of this part before they clean up everyone else’s plot threads? Makes sense they’re saving it, but teasing the fight to build anticipation. I agree tho I can’t wait to see it 😂


Don’t worry Lupa. It was definitely a fast ep but we have one more month of this 🤗 So buckle up cause the next few are gonna STILL be good 👍🏽


Fern thinking she could take out Frieren is funny

Champion Bescos

Lmao @ the cocky/paranoid guy who wanted to go it solo, now just in the near-fetal position, alone in that dark room. 😂 Also, Sense has that "gurren-lagen" type spiral power with her Jiraiya-sama hair attacks. Craaaaaazy combo.

Devin B

Fern probably knows Frieren's tendencies to the point she can exploit a moment of weakness that Frieren isn't aware of. I doubt she has a new spell that Frieren hasn't seen given how long they've been together.

cami ً

I don't know about taking clone frieren out but I think fern could definitely entertain her long enough for the real frieren to do something!!!

Vincent S Deluca

Nobody knows Frierens weaknesses and bad habits like Momma Fern

Lucius Reinhard

Plot twist Frieren's clone isn't the final boss, because we haven't seen a certain purple haired girl's clone yet and even if her clone appears before frieren's someone strong will have to go back and handle it like denken/methode/ehre


They both only use basic spells in combat anyways. Fern's speed and level of control over her mana in combat could be an edge.

Devin B

If everyone is able to keep Frieren's clone busy for even half a second I can see Fern sneaking up while she hides her presence and just shooting her quick to the point Frieren's clone can't respond

Oh, That's Wild

I just realized that the reason why magic that is useful in dungeons haven't been developed since the era of the Demon King is because Himmel cleared nearly all dungeons lmao. Man's making waves even after his death

Huemon Nottabear

I just realized, Sense is a pacifist, her copy wasn't trying to kill them. Also, where's the Fern copy? Fern maybe the next boss.

Christoper Nguyen

Sense is a pacifist in terms of not having the students fight each other. She knows that teamwork is the best way to clear this dungeon.


I'm thinking they'll win with Fern's speed because isn't she super fast at casting magic 🤔


When you accidentally weaken mankind for generations by overleveling before the final boss.


She confirmed it by checking the map and seeing the blank space between the rooms and corridors.

Haruto Yuzuki

Everyone seems to forget that Frieren is not a God and has lost 6 times against Humans with WAY less Mana than her


that's what I was thinking lmao like everyone out here running into clones of themselves but the girl that can practically erase her mana is suspiciously missing this whole time??


I'm guessing we'll see kanne and lawine fight ferns replica then since they're the only ones we haven't seen fight yet.

Jacob R

I got full faith in Fern to beat Freiren. They mentioned in an earlier episode that Fern casts faster than Freiren. Fern is basically a cracked zoomer with her APM.


That is what I was thinking because earlier in the season Frieren said she let's Fern do most of the fighting because she can fire off spells faster than her.


I mean I think that’s where the story is going. She not saying she can beat it by herself, but if everyone distracts it, she can catch it by surprise since she casts spells faster than Frieren.


What's funny about it? She's been with her a while. Surely she's got a strat.

Oh Alone

Fern: Nah, I'd win


Idk, I wouldn't be bitching about whether or not ppl have been "set up." This is a First-Class Mage Exam. Adapt or gtfo.


I love how Fern's all jealous and possessive of Frieren after the hypnotism test. I'm in the "Fern shoves a mimic into the room" camp. Yeah the duplicate Frieren would be able to blow it up but that'd give everyone time to blast a defenseless Frieren.


Frieren knows her own weakness obviously, so it's going to be her and Fern versus the clone, which should be... semi-challenging regardless.


Fern said: “Nah, I’d win.”


How exact is the Frieren copy? I'm guessing the Sense copy didn't kill because the real Sense is a pacifist, and the Ubel copy was toying with her enemies. Will the Frieren copy also fight with limited mana and simple spells? if the copy decides to fight using all of the original's mana and knowledge on spells, they're really fucked....


please let this one be the one that works out


Yeah I thought the same. Sense wouldn't kill so it intentionally acted off that and avoided an easy kill. Just a poke to make homegirl wanna leave.

Mubarez Ahmad

Just put a mimic in front of of the copy and she's done


It's on sight for the Frieren copy, it's guarding final the gate. She will fight as if she's fighting demons, and Frieren the Slayer is hella racist - she'll fight to kill. Also there's nothing Fern knows that Frieren doesn't. It's the opposite.


I honestly super confused on why they don't just.. Jump the Frieren clone? Like Frieren is literally there, if they are exact copies then it's a 50/50 on who wins that fight. Have everyone else throw in some random pot shots here and there and boom, real Frieren should eventually win


I think that just speaks to how powerful Frieren actually is when she isn’t holding back. They could definitely try but it wouldn’t be without causality.

My Big Little Brother (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-28 03:22:14 That depends on the spells Frieren knows, and she's not telling!
2024-02-27 13:51:37 That depends on the spells Frieren knows, and she's not telling!

That depends on the spells Frieren knows, and she's not telling!

Hidayat Kazama

If they were to jump Frieren clone, they would likely win, but there would be casualties for sure. Frieren is just that strong

Dezmond Broadway

Well they are trying to pass the test. 50/50 isnt good odds if you have no real plan and a test like this can grant you any spell and stats. Also I doubt its even 50/50 if you just jump her. Then imagine they lose half the squad then have to fight someone else. They dont know Sense is coming but I imagine they're not naive to other copies being around.


Fern was so cute when she drag Frieren away


frieren is way too high level to just jump her. she could easily clap all of those guys even denken said he would abandon ship on sight if it wasnt a test because of how powerful she is. they need an actual strategy so no one gets clapped

Skebaba (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-27 20:25:41 Who has time to build all that? I'm quite sure there are mages who specialize in constructing elaborate shit w/ magic, just like how there are mages who specialize in shit like enchantments & alchemy & other artificer shit like that. This is a literal mausoleum of a Unified Dynasty king, he has the bux to hire a fuckton of mages to do w/e I'm quite sure
2024-02-27 20:22:07 Who has time to build all that? I'm quite sure there are mages who specialize in constructing elaborate shit w/ magic, just like how there are mages who specialize in shit like enchantments & alchemy & other artificer shit like that. This is a literal mausoleum of a Unified Dynasty king, he has the bux to hire a fuckton of mages to do w/e I'm quite sure. Also it feels weird af to hear a girl like Edel speak like an old dude (using the "washi" pronoun, and the other verbal tics common to old man characters)

Who has time to build all that? I'm quite sure there are mages who specialize in constructing elaborate shit w/ magic, just like how there are mages who specialize in shit like enchantments & alchemy & other artificer shit like that. This is a literal mausoleum of a Unified Dynasty king, he has the bux to hire a fuckton of mages to do w/e I'm quite sure. Also it feels weird af to hear a girl like Edel speak like an old dude (using the "washi" pronoun, and the other verbal tics common to old man characters)


Yeah they beat Frieren, out comes Fern clay doll REEEEEEEing at em for clapping mommy Frieren (probably with a similar facial expression as when Methode hugged Frieren)


Also they are prolly gonna use Fern's 0 mana mode to clap her, probably gonna construct some type of vision fuckery shit to cut line of sight from the clay/sand doll thingie

Nathan Elkin

how many spells does she know? If we don't see a surprise, i'll be disappointed

Darren Banks

Jumping the frieren clone basically means sacrificing yourself to maybe just maybe land a hit.

Dezmond Broadway

It's based on memories and personality I thought. But even nerfed "low mana" frienren seems stronger than most

A. P.

So Sense basically hittin em with the ole "nahh I said I'll pass-a-fist" lol this some Hunter exam level trickery


my theory is that she has to strictly regulate speech patterns because she specializes in hypnotic magics (probably from a young age since it's her family's thing) kinda like the Cursed Speech Inumaki uses in jjk

Daniel Borrego

well honestly, what else are you gonna do in the ancient past. they built pyramids and stuff because there was nothing else to do.

Daniel Borrego

they're not really that fucked because they literally have frieren there too. it would just be a tough battle. but i think between both frieren and fern, they have more than enough firepower to overpower it. the REAL problem is those two guys bringing the sense clone to them. frieren and sense clone might be a bit too much. i have a feelign that sense would probably have to step in at that point as she will have tainted the test a bit.

Daniel Borrego

theres no way that fern is going to pose more of a challange then frieren. she casts fast but frieren literally has at least 4X the mana. i would love it if the dungeon clones flamme from frierens memories. that would be such an awesome battle.


remember that Frieren said Fern shoots spells off faster than her


I mean before fern had an idea on how to beat it they literally said that they was gonna use brute force so basically mean they were planning on jumping it.


Fr, Denken pulled up & said "Oh nah we gotta back out cause she's a whole raid boss with hundreds of spells we don't know"

Douglas Wolfe

In the room the Frieren finds at the start with a mural, it looks to me like a hidden ritual chamber. If you look around the room it has a basin center of the room. and a lot of torches, and then the mural shows their king looking godly. So might have worshipped him there after he died

Rishad GB

yall cant forget the fact this green haired bitch is pure evil and killed FIRST class mage before a good one....so hell nah I aint vibin with her since she talks about killing so nonchalantly

Rishad GB

why would there be casualties? it copies the personalities so frieren wouldnt go for killshots too


Frieren is known as the greatest mage I doubt a few people would be able to go up against her, plus the more the people in a battle the more of a liability and the more frieren her self would have to hold back to not accidentally kill the others, this isn’t an mmo where u can cast tons of spells and not accidentally kill your teammates, frieren would have to be leashing out the same amount of strength to stop herself she can’t be worrying about random people that she’s never fought with