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Sheera and I still need to record Worst of Evil!


Joshua Adeyemo

I’m liking this series yall! I just finished episode 6. That’s the best one by far. Can’t wait to see y’all’s future reactions

Black Bunny

I just finished watching the first episode oh this is a good day


are we getting one or two episodes of worst of evil tonight ?


I finished all the episodes it was really good need s2 fast


Im sorry this shit stinks😭 happy some of yall enjoying it tho


Why Kyoshi hollering at Aang 💀💀


thanks for uploading roshi


Secret tunnels was a big let down, and they removing some character developments too. I wonder if they plan to do completely new character arcs for the main group?


I thought that same thing, LOL. With the Momo to the grill transition. I was like WTF


Confused on the schedule. Is today just avatar?


They kinda already ruined katara by making her more childish and even in a way more pacifistic. Katara is loud, outspoken, a mother figure and a powerful bender but in the show she seems very soft. She never argues with sokka in the show which is annoying its who she is and its shows her motherly qualities. Like the scene in season three where sokka says " when I picture my mother I don't remember her face anymore, I just see katara" its not gonna hit cause sokka is the mature one now. Little shit like this ruin great moments in the series for me.


same hope we get the two episodes of worst of evil tonight


Lupa really thought the water CGI is a practical effect 😂 this guy…


Without spoiling… this is how I would rate the episodes after finishing it today: Ep1: 8.9/10 (Ik I put this higher than most, but ATLA is my fave show ever so the new material was nice to see) Ep2: 8.6/10 Ep3: 6.5/10 Ep4: 6.7/10 Ep5: 8.8/10 Ep6: 7/10 Ep7: 7.2/10 Ep8: 8.6/10 I think episode three is where the changes go a bit too far and overall I think the show suffers from being 8 episodes- bc it’s actually longer than the whole first szn of ATLA - it’s the lack of it being episodic that brings it down, but that’s just my op - ofc - overall enjoyed it 🤍

Sensei Tensei

i just realized the actor for general zhao is the same dude that played the blonde haired antagonist in Rush Hour 1 lol

Joshua Adeyemo

Also we see Suki bare faced in the cartoon in season 2 and 3!


Nall Roshi Zoboomafoo, Zoom, Out of the Box, Arthur, Dragon Tales. Top PBS shows to watch among others that I'm sure I'm forgetting.


"the tone is a lot more serious in the cartoon" now Roshi


I can agree with this assessment. This feels spot on to my thoughts after completing the series. Especially episodes three rating. I still enjoyed the series.


Sheera: He needs the scroll too. So he can start water bending. Me: Yeah about that….


@15:35 Lupa Clapped again 🤣

Kumi Chan

Yall did see suki with no makeup in Ba Sing Se

halinton williams

Yeah yall did it's a bunch of episodes without her wearing makeup

Victor Grubbs

Hell yeah I remember Zoboomafoo! That was 5-year-old me’s shit! Lol


Yeah episode is definitely the best one of the whole thing


One thing I will admit is they got one of my favorite scenes right and it’s on episode 6. And as a hardcore fan of the original show I admit that I enjoyed it for what it was. Could it have been better? Yes, but it is a highly major improvement than the last live action we got in 2010 so all the folks on social media who said that one was better than this are just saying dumb shit


lmao lupa you wanna see the dick drop you gotta pay up thats out of the budget sir

Art of Trolling

Yoooo I want a Kyoshi movie so bad!

Kumi Chan

This episode was different than what I expected, but I like the changes to it.


Really enjoyed the 2nd episode, 1st was kinda meh

Kumi Chan

wait no Zuko vs Zhao duel? D:


It’s not longer it’s the same amount of run time as season 1 of the animated show they just kinda ruined the show both season 1 of the shows run for about 7.5 hours

Champion Bescos

Why is Aang such a little petulant bitch here? Lol. He’s always been aversed to violence, but not confrontation or defending people. Man is out here questioning the purpose of strength and bending? Like… why did they make him so stupid lol.


I mean of all my issues with this, that’s not rly it. He’s 12 and woke up two days ago to everything he loved being gone and oh btw now he’s the Avatar. I have my issues with this but that’s not it. He’s a child.


lupa shook by that cgi water lmao


We've seen Suki bare-faced a lot of times like when she surprised them at that train station, when she got sent to the Boiling Rock prison, and in most of the last season against Ozai. We've never seen her take it off this early though.

Champion Bescos

They made Katara so much more reserved, shy, submissive, etc. They toned down Sokka’s ignorant views. They made Zuko far less angry and more empathetic and reasonable. They especially made Aang a lil’ bitch here, whining petulantly to Kyoshi, questioning (of all things) not just the need for violence, but the need to be strong and the need to learn multiple bending disciplines… as the fucking Avatar. Why? Why did they make him so immature? Aang has plenty of flaws in the OG show, and he is definitely a pacifist, but he is not aversed to standing up for people and defending them, nor is he angry at the prospect of learning different bending styles. Changes from canon are NOT inherently bad. There are ways and times to change, expand, and alter things. But.. Like… these changes just don’t make sense. They actively hinder the development of character. Not to say all the changes were bad. In fact, I really liked that Kyoshi Island is a place filled with not only tradition, but a certain callous neutrality. They protect theirs and say nah to outsiders, Fire nation or otherwise. It makes the world and the war feel far more realistic. But why… why oh why did they make this discount Littlefinger Zhao? I understand they needed a way for Azula to be involved in the plot earlier than in canon (and I agree with this!) but this is the wrong way to do it. Sacrificing a menacing and interesting character that played against both Zuko and Aang’s dynamics, and replacing him with a small, old, simpering weasel is just fuckin’ lame.


Also the guy who playing Zhao is Sang from Rush Hour. Not Juntao everybody. Juntao was the white guy😂😂. Sang was the blonde one they kept chasing

Brandin Williams

I see people putting perfectly how i feel about how they portraying Katara so ima leave that alone….but am i tripping or is Zuko not angry enough?!


Suki stays being ultimate wife, her actress only further reinforced that


the village leader is Kumiko from Karate Kid


Omg I can't get over the way Zuko said "He Ran" lol he sounded like me when my voice would Crack as I was going through puberty lol 😂 😆


Oh the original creators said they are doing doing it along with the Zuko spin off movie and the Aang and the gang's continuation movie


bro cannot catch a break on these avatar reactions...

Kwame Hasani Salmon

Yes we saw suki bare faced in like the later seasons


I know Roshi wasn’t talking bout June😂

Kwame Hasani Salmon

And was that the sister from warrior as Kyoshi?


That’s the thing in the show he learns very fast how much damage the world is in and he is a Child but he is not weak willed he knows what he wants and he does what he wants here he seems so reserved to literally helping others that’s all he wants to do???


i’m surprised yall didn’t notice suki’s mom was kumiko from karate kid/cobra kai


Yeah they confused Azula's friend group with June. Lmao


On my phone at work so imma just thread out things I liked and didn't like here:


Liked: Sokka and Aang being silly. The movie had just one crumb of comedy and everything else was serious. I like that Sokka and Aang have chuckle moments and that aren't cringe MCU comedy.

Champion Bescos

Oh yeah. He’s far more reasonable and less tunnel-vision angry. It makes for a less flawed start point and an inferior dramatic journey of change for him. I guess they didn’t trust the audience of newcomers to root for him without spelling out that he’s not that bad lol.


Liked: Sokka and Suki's interactions of people being isolated and having their first bit of infatuation as teenagers. Suki being mad awkward by being kinda creepy was funny with Sokka being goofy.


Didn't like: The removal of Sokka's sexism phase. However, to be real, that phase of his was so short-lived in the cartoon that it doesn't seem like a big loss so I got over it fast.


Liked: Kiyoshi's size. Loved they kept that detail on her. That was a defining trait from what I remember from the show. Can't remember if she was naturally big or she just wore shoes that made her height imposing.


Liked: Katara's mother's brutal death. Again, showing fire benders murder is A plus. None of that kid show shit saying they "took her away to rot in prison." Just straight up burned her to death infront of her daughter. EDITED; correction, she was murdered in the cartoon, I got the lore mixed up with blood bending lady.


Liked: The change of Gran Gran giving Katara the scroll. I remember in the show they got it off some pirates randomly and that was it. Nice way to skip that by just having Gran Gran secretly keep it and sneak it in Katara's bag as a gift.


The topic removing sokka’s sexism was extremely overblown. I get it’s part of his character but it was like 5 eps max. The change to the awkward teen puppy love worked fine.


Liked: General Zhao's actor. I just love how he speaks. You can just feel the underline shittiness in his generous vocal tones. Give that actor his flowers.

Champion Bescos

Respectfully very much disagree, Kumo-chan. Aang has a kind heart and a natural will to help anyone he can, any way he can. This is on top of a guilt complex that pushes him to be proactive in his defense of others, plus - being a kid - he’s EXCITED to learn other bending techniques. Their change to his character makes *zero* sense.


they never said they took Kataras mother to jail in the cartoon. They said she died and we even get a flash back of it in book 3


I was saying both series are the same amount of time essentially bc book 1 is 7.5hrs and this is 8hrs of content- so it’s the same amount of time, just different episode length and less episodes.


Disliked?: It seems like they might being changing an angle on Aang's fears by making him avoid learning other bending. In the show I remember he was fine with water bending to the point of immediately being good at it and happy. I think I might be OK with this actually because this is just a bigger version of his fear of Fire Bending when he accidentally burned Katara so this maybe fine in the long run of Aangs avoidance of responsibility.

Delinda Arts

I'm just here so that i dont get fined lmao


I guess I'm thinking about the blood bending woman then. Whoops.

Jamaal Ellison

I don't like the Sokka Suki interactions they made her kinda creepy. But when kyoshi was cooking Aang about acting like a little bitch, I was feeling the hell out of it.


I literally said the same thing 😂. Zuko was all consumed with his anger and restoring his honor. Buddy ain't selling that


What’s crazy is aang didn’t even run away in this version he went for a brisk flight 💀 and got thrown into the ocean


Honestly, he comes off more sad than angry which I think is fine because his facial expressions make me feel sorry for him.


Earlier as well, in season 2 when she meets up with the Gaang again.

Champion Bescos

But… Isaac, we’re not supposed to feel sorry for him this early on. The charm, the magic of Zuko’s journey is in the slow burn. Episodes like The Storm and The Blue Spirit only partially pull back the layers of his humanity. This approach practically spells it out to the lowest IQ audience member from jump that he is just misunderstood and not all that bad.

Champion Bescos

But his fear of firebending was purely because he hurt Katara. He experienced first hand how hard to control and dangerous it was. It made sense. Prior to that incident, Aang was genuinely excited to learn all forms of bending. Why would you be okay with a change that literally doesn’t make sense?


But it does make sense. How does it not. Him nearly killing 2 kids from his reckless behavior with how strong he is the same as how he accidentally burned Katara from his reckless behavior. It scared him to the point of avoiding his responsibility. Instead of never wanting to bend fire, it's bending other elements in general or so it seems in this show.


Don't worry roshi, you and lupa aren't the only people alive who remembers zoobomafoo


I see your points but aang had always been immature in the early season so it makes sense that he's asking questions about the avatar


Commander Zhao's Voice sounds just like him it gives off that suspicious shady vibe


@Champion Bescos. We know who Zuko is and this show and the actor playing Zuko will never pull off the ability us going back to hating Zuko like we did back in the cartoon. I would bet money that people would find the actor ridiculous if he attempted to emulate Zuko's anger wholeheartedly. He will never portray that Zuko ever and I'd rather he not because he'd look stupid attempting it. We as OG viewers have hindsight and we know that this whole time Zuko was this sad little lost boy and that is being portrayed just fine here. Let's roll with it.

Teyon Alexander

Mutton chips guy on zuko’s ship reminds me of blood soaked chiaki from blue eye samurai.


@doyoungismyult no dipshit, u saying random shit not going to make the show better. Shits ass


i miss Lupas "CAPTAINN PLANETTTT!!!!!"


Suki is an actual baddie bruh GAWWWWLY

Champion Bescos

I agree he starts off immature and avoidant, but not to the extent that he’s an idiot. Any twelve year old would understand that defending people you care for, or the innocent in general, requires strength. Especially against malicious attackers. Him literally questioning the need for strength and the need to learn other bending disciplines is just really bad writing.


Roshi I'm 22 and I remember Zoboomafoo


yes you saw suki without her makeup, book 3 in the beach with fire nation clothes and boiling rock.


When netflix said no sexism, i thought they were gonna make my boi all nice and goody and a generic guy. I realized now, that the sexism arc for sokka was less about sexism, and more about being his typical lovable jerkface, that he slowly grows out of once he stops trying to be like his father. He still an annoying brother to katara and thats pretty much all that matters lol.


True true. He was a dick early in the show and they kept that aspect and that's enough. Though I'm remembering the Northern Water Tribe traditionally sexist so I kinda hope they keep that part because it was embedded in their culture.


Netflix pr team just shouldn't have said a damn thing, simple. They wanted to seem pc so much they forgot that people liked character development and accidentally pissed people off. If they never said anything about doing a "good thing" then i dont think most people would have even noticed that sokka wasnt as assholely as usual

rickie woodson

yeah we saw suki's bare face in the show. season 3, boiling rock saga


Yeah zhao was much more pf a cocky pice of shit, but this zhao still made me want to punch him just as much. He is also, just as much of a bitch too lol. The lowly ranked commander snitching to the fire lord about aang is exactly what i would expect from someone who tried to sneak a hit in a agni kai against a 16/18 year old he lost to


Yeah, i noticed that they may have changed things, but they so far seemed to have a decent idea on what is truly plot relevant and character defining. Im only on ep 5, and ep 3+4 was my favorite in terms of how they blended like 4 or 5 different arcs together in a very cohesive way that moved the story along as it should and still gave the most important character development to those who needed it.


also yea roshi you saw suki face during the serpent pass i think that was the first time


My fav part of zuko is him being perpetually mad and frustrated all the time. Like a chihuahua or something. He was like this in the cartoon too, especially during ponytail era


Poor poor puppy. Thats how i viewed him too in the cartoon. Especially during rewatch.


Socock is crazy Roshi

Jordan Best

I’m surprise nobody recognizes that Zhao is Juntao from rush hour 1

Omar Bautista

My only gripe with this episode is changing Aangs goal to the North water tribe is to stop a prophecy rather than learn water bending properly

Anthony Chase

All I’m thinking about is what that Hama episode gonna look like now that we got death in the show. Bloodbending bout to look crazy!!


Suki was bare faced the whole prison arc 😂

Keevondrick Womack

Im starting to pick up what they're putting down. Aang's actor is pretty good. And Sokka is solid. Need to see more from Katara, but im sure thats coming up with Northern Water tribe. Also we did see Suki's bare face just not this early. In fact, she was bare faced for most of the show after she reunited with the gang.


It’s exactly how he was in the cartoon 😂😂


Yeah they got suki perfect she looks the same as the cartoon version


Ang Is the best thing about the show so far the actors great not pretty good


And don’t forget the actors for Ang and katara are children in real life


I can’t wait to see what they think about Bumi when he shows up lmaoo


They went to Kyoshi island by episode 4 in the cartoon. After visiting the air temple which is what happened here. The only thing we skipped out on really was riding the koi fish and technically the pirates and the scroll (which happens later but seeing as we have the scroll now we can assume the pirates either aren’t going to show up or have a different role)


casting was on point. they said "who's the motherfuckingest snake we know?" this dude. "wipe yourself. youre bleeding"


U argue like a five year old bruh 💀 some ppl can never be satisfied no matter how hard anyone tries


Shout out to the mfs here waiting for Worst of Evil 🗿


I'm 4 minutes into the video and I'm already upset lol. I already dislike the existence of this journal. It already seems like it's going to be the source of every info dump in existence, instead of letting them cone across information natural in their journey. And then the water bending scroll just happened to be in their bag because gran gran decided to give it. So there's no working for it lol. I sound like such a hater, but I'm trying not to be lol


Nope not a 1:1 just not good story telling and direction (even as a stand alone it was boring with too much exposition) some of you must have the attention span of a saint because wow…


Jay and some of you ignore technical blind spots for the sake of it, in the art of automatic defense. The show is kind of trash (can list some valid reasons, from the perspective of it being a general show not a remake of original).


Zaboomafoo holy shit that's a name I aint heard since I was a child. Literal childhood flashbacks the moment yall said that


Oh shit no way? I thought they were middle aged adults with baby filters


Suki trynna Sokkan Sokka’s Sokkok

Mohamed Hassan

You guys literally have the worst memory💀niggas do not pay attention to anything. Zukos gf name was Mei btw.


🧢 this kid ain’t captured Aang’s essence! His personality is too soft in the live action.


Y’all are a serious lie


Everyone going in to this expecting a 1:1 should just go and watch the animated show. It still exists.


Ain't no way u flame them for getting the name wrong...then get the name wrong. Her name is Mai lil bro


Nope. As a stand alone it has a lot of exposition and a bit boring/weird pacing. Plus do you not notice the lighting? Lmao a lie


So… don’t watch it and go watch the animated show? Simplest of fixes


Already saw that. Was judging from a technical point of view and stopped at 1 didn’t finish the 2nd. My point is it’s not about a 1:1 comparison and was not even comparing it to the original so you can end it there. Lol wtf.


You're talking about them remembering a show they watched in what 2020

Keevondrick Womack

Subjective. Personally while this is cool to see, these 2 episodes are lacking the *fun* the animation had. But with its more serious tone and limited run time, It's to be expected.


For right now lol but we'll see what happens when Appa gets taken. 🤣


Fair. I'm definitely bring a lot more critical because I'm a huge uber fan of the original. But even aside from that, as a writer, I'm seeing things they're doing that are undercutting the story telling. Just because they're trying to speedrun a lot of stuff instead of just letting it breathe and feel the characters and their goals. Aang had a lot more agency in the original, but it feels a little like he's just heing dragged along; not completely, but quite a bit


“Socock” 🤣🤣🤣 that’s 2 red card right there


Zhao: “yh dawg I won’t tell” *later that night* Dear miss Finster


Are we getting the worst of evil today ?

Mohamed Hassan

She wasn’t a part of azulas trio so he’d be mixing up two totally different people

Molly 80

They made suki so thirsty 😂

Erica Collins

LOVED that the live action gave Kyoshi the attention she deserves. I need her story animated NOW

Jaelyn Mcgee

yeah I agree. In the original, the scroll felt earned because of what they went through to get it. The show keeps falling into the tell don't show trap, instead of letting us see things progress naturally


They wrote Katara so shameful so far. She’s uninteresting and a forgetful character. They need to redeem her at some point


The same yapping during live action for one piece and yu yu hakusho is happening here again. As someone who was actually a kid/teen during the running series of these shows (and not someone who watched in recent years), ya'll don't get how good we are getting it compared to their sad attempts back in 2000s for live action animes. The same energy I have for those shows as a kid is the same energy I am giving it now. You just have to suspend disbelief and immerse without super high expectations. Writing, pacing, cgi are all good. I'm completely enjoying myself (which is a surpised b/c i wasn't even going to watch it looool)


This Live Action reminds me of that stage-play Aang and the gang watched in Book 3.


Sokka’s chin has reached max level the way Suki was standing on it during the kissing scene


Someone give this person all the cakes and cookies. You've totally captured my feelings re this live action perfectly with your comment!


Interesting that you mentioned Zoboomafoo because I looked it up afterward and I know the brothers as the Wild Kratts, but didn't know the animated show was based on real people.


this zokka be looking like the ember island players version LMAO


also like the pasing is good but i just dont understand why the director made nonsensical changes the the lore of avatar. like WYM Aang can only talk to his previous lifes if hes at a shrine. I feel like they couldve kept the timing and pasing fine even if they did a faithful adaptiation.

Kryptik _

lol I hate to be that guy roshi but aang actually burns kitara in book 1 not book 3 so you may get your wish and actually see it happen this season lol

Jigga Man

The Sokkock is crazyyyy

Delinda Arts

nigga that water cgi fucked Lupa up lmao


But also, it's all subjective. Just because you don't think its good, doesn't mean other people will and vice versa. If yall don't like it, then don't watch it, simple. Cause clearly people do like it, and they (yaboyroshi) like it. But in this day and age, people gotta complain about everything, instead of taking in stuff with a fresh take. People just wanted it to be no different than the animated version, which would of added no uniqueness to it, and just made it a copy and paste. But to each their own, I'm down for this show and it's ride with an open mind, (and not a closed one, with unrealistic expectations) and don't really give a fuck if your not. Cause everyone that doesn't like it, is just wasting their time, typing to bitch and complain about it. You don't like it? That's cool, adios then ✌️. (Jesus fuck lol can't make everyone happy.)


Idk if ur talking to me cuz patreon dont have @‘s but if u are i would suggest u put ur thinking cap on and read cuz i said “im glad some of yall enjoying it” you talking about typing to bitch and complaining and you wrote a essay nigga. If someone want to say they dont like it they can, just like how if someone does like it they can say that also


Fr. The different take on it in this live action, is refreshing. Doesn't make me feel like I'm watching the EXACT same thing but with different graphics. Lol 🤣 but people are always gonna complain and try to take something down, than lift it up. But it's fine, let them hate, it's only going to bring it more attention and views. I'm down for this ride 🔥 fuck anyone else who's not. 💯

Baron Salt

You guys make this show so much more funny than it actually is. Thank God for your comedy.

Baron Salt

I love watching Kyoshi verbally bash a traumatized child and blame him for his people dying as if he would have made a difference. Kyoshi wasn't like this. She was ruthless to her enemies because she had to be or she'd die. She was a kind person with a great love for her people.

Doughboy 1027

I really dislike needless or meaningless changes but I especially dislike changes to that are integral to the characters and to the overall plot of the story. People consider people being critical about those kinds of things "crying" and try to hand wave away genuine critiques. Mostly because they are either a complete normie and are ignorant of the source material or they just accept those changes because they care more about their addiction to being entertained than appreciating the art and message that the original writer/artist intended.

Tamara Palmer

Lupa San says “Perfectly seasoned… "” I’m dead !! I’m glad the show gave the respect to Avatar Kyoshi that she rightfully deserves ! Avatar Kyoshi is my favorite Avatar! I read the Avatar Kyoshi book series and she is as just as raw in the books !!

Tamara Palmer

Y’all don’t understand ! Lupa, Sheera, and Roshi, Kyoshi was part of an outlaw gang consisting of some savage benders and other man who was considered as the “Immortal Assassin “”. Kyoshi became an assassin and an avatar. She stayed standing on business and out here catching bodies ! Real talk !


No one is going to mention how Suki's mom was Daniel's girl in the 2nd Karate Kid.

Champion Bescos

Nah, that’s pretty childish. “You won’t stop pointing out how this thing I like is actually inferior/flawed/unnecessary with valid reasons - reasons I was unable to see or acknowledge - so you must have too high expectations instead of me just having far too low expectations.”

Champion Bescos

You fuckin nailed it @Doughboy. It’s literally this everywhere I look. It’s either casual normies who didn’t ACTUALLY love the original show (or simply didn’t understand what it was about it that made it so good/special) or mindless consumers addicted to being spoon fed studio-curated entertainment that are defending this shit. The show isn’t an abomination or the worst thing ever, sure, but these people can’t even accept valid criticism of things like the shows writing and directing because it highlights how much of a fake-fan or a media illiterate person they are for gobbling it up. They froth at the mouth to promote this stuff with the most hollow defenses. “Turn off your brain, stop comparing it to the original, stop expect a 1:1 adaptation, stop being a crybaby with sky high expectations, you were never gonna like it, etc.” Shit is annoying because they make it where they can just cover their ears and go la-la-la and block out any sensible argument.

Son Chaeyoung

unrelated sorry but if you want a horror game to play try playing White Day: Labyrinth Named School on ps5 and pc it has a sequel too if you end up liking the first

Isaac Cobbinah

Smfh they got avatar kyoshi doing what avatar roku is supposed to be doing

joshua barnett

Suki was seen barefaced in prison


i think they meant call on the past ones like how kyoshi took over. could be wrong tho


? roku stuff doesn’t come in till book 3 in the animation, and she doesn’t even help him with the avatar state


rewatching this you really feel the need for them to show a few more scenes of the main trio becoming friends. straight from the southern water tribe to the air temple then straight to kiyoshi island


literally one of my only complaints tho

Daniel S

so what? its not even important and have no negative impact or whatsover, if you wanna see exactly the same scenes than just see the show itself bro...


Actually not true it happens very early on in the original sooo…..


People being so dramatic. The show is fine so far. Yeah so they changed somethings, booohooo. IF you wanna watch the exact same thing well good news, the cartoon is still out there. Adaptations don't have to be EXACTLY the same.


Its more about the Netflix showrunners not respecting the source material and not caring about the creators vision which made them leave. They didn't just change "somethings" the whole, it's basically a different show. From comments of the creators in the past they were limited in ideas because it was a kid show. I would imagine they wanted it more brutal than it is now. I'm sure the firebenders killing people was their idea before they left.


“Basically a different show”, this is what I mean when I say people are being dramatic. No, it’s still the Avatar. Yes, they changed some key things. I’m well aware of all the things people have been complaining about. People literally want it exactly the same as the cartoon. Avatar is my favorite cartoon, I consider it a masterpiece and have seen it about 7 times. But I can clearly see that people are nitpicking every little thing, like it’s ridiculous. It’s a life action adaptation with a Netflix spin into it. It doesn’t have to follow the source material verbatim. The only valid complaint I’ve seen is that the dialogue can be corny at times.

Jeremiah Neely

33:07 I bet Aang was like "I don't like this...Where's Roku? I wanna speak to him." lol.

Jeremiah Neely

Roshi was thinking about the tracker chick with the animal that had the paralyzing tongue.

My Big Little Brother

This is accurate, and honestly - it's very annoying. People have nostalgia goggles towards their childhood things, and they don't realize it. No one can get those moments back, yet they go into every show, every remake expecting things to recreate that experience for them. Just not gonna happen, they gotta learn to enjoy things for what they are - not what they want them to be. That actually applies to many things, life, dating, etc.


I dont understand why people dont want remakes or live actions to try and take a different approach aswell. Im saying this having not watched avatar the cartoon or the show xD Just speaking in general. Like Last of us i think was perfect. It was the game yes, but it also changed and improved on certain things.

Isaac Cobbinah

It is important if you want to respect the original source, aang having his first interaction with the pervious avatar, who was a firebender, laid the foundation of many story arcs to come.


Suki has shown her face a couple times mostly in book 4


The animated show is goated, and superior to the live action, but the live action is a pure fresh take, that I honestly like. Like TBH and to be Fr, if the live action was exactly, and I mean EXACTLY like the animated version but just different graphics. I would not watch that shit, cause it would literally be no different except for in the visuals. People will just find any reason to complain, just to complain. This live action version is refreshing, I generally like the cast (even tho, katara could be a little better, but I know that's coming.), love that they showed us certain things that the animated version didn't (like the attack on the air temple, and death of Aangs mentor), the designs for Momo and Appa are 👌, the designs of the costumes and characters outfits are on point imo. This show gets sooo much hate, and I'll never understand it, but go ahead and let them hate, it's only gonna make it more popular, which will attract more ppl that will actually like it for what it is and not what it should be because of unrealistic expectations. 💯


"Something terrible is going to happen there..(and the second thing is me.)"


15:57 18:40 😂


yee kyoshi did take over aangs body in the OG too though. i was just confusedd here


Sokka actually wearing dominos around his neck


I been rewatching you guys videos for the last air bender cartoon since Christmas so everything fresh in my memory


They got the blonde hair bad guy from rush hour playing the snitching commander lol


Suki never showed her face without make up till the later seasons, and Sokka didn't recognize her

Champion Bescos

Lol @ everyone but Grimm in this comment thread resolutely ignoring all the people in this and last episodes comments section rationally and intelligently saying why many of the changes are bad and negatively affect character, theme, and narrative. Stop gaslighting and stop falling back on shallow and baseless claims. No one is being dramatic calling this the worst thing ever. No one wants a 1:1 adaptation. Some of the creative choices and liberal changes are even good. But we’re absolutely going to point out when something is changed for the worse, unnecessarily, and there’s just far too many of those scenarios for a rational fan of the original to think, “Yeah… this is fine.”


@champion “Rational fan”, so pretentious. I can see from your other comments that you’re super condescending and think you’re super smart lol, cringe. Ignoring what exactly? I’ve seen all the complaints. “They should have kept this because it’s integral to their character..”. GUESS WHAT? It’s integral to the character in the animated series, clearly not the live action one. So far this show isn’t contradicting anything in the story of the LIVE ACTION. Again if you just want a copy and paste, the animated series ain’t going anywhere.


exactly and it’s done in one episode and feels rushed, 10 episodes instead of 8 could have helped with that i feel


you see suki alot without make up later on


I think Suki's acctress should have been Mai because I saw the next episode. Like damn. No emotional damage intented.


Roshi's memory is a bit out of place. Katara accident happens in book 1 not book 3. And girl with the whip is not part of the trio.


Doesn't even look like her. She seems familiar but I didn't recognize her of that.


Anyone know when episode 3 reactions is? Is there a schedule somewhere?


Yep that's her. She made an appearance in Kobra Kai as well.


Thursdays and Fridays, they have a patreon schedule. Scroll down like 4 more pictures.


Here’s the problem if you care to know why people are divided: If you look closely there were some faults eg. The lighting is off when you meet sokka and katara (the green screen is so clear because they seem like they’re indoors/ dark shadows while being in a bright snowy environment. The cgi was great in places and off in others like when they’re flying. The most important is the poor screen writing, the dialogue suffers too much exposition (lengthy explanations that question the intelligence of the watcher to figure out the mystery or see things vs talking through absolutely everything (it gets rid of what would have been shocking to find out) , in other words it lacks subtlety which is what all great stories have) it also has unnatural and lacklustre dialogue. And I’m not even comparing it to the original at this point just pointing out technical things they could have fixed but..didn’t. Just that there was something weighty/drawn-out and slightly boring about how they directed the show, many scenes could have been cut and directed in a slightly snappier upbeat way, with more excitement. But if you are content with it and got the attention span of a saint maybe some may excuse these things. The complaints come from people just not liking the storytelling (again I’m excluding any comparison to the original here, though many can answer that for you, I’m not fussed about that tbh. This is from the perspective of it being it’s own story)


How do y’all manage to post the whole show without any copyright? I wish other YouTubers would show the whole thing. I don’t wanna use two devices to watch reactions lol


I get why some may have liked the OG Suki, but she was kind of annoyingly flawless. The only thing resembling a consistent flaw with her was her occasional losses in fights. That and I always thought it was weird that they were treating Kyoshi Island like a Japanese Themyscira (Wonder Woman's home) in a weird police state. Live-Suki & Kyoshi Island have realistic family ties and emphasizes the island isolation. Plus, you wanna talk about CREEPY; the animation had Sokka immediately get really attracted to someone that beat him up and had her enjoy doing it repeatedly. (In front of her peers no less.) Yikes. I have been greatly enjoying the way the live-action writers have been respecting the characters more than the OG's did. They've been essentially making everyone just a little more mature to the point they aren't putting each other down in immature or kind of cruel ways. In short, I appreciate the fact that the live-action writers are giving the characters more sensible personalities while still keeping most of their main flaws.


I think he meant on their respective patreons. To my knowledge only Yaboyroshi does this while other creators ask their patreons to sync up to their own copies. Im also curious why


I like the syncing better honestly. Its all preference. I still sync up the episode with Yaboyroshi. I just have to sync it up a lot better due to dual audio. I wonder how many other people do that if any lol.


I heard it’s illegal to show the whole thing, at least that’s what the other Patreon creators say. Not sure how they get away with it. But I’m not complaining 😅


That’s not what I was saying though. Obviously no one can post the whole thing on YouTube. I’m talking about how some reactors upload the full uncut on here while others make us sync up with our own video.


I mean its obviously because they know someone in the inside. Only explanation why. Another reason why they got so much patreons. I've also noticed that, everyone be getting copyrighted hard except them. It's all about who u know.


I feel like immature part made sense they are all kids at the end of the day


Yeah, kids, in a WAR story. Combat to any degree sobers and reality-checks even the youngest of people. Plus, this isn't really a setting where they have a glowing support system where they can afford to goof around all that much. Plus, how did OG Sokka NOT have a scene where he actually tells Katara to back off. Waiting for Toph to call her Sugar Queen was WAY too late in Katara's character arc. All it did was make Sokka look like a buffoon rather than a guy whose having to learn collaboration on the run. In the end, the live-action is essentially changing the demographics of the show from children and early teens to young adults and older. Everyone could enjoy the original,...to a point though.


Ummm, I’m not even angry. 😂 I’m just giving an analysis. Where did you think I was angry?🤣


There are many who do show it in the corner, not gonna say who obviously but a little research is all it takes.


@Silver You are right, they were never going to be able to remake this scene for scene, it would have been terrible.


Yo it is INSANE how they cast the most beautiful woman to ever live as suki.


LOL "did you just dump a GALLON of water on me?? I been AT SEA ALL DAY!!"


If you keep in mind what each character "knows" so far. Zhou was told that zuko fought with the avatar already on his ship. But the first thing zhou sees for himself is the gigantic legendary avatar woman whos not even supposed to be alive ruining his entire crew.


You do see Suki's bare face in the cartoon, it just happens much later. It's right before they get to ba sing se and all of a sudden a random woman shows up and kisses Sokka on the cheek, then they realize that it's Suki without her makeup on.


Yeah. I just recognize her from somewhere else. Don't know where.


I get what you mean but so many of the changes are so weird like they straight up give out the same exposition dump TWICE in the same episode. The dialogue a lot of the first couple episodes feels off. Character's motivations feel bland. And most important of all it's just not very fun (IMO). Fights are cool tho

Champion Bescos

Condescending? Nah man, I may come off passionate but I strive to be humble. I don’t know a lot, and that’s that. But I do know Avatar. And I call a spade a spade. Your rationale is that if a show doesn’t contradict it’s internal logic, it’s good, regardless of the fact that an adjacent, parallel work handled each of those instances in question better… huh. I’m pretty sure people who insist on others watching the original and no drawing comparisons do so for one reason: drawing comparisons highlights the media in question being inferior to the original. Otherwise, you’d welcome discourse and discussion about their creative differences.


zuko is zukoing

Nate Deezy

sokka was wearing the outfit, just no paint

Dequone Jackson

The generational disrespect! Rip zoboomafoo he was tha homie!


You’re so right, like was 12 year old aang supposed to face an army of comet enhanced fire benders?


Also while guiding the gang through serpent’s pass and during the whole sozin’s comet arc


ngl i was not happy when i saw they switched kyoshi with roku but i loved her fighting scenes!


ya that part was irritating, but I'm assuming Roku is more prominent later in the season right? He literally cannot be left out, he's so incredibly important to the whole story of the show. I get putting Kyoshi early on, because they visit Kyoshi Island and whatever but so far they've just replaced Roku completely. Kyoshi even replaced Roku when Aang got taken over in the avatar state, which was disappointing because I wanted Aang to go to the fire nation and meet Roku.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Emo Burrito this is literally the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You HAVE to be joking because if this was serious, what the fuck is wrong with your brain?


Me sitting here dying after hearing Sheera say "For now" & remembering how Vaatu & Zaheer packed up Korra lmao

Storm Blade

i think what beni-chan was trying to say was switch roku with kyoshi. just a little mistake

Mr. Toastman

Kyoshi did possess Aang, but that was from the Chin the Conqueror episode, not the Kyoshi Island episode.

Andrew shultz

Suki prolly spent more time without makeup on than with it lol


Ngl I need the shogun series reaction. Just came out 2 episodes aired its about the japanese empire in the 1600s its gonna be fire


Bro roshi said the tone is a lot more serious in the cartoon ? I think my man should rewatch the whole cartoon 😂😭

Travis James

Yo lupa always saying some wild shit😭😭. First it was “did they cast the same VA’s” and now “that can’t be cgi”💀💀💀


True, but they are setting Roku up to be important coming soon. Aang said that they can only channel the avatar in the Shrines. In the Anime she shows up and just explains with no bending, when he is taken over by Roku he fully firebends in the shrine. Though I agree that it is kind of annoying hearing Roku's words come from Kyoshi...but we have to remember that Kyoshi is Roku and is Aang, etc...


Lupa doing war crimes because someone throws water at him, Roshi have been too great an influence LMAO Love the reaction you guys

Bria A.

Ay Roshi, Zaboomafoo was one of my favorite shows as a kid, you’re not the only one left. 😂


I was getting WW vibes from live action Kioshi


CORE MEMORIES UNLOCKED Zoboomafoo was my childhood 😭😭