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Kisuke01 (edited)

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2024-02-20 02:29:45 4 minutes in damn having no detectives during that Era would is fucked
2024-02-20 02:28:00 4 minutes in damn having no detectives during that Era is fucked. WHERE THAT GUARD AT I WANT HIS ASS EXECUTED RN

4 minutes in damn having no detectives during that Era is fucked. WHERE THAT GUARD AT I WANT HIS ASS EXECUTED RN

Joel Mason

MaoMao is such an unbelievably well written character. Might be my most favorite mc of all time next to Tanjiro

Earphone Jack

This is literally my favorite episode of the entire series so far! The anime did the manga chapter justice! MaoMao getting the shit slapped out of her was worse in the anime with how she flew back down those staires and the right side of her face being swollen! But the way Jinshi held her face and looked at her though… 🥺🥺🥺 MY HEART! Also y’all have to remember that these incidents started happening way before Lakan got involved in investigating them as the guy that died from consuming too much salt happened a year ago. Lakan didn’t come into the picture until that shed exploded.


The last 10 minutes of this episode was an absolute roller coaster I can’t freakin wait for the next episode


Oh yeah it’s clips for niggas next episode


YEESSS I loved how they made this episode. Jinshi walking whilst carrying Maomao, and the officials all bowing to him, was such a STATEMENT.

Arima Kana

Get arouse and have a boner after seeing maomao get beat🫠 Anyone the same?


this show is so good


I really don’t think Lakan was in on this. I think he figured out that something was going on, and decided to draw Maomao into playing detective to figure it out. He did it like this because Maomao don’t fuk with him, and this is the only way he can interact with her.



Rin Okumura

This doesn't make any sense about Jinshi hiding his status anymore. Ahdou already moved out, The emperor is his father and unless he has other kids laying around Jinshi should come out of hiding and be the crown prince. Even if the previous Queen found out her actual son is dead and Jinshi is her grandson instead, so what? Even if she's mad she can't do j@ck $hit, her son "Jinshi father" is the current emperor, her word literally carry very little power against the king, the only thing she can do is to assassinate Jinshi but it's to risky and all eyes will be on her anyway. Plus her whole line of power is secured already. her first born son is now the emperor, he has a son which is Jinshi aka the next in line to be king, they are all her blood at the end of the day. The queen is not getting any L.


jinshi is out for blood now

Huemon Nottabear (edited)

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2024-02-20 02:53:07 1. The guards were gone when they came out
2024-02-20 02:51:03 1. The guards were gone when they came out. 2. Lacon knew to hold still and shut the fuck up. So I don't know if Lacon did this, or just knew that he was on Jin's bad side. Jin's looking for targets, probably best to hold off your fuckery and not be one.

1. The guards were gone when they came out. 2. Lacon knew to hold still and shut the fuck up. So I don't know if Lacon did this, or just knew that he was on Jin's bad side. Jin's looking for targets, probably best to hold off your fuckery and not be one.


Fyi - Jinshi doesn't know he's the prince, he's been raised as the emperor's "younger brother" and that's what he officially is. It's unclear whether the emperor himself knows Jinshi is his son. The status Jinshi is hiding is his "emperors younger brother" persona.

_ jiseee

I had a suspicion that Lakan was in cahoots with Suirei to assassinate Jinshi, but I thought he had no reason to let Maomao in if he wanted the guy dead. I was intrigued after watching this ep, I had to read the manga. The next few ep are gonna be an awesome

Joel Mason

I feel so sorry for roshi man cause some of the craziest fuckers comment here

Dark Shogun

I don't think Lakan would do that to MaoMao. Even if he wanted to kill Jinshi, which I don't think he does, he wouldn't want his daughter to walk in and see it happen. I think we'll see more about him and his motivations in the coming episodes.


I LOVE that they added him cradling her face in his hands 😭 the voice acting was also on point, he was so worried.


Am I the only one thinking this whole thing is a misdirection and Lakan was not the one planning all this? Like if he did care for Mammao, he would not let her going into that place at all, she could very well be crushed to death if she was unlucky.

Kassandra (edited)

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2024-02-26 05:00:38 Jinshi is only hiding his status in the rear palace and outer court (as far as we know), where he was placed by the emperor to keep an eye on his concubines and manage various civil tasks while also keeping in with officials—he is essentially the emperor's spy given what information we currently have to go on. Making very public appearances as a blood relative of the emperor would undermine that objective and make it impossible for him to continue in the same capacity. Anyone who knows him as Jinshi the emperor's brother probably doesn't know him as Jinshi the eunuch, and vice versa, since there is likely very little opportunity for servants & officials to cross paths outside of their stations (the people working in the rear palace typically live there, and likely don't have anything to do with the inner palace's goings-on). Someone like MaoMao was never supposed to cross paths with Jinshi at the ceremony building, and wouldn't have were it not for her being spurred on via outside meddling.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Jinshi is only hiding his status in the rear palace and outer court (as far as we know), where he was placed by the emperor to keep an eye on his concubines and manage various civil tasks while also keeping in with officials—he is essentially the emperor's spy given what information we currently have to go on. Making very public appearances as a blood relative of the emperor would undermine that objective and make it impossible for him to continue in the same capacity. Anyone who knows him as Jinshi the emperor's brother probably doesn't know him as Jinshi the eunuch, and vice versa, since there is likely very little opportunity for servants & officials to cross paths outside of their stations (the people working in the rear palace typically live there, and likely don't have anything to do with the inner palace's goings-on). Someone like MaoMao was never supposed to cross paths with Jinshi at the ceremony building, and wouldn't have were it not for her being spurred on via outside meddling.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Jinshi is only hiding his status in the rear palace and outer court (as far as we know), where he was placed by the emperor to keep an eye on his concubines and manage various civil tasks while also keeping in with officials—he is essentially the emperor's spy given what information we currently have to go on. Making very public appearances as a blood relative of the emperor would undermine that objective and make it impossible for him to continue in the same capacity. Anyone who knows him as Jinshi the emperor's brother probably doesn't know him as Jinshi the eunuch, and vice versa, since there is likely very little opportunity for servants & officials to cross paths outside of their stations (the people working in the rear palace typically live there, and likely don't have anything to do with the inner palace's goings-on). Someone like MaoMao was never supposed to cross paths with Jinshi at the ceremony building, and wouldn't have were it not for her being spurred on via outside meddling.
2024-02-20 03:03:25 Jinshi is only hiding his status in the rear palace and outer court (as far as we know), where he was placed by the emperor to keep an eye on his concubines and manage various civil tasks while also keeping in with officials—he is essentially the emperor's spy given what information we currently have to go on. Making very public appearances as a blood relative of the emperor would undermine that objective and make it impossible for him to continue in the same capacity. Anyone who knows him as Jinshi the emperor's brother probably doesn't know him as Jinshi the eunuch, and vice versa, since there is likely very little opportunity for servants & officials to cross paths outside of their stations (the people working in the rear palace typically live there, and likely don't have anything to do with the inner palace's goings-on). Someone like MaoMao was never supposed to cross paths with Jinshi at the ceremony building, and wouldn't have were it not for her being spurred on via outside meddling.

Jinshi is only hiding his status in the rear palace and outer court (as far as we know), where he was placed by the emperor to keep an eye on his concubines and manage various civil tasks while also keeping in with officials—he is essentially the emperor's spy given what information we currently have to go on. Making very public appearances as a blood relative of the emperor would undermine that objective and make it impossible for him to continue in the same capacity. Anyone who knows him as Jinshi the emperor's brother probably doesn't know him as Jinshi the eunuch, and vice versa, since there is likely very little opportunity for servants & officials to cross paths outside of their stations (the people working in the rear palace typically live there, and likely don't have anything to do with the inner palace's goings-on). Someone like MaoMao was never supposed to cross paths with Jinshi at the ceremony building, and wouldn't have were it not for her being spurred on via outside meddling.


Yeah he prolly figured it out instantly that 1 time he picked up that fancyass pipe immediately after the warehouse explosion, hence why he told Jinshi about that 1 intricate metalwork dude's death & about his weirdass inheritance puzzle thingie, since the low melting point solder was clearly vital for the plot (notice how there's a cauldron w/ some type of burning thingie or w/e in it, so while it would take longer than refracted concentrated sunlight to melt, it would also delay it quite some bit until the solder bit starts to go plop, likely measured so it would fall within the duration allotted for the ceremony itself even w/ this slower method of melting the solder like that)

Robert Rodriguez

I think Lakan is clearly a scumbag but I don't think he was out to kill Jinshi. I think its all misdirection and someone else is out to get him. But we just don't know who and why.


The craziest thing is, Maomao knows who Lakan is, but she doesn't know what he looks or sounds like, because everyone has shielded her from direct contact from him, so its pure insanity he was right behind her but she had no idea who's voice that was, and she still didn't see him so the reveal has yet to come


The end is pretty symbolic after what happened to Maomao that Jinshi is leaving a trail of blood behind him


His face at the end had the look of "oh shit, she got hurt for real", even if he was in on it, which i don't think he was either, i doubt he intended to go this far.

dash12321 (edited)

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2024-02-20 03:37:51 I think, even though the show seems to be misleading us intentionally on lakan, that he more or less knew what was going to happen. Rewatching it, I realized that almost every incident that led maomao to her discovering the plot involved lakan. the first manager death was not shown to be linked, but that was before jinshi bought maomao. the 2nd manager poisoning, however, lakan was the one who 'consulted' gaoshun. he obviously requested jinshi to have her investigate the metal brothers, and in his discussion afterwards w/ jinshi, he seems to be hinting about the ritual part in particular (the part that breaks later). finally, he wasn't directly involved leading maomao to the warehouse explosion, BUT he did leave the pipe as evidence and said nothing about it. seeing as it was an EXPLOSION, I'd assume there was pretty much a 100% chance maomao would happen upon it.
2024-02-20 03:33:19 I think, even though the show seems to be misleading us intentionally on lakan, that he more or less figured out what was going to happen. Rewatching it, I realized that almost every incident that led maomao to her discovering the plot involved lakan. the first manager death was not shown to be linked, but that was before jinshi bought maomao. the 2nd manager poisoning, however, lakan was the one who 'consulted' gaoshun. he obviously requested jinshi to have her investigate the metal brothers, and in his discussion afterwards w/ jinshi, he seems to be hinting about the ritual part in particular (the part that breaks later). finally, he wasn't directly involved leading maomao to the warehouse explosion, BUT he did leave the pipe as evidence and said nothing about it. seeing as it was an EXPLOSION, I'd assume there was pretty much a 100% chance maomao would happen upon it.

I think, even though the show seems to be misleading us intentionally on lakan, that he more or less figured out what was going to happen. Rewatching it, I realized that almost every incident that led maomao to her discovering the plot involved lakan. the first manager death was not shown to be linked, but that was before jinshi bought maomao. the 2nd manager poisoning, however, lakan was the one who 'consulted' gaoshun. he obviously requested jinshi to have her investigate the metal brothers, and in his discussion afterwards w/ jinshi, he seems to be hinting about the ritual part in particular (the part that breaks later). finally, he wasn't directly involved leading maomao to the warehouse explosion, BUT he did leave the pipe as evidence and said nothing about it. seeing as it was an EXPLOSION, I'd assume there was pretty much a 100% chance maomao would happen upon it.


Also another thing, we can easily assume Lakan being behind all these events/plots given his intelligence and position, BUT that's the thing about well written mysteries, IT'S NEVER THE MOST OBVIOUS PERSON, my bet it's one of the Concubines or the Emperor himself, Lakan just happened to figure out certain plots and is throwing stones in to make things more interesting out of boredom and now his daughter is involved hence his shocked face


That guard is so screwed. Time to turn up Jinshi!

Kassandra (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 05:00:38 Lakan's been paving the way for MaoMao to put together the whole thing as well. He tipped her off about the poisoned seaweed via Gaoshun, got her to investigate the metalworker's will via Jinshi, and even found the pipe at the warehouse but left it there for someone else to find (which ended up being MaoMao). If he were truly intent on an assassination plot, why go to such lengths to put all of the pieces of the puzzle in front of the person most likely to solve the mystery? He certainly has his own motives, but I don't think it's likely to be as easily revealed.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Lakan's been paving the way for MaoMao to put together the whole thing as well. He tipped her off about the poisoned seaweed via Gaoshun, got her to investigate the metalworker's will via Jinshi, and even found the pipe at the warehouse but left it there for someone else to find (which ended up being MaoMao). If he were truly intent on an assassination plot, why go to such lengths to put all of the pieces of the puzzle in front of the person most likely to solve the mystery? He certainly has his own motives, but I don't think it's likely to be as easily revealed.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Lakan's been paving the way for MaoMao to put together the whole thing as well. He tipped her off about the poisoned seaweed via Gaoshun, got her to investigate the metalworker's will via Jinshi, and even found the pipe at the warehouse but left it there for someone else to find (which ended up being MaoMao). If he were truly intent on an assassination plot, why go to such lengths to put all of the pieces of the puzzle in front of the person most likely to solve the mystery? He certainly has his own motives, but I don't think it's likely to be as easily revealed.
2024-02-20 03:41:37 Lakan's been paving the way for MaoMao to put together the whole thing as well. He tipped her off about the poisoned seaweed via Gaoshun, got her to investigate the metalworker's will via Jinshi, and even found the pipe at the warehouse but left it there for someone else to find (which ended up being MaoMao). If he were truly intent on an assassination plot, why go to such lengths to put all of the pieces of the puzzle in front of the person most likely to solve the mystery? He certainly has his own motives, but I don't think it's likely to be as easily revealed.

Lakan's been paving the way for MaoMao to put together the whole thing as well. He tipped her off about the poisoned seaweed via Gaoshun, got her to investigate the metalworker's will via Jinshi, and even found the pipe at the warehouse but left it there for someone else to find (which ended up being MaoMao). If he were truly intent on an assassination plot, why go to such lengths to put all of the pieces of the puzzle in front of the person most likely to solve the mystery? He certainly has his own motives, but I don't think it's likely to be as easily revealed.

Taiwo Aileru

So far there is little to suggest that Lakan wants to harm Maomao, he was captivated by her mother even to the point of devaluing her with pregnancy so he could remain forever attached to her, visited the brothel multiple times in the hope of seeing her and now expressed visible anger after she got hit with the bat. Lakan is intrigued with Maomao deduction skills so I guess he thought it was better she entered the ceremony to find some more stuff out. If he wanted Jinshi clapped he wouldn't have allowed Maomao to pass and if he wanted Maomao clapped he could've done it at any point in the story so far. I might be wrong but Jinshi had no idea about why he had been targeted, I think someone else other than Lakan and Maomao had figured out his true identity and Lakan's shocked face at the end was him putting the pieces together

Samuel XK

Yeah, i dont know if lakan is behind it all, but he certainly knew what was gonna happen, and let it slide anyway. Either way, his is a scumbag, and should face the consequences. Every situation he is involved one way or another. He seems like a final boss right now.


I don't think lakan was involved. At the end I saw it as him being concerned for his daughter when he saw her hurt that badly.


Nah I don’t think Lakan was pissed. He was deadass SCARED of the worst case scenario happening to his daughter. No way he would lay all this, knowing how strong Maomao’s deduction skills are, let her figure out what was gonna happen, then let her go ahead into the ceremonial hall where she coulda died. No way he’s risking his own daughter’s life just for her to witness Jinshi’s death

Muse of Salzburg

imo, it seems like Lakan is both shocked by his daughter being injured and at the fact that Jinshi, a very high up noble, is carrying here. I think maybe Lakan helped set up the falling beam incident, but whereas whoever else was involved wanted to kill Jinshi, he only cared about seeing if his daughter could figure it out, and didn't care whether or not the plan was a success. I don't think it's the wanting to see Jinshi die thing, that seems like it would require a lot of luck for the timing to line up.


it doesnt really make sense for it for it to be lakan he is the one that made it so maomao can save jinshi and his face at the end looked more like shock, if it was his plan that failed he would look at jinshi with anger instead


Heads are going to roll definitely. Jinshi's nobility and the Emperor favors him. I think he knows Jinshi is his half-brother. Word is going to get back to the Emperor so there's going to be some fire there. Then you've pissed off Jinshi who is smart and there's going to be hell to pay. Lakan I don't think is responsible directly. He may have given some hints to suggestions to whoever is responsible. The look of shock on his face I think is more that Maomao got injured. One thing I thought of a day after watching the ep is what happens when word gets to the concubines or the Verdigris House. A bunch of highly motivated women who are smart and sneaky. The guard who hit Maomao, he'll be lucky if it's only his beheading.


I think Lakan is most likely shocked at the fact that MaoMao got hurt because the show focused on her body as Jinshi was carrying her during that pov.

Gloccr (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-20 06:32:21 post the kdrama poll frrrr
2024-02-20 06:32:21 post the kdrama poll frrrr
2024-02-20 06:32:21 post the kdrama poll frrrr
2024-02-20 06:32:21 post the kdrama poll frrrr
2024-02-20 06:31:31 post the kdrama poll frrrr

post the kdrama poll frrrr


Yeah, the expecting Maomao to have been there and actually planned for it is way too specific, and also seems too twisted for such a pragmatic strategist. That said, Maomao kind of incepted the idea by speculating herself that the timing was too perfect, so I see how they got there.

Homeskilletbiscuits (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-20 07:04:19 Just want to point out that it was not Lakan that tried to kill Jinshi. Like Maomao said, this was something that had been planned for a long time. Some of the "accidents" also happened before Jinshi bought Maomao, like the salt poisoning incident.
2024-02-20 07:04:19 Just want to point out that it was not Lakan that tried to kill Jinshi. Like Maomao said, this was something that had been planned for a long time. Some of the "accidents" also happened before Jinshi bought Maomao, like the salt poisoning incident.
2024-02-20 07:04:19 Just want to point out that it was not Lakan that tried to kill Jinshi. Like Maomao said, this was something that had been planned for a long time. Some of the "accidents" also happened before Jinshi bought Maomao, like the salt poisoning incident.
2024-02-20 07:01:37 Just want to point out that it was not Lakan that tried to kill Jinshi. Like Maomao said, this was something that had been planned for a long time. Some of the "accidents" also happened before Jinshi bought Maomao, like the salt poisoning incident.

Just want to point out that it was not Lakan that tried to kill Jinshi. Like Maomao said, this was something that had been planned for a long time. Some of the "accidents" also happened before Jinshi bought Maomao, like the salt poisoning incident.

Homeskilletbiscuits (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 05:00:38 Delete this. You just posted a major spoiler. Jinshi's identity has not been revealed yet. Only that he is most likely someone high up.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Delete this. You just posted a major spoiler. Jinshi's identity has not been revealed yet. Only that he is most likely someone high up.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Delete this. You just posted a major spoiler. Jinshi's identity has not been revealed yet. Only that he is most likely someone high up.
2024-02-20 07:03:26 Delete this. You just posted a major spoiler. Jinshi's identity has not been revealed yet. Only that he is most likely someone high up.

Delete this. You just posted a major spoiler. Jinshi's identity has not been revealed yet. Only that he is most likely someone high up.

hyakimaru dono

What do u get by putting up spoilers huh?! Its going yo destroy thr experience for sheera and roshi and then what?

hyakimaru dono


Shin splits

I think lakan is the one that planned this. He definitely had an idea or even figured out the assassination was going to happen but let maomao figure it out. Remember one of the things that helped maomao figure everything out was a request that lakan sent in.


i need next episode now 😭


I’m so glad I started this show 😭



Kevin Kovacs

You're sooo right!! I forgot about that. Then it's not Lakan for sure now. Hopefully Roshi and Sheera is gonna figure it out by then.


lakan for sure wasnt behind it, even though he's got beef with jinshi. we know he cares about maomao genuinely in some way (as a daughter or trophy, unsure yet), hence his deep anger towards the guard that struck her. i think his expression when jinshi carried her out was horror, not at the failed plan, but at maomao's condition, possibly even the fact that he said "let her through", and unknowingly put her in danger. i can see this stoking his resentment towards jinshi, the "reason" she got hurt there.


If Maomao wasn’t a MC and died here. This could have been the start of Jinshin villain arc.


I think yall are off. I think Lakan did all of this to be able to see her. They made a point to let us know that every time he comes around they hide Maomao away until he leaves. So I don't think he's ever seen her before. The shock on his face was from seeing her face not because she was hurt because he already knew she was hurt.


This is not really a spoiler though? The show has made it very obvious at this point that Jinshi is either the emperor's son or younger brother, and Roshi & Sheera assume that as well after the baby swap episode. Plus, the original comment is incorrect in some ways.

The GoDKing 27 (edited)

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2024-02-20 11:40:41 It shouldn’t be lakan
2024-02-20 11:40:25 It shouldn’t be lakan. Y’all gonna get clapped in the comments

It shouldn’t be lakan. Y’all gonna get clapped in the comments

Bobby Robinson

Naaah mfs playing 3d chess in this show

ao kaze

For real. I don’t know where the assomption is coming from 😂 Lakan just wanted to stand up for her

Hasnain Khan


Kiril Kupenov

Don't think it was Lakan either. First off, why would she let Maomao in if he was in on the plot? She can prevent it and also get hurt. It looked like shock to me from getting Maomao's leg bleeding and seeing Jinshi inside. He didn't know what was going on, either why would he help Maomao get in after getting so pissed that the guard hit her. Looks like misdirection tbh, war is coming but most likely Jinshi and Lakan gonna team up cuz of this.


this show is too good, best anime couple


Also we can assume it's been a long while since he's seen his daughter close up. Seeing her and she's bloodied and bruised? Yeah that's a shock. Not to mention now he maybe sees why Jinshi didn't want to give her up.

Vincent S Deluca

It def wasnt Lakan lol, He had no reason to let Maomao in if the goal was killing a a noble/Jinshe, we dont even know if he knew it was Jinshe in there. I think hes shocked to see Maomao bleeding and uncouncious like she was, or finding out it was Jinshe inside and just HOW high up he actually is

zILovePelmeni _

i dont think it was lakan there are easier ways for him to get rid of jinshi. and lakan wasnt upset didnt you see his expression? he was shocked that sth happened to maomao even if he sees her as his posession

Shadavia Goodwin

Yall are way off. I can't wait for you guys to see how the seeds that have been planted throughout the season so far began to bloom. Jinish a real one, but Lakan don't play games about his daughter! There's a 3rd party player in this game that you guys are forgetting about entirely. They are the reason why Mao mao is hurt and jinishi almost got killed. They have been shown already.

Delinda Arts

i NEED to see crash out Jinshi


...why would you say that? That's literally spoiling them lmfao. Let the reveal come naturally bro wtf


So many people spoiling in the comments hope they arent reading this comment section wtf you lot. Some people just dont understand what spoilers mean

varus ez

Nice reaction! Can you watch Marry my husband next kdrama pleasee it's an amazing revenge kdrama


Yeah that seemed more like genuine shock over a “my plan is foiled” shock. He let her in because he believed in her deductive capabilities (isn’t that why he liked her mom in the first place?). This plan seemed to obtuse for him but maybe I’m tripping.


To be fair it’s half people actually spoiling and half people guessing correctly then people like you goin “no pls don’t spoil” and in turn actually spoiling.


Mostly sent that cuz of shadavia goodwins comment but yeah true- though that speculation from most people and others already saying it already spoils it anyways

Antonio Williams

Y'all gotta stop letting the MC blinders...well blind y'all. Maomao wasn't saying ANYTHING in her first couple sentences to the guard. If everyone was listened to when they yelled wolf they'd get nothing done in the palace. She was correct, but all she initially did was literally try and run past them. She could've easily been an assassin trying to get close to the nobles in there for all dude knew.

Gloccr (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 05:00:38 this or its okay to not be okay
2024-02-26 05:00:38 this or its okay to not be okay
2024-02-26 05:00:38 this or its okay to not be okay
2024-02-26 05:00:38 this or its okay to not be okay
2024-02-21 02:08:49 this or its okay to not be okay

this or its okay to not be okay

AnnameSama (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 05:00:38 I think purple hair girl is related to Jinshi, not MaoMao. I also think it’s super suspicious that we haven’t heard more about the new consort. My instinct is that Lakan is a distraction here. He’s so detestable, so he’s a perfect distraction.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 I think purple hair girl is related to Jinshi, not MaoMao. I also think it’s super suspicious that we haven’t heard more about the new consort. My instinct is that Lakan is a distraction here. He’s so detestable, so he’s a perfect distraction.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 I think purple hair girl is related to Jinshi, not MaoMao. I also think it’s super suspicious that we haven’t heard more about the new consort. My instinct is that Lakan is a distraction here. He’s so detestable, so he’s a perfect distraction.
2024-02-26 05:00:38 I think purple hair girl is related to Jinshi, not MaoMao. I also think it’s super suspicious that we haven’t heard more about the new consort. My instinct is that Lakan is a distraction here. He’s so detestable, so he’s a perfect distraction.
2024-02-21 03:09:01 I think purple hair girl is related to Jinshi, not MaoMao. I also think it’s super suspicious that we haven’t heard more about the new consort. My instinct is that Lakan is a distraction here. He’s so detestable, so he’s a perfect distraction.

I think purple hair girl is related to Jinshi, not MaoMao. I also think it’s super suspicious that we haven’t heard more about the new consort. My instinct is that Lakan is a distraction here. He’s so detestable, so he’s a perfect distraction.


They said in this episode that someone of nobility is conducting the ceremony. Maomao tells the guard that to try and get him to stop the ceremony because a noble would be killed or injured. So you see Jinshi conducting the ceremony so obviously he's some sort of nobility. They've alluded to Jinshi being favored by the emperor many eps back when Jinshi's being told to "manage the flower garden" aka the Rear Palace. Plus all the baby swap stuff from before the end of the first season. I haven't read the manga just paid attention to what is going on in the episodes.


The purple hair Jinshi has comes from Ah-Duo and she wasn't able to have any more children after him, so I think that's unlikely.


To me it just doesn't make sense that Lakan wanted to kill Jinshi, because if he wanted to, he could've just stayed quiet and used his authority to guide Maomao away from the ceremony instead of letting her in to save Jinshi. Allowing Maomao in, he risks losing her to beheading. I also feel like Lakan intentionally talked Lihaku into conversing with Maomao this episode, because there is little reason to discuss such matters with a servant, and Lakan showed interest in Lihaku a few episodes back. I think Lakan figured out the assassination attempt earlier, but he wanted Maomao to chase the clues.

Gabriel Sanchez

Lakan seemed angry af at the dude who hit maomao and if anything he seemed shocked at her being carried. I don't think he did anything towards Jinshin...gotta let it marinate it first before y'all clap

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

I don't know why people are saying you posted spoilers. Like Jinshi's real identity is fairly obvious. (Also manga readers stfu challenge. Nowhere in the original comment did it say OP read the manga so by opening ya'lls mouths to accuse them of posting spoilers ya'll are literally the ones doing the spoiling.)


I have two theories, people have forgotten what's happened in the past episodes or they're just not paying attention. I'm on this ride like most everyone else having not read the manga.


the leap in logic is truly comedic

Muricon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-26 05:00:38 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo
2024-02-24 15:45:23 Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo

Honestly I am everywhere with my logic for the episode so I'm in the same boat as yall lmao. But the one thing I do know is that is the look of a father who is horrified his daughter not only A) got her shit ROCKED with a metal bat; and B) clearly was the one who took the brunt of the trap. I don't know if he laid the trap, knew about the trap and didn't care, what ever it is, all I know is he was SHOOK his daughter was knocked the fuck out overall lmaooooo


I'm 100% with u on that, at first I was thinking it was Lakans doing but that reaction felt more like shock. I guess he could also be shocked cus the plan failed but I don't get that vibe at all. I was confused asf when I first watched it, I was not expecting that kinda reaction from him.