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next episode bout to be wild


Desert Penguin

Pluto tomorrow and Thursday?

Jazmyne Mattucci

And what kills me is they got the Dark Souls music in the bg for final boss Frieren. Truly would put the fear of god in them if they had the health bar show up

Hasnain Khan


Danger Tomato

Another glorious day of sub supremacy

Devin B

I sympathize with Himmel's reasoning for exploring the dungeons, I want to make sure I get everything obtainable before completing the Dungeon otherwise I feel like I missed out on something good.


I feel so bad for Denken. He just fought her a WEEK AGO.

Byron Wright

He fought her a week ago, lost, and she wasn't trying to kill him. These clones may not know mercy.


It was scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday last week so it will probably be the same this week.

Thomas Juino (edited)

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2024-02-19 23:26:30 i hope the fake Frieren will fall for a mimic chest XD it would be hilarious !!
2024-02-19 23:21:11 i hope the fake Frieren will fall for a mimic chest XD it would be hilarious !!

i hope the fake Frieren will fall for a mimic chest XD it would be hilarious !!


Denken said the girl's behavior was copied as well, so fake Frieren could very possibly spare them

lyssa (edited)

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2024-02-19 23:43:31 I’m so hyped for what’s to come
2024-02-19 23:38:03 HIMmel was a true gamer

HIMmel was a true gamer

Mario Huizar (edited)

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2024-02-19 23:52:20 Denkin is saying that if it wasn’t a test to become a first class mage he would’ve cracked his bottle, as in this is the only way to become a mage so he can’t back out. Not because he think he can beat Frieren. He’s admitting they can’t by saying the breaking the bottle line.
2024-02-19 23:51:53 Denkin is saying that if this wasn’t a test to become a first class mage he would’ve cracked his bottle, as in this is the only way to become a first class mage so he can’t back out. Not because he thinks he can beat Frieren. He’s admitting they can’t by saying the breaking the bottle line.

Denkin is saying that if this wasn’t a test to become a first class mage he would’ve cracked his bottle, as in this is the only way to become a first class mage so he can’t back out. Not because he thinks he can beat Frieren. He’s admitting they can’t by saying the breaking the bottle line.


I’m not even mad Denken said what he said at the end lol. I would’ve cracked my bottle too if it weren’t a test.


Fugazi Frieren is about to watch you break your bottle, kill your golem, and then stuff you with the leftovers.


People do say it might spare them, but the clone seems them as enemies and we know how Frieren deals with enemies


No Apothecary Diaries?

Oni Legend

Bro Himmel might deadass be the greatest nigga alive in anything. Like you’re telling me EVERYTHING this man was a gem? “Oh yeah man make sure you explore the dungeon. Life’s short so enjoy everything you can” “Yeah bro greatest thing you can do is help change someone” “I don’t need the chosen one god sword. Making it out the mud yourself keeps you humble” “Don’t be afraid to stop and help someone. Doing what you can is the only way we make sure our world improves” Like did this nigga ever miss once???? No wonder Frieren is so inspired by this man after all them years. Him and Rentarou are apparently just THOSE NIGGAS


It's now clear the real reason Himmel's group was able to beat the Demon King was they got over-leveled doing all these side missions and exploring dungeons.

Oni Legend

Also clone Frieren is absolutely terrifying just because the level of skill we see her and Fern use comes from mastering simple basic spells and being efficient. Now imagine if someone that has been traveling around collecting spells and studying magic for over 1000 years all while being trained by the greatest mage to ever live decided to stop fucking around and pull out the big guns. Spells and shit you’ve never even seen or heard of before. Grandmaster levels of magic you thought was just fairy tales. That being said at the beginning of the arc, Frieren made it a point to say that she’s been defeated plenty of times by mages “weaker” or with less mana then her so she’s not Saitama levels of invincible but that doesn’t mean everyone has a chance with a little bit of luck, skill, and ingenuity


There’s no way whatever is in this dungeon would create clones of invaders with no way to control them. When Denken said that the clones copy the originals’ behavior, he meant that they copy their combat behavior. So Frieren’s copy can be expected to use the same full auto, low cost saturation attacks that the original uses.


The last scene is so ripe for memes lol. Where my FFXIV players at? https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1atq7f6/turned_this_scene_into_a_ffxiv_savage_intro/

Cameron Hall

Also I feel like because Frieren is exploring more than just progressing maybe she didn't reach her mimic and instead denkens squad got there first

Rin Okumura

Frieren anything above 0% and below 100% is just 50/50.

Oni Legend

See i would say thats an L…but with some of the flashbacks we’ve gotten, it honestly looks like he was well aware of the type of person Frieren is but still truly loved her all the same because he felt she was just that special to him I don’t think i can count that as an L in that case

danial javady

Blue Exorcist has caught me off guard with its new season. I've been really enjoying it.

Skebaba (edited)

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2024-02-20 01:57:23 This pull has 1% chance of being an SSR tier drop, which practically means it's a 100% guaranteed!!!
2024-02-20 01:56:30 This pull has 1% chance of being an SSR tier drop, which practically means it's a 100% guaranteed!!! Also is it just me or is that dungeon some type of secret Hall of Cost industrial-grade facility? There's those huge af orange glow rectangles on all those huge af pillars

This pull has 1% chance of being an SSR tier drop, which practically means it's a 100% guaranteed!!! Also is it just me or is that dungeon some type of secret Hall of Cost industrial-grade facility? There's those huge af orange glow rectangles on all those huge af pillars


The Frieren clone descending from the heavens like Sephiroth, mixed with what Denken said, is PEAK.


So that's how Himmel beat the Demon King. He was a Completionist! He had to 100% every single Dungeon. And Frieren had to collect every single spell and collectible. By the time they met the Demon King they were max level lol :D


The dude arguing with Denken lost me when he said he was going alone. Like dude, you talked of all that shit and you thought going alone is the best way to pass the test? What happened if you faced traps or mechanisms that need at least 2 people to solve? At least going with your former teammates or something smh.


Magic TenTen got the moves! Who knew her staff was just like Goku's Power Pole?


Here! Hahahahahaha, this is perfect! I can see Phase 2 already, where Frieren summons Himmel and the rest of the Hero's Party. Though, it'd probably be an Ultimate


You know what, throwing some mimics at her is not a bad idea lol

danial javady

I hope the frieren mimic isn't as powerful as she is. It would be really really really weird otherwise.


22:05 Denken: "Why do I hear Boss Music?"

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

I personally think the test auditor is making these clones. She's a "pacifist" but she's technically not the one fighting the test takers, it's themselves.

Devin B

Realistically he wanted to be more than just comrades with Frieren but he was contempt with spending time with her regardless of their status

Arima Kana (edited)

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2024-02-20 03:21:44 I think himmel probably doggie fuck frieren when she is stuck in the mimic otherwise how did she know pushing in can get her out? That also explains why himmel loved dungeon so much lol.
2024-02-20 03:19:47 I think himmel probably doggie fuck frieren when she was stuck in the mimic otherwise how did she know pushing in can get her out? That also explains why himmel loved dungeon so much lol.

I think himmel probably doggie fuck frieren when she was stuck in the mimic otherwise how did she know pushing in can get her out? That also explains why himmel loved dungeon so much lol.

_monjiro (edited)

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2024-02-20 03:21:44 Sad to say, but I've been in the anime community long enough to know that the amount of "Freiren Mimic Stuck" R34 is about to skyrocket after this episode. Its gg for wholesome elf lady.
2024-02-20 03:20:00

Arima Kana

It is actually the first thing I can think of since the very first episode


im mad the mimic theory might actually be what beats her LMAO

Lea Garrido

I'm assuming that the stain on the ground was the first guy who decided he was going it alone- guess that decision hit him pretty hard didn't it? oof lol

Delinda Arts

they put crack in these Frieren episodes man


Damn we got cute lil elf girl frieren getting stuck in mimics and Literal boss music frieren descending from the heavens to fsu in the same episode. Peak after peak, week after week.


Yeah mimic frieren going HAM next episode we already know!

Nick Baynes

That was probably an adventurer that died there. All the mages have the golems that can get them out of the dungeon safely


Frieren + Fern probably gonna be facing Sense's clone as well


Yeah, that mimic is on demon time for sure - it won't be using just regular offensive magic.


Imagine the Golem looking around for someone to save after the same ceiling that crushed its bottle, also pulverised the mage into dust within a millisecond.


"Why is there boss music?"


Denken "why do I hear boss music?"


that frieren literally came in like a final souls boss

Delinda Arts

Y’all are the best reactors doin it rn.


Himmel had gamer mentality

Montrelle Morton

The mimic Sheeragan was crazy lmao

zacharie garondo

i just want to see Denken run out of mana one last time

Aidan Price

Best reaction channel out rn for sure



Lea Garrido

Possibly, but if that ceiling came down as fast and hard as it would need to to pulverize bones into dust, he wouldn't have time to USE the golem to get out safely lol

Orlandez Malone

I can't think of a more terrifying opponent in this universe than a clone of Frieren that (probably) won't show mercy or hold back. I'd break my bottle immediately lol


Btw the reason they say the dungeon is brutal it’s because it quite literally is, there are many traps that could clap u for making one small wrong mistake but frieren has gotten so good at detecting them without magic that it legit just feels like a field trip for them, the girl was right to call them the safest team


Nah the stein seems very very old (there is no blood) so it’s probably a mage from a while back


I feel like it won’t be a complete copy of frieren, this would be the most op ability in the entire show if it were the case, I feel like mimic magic would work like downloading a package into your pc, the pc being the persons mana. Frieren would be like a 200TB package, and if it doesn’t work like this then I’m surprise it hasn’t been used more in this universe


I've never related so hard to a character before than himmel and frieren trying to avoid the main route so you can find them hidden chests w/ the minor potion you'll hoard "just in case" until new game+++ demon king didn't even stand a chance


hmm....if on the slim chance it IS a demon conjuring the mimics, wouldn't the frieren clone have almost no mana?? afaik no demon alive knows of her real mana capacity. prolly not a demon tho imo

Devin reid

Roshi I doubt you’ll see this but Frieren episode 6 is missing it’s not here anymore under the tab


he forgot to tag it but if you type it in the search itll pop it

Malachi ☎️

PLEASE check out Durarara! after this you guys would absolutely enjoy it. I wish there was like a show admission and description box or something but you guys get so many recommendations already. Just hope one da you guys watch it (It'll probably be one of your favorites because it has almost has ever genre so please watch it as a trio lmao)


Gotta full clear the dungeon so you find that one SSS+ Item that turns an end game 30 min boss fight into a 5 min one lol.


“Did yall save?” This was funny af but activated my RPG ptsd at the same time lol

A. P.

"I'm a nigga in a bottle baby, gotta rub me the right way baby" 🎶


That and the she has probably cleared much harder dungeons. This is probably like a B-rank or A-rank dungeon to her with the maximum difficulty being S-rank or S+ rank.


Himmel is like me in Elden Ring currently, I gotta 100% every area before suddenly it's been 20+hrs & I forgot about fighting bosses because I was looting

Rishad GB

Bro that escape golem cake tho