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Rice pushed him over the edge lmao



Last season we got Not Mike Tyson, now we have Not Manny Pacquiao 😂


Bro when it comes to martial arts I'm not the biggest boxing guy but the disrespect to boxing in this show is ridiculous

Devin B

Baki wanting to have a meal with Yujiro is in a way sad because he probably thought about wanting to do something normal with his family but because of how they're are they could never get to that point. Only when he got the courage to challenge him to a fight is when he got the courage to ask him to share a meal.


Nigga finna crash out over rice 😭




I maybe crazy but is that Lennox Lewis?

Hasnain Khan


Dues Montana

no this coach is tryna teach him if you wanna come in a boxing gym to learn boxing then do boxing don’t bring your kung fu in here it’s restu that’s really disrespecting them because he’s beating others based off his martial arts and not boxing that’s why manny said you started a war with boxing because he came into their world the boxing world and is steadily destroying them with martial arts and not boxing just like ali jr did with baki


They have prosthetics at this point in time just give pretty and katsumi one


Sheera hilarious this episode 😂


Roshi said they hit each other and nothing happens. We watching the same show? Lol mrs losing limbs. Brain damage. Getting chunks bit off. Skin ripped off. Huh?? 😂

kage Rodgers

Love you guys but thirty sex jokes every episode for every reaction and the same jokes gets crazy. It’s been years we ain’t got no new shit in the tank.

Arima Kana

I don’t think yujiro is mad because cooking is feminine 😂 he is just really shocked that someone want to have a normal meal time with him especially baki who is supposed to entertain him by fighting him. But it is still mad funny you guys think of him this way😂


This man lupa was hurt🤣


Ima have to rewatch this one because even though I was looking for all the sex jokes you mentioned, nothing stood out to me as being too much. But I’ll rewatch later and come back with the count

Devin B

Honestly it's not that farfetched to think he would think of cooking as feminine. Plus like they said in the reaction Yujiro actually has meals with people a lot.


The plastic bag must be the best animated fight of the whole series.


Ayo, Sheera has been insane lately. Talking about back then while its literally present time and was it the previous or before that where she said Baki's mom wants to have sex with Baki.


Jon Jones arc is going to be the best arc in Baki. It's like the Water 7 of Baki.