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Season 3 coming this year!



Season 3 in June


just got my food w VIDEO!!

Akila Yaw

Honestly I know carmy and syd aren’t gonna be together but I still ship them lol, I’ll stick with the friend-ship..for now..

Hasnain Khan


Akila Yaw

Anyone else get super prepared for these videos lol, I made a whole plan to watch this when I get home after work….. I gotta take a shower, get some food, juice, and get in bed, cover up and watch


Kudos to Sheera for calling Josh was a tweaker in his first appearance in S2E4.

Devin reid

Banshee next hopefully?


When I worked at a restaurant there was deadass a methhead at my shit too. Do every restaurant gotta fire one? 😂😂

SageMode 1205

It was the guy who was shit talking carmy at his old job. That's why he started freaking out right after he saw him when he went out to see Claire.


I feel like Sydney is going to end up with Marcus because of all the build up, And Carmy will fix his relationship with claire because despite it being annoying to watch for some, they suit each other well.


Donna is the name of Carmy’s mom. Ritchie was saying Carmy’s like Donna in that they both can’t accept happiness in their lives.

Akila Yaw

Really, idk about Marcus lol I did ship them but idk if syd wants that

izad ikram

bruh these trio forget whos Donna is :/


Donna is Carmy mom, Richie felt bad as soon as he said that to him. And the banana with chocolate Cicero mentioned his dad used to give him one when he was a kid


ahhh okay. Not enough rapport to remember her name tbh lol this makes sense though!

zacharie garondo

No this show is to good they been cooking (pun intended)

J Man

Sheera spot on in the post discussion. Richie's self confidence growth was so much. That stemmed back to Richie's reflection at the beginning of the season where he was questioning his purpose in the world while wearing the "Original Berf" shirt


This is my favorite episode of the series. I apologize for sleeping on this show. 🔥🔥🔥


Donna is Carmy’s mother btw. Pete said her name earlier in the ep.


Donna is def his mom’s name yall lol


I love how season 1 ending was full of hope and optimism while this season's ending left me filled with despair. God, I love this show.


“Well that’s one thing him and Syd can relate on” is sickkk 😭😭😭 Sheera cracking jokes towards the end of the episode got me 💀


Donna is their mum.


Nahhh Wrd niggas don’t know bout banshee 😮‍💨


Iono I feel bad for Sydney. She’s going down the path Carmy did in New York for greatness, throwing up like Carmy did for her work. If the parallels continue, I’m worried season 3 might have Carmy and Syd having a similar dynamic that Carmy had with Joel McHale. Afraid Carmy might go down a dark path in season 3. We’ll see this June.


I think Carmy's starting to show the mental illness he gotfrom his mom, seems like he got a bunch of those packed in there, bipolar,depression,anxiety and many more, lets hope he doesnt get suicidal like his brother


Even worse, Carmy hallucinated that guy being there due to PTSD and stress. He wasn’t actually there.

Vongola Fiamme (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 04:09:27 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow
2024-02-10 04:09:27 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow
2024-02-10 04:09:27 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow
2024-02-10 04:09:27 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow
2024-02-10 04:09:27 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow
2024-02-10 04:09:27 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow
2024-02-10 04:09:27 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow
2024-02-10 01:50:13 Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow

Donna is his mothers name. also how is that argument Carmy's fault exactly? like sure the fridge and the service sure but that argument is specifically cause Richie decided he wanted to go for a low blow

Oni Legend

Man that scene between Pete and Donna might be my favorite one in the series. Like that gets me so emotional every time. And then the after scene where he’s trying to let down Sugar softly while letting her know how proud and in love with her he is. Seriously massively underrated character As far as Carmy this episode, i think he had kind of had some sort of episode or something because he was acting very VERY similar to both Mikey and his mom with his outburst and behavior. Hence why Richie called him Donna during their argument. All 3 of them have had a thing where they just massively self sabotaged and self destructed due to a mental breakdown Mikey cut Carmy out because he felt like he was nothing and going nowhere and didn’t want his brother to see him suffer or drag him down and eventually he took his life Donna’s scene with Pete where she couldn’t go inside because she was afraid to ruin everything that her kids had built And then Carmy completely mentally breaking down when he thought he saw his old NY chef and basically losing his shit the whole time with the snapping and his argument with Richie and everything he said about not deserving happiness with Claire. Although its hard to tell if its a geniune hereditary mental illness thing or just how his family rolls Therapy arc next season for sure. Carmy finna go the Thorfinn route and I honestly think his character conclusion might be him giving up cooking and letting go of all that because it doesn’t make him happy and instead seems to ruin his life.

Antonio Williams

That's a good catch. ANd we already know that Carmy treats greatness like an "FU" to people who he feels slighted him in some way and as a general escape. He did it with staying away from family drama, he made his mark in the culinary world almost exclusively as an FU to Mickey and I do think he's going to lean into the sacrificial aspect of things and decide to lean into the "greatness it eh only thing that matters" thing. And since we're going on with parallels, we might have Syd coming into conflict with Marcus because of mutual feelings or whatnot.

Ky Williams

carmy better than me i might’ve alt+deleted myself after that night+ voicemai😭

Antonio Williams

The way this series has is characters earn their Ls and Ws is amazing. Like most shows may have had one mention of the fridge, maybe 2. Carmy had like 5 mentions to get his stuff together and paid the price for it. I've only felt this much pride in a cast's growth when Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa. And I really appreciate how the show A, knows we're in a streaming age and B, uses that to really not hold the viewers hands with things. The banana was "The Mickey" but I don't think they actually showed it on screen, Marcus just mentioned it to Syd and Carmy during his presentation. Now...Succession!!

Ivory Cooper

Season 3 announced for June of this year.


Pete really is an underrated character and honestly has all the green flags in my book after this episode.


It wasn't him, Carmy saw it as him , but it was just a guy that looked similar, rewatch the scene, it shows the old guy first, then it reveals its just someone who looks the same.


I'm not sure if Richie did that intentionally or if it was a Freudian slip, because the way Carmy was acting is like Donna. I think it's more the latter

Ololade Adeyanju (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 04:09:27 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary
2024-02-10 04:09:27 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary
2024-02-10 04:09:27 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary
2024-02-10 04:09:27 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary
2024-02-10 04:09:27 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary
2024-02-10 04:09:27 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary
2024-02-10 04:09:27 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary
2024-02-10 02:05:28 You guys need to try Abbott Elementary

You guys need to try Abbott Elementary

David Niemczyk

Donna was the mom’s name


The moment with the mom and Pete and Richie’s argument fucked me up so bad

Uly A O

This ep was so well executed. Everyone was on their game til they weren’t. Donna and Pete was gut wrenching just cause both were doing their best for their family. Donna did the best thing, imo, and not come because it would just accelerated Camry’s decline. To understand you can’t express to love your family is the hardest thing to admit given her mental health. And Pete was the unfortunate middle man who loves this family with all his fucking heart and I don’t think he got enough credit for that. Syd relying on Richie/Tina was awesome cause she was losing it. But it was mainly due to Carmy dropping the ball so hard. She was in the flow once she got the help. Carmy let all the anxiety/stress get to him. His self sabotaging behavior has been shown since season 1. Anytime it felt like something went wrong he had already thrown in the toilet before that. Carmy may just be a person who doesn’t end up in relationship and that is okay. But what he did to Claire, who always had this back, was terrible. Especially when she made it clear, I am staying by your side. Really hope they resolve a lot of these in some fashion next season.


@Sekraan It’s heartbreaking to see Ritchie call Carmy out on his shit. You gotta wonder if he tried doing that with Mikey and got similarly shut down. Or maybe this is growth and Ritchie is gonna try to stop Carmy from going down a dark path like his family members. Hopefully he succeeds.

Nick Vaughn

Donna is the mom so Richie was comparing him to her


Donna is Carmy's mom......not the ex


It actually hurt my soul how many small details from previous episodes they missed or got confused about cuz they didn’t pay attention 😭😭😭


You guys are seriously the best reactors on YouTube. I love how insightful you are and how you pick up on so much I didn’t. You’re hilarious too. Can’t wait to watch season 3 with y’all


It’s a first time watch through. And they’re reacting which means having to keep up a commentary while the show’s going on which makes things extra hard to be vigilant of everything. And this show’s extra on having details be small one off events that can easily be missed. So iono it’s all understandable imo


When he was trying to calm himself in the previous episode when he was panicking, it was thinking about Syd that calmed him down. Even though he tried to think of Claire, his panic won, but not with Syd. So I’m holding out hope that it does happen. Which would make Carmy, Syd, and Marcus’ relationship interesting 🤔.

Asante Upshur-Benson

I think season 3 is gonna be Richie and the rest of the restaurant helping Carmy just like he helped them this season. I can’t wait for June


Nah u r right I’m not saying it isn’t understandable I’m just letting out my small frustrations as a shows die hard fan lol 😫 still a W reaction tho

Kere Jibi

Lupa's crying routine funny asf

Akila Yaw

God loll idk I’m biased… I just want c-ydney/ S-car…..

Don'tReadMyUsername (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 02:38:42 I don’t blame Carmy 100% for that argument. He spent the entire night stuck inside the walk in on opening day. Obviously he’s going to be on full tilt. Ritchie should have walked away the second he felt that argument starting. I dunno. How y’all feel?
2024-02-10 02:37:31 I don’t blame Carmy 100% for that argument. He spent the entire night stuck inside the walk in on opening day. Obviously he’s going to be on full tilt. Ritchie should have walked away the second he felt that argument starting. That was not the time to press him. Save it for tomorrow. I dunno. How y’all feel?

I don’t blame Carmy 100% for that argument. He spent the entire night stuck inside the walk in on opening day. Obviously he’s going to be on full tilt. Ritchie should have walked away the second he felt that argument starting. That was not the time to press him. Save it for tomorrow. I dunno. How y’all feel?

J Man (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 02:41:45 What we can blame him on is not getting the fridge fixed from 3 months prior (if he didn't ask Marcus to toss him the phone and break it, he would have taken care of the fridge right then)
2024-02-10 02:41:11 What we can blame him on is not getting the fridge fixed from 3 months prior (if he didn't ask Marcus to toss him the phone and break it, he would have taken care of the fridge right then. Then all the actual distractions ensued)

What we can blame him on is not getting the fridge fixed from 3 months prior (if he didn't ask Marcus to toss him the phone and break it, he would have taken care of the fridge right then. Then all the actual distractions ensued)


Carmy already having panic attacks and anxiety etc., him being stuck in the walk in was the worst possible scenario.


Yeah, he put himself there, but regardless of whose fault it is, you know he's not in the best head space.

J Man

Carmy vs. Fridge will go down as one of the greatest fights in anime history. The fridge won!!! 😂 ❄️


I need season 3 right now



Samuel XK

and richie said that mikey suicide was carmy's fault. that one was craaaazzy, can't defend the guy for this


Damn, this show caught me off guard. Season 3 can't come fast enough. a Black Sails reaction would be fire while we wait tho... just sayin ;)


The banana was specifically for Cicero since it has personal significance to him. It's not one of the standard desserts - you're thinking of the cannoli Marcus made perhaps.


He actually didnt ask for him to throw it. Marcus just walked up said something about a fridge guy and tossed it. Carmy didnt even realize it was a phone thrown at him until after it broke


the pete and donna convo and then the richie and carmy argument right after fucked me up bad the first time i watched this, cant wait for season 3

Alejandra P.

For a short series that’s completed, reaction to Fleabag.


@Samuel XK not at all what he said. He called Carmy out for not being at Mikey’s funeral.

John Cedar

The amount of people taking drugs to keep up in any given profession is higher than you think, but it's really high in kitchens 😅

John Cedar

Banshee is insane, they loved Warrior so they'll love that. More people need to give that show a chance, it's got so many sex scenes though so Lupa and Sheera will have a lot of material to work with 😂


Nah, the cannoli was “The Michael.” The chocolate banana was mentioned in the Christmas episode.


I got more emotional on this rewatch with you guys than I did by myself. Donna’s conversation with Pete, Richie and Carmys argument and even Claire made me feel awful for her


Favorite episode. Glad you guys gave this show a chance. Hopefully Succession can be next!


Ooooh I’ve been on the Succession hype train, but I completely forgot about Fleabag! They would love it. I’d even take it as a duo reaction.


im not saying claire deserved what carmy said but she did kinda insert herself into carmy's life as he already had a lot going on

Jaylen Otero

I don’t think anyone brought it up yet but during the fishes episode Mr. Kalinowski brings up a story about how he used to eat chocolate bananas with his dad and it was a very sentimental moment for him, Cousin was sitting next to him so he overheard the conversation and offered the dessert as a kind gesture

Teddy McDonald

"I'm gonna make one" is nasty work 💀


Not going to lie the chaos all started with Syd cause she didn’t know how to drive the tickets an caused everybody stress that’s why she was looking at the ticket counter and why she felt sick after.


ya'll gotta checkout succession after this


yall gotta react to Succession or Atlanta after this! preferably Atlanta since it only 30mins episodes.


Carmy and Richie’s argument hurts because Richie was trying to salvage it by saying I love you then it went balls to the walls. The Donna comment sent Carmy over the edge though—i think especially cuz of last incident and that she ain’t show up

Xavier Baker

you cant say what he did to claire,Imagine your venting to your mom and she has the phone on speaker with your wife beside her,and he was in his head so he didnt hear what Tina said when she said she'd be back ,he was just venting,as you can see he didnt meant what he said he was just trying to get it off his chest with someone he clearly sees as a mother like figure and claire ended up hearing it ,so its kinda hard to call it self sabotage when you literally think your talking to someone else,like when girls vent to their friends/family about their boyfriend and vice versa ,yes him being in the fridge was his fault and i acknowledge that ,and then Richie pulled up with aggression asking what he said to Claire while Carmy was drowning in his regret and Carmy that we KNOW has trouble processing,understanding and resolving his emotions retaliated with what he received and spewed his intrusive thoughts ,and lets not forget ,everybody in this show has trauma of some sort but Carmy is literally a functioning psychopath from childhood straight up to adulthood he has dealt with demeaning opinions from himself and others,not an excuse,BUT we also cant pretend this is some anime with the power of trauma turning into the power of healing,in IRL all that shit happened in the span of like six-seven months from the death of Michael all the way to Opening night,now I dont know about you ,but for someone with the amount trauma like Carmy im sure thats not even enough time to heal from your Brother's death much less processing emotions you dont even understand ,i think ppl fail to understand Carmy is kinda like Bruce Banner and Marc Specter(Moon Knight) they didnt resolve their childhood trauma ,they locked it away and pushed it to the way side till it eventually reared their ugly head in the form of Hulk and Marc's insanity and multiple personality disorder ,essentially children in the body of adults,Carmy is so emotionally stunted he wishes to just watch his life burn away(from the time he was cooking boxes and when he let the fire spread in the kitchen)so you try being a newborn(emotion wise) and then you wake up tomorrow to being showered in different emotions and ppl telling you, you NEED to accept theirs and reciprocate,and when you do in the only way you know how,they get upset ,see what im saying,im not saying its right and im not saying he doesnt have his self sabotaging moments but to just completely overlook the fact that the only kind of development when Carmy got to express himself as Carmy was at a fucking SEMINAR is wild ,everyone else got at least a week or more for self development of both skill/self to really introspect,the most time Carmy ever got to introspect was the time he got to vent(btw it seems that everyone kinda forgets he handles his emotions by venting,not the best but for someone so stunted ,i think we can all agree it works to some degree with him no)at the fucking SEMINAR which was like a 15-20 minute monologue ,so while everyone was leveling up trying to catch up to Carmy,Carmy was trying to understand himself,do you understand how crazy that is,everyone is chasing YOU and your chasing yourself ,again im not saying it was right ,but when your venting you tend not to notice your surroundings and when you vent your trying to get something off your mind and when he was venting to Tina,bam Claire is there,when Claire left ,bam he was hit with Richie,and hold on folks its not done there yet,he'll have to handle Sugar having and focusing on her baby ,then Syd who is gonna be pushing it really hard now,Marcus who we're assuming may have lost his mom opening night and whichever other characters go through shit while trying to help others go through their own shit and to top if all off, Carmy the FUNCTIONING PYSCHOPATH ACKNOWLEDGED HE'S A FUCNTIONING PYSCHOPATH,on top of Richie comparing him to his MOM,when the demon has been released out of that fridge I hope y'all dont get too mad at him,cs now he's reverting not to The Beef Carmy ,no he's on that Meliodas shit,he's devolving into the Carmy who's game we're clearly not familiar with ,be on that Best Restaurant in the country Carmy ,I hope im wrong but if im right im not too surprised ,but aye i understand any disagreements others may have with the way i see things ,again im not saying his actions were correct ,im saying I can understand especially being someone who was previously stunted emotionally like Carmy ,what he needs right now is not any more support,he needs time to digest,restart ,kinda like Teddy From Snowfall or Tommy from Peaky Blinders after he stopped drinking ,he needs some time to sort out his head and when that happens and he evolves into a Legendary Pokemon ,just know i was the one who said that shit

Xavier Baker

imagine throwing yourself into a hurricane because you like water and then getting surprised when you get hurt,its not deserved but its kinda expected ,i mean thats basically what she did,better yet she went with the mindset that a lot of females do when they get with a broken man "I can fix him or help him heal"is one of the worst ways to go about it when starting a relationship with a broken guy,at least from what I've seen,some make it work but the majority of those relationships ending up getting radioactive and the girl leaving with more scars than she previously had

Xavier Baker

i mean he already anticipated that even if she did show up it would be like a T-rex in a building full of selfish humans,a giant SHITSHOW ,so im not sure why everyone keeps bringing it up,he expected the worst even if she showed up so the comment only pissed him off cs thats family no matter ,its like how only you can diss you brother and him you,anyone else does and its a fight

Xavier Baker

i mean he already anticipated that even if she did show up it would be like a T-rex in a building full of selfish humans,a giant SHITSHOW ,so im not sure why everyone keeps bringing it up,he expected the worst even if she showed up so the comment only pissed him off cs thats family no matter ,its like how only you can diss you brother and him you,anyone else does and its a fight

Xavier Baker

did you see that nigga in the freezer after that fucking Voicemail,that was not Carmy,that was Bear ,that was the BEST IN THE USA sitting there,Syd think this shit finna be sweet ,she finna find out

Xavier Baker

I mean,can you even blame him,in fact thats kinda fucked up even more that you think about it,Richie aint dumb he know damn well why Carmy aint show up to that funeral,but when your in a arguement ,anything flies out the Cake Hole


ya she's been showing that the stress of it all really gets to her, she's probs better off on the cooking side than running the tickets


I was so sad about Marcus’s mom, but I’m also glad that he gets his own story

Bria A.

Speaking of incredibly minor details with payoff, Nat was bugging Carmy about them not stocking enough / putting aside enough budget for forks in the beginning of the fucking season. 😭


this was a journey, i would recommend moving or fleabag for the future

Xavier Baker

listen i feel the same way ,cs he was talking to TINA ,all them other niggas inserted themselves into places they should not be,imagine over hearing a convo or someone CLEARLY VENTING to themselves ,which means its either not for you to hear or their not speaking to you and just making that decision to be like "Alright its dont",exactly why it was extremely weird to me when Carmy clearly did not want to speak to this woman and she inserted herself into his life ONCE AGAIN ,its like how Snowfall ended when Cissy refused to talk Franklin but in the reverse ,didnt even think to hear the nigga out ,like yk and whats funny she hears him shit talking himself so she knew damn well that was a vent but thats all beside the point ,the only reason and i repeat the only reason this nigga Carmy blew up like that is because he came with aggression,especially when you dont know the situation......and Richie,who has had TWO WHOLE SEASONS OF GROWTH should clearly understand that after all his face offs with Carmy started with aggression from either side ,couldve left him to chill in the freezer but i get it ,I really do he cares for Claire and seeing that expression got him pissed,like someone breaking your little sister's heart but from the way they heard him freaking the fuck out in the freezer the WHOLE NIGHT,come on now

Xavier Baker

i could see that,i honestly could,only reason i say i would disagree is cs he's on the Franklin Saint shit now,well I've got nothing to lose....FUCK IT

Alexis Sullivan

So is it safe to assume their mom killed herself? Cuz she was in a bad way during that convo with Pete and then she dies later that night? I think she killed herself

Xavier Baker

your absolutely right,but IRL this shitshow from Michael's death to Opening night was like six-seven months maybe a little more ,but again i have to say is this,when your an emotionally stunted individual and emotions come flying to you from so many different places when you dont even understand your own ,its kind of hard to "get your shit together" ,especially when when the only growth you get wasnt even growth,it was a vent to a bunch of random people for like 15 minutes and to the people you know about a goo 5 maybe 10 minutes realistically ,everybody else got at least months or didnt have no trauma and yes he had his moments with Claire but again IRL that shit lasted like maybe being generous ,like 1 month and a half,but most of his time was in the restaurant ,yh they fucked,but pussy gets you nowhere and it was like two teenagers in the body of adults dating ,hell he didnt even know the definition of a girlfriend,everybody just ups and forgets this niggas life basically just started,he just started living a couple months ago

Xavier Baker

the fact that yall can even think about parings is crazy to me,did we not all just witness the Hell Demon being released from his icy prison,that wasnt Carmy,that was the Bear,that was the Best Restaurant in the States Chef

Xavier Baker

as if they aint watch 6 seasons of niggas literally starting crack before this

Xavier Baker

Roshi,lets be real for a sec,you dont have to respond but look at it from a IRL perspective time wise,do you think Carmy even remotely understands his own emotions and how to handle them when the best he did was vent in front of a room of strangers at a seminar

Devin B

It's mostly because of how his mom is that the comment sent him off. Only Nat was concerned about the mom showing up.


Succession next PLEASE 🙏

Devin B

Richie is the MVP this season just from his character development alone.


When Donna was having that conversation with Pete, I thought about what she said on episode 6, "I'

Devin B

I feel bad for both Carmy and Claire, Claire just wants to be there for him but Carmy doesn't know how to deal with it. She deserves someone that could accept her love and Carmy needs to know how to accept love because I'm afraid of what life has in store for him if he keeps going on with this mindset.


-"I made something beautiful for them but no one ever makes something beautiful for me" and I kinda teared up cus like...thats what they are trying to do for her in that moment. They made something beautiful for her. She just didn't have it in her to see it and I understand.

Samke Dladla

To be fair Sydney also called the fridge guy Tony yesterday. But it doesn't really matter because Carmy has him saved as "Fridge guy" anyway.

Samke Dladla

Pete had me in tears the first time I watched this.

Jaime Ruiz

Honestly… why the fuck wouldn’t anyone tell Camry to stfu and that Claire was coming over.


I see a lot of talk about claire and I don’t know man. I don’t have a problem with her or her character. But carmy fucked around (no pun intended) and found out. There where a lot of times he was asked if he called the fridge guy already 🤷🏽‍♂️

Devin B

No one knew that he was going to be saying all that shit in the fridge, you can only hear him when you get close to the fridge


I was just about to comment how I miss all the chaotic energy from the first season, but then I saw this episode. All the "wholesome" moments this season were fine but I needed that chaos back. I have no sympathy for their mom, as far as I'm concerned she a dead beat mom. Also, Richie absolutely was the one that started that argument.

Devin B

@Shiratoshi I kind of interpreted that scene in a different way. We know that Carmy is the type to self sabotage himself when something good comes his way so if he couldn't calm down with Claire but with Syd that means he instantly saw Claire as something good and Syd as the kind of chaos that compliments him, he basically feels better when someone like him is around him. I doubt he would want a relationship with Syd or anyone else with the way he is now though.

Jaime Ruiz

No, Richie is the piece of shit for calling Carmen Donna.

Akila Yaw

😭😭😭😭I love them, but sometimes they talk and miss over parts I really wanted to see their reaction to…. Gah….Still my fav reactors though

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 06:39:14 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn
2024-02-10 06:39:14 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn
2024-02-10 06:39:14 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn
2024-02-10 06:39:14 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn
2024-02-10 06:39:14 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn
2024-02-10 06:39:14 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn
2024-02-10 06:39:14 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn
2024-02-10 06:35:07 I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn

I can't describe how much I fucking love the Richie glow up like damn


Lupa you were right, Donna is his mom, don’t ever let Roshi and Sheera gas light you😭

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 07:05:03 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position
2024-02-10 07:05:03 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position
2024-02-10 07:05:03 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position
2024-02-10 07:05:03 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position
2024-02-10 07:05:03 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position
2024-02-10 07:05:03 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position
2024-02-10 07:05:03 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position
2024-02-10 06:59:43 Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position

Pete through and through an excellent husbando its tragic he was put in that position


I think what set Carmy off was that he probably knew what his old chef/boss would be thinking. The “why are you slow” more than likely set him off and put him in a panic especially with all the stuff the chef/boss was saying to him while he was still in culinary school.


So many parallels shown in this episode…wow😢




Not gonna like, I didn't think much of him, but the actor owned the crap out of those moments and elevated the character so much. Beautiful performance. Looking forward to more.

Kigen Maina

that donna scene was so wild. she really is not okay. and she cant let herself enjoy anything bc she doesnt feel worthy. and richie was right carmy also has some of those traits

CentipedeKid (edited)

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2024-02-10 08:26:19 Pete was put in an awful position and Donna has been struggling since the fishes episode. Pete gave her exactly what she needed someone that didn't judge her negatively for not being able to handle being around. It's a struggle I can genuinely relate to. I often find myself going and doing things out of a sense of duty to my friends and family even though I know I should just sit some things out. I've had some low points in life where I've been were Donna is and I wish I had someone like Pete. Pete and Stevie are characters that are just good people to have in your life they understand and dont judge. I hope to see more of them in the next season.
2024-02-10 08:19:58 Pete was put in an awful position and Donna has been struggling since the fishes episode. Pete gave her exactly what she needed someone that didn't judge her negatively for not being able to handle being around. It's a struggle I can genuinely relate to. I often find myself going and doing things out of a sense of duty to my friends and family even though I know I should just sit some things out. I've had some low points in life where I've been were Donna is and I wish I had someone like Pete. Pete and Stevie are characters that are just good people to have in your life they understand and don't judge. I hope to see more of them in the next season. I understand Carmy when he said he doesn't need to enjoyment if it means sacrificing what he's good at. I was like that at one point and I'm still working through it. I wanted to be the best in my field. I dedicated years to it. I'd be up for hours outworking the people around me. I channeled insomnia into a toxic level of productivity working nonstop for 48 hours a day. I would do months worth of coursework in days to the point my educators would run out of things for me to do. Its easy to become so obsessed with something you lose touch wit h the world. The Bear is such an incredible show because I can understand the perspective of every single character and while I may not agree with everything they do I can understand it. This show changed my outlook on life when I needed it the most. This show will be a GOAT by the end its already one in my books.

Pete was put in an awful position and Donna has been struggling since the fishes episode. Pete gave her exactly what she needed someone that didn't judge her negatively for not being able to handle being around. It's a struggle I can genuinely relate to. I often find myself going and doing things out of a sense of duty to my friends and family even though I know I should just sit some things out. I've had some low points in life where I've been were Donna is and I wish I had someone like Pete. Pete and Stevie are characters that are just good people to have in your life they understand and don't judge. I hope to see more of them in the next season. I understand Carmy when he said he doesn't need to enjoyment if it means sacrificing what he's good at. I was like that at one point and I'm still working through it. I wanted to be the best in my field. I dedicated years to it. I'd be up for hours outworking the people around me. I channeled insomnia into a toxic level of productivity working nonstop for 48 hours a day. I would do months worth of coursework in days to the point my educators would run out of things for me to do. Its easy to become so obsessed with something you lose touch wit h the world. The Bear is such an incredible show because I can understand the perspective of every single character and while I may not agree with everything they do I can understand it. This show changed my outlook on life when I needed it the most. This show will be a GOAT by the end its already one in my books.

Kevante Caldwell

Sheera You gotta understand that Carmy isn’t self sabotaging he’s literally just mentally ill that continuously touch on this throughout the show he needs actual help and a relationship isn’t what he needs remember his mom and brother are both mentally ill


Wow this show blew through my expectations I know for next season I ain’t gonna wait to watch it with roshi 😂

metronxtdoorr (edited)

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2024-02-10 09:29:04 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.
2024-02-10 09:29:04 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.
2024-02-10 09:29:04 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.
2024-02-10 09:29:04 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.
2024-02-10 09:29:04 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.
2024-02-10 09:29:04 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.
2024-02-10 09:29:04 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.
2024-02-10 09:23:11 Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.

Man shoutout to jamie lee curtis. Always giving it her all in a role.

metronxtdoorr (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 19:58:38 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol
2024-02-11 19:58:38 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol
2024-02-11 19:58:38 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol
2024-02-11 19:58:38 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol
2024-02-11 19:58:38 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol
2024-02-11 19:58:38 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol
2024-02-11 19:58:38 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol
2024-02-10 09:26:50 once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol

once he starts with a big sigh you already know what time it is lol

Metweet .c

What the hell are you projecting onto Claire. Carmy is a grown man who decided to pursue a relationship with this woman and accept her advances. Be fucking honest, all Claire ever asked Carmy to do was to not worry about his life or specially the relationship imploding. Claire has never gone out of her way in the show to add drama or stress in Carmys life other than in a minor sense asking him to hang out. Where HE had the choice to stay no every single time


thanks for the reaction, please watch abbott elementary next!!

Champion Bescos

This isn’t on Claire. Carmy enver communicated just how much he had going on. They both talked about how all consuming their respective professions are, but that’s it. Clearly Claire is able to handle her high pressure and long hours job, so she likely expects Carmy to manage to do the same. He never expressed the timing was bad or that he was having mental issues (he never even acknowledges he has them). So, yeah, she was ignorant of all that and it hit her like a freight train afterwards. Not her fault.

Champion Bescos (edited)

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2024-02-10 11:15:29 So many call back and payoffs this episode. I hope they can rewatch comfortably at home because it’s worth it since they missed some stuff the first time (understandable given how many shows they watch).
2024-02-10 11:01:12 So many call backs and payoffs from teases and developments from throughout the season in this episode. I hope they can rewatch comfortably at home sometimes, because it’s worth it since they missed some stuff the first time (understandable given how many shows they watch).

So many call backs and payoffs from teases and developments from throughout the season in this episode. I hope they can rewatch comfortably at home sometimes, because it’s worth it since they missed some stuff the first time (understandable given how many shows they watch).

Ajai Ramsey (edited)

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2024-02-10 11:31:24 Honestly when i watch this for the first time and i came to the ending it broke me because i was Richie consoling with Claire because she didnt deserve what happened and to make it worse, she was hit with a nuclear vent bomb by accident. The parallels of Carmy in all White in a Dark small space vs Richie in all
2024-02-10 11:31:11 Honestly when i watch this for the first time and i came to the ending it broke me because i was Richie consoling with Claire because she didnt deserve what happened and to make it worse, she was hit with a nuclear vent bomb by accident. The parallels of Carmy in all White in a Dark small space vs Richie in all Black attire in an open white and prestine room shows them truly, Richie called Carmy “Donna” and regret it but Carmy went in on Richie stack and throw negative receipts and all Richie said throughout everything was “I Love You”

Honestly when i watch this for the first time and i came to the ending it broke me because i was Richie consoling with Claire because she didnt deserve what happened and to make it worse, she was hit with a nuclear vent bomb by accident. The parallels of Carmy in all White in a Dark small space vs Richie in all Black attire in an open white and prestine room shows them truly, Richie called Carmy “Donna” and regret it but Carmy went in on Richie stack and throw negative receipts and all Richie said throughout everything was “I Love You”

Champion Bescos (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 11:47:34 It’s crazy how some people out there actually think the end was ultimately a good thing for Carmy. Not so much here, thankfully, but elsewhere like on YouTube and Reddit. I’ve heard opinions on how Carmy finally ditched the distraction of Clair, and he’s refound his fire to be the best, and he can now focus completely on the restaurant and likely grow closer to Syd as a result. That’s just craaaazy. The show literally goes out of its way to spell out how fucked up mentally and emotionally Carmy is, how good someone like Claire in his life was/could have been for him, and how desperately he needs to break away from his generational trauma, seek professional help, and likely distance himself from an environment and profession that not only “isn’t fun” (by his own admission) but is actually incredibly toxic and detrimental to his happiness (at least until he can approach it entirely differently and positively). Yet, somehow, people root for the exact opposite of that. 😭 Next season is going to be wild. No idea how they’re going to handle these last few developments narratively. I just hope Richie doesn’t face any repercussions for that argument..
2024-02-10 11:47:34 It’s wild how some people actually think the end was ultimately a good thing for Carmy. Not so much here, thankfully, but elsewhere like on YouTube and Reddit etc. I’ve heard some (that fully unpopular) opinions on how Carmy finally ditched the distraction of Claire, and he’s refound his fire to be the best, and he can now focus completely on the restaurant and likely grow closer to Syd as a result. That’s just craaaazy. The show literally goes out of its way to spell out how fucked up mentally and emotionally Carmy is, how good someone like Claire in his life was/could have been for him, and how desperately he needs to break away from his generational trauma, seek professional help, and likely distance himself from an environment and profession that not only “isn’t fun” (his own words) but is actually incredibly toxic and detrimental to his happiness (at least until he can approach it entirely differently and positively). Yet, somehow, a few people root for the exact opposite of that. 😭 Next season is going to be wild. No idea how they’re going to handle these last few developments narratively. I just hope Richie doesn’t face any repercussions for that argument.. Also, between the incredible moment of the talk between Pete and Donna, the argument between Carmy and Richie, Syd getting recognition at the cost of her health, and the glow up of Richie, the chocolate covered banana may have been my favorite moment.
2024-02-10 11:44:32 It’s wild how some people actually think the end was ultimately a good thing for Carmy. Not so much here, thankfully, but elsewhere like on YouTube and Reddit etc. I’ve heard some (thankfully unpopular) opinions on how Carmy finally ditched the distraction of Claire, and he’s refound his fire to be the best, and he can now focus completely on the restaurant and likely grow closer to Syd as a result. That’s just craaaazy. The show literally goes out of its way to spell out how fucked up mentally and emotionally Carmy is, how good someone like Claire in his life was/could have been for him, and how desperately he needs to break away from his generational trauma, seek professional help, and likely distance himself from an environment and profession that not only “isn’t fun” (his own words) but is actually incredibly toxic and detrimental to his happiness (at least until he can approach it entirely differently and positively). Yet, somehow, a few people root for the exact opposite of that. 😭 Next season is going to be wild. No idea how they’re going to handle these last few developments narratively. I just hope Richie doesn’t face any repercussions for that argument.. Also, between the incredible moment of the talk between Pete and Donna, the argument between Carmy and Richie, Syd getting recognition at the cost of her health, and the glow up of Richie, the chocolate covered banana may have been my favorite moment.

It’s wild how some people actually think the end was ultimately a good thing for Carmy. Not so much here, thankfully, but elsewhere like on YouTube and Reddit etc. I’ve heard some (thankfully unpopular) opinions on how Carmy finally ditched the distraction of Claire, and he’s refound his fire to be the best, and he can now focus completely on the restaurant and likely grow closer to Syd as a result. That’s just craaaazy. The show literally goes out of its way to spell out how fucked up mentally and emotionally Carmy is, how good someone like Claire in his life was/could have been for him, and how desperately he needs to break away from his generational trauma, seek professional help, and likely distance himself from an environment and profession that not only “isn’t fun” (his own words) but is actually incredibly toxic and detrimental to his happiness (at least until he can approach it entirely differently and positively). Yet, somehow, a few people root for the exact opposite of that. 😭 Next season is going to be wild. No idea how they’re going to handle these last few developments narratively. I just hope Richie doesn’t face any repercussions for that argument.. Also, between the incredible moment of the talk between Pete and Donna, the argument between Carmy and Richie, Syd getting recognition at the cost of her health, and the glow up of Richie, the chocolate covered banana may have been my favorite moment.

Branan Manalo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 14:20:21 Richie was LOCKED IN
2024-02-10 14:20:21 Richie was LOCKED IN
2024-02-10 14:20:21 Richie was LOCKED IN
2024-02-10 14:20:21 Richie was LOCKED IN
2024-02-10 14:20:21 Richie was LOCKED IN
2024-02-10 14:20:21 Richie was LOCKED IN
2024-02-10 14:20:21 Richie was LOCKED IN
2024-02-10 14:03:20 Richie was LOCKED IN

Richie was LOCKED IN


Richie being the best character as per usual, that carmy and Richie argument was easily my fav scene in the show


Claire shoulda been minding her business imo, I dunno if she thought she could tear the fridge door open like superman or something but this was the one occasion where calling carmys phone woulda been perfectly fine


Her boo would’ve been just as accessible over the phone as he was through an industrial fridge door, Claire is a sweet girl but she has a habit of doing the right things at the wrong time

XxYourWaifuxX Xx

Why call when’s she’s 20 feet away? Carm self sabotajes, why rant about how you don’t need a gf when the girl came to support you in your opening night? Stupid

XxYourWaifuxX Xx

Donna is the mother. The family suffers from severe mental health problems


He is locked in an industrial level fridge & there’s nothing she can do to get him out, he was shouting to project his voice through the thick door to Tina, he didn’t even hear Tina leave because the door was so thick, so a phone call where he wouldn’t have to strain his voice so ppl could hear him would be more favourable than going to him to shout talk more to each other

Uly A O

I do agree with your explanation he himself is suffering himself, and yeah there should be more grace given to him. I do hope the series expands to where he goes to gets help or stops moving. Not that ends poorly for him. He is a great character that I think he is written amazingly, but I hope they don’t just pull “ the restaurant does great and now he is great the end” that I doesn’t really work given the context of his life, but it might actually help a little. The only thing is Carmy hasn’t chosen to stop, granted 100% he is being pulled multiple ways yes and a lot rides on him to lead, part of him choose this and there should accountability but also understanding as you said. That is what I hope in season 3 if they talk to Donna he realizes or in some event happens.


that's so dumb, any person would go check on their partner if that happened. Instead of being like "Oh you're stuck in an industrial level fridge? imma just call, in fact you don't even need me here, nothing i can do to help I'll just head home".


I didn’t say she should go home, I said she should call his phone to communicate clearer to him, she can do that from the dining area or the kitchen, but again clair has a habit of doing the right things at the worst possible time

Akila Yaw

1000% percent agree. I just ship them, I do think in his state now ,that It wouldn’t make sense for his character. But I just ship them loll. The actors just have chemistry,so in a scene that is meant to be taken in a friend-ship bonding way, is gonna be taken by some people in a romantic build up way. But I do feel like carmy doesn’t want a relationship right now or need one. Saying that, who knows where the story might go in future seasons🤷🏽‍♀️

Akila Yaw

1000% percent agree. I just ship them, I do think in his state now ,that It wouldn’t make sense for his character. But I just ship them loll. The actors just have chemistry,so in a scene that is meant to be taken in a friend-ship bonding way, is gonna be taken by some people in a romantic build up way. But I do feel like carmy doesn’t want a relationship right now or need one. Saying that, who knows where the story might go in future seasons🤷🏽‍♀️


Cannoli with a side of crack is wild lol


Great season 👏🏿 the build up for season 3 was great and the growth of the characters was amazing.


you clearly have lost touch with reality and have no clue what mental disorders looks like. Mother is clearly suffering from depression and some sort of personality disorder. You can’t fight that. If she was a deadbeat you wouldn’t have seen her have any emotional relationship to ANY of her children. Clown ass emo nigga


I also want to point out that she felt like she didn’t deserve nice things and felt like she would embarrass them.


Right that’s what I mean, she just didn’t have that confidence in herself to accept what they were doing.

Uly A O

My favorite scene of season 2 honestly was that. I hope he gets a bigger role in the next season.

Uly A O

I think someone had mentioned it earlier, but I am also hoping for a like a healing season 3. Imo carrying this chaos into 4th season or more would be a lot I am hoping the next one maybe a littler longer to give the characters the breaks they need.


Lol I looooove your haikyuu analogy. I felt the same. Most hyped accomplishments that i experience in shows always gets compared to haikyuu moments. My possible fave is when tsukki finally block the ball and the clip of him celebrating. Still gives me shivers, and I love anything that makes me feel the same way again.

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 05:19:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well
2024-02-11 05:19:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well
2024-02-11 05:19:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well
2024-02-11 05:19:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well
2024-02-11 05:19:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well
2024-02-11 05:19:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well
2024-02-11 05:19:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well
2024-02-11 05:12:44 Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well

Lowkey the only actual thing Carmy is at fault for in this episode is literally not calling the fridge guy. He holds himself to extraordinarily high expectations because of his pedigree and how he was trained, as well as the current timeframe he is on to make the resturant successful. He shouldn't have to walk on eggshells apologizing to syd when he yells in the kitchen because it isn't and has never been personal, thats how kitchens are. Claire inserted herself into Carmy's life, which he actively tried to avoid at first and she circumvented it. And after Richie called him "Donna" after him already beating himself up for being locked in a freezer on opening night, there's was no way to salvage that argument. What his Uncle was talking to him about last episode is something a lot of great people in their field have echo'd (kobe comes to mind first) which is that huge sacrifice you have to make to be the best. Until he can feel content with not putting that much pressure on himself that relationship was never gonna work. Even saying all that, I can understand the pov of every other character in these scenarios as well. I don't actually think any of them are at fault necessarily, things just happened how they did. Show is written really well

Saynt Michael

You think an industrial fridge where people have to yell to hear each other has good enough cell reception for a phone call? You’re contradicting yourself.


I don't care what mental disorder you have. A shit mom is a shit mom. I don't have to bring up any nuance to come up with that conclusion. Fucking pretentious ass weirdo


I’m gonna assume you just learned the word contradict & are still trying to figure out how to use it, a phone call could easily connect between 2 ppl in the same building, thick doors do not affect a phones network connection usually it’s actual buildings between the 2 phones that do, but let’s entertain your idea that the door is so thick & technologically advanced that it completely blocks an incoming phone call…Claire could’ve easily called using the restaurants WiFi connection


Richie didn't call Carmy Donna to be cruel to him, he was telling him that he was acting like his mom and needs to stop trying to push good things out of his life (Claire), like Donna does.

Azzy V

The whole thing with the banana was from the flashback Jimmy (im pretty sure he had daddy issues and his dad died) was talking about how him and his dad when he was younger would stop and get chocolate covered banana's and it made him a lil emotional thats why Richie sent it out but great ep


Right - when Tiff sat down at the dinner table in the Xmas episode, she was eating a banana because her stomach was upset and she couldn't eat anything else. Jimmy told her the story about how his dad always took him to get chocolate bananas at this stand on the way home, and how seeing her eating the banana reminded him of his dad and that he missed him. Keep in mind, the Xmas dinner episode happened 5 years before this episode, so the fact that Richie remembered that story from all the way back then was very touching to Jimmy, which is why he looked a little choked up over the thoughtfulness of it.


I missed a few things the first time watching - the banana thing went totally over my head the first time I watched this episode.


I think Richie was pissed off at Carm because he saw Carm sabotaging something really good in his life (relationship with Claire), and it was very similar to the self-destructive behavior he saw with Mikey. He's also still obviously pretty hurt that Carm didn't go to Mikey's funeral.


I disagree. This episode actually showed that you can demand excellence without berating people like a maniac. Syd was able to tell Tina the cook on the steak was wrong that she needed to donut again. She even felt resistance but stood her ground. The screaming and cursing may be the culture in many kitchens but doesn’t HAVE to be in this one. Also in that scene, it wasn’t Carmy yelling and losing his shit simply because people weren’t performing to his standard, it was because he was having a full-on mental breakdown after hallucinating his prior boss being in the restaurant. The man traumatized him enough that he had nightmares and almost burned his apartment down. Why would he want to them bring that same energy to his dream restaurant with his team that loves each other like family?


The fact that Carmy spent services screaming from the fridge to let him out and not calling or texting the fridge guy himself is a strong indicator that he didn’t have cell reception.


It isn’t it’s an indicator that he wanted to be broken out immediately to get back onto the line, & more importantly to build drama in the episode because the writers want to build tension

Saynt Michael

You think phones connect with each other by how close they are to one another? Like phone telepathy? Lol regardless, calling someone’s phone when you’re right there is stupid. Of course she wants to physically check on him.


If I call someone using WiFi the connection definitely improves if me & the person I’m calling are in the same area or better yet using the same WiFi. She could even call him from infront of the fridge door. None of it is stupid you & a bunch of other ppl have projected yourself onto Claire for some reason instead of thinking about what she could’ve done to protect herself from hearing that venting session

Jaelyn Mcgee

I mean I speak from personal experience and your mental illness can definitely cause you to self sabotage relationships and passion projects alike, but I agree, Carmy absolutely needs help. I'm hoping that if he does get it, it'll be someone who can help him begin to heal

Jaelyn Mcgee

I feel for Claire, I really do. While there were some times where she didn't really resonate with me as a character, due to everyone in universe being determined that she end up with Carmy and talking about how amazing ahe is,her wanting to spend time with Carmy isn't a bad thing or her fault. Carmy absolutely deserves to be happy but he also needs to find work life balance before entering in a relationship again. I feel if he'd told her that "hey I'm gonna have to rain check, I really need to get this done" at least once instead of just fully throwing himself into the relationship thinking it'll automatically fix things, it'd feel more real to me.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I am curious if her going in would have made things better or worse with the amount of stress going on behind the scenes

Louis Kalman

The problem with your whole argument is that it takes the default stance that we need to avoid traumatic things. That our ultimate goal is to just exist peacefully. The reality is that the people that transcend their fields suffer, are often terrible people, obsessive, prideful, etc. and they accomplish great things because of it. I would rather suffer and do something incredible over being a passive, content outline of a person. It's okay to be an idealist but this kind of mindset just completely hampers you as a person. The idea that you have to avoid all adversity and bad situations because they make you feel uncomfortable. Not everything has to instantly trigger your dopamine or leave you sedated.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I think that with Marcus's mom dying that would just be too many gut punches at once to deal with for a season finale. I think if they do kill her off, it'll be third season.


I want to say better, as it’s an environment where she doesn’t feel the pressure and stress of creating the meals herself. And she appears sober too. That’s why it’s sad, she was in the best conditions she could possibly be in, but couldn’t bring herself mentally to enjoy it because of her negative view on herself

Jaelyn Mcgee

I'm curious if Sydney was ignoring Marcus asking for help at the beginning due to all that's going on or because of the ask out attempt, because it's kind of unclear

Jaelyn Mcgee

I try and watch this and barry in bursts and then go for a comedy palate cleanser

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 19:58:38 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.
2024-02-11 19:58:38 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.
2024-02-11 19:58:38 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.
2024-02-11 19:58:38 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.
2024-02-11 19:58:38 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.
2024-02-11 19:58:38 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.
2024-02-11 19:58:38 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.
2024-02-11 17:28:55 you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.

you are free to disagree lol. Syd also completely ignored Marcus asking about cannoli's multiple times because he asked her out earlier in the day. No one ever said that was the only way to demand excellence, my point is that it isn't an explicitly incorrect way to do it as it's been framed so far. Obviously as a leader you have to tailor your methods to the people you are trying to lead in a way they respond to best. But this constant thing of taking things personally is just weird. He should feel the need to change his approach because the other approach brings out the best in them, not because if he says something the wrong way his team will take it personally and start to shut down.

bateman bookworm

Calling Carmy Donna when he is clearly in a state of distress was a low blow, but it is true. I love the parallel of Donna standing outside in the cold bc she doesn’t deserve to see out good it is, and Carmy stuck in the fridge all night away from the restaurant and he believes he can’t possibly have any enjoyment in life. They both have such low confidence and push away anything good in their lives. Donna is clearly more far gone but they are one and the same. Right now his trauma is keeping him stuck and if he doesn’t do anything about it he will become her. The restaurant and cooking only brings up negative feelings for him—Michael, Donna, the new york guy…everyone in his family cooks and he has such bad family trauma that he’s really not in a good space right now to run a restaurant. It brings him no joy and just fills his mind with negative thoughts. I also think it’s impacting Sydney too, Carmy would throw up everyday before work but he loved it bc he was good at it. I think sydney now is feeling that pressure as well. Throwing up once obviously doesn’t mean anything but if it keeps happening, next season will be Sydney going though was Carmy did in new york. Carmy needs to heal in order to create a positive work environment for everyone. Idk why ppl think claire leaving is good thing. It’s the worst possible outcome for Carmy to come to the conclusion that he doesn’t deserve anything good in his life. Was claire boring yes, but I its bc she’s so different from the main cast of characters. She is Carmy’s Pete or Stevie, but he blew it. I think ppl also forget it was his first relationship, and he didn’t learn work life balance. He understandably wanted to hang out with his gf all the time bc it’s the first thing that made him feel good while the restaurant makes him feel like shit. He just needs to realize how to have both. I know ppl ship him with Sydney and while I wouldnt be opposed I don’t think it’s good for him to date someone in the same profession, nevermind his business partner. Sydney calms him down bc she is new and doesn’t remind him of his trauma. She didn’t work at the beef when Micheal was there, she doesn’t know about his family—she’s just another chef who understands the artistry and dedication of it like Carmy, and appreciates his talent. Right now I think they have the most unique bond of the show bc they don’t know each other, they don’t represent each others trauma, but they still respect each other as professionals, artists, and friends. Unless this show goes for at least 5 seasons I don’t see them getting together before carmy heals his family trauma, or at least learns how to cope with it which will take a while knowing him. Im not saying he need to reinvent himself and completely heal, but he is so unstable right now and its heartbreaking to watch. I think that process starts with professional help, and then really with Donna. Carmy hasn’t confronted any of his grief or personal issues, and until he does his life won’t change. He didn’t even need to be stuck in the fridge, no matter what happened, at the end of the night Carmy still wouldn’t be proud of himself. Like Claire said, it’s hard to realize how good u are doing in the midst of the chaos but it’s essential to take those moments to appreciate your hard work. Carmy has never done that for himself, and the one person that might have kept him grounded is gone now. No matter how many times ppl tell him they are proud, and they love him he will never feel that way about himself, just like Donna. I don’t think Richie took what Carmy said to heart. He understands that he said a low blow, and that Carmy is fucked in the head. He was probably hurt a bit but he completely gets it. Another note, I also think ppl are too hard on Carmy for yelling during the stressful situations. That is how so many kitchens operate and is what he knows. It’s not personal and Sydney needs to understand that, but at the same time I also get it bc they don’t want to be like other kitchens. They want a better work environment. I just think sometimes he gets too much flack when that’s how he was taught and raised. Yes the New york guys didn’t technically yell but he might as well of with the shit he was saying.


I say it this episode, Sydney fucking sucks at the ticket station. Why is she there, she has no experience with that shit at all.


how many times does syd gotta turn Marcus down for it to click for yall lmao


So proud of Richie, he is awesome

Oni Legend

I get what you’re saying but i don’t think at any point during him losing his shit at her did Syd “take it personally” or shut down. She literally just asked him to calm down and communicate clearly which i don’t think is too much to ask when you’re all feeling the stress and are trying to get the job done WITHOUT any mental breakdowns Theres a lot of a room between “walking on eggshells” and just….not blowing your shit on people at the slightest pressure. If anything that right there would cause them to have to walk on eggshells around him. And yeah sure Claire may have kind of bulldozed her way into contact with him at first but she very early on asked him if it was ok for her to have his number and he made the choice afterwards to invite her out and push things further with her while also neglecting balancing his outside life with the new restaurant

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-13 19:39:53 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is
2024-02-13 19:39:53 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is
2024-02-13 19:39:53 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is
2024-02-13 19:39:53 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is
2024-02-13 19:39:53 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is
2024-02-13 19:39:53 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is
2024-02-13 19:39:53 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is
2024-02-11 23:46:47 I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is

I don't think yelling or raising your voice equates to "blowing your shit" and that's probably where the disconnect is


Top Boy next 🤷‍♂️

Majin buussin

Yeah I don’t think everything was carmys fault, I think a lot of it was unresolved things that came to a head because in essence this was a stress test, before every official opening of a restaurant we do a stress test to see what works and what doesn’t and that doesnt mean recipes and systems that means staff personalities, team cohesion, etc.

Majin buussin

Carmys biggest issue wasn’t necessarily claire or calling the fridge guy, it was recognizing the delicate nature of it all and making sure he was present in the world that needed him the most. (I’m a husband and father of 2 who just left the industry because of how difficult that truly is). Also I want to point out syd is simultaneously a G and a problem. She is immature still (not in an insulting way) but she has a lot to grow and although carmy can lose his cool syd is very soft and takes everything personally. Also if you guys didn’t catch she wasn’t really doing all that well on expo, she was unsure of herself and the situation and say what you want about carmy yelling syd doesn’t understand the aspect of leadership that is taking control of the situation. If it wasn’t for Richie taking control they would have crumbled. Young chefs often have an extraordinary amount of skill but lack leadership experience and the grace of knowing when to follow.

Adrian Neal

Richie started that argument w Carmy by calling him Donna tbh

Champion Bescos

To an extent, sure. It’s long been argued and proven by geniuses in various fields that you don’t NEED to be an asshole or selfish or crazy to be considered great. Does it happen often? Yeah, more often than not. But it’s also possible for people to have balanced lives and healthy relationships and draw from other, more positive wells in their life to achieve that greatness. It’s a common misconception that trauma, pain, anguish, struggle, and self-buggery equates to success. It doesn’t. My whole point is that Carmy doesn’t even *like* what he does. He’s good at it, great at it, but he doesn’t enjoy it. He seems, at times, to even hate it. Life is short and it comes around only once, so why waste it doing something you don’t feel fulfills you positively? To paraphrase Uncle Iroh, a wise man would take love and balance over greatness or power any day. I’m telling you, there’s nothing “easy” or adversary free about getting married or having a family, etc, and being there for them in every way, every day, no matter what.. but it’s also far more fulfilling than chasing a hollow dream out of trauma and negativity. Just because it’s something that few people do, like getting a Michelin star or being a published author or winning a Grammy, doesn’t automatically mean it’s inherently better than something simple and pure. All I’m saying is, if Carmy is unable to healthily and happily re-cultivate a passion for food, he should step away.

Champion Bescos

Agreed on just about all fronts, and even regardless of that, incredibly well said.


Youve never had a girl in your life? Why tf wouldnt u check up on your partner as close as possible? Virgin ass nigga


Another personal attack? Very creative, I’d point out that you can check on someone with a phone but I doubt you’d be smart enough to give a good counterpoint. So we’ll do this, let me know why you have a weird spiritual bond with this character? Did she buy you a mc chicken one day when you were out in the rain waiting for a bus? Or is there another reason


You've got to watch the Menu.


Andor next??


I dont think Syd was ignoring him on purpose


I don't really get the hate on Claire just because she is kind of a basic love interest. I get she seems too cookie cutter and they really need to write her up some more for the story. To your point I think work life balance does include her or what she stands for. I get a relationship is not ideal right now but I also think the point is that Carmy shouldn't lose himself in work either. It's the reason he is so beat up mentally right now. Carmy is just poor at communicating and he is too hyper focus at times. He got lost in the sauce of romance because he never really had it so good. He can have both, but he just need to communicate and learn how to prioritize. So I don't take as he think the relationship will fix things. He wanted to avoid the relationship at the start. It feel more like he doesn't feel like he deserve good things happening.


Sydney was just dealing with a lot up front and you can get tunnel vision/hearing when there is chaos happening all around you. I just think Marcus misunderstood what was happening and felt Sydney was being different because of the awkwardness.

Jaelyn Mcgee

Yeah, that's a very good analysis. I love the idea of him and Syd togetger, but that has too many pitfalls professionally for that to work out imo but I could definitely be wrong. I really hope that he gets a chance to settle into a life and routine outside of just work regardless of a relationship or not

Jaelyn Mcgee

very true. I shut down and go tunnel mode/dissociate when I'm stressed too, so I get it.


Great points made and I agree in regards to Claire and Carmy needing to find a balance of happiness. The only thing I would say is I think Carmy is healing and taking the steps to improve. Opening a restaurant isn't ideal but I feel his passion. I just this working on that high level is just rough for anyone leading it. Sydney is following in those same steps. Right now it going to be insane but I don't think it's bad or the same mistake as before with Carmy. I think the whole point of this episode is they all need each other, so the pressure is not falling on one person. This was the first day of them performing at that level, so of course everyone is stress out of their minds. Once they find their flow it should get easier or at the very least more manageable. I would also add that I feel all of the Bears are dealing with mental/emotional trauma. Sugar feeling like she needs their Mother's approval, Carmy sacrificing everything/happiness to be the best, Micheal having to always appear like he had everything under control as the one everyone looked up too, and Richie feeling like a failure and feeling like he was in his Brothers shadow.


@Champion Bescos I'm with you for 95% of what you said. I agree you don't need to be some asshole to be successful. The only thing I would push back on is Carmy not liking what he does. Carmy is also bad at communication and expressing how he feels. His training has risen him to a level beyond enjoyment. Some of that was toxic for sure but I don't think Carmy would be continuing if he didn't love it. Even if you flip it and look at his relationship with Claire. He barely even knew how to enjoy it, as he said he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He didn't know when to call her his girlfriend. Carmy is still healing but he is in a different situation now. He has a team he can lean on. He has to learn to lean on them more.


@nami While I wouldn't say Carmy is at fault because it's just simply a chaotic time. I do think you are giving Carmy too much grace because he is the 'big man on campus" handling things and everyone else is in his way. He slipped up on a number of things. The fridge, the painting because he didn't reply back to sugar and the folks being short. It's understandable because Carmy is learning to find work/life balance. Will there be yelling in a kitchen? Sure, but the same finding the balance applies. It's the whole point in how last season ended with a complete kitchen shutdown and his star Chefs walking out.


So let's say that your mom was stuck in an Industrial freezer and she could be in harm's way if she don't get out. Your just gonna what? Call her and go about your day? You ain't even gonna approach the door and try to talk to her, ask if she alright? And don't say these two situations aren't similar, they are. She his partner.


I want you to either answer my question before I answer you or just move on from this, & comparing someone you’re casually having sex with to a parent is insane…the more you type the less sense you’re making

Saynt Michael

“Casually having sex” that’s how you describe two characters who are clearly and explicitly stated to be in love. Take your punk ass outside and get some real life experience. You look dumb af in this thread.


So instead of responding to the comment I addressed to you 3 days ago you’ve been stalking this thread angrily reading my comments…Yh it’s me that needs to go outside loool, & if you had any experience dating you’d know you can’t fall in love with someone in that short a time…in real life girls as clingy as Claire sadly don’t get the outcome they want with guys because life is not a Disney movie


great fuckin show


The Peak bro this shit goes so crazy


I used to, but nowadays Im too busy. Just gotta watch when I can, wherever I am when I find myself with free time lol. I have to choose between watching them and playing Monster Hunter 😔


Sydney was doing fine on the pass actually. It wasn't until she was down 2 chefs, Carmy being out because of his own lack of focus, that things started to unravel. And then presumably she was back on the pass after they got out of the weeds. Plus she worked the pass in the previous season regularly (for example, when Carmy explicitly gave her the pass in ep. 6)


The amount of people I’ve met who’re just totally chill with bein on drugs while working, is way higher than it damn should be. But that Marcus and Sydney moment about Josh was hilarious.


I saw that kind of like an Endeavor situation. Like how he saw that his family could only be whole without him in their lives because he did too much damage.


There is an extremely large portion of the workforce that is just constantly operating under the influence. It's either weed or high stim like adderal etc. You're right


People with mental illness self sabotage a lot (speaking from experience)

Nigel W.

Donna is the mum


Carmy biggest take away from this season…stop monologuing bro. Just buy a diary. I’m wondering if Claire will come back next season.