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10 days to open!



just finished eating damn😭


Wrote him off the show… oh they got you

Zion Noland

Yessir as I got home

Uly A O

Time for the Bear to open!!!!!! Can't wait!


him popping up right when yall thought he got wrote off is SENDING me


🤣🤣🤣 i had concerns too when bro aint show up for a min


ebra showing up while they were talking about him yo i’m crying 😭


Nah, if I'm we're running something together, and you shoot my ideas down just to later say "I talked it over with another person and i think it's a good idea now". It's like he had no respect for her ideas.

Art of Trolling

Glad I saved my dinner. We eating good tonight


They're drinking pepto and having tums because their stomachs are upset from having so much anxiety. It's kind of a common symptom when you work in a high stress place like a restaurant.


About the Pepto— Carmy talked about how the stress of working in that New York kitchen messed up his stomach. Love these reactions, yall. Sheera, go easy on our girls! We all got flaws, girl! <3


Carmy just like me fr (anxiety shows up as horrible heartburn and stomach aches)


right. continuously ignoring her, wont call fridge guy, does things without her input, but she cant show frustration about it ? 😒


Roshi: "They definitely wrote him off the show" Ebra: "And I took that personally"

Bria A.

Chronic anxiety and sudden onset of stomach problems in adulthood… Carmy’s just like me fr 😭


richie is really the best character in this show

Hasnain Khan


Cozyman Nas

Syd did not go too far, y'all forgetting every person she talked to in the industry was saying get a partner you can trust, Carm fucking up with the fridge and making changes without her. She's been trying to communicate nicely the entire season and she still was kinda nice, just being direct.

Kaiser Spiral

Pretty sure Carmy was drinking Pepto Bismol the whole time cause he was nauseous

Xavier Baker

Roshi:They had to have wrote him out of th-

Xavier Baker

but ayo,Sheera's crying muscles were screaming,the amount of times she whipped out the Can of Imma Bawl My Eyes Out and then put it away was craazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

John Cedar

Yeah I relate to Carmy hard with the stress related stomach problems because of work. I think it's driven a lot by having people who directly rely on you keeping it together in order to also be able to do their job. I work in a project pipeline so people often cannot start working until I finish, which makes any setbacks that much worse because they are not only my problem. The worst part is that the more stressful a situation is, the worse the stomach pains, and the harder it is to get work done. It's a vicious cycle that feeds itself and gets worse. That shit does not turn off when you go home either, so even though that's some blatant Tums and Pepto product placement, I'd say it's well deserved and has a good reason in-story for being here 😂



Alejandra P.

I think they’re so stressed they have indigestion. Also, Carmy hasn’t been running menu with Sydney his chef. I get talking with his girlfriend about work but it hinted at him not brain storming with Sydney. I just feel Sydney is very nervous about this restaurant and Carmy, this being his first time in a relationship, is having a hard time dealing with his personal and professional life properly.


I didn’t know that pink drink was a medicine I thought it was strawberry milk lol, is it like an American medicine ?


A lot of people do this to me all the time and never realize they're doing it, that sequence totally triggered me. I say one thing, ignored, another person says the exact same thing and now it's worth listening to, nah that's wack


Syd is not trippin. Carmy has consistently dropped the ball on their partnership. Not showing up when he was supposed to, not meeting her to go over shit together, creating a chaos menu after Syd said thats what she wanted to do but doing it with Claire instead. That would be frustrating for anyone. This is a business, yes. But they are both artists who are collaborating. The Bear is Carmy's on a personal level that's different from Syd's but it matters as much to her too and HE chose to bring her in as a partner and hasn't treated her like that. She has a right to her feelings. They're valid. Communication might not be the best but they're both at fault in that regard. But I don't thing she was wrong.


yup, and he directly said to syd a few episodes back (when he brushed off going over the menu with her) that he wasn't for a chaos menu...only to turn around and be all for it after talking to someone he called "a girl that's his friend." from where she's standing, the menu isn't the only thing a little chaotic

Jigga Man

Ebra was staring into Roshi's soul with the pull up 😂😂


Is there any significance of showing Carmy, Claire, and Syd at the end?

Xavier Baker

I will say im understanding of her and why she came off as she did and was warranted ,but that was also some shit where Syd has this thing ,that she just goes off on anything she can use against another person whether she's right or wrong and she's liable to get her shit rocked,its a Mike and Lee situation again just on a much lesser scale in both seriousness and the matter at hand ,like why in the fuck does her being her girlfriend or not have to do with anything,thats literally some shit she just flung in the middle of it and it threw him off so he started getting shitty,on top of the fact she didnt want to do the spinach shit anyways from what im seeing ,her whole problem is that he didnt inform her ,and i get it, i do,but they really dont have time for the piss pots right now,and she keeps on doing it,and never apologizes its always everyone else ,but they have 10 days to open ,so i really dont care whether he doesnt tell her that their doing French Toast Friday's or Spaghetti Parmesan Lasagna Saturday's ,she just has to adjust and keep it pushing,if its something she doesnt mind or completely disagree with in the end she can give her two cents and keep it pushing ,because as you said ,its business ,and business aint fair even if you have 'partners'


yea i feel like they forgot when carmy literally stood her up to go do something with claire i would be pissed off too, the person whose supposed to be making decisions with her is carmy and he wasn’t there and now he suddenly got all these ideas when they were supposed to come up with stuff together


Lupa's right. Syd already was giving her literal ALL for this company (remember they had to skip out of being paid and everything) and made it clear that she had complete faith in Carmy as a partner, only for him to repeatedly blow her off and not involve her in much of the decision making. It was bad enough when he was just making decisions on the fly by himself but now he involved a third party that's not even a worker before involving her! It's a slap in the face. Yeah, we as the audience can see he's trying to get through his own sh*t and truama, but Syd isn't in the know about all that. She just sees a flaky, absence, and impulsive business partner.


Sydney becoming a Duke Blue Devil wasn’t something I was expecting

Michael Pamon

Nah I 100% get where Syd was coming from. She and Carmy are supposed to be business partners yet the last few weeks he’s been (unintentionally) avoiding her and slacking on getting things done for the restaurant (the fridge door handle for example) while at the same time discussing and going over things related to the restaurant with Claire (who he hasn’t even officially made his girlfriend) things that he should be discussing with his business partner, Syd.


I was trying to figure out what was being communicated at the end there. They seemed to be juxtaposing Claire, Carm and Syd. Perhaps showing Syd's undivided attention to the business, but Carm's focus on his new found peace, happiness and start of stability? It zoomed into Syd's tattoo which looked like a Three of Swords that usually symbolizes heartbreak and betrayal. Which implies we may be seeing some drama ahead....

Roxy Rezerina

Yall summoned Idris Elba


Seeing Richie’s development makes me so excited and happy


i get it that they're partners but at the end of the day carmy and nat are the ones borrowing 800k from their uncle, unless she's legally in on that deal and i missed that. like carmy and nat literally lose 2 mil worth of money if they can't pay back the money.

Alex Cook

Lmao roshi with the opposite of sheeragan


I think yall except for Lupa forgot that Carmy stated that you have to give everything for a restaurant that they’re trying to create. She has been doing most of the heavy lifting for Carmy since Claire got introduced and it’s really not fair that he’s treating her like that after the big speech he gave her.

Twin Hallow

For some reason I just do not give af about the Claire stuff. Maybe im just not feeling the romance story. Guess it happened so fast so im not attached to her character at all.

Twin Hallow (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 07:10:26 Syd is the one who has actually tried to do stuff together. Carmy just be going off by himself. Then comes back like oh I changed this and that. She is supposed to be his right hand. He need to be better with running things by her and etc.
2024-02-07 03:34:45 Syd is the one who has actually tried to do stuff together. Carmy just be going off by himself. Then comes back like oh I changed this and that. She is supposed to be his right hand. He needs to be better with running things by her and etc.

Syd is the one who has actually tried to do stuff together. Carmy just be going off by himself. Then comes back like oh I changed this and that. She is supposed to be his right hand. He needs to be better with running things by her and etc.


I feel like that’s part of the problem because for Sydney to be doing a lot of the heavy lifting while Carmy spends time with Claire, she should at the very least be legally and financially a partner in the restaurant considering it was both Sydney and Carmy’s idea to renovate the restaurant into what it is now. I think it gives her further reason to be frustrated with Carmy when throughout the season it’s been evident that Sydney should have a partner that she can trust and rely on, so the fact that on paper she isn’t a partner is incredibly concerning considering everything she has put in and continues to put into the restaurant


I'm going to side w/ Syd on this one. As far as their partnership goes, Carmy isn't giving her the same respect that she is giving him, to some regards. So Syd is suppose to just be okay w/ Carmy changing up the menu last minute because he had some heart to heart w/ his girl. Then he tries to justify it by saying "you're getting what you wanted in the first place." Sir what?


People like pointing out how Ritchie missed moving a yellow sharpie when organizing the sharpies around.

Devin B

Syd is valid for feeling how she felt about Carmy talking about the menu with Claire instead of her because that was something they were suppose to work on as a team but I don't agree with the way she brought up the situation.

A. P.

Choked on my rice when Ebra showed up on screen lol


the urge to skip past Carmy and Claire's scenes...

The thing that flows

I love the camera angle during Nat and Cicero's conversation. It seemed very cozy and natural.


Earlier in the season somebody here commented that every scene with Claire plays off as "dead wifey" and since then I haven't been able to unsee it

Saynt Michael

Mortadella, which they use and mention a lot in this show, is literally bologna lol

Beckett Cullen

When the stress is hittin pepto is your best friend anxiety will really fuck up your stomach


The Ebra clowning has been my favorite part of this season's reactions


6:33 the fucking timing

zacharie garondo

The thing with Ebra is that it show how the world of work can change quickly and sometimes they left older people on the side. Those people have harder time keep in up we seen It more often with having to adjust their work with technology.


I hope after The Bear, you guys react to the movie, The Menu.


I'm convinced Ebra had covid cause how sway lol

Jill I

Sheera passive aggressively talking about Sydney being passive aggressive. Lmao!

Clinton Vance

About the Tums and Pepto: I know enough to know that stress and the way we deal with stress can greatly affect the digestive system. I have ulcerative colitis and too much stress/anxiety and not doing enough to effectively relieve it, not doing enough to let it get to me, can trigger a flare up. Lately, Carmy is doing better about managing his stress and anxiety, but for most of his life, he didn’t do much of anything to manage it. So I’m thinking because of that, he has some sort of digestive issue. Plus, he constantly finds himself in the midst of stress- anxiety-inducing chaos in all parts of his life. Diet can also play a role in gut issues, so Carmy, coming from an Italian family who makes traditional meals, has eaten a ton of food with a bunch of acid, etc. that can wear and tear your guts faster than usual. Also, being a cook and lover of food, it’s likely he’s ingested other types of food that don’t gel well with his insides. All this to say, perhaps we’re getting hints that Carmy might have to contend with a digestive illness in the future? Idk.


“They definitely wrote him out the show” *que to Ebra walking towards the screen with his who’s talkin shit face*

Mubarez Ahmad

Richies development is just so rewarding so see


Ayo Edibri, the actress who plays Syd is SO versatile. I forgot how kinda annoying she was until these reactions. Her versatility as an actress and writer is crazy. Y'all should react to her movie Bottoms. It's DEF a different vibe than this and is full crazy jokes/improv. V different than Syd (still a little awkward though lol)

Creator lip Fnt

Syd is not tripping. It’s literally not the first time Carmy made a decision without telling her, Syd frustration is completely justifiable.


The Ibra shit in the beginning was hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing

Edgar Arita

my man lupa called a steak bolognese 😭 love my guy


how many episodes is S2 Bear?


It’s still blows my mind when I notice syd and cram have the same tattoo


Unfortunately thats how business is ran sometimes. He's the owner. He makes the final decisions. They'll be fickle sometimes, like all humans.


they are partners now, that was the stipulation when they mad the bear

Megan Campbell

I was waiting for Ebra to show up after yall were sayin he got written out of the show🤣😂 that was hilarious! 🤣🤣


Carmy dead practically never followed up on Syd with ANYTHING, lets not forget the fridge still broken and he ran the menu by someone else instead of running the menu towards the person HE SAID he'd do it for. Clair and Carm is cute but Sydney getting the lessons and the last scenes reflect on season 1 Carmy. Sydney is devoting her ALL into the Bear right now and Carm is off in La La Land. Right now Sydney is basically season 1 Carmy where he stood on all business and was set in FIRE to make the place GOOD. We realize now that Sydney isn't running away and she's facing her problems HEAD ON and ensuring that with every fiber of her being this shit STICKS. Meanwhile Carmy's on dates and has been somewhat consistently fucking up

Jaelyn Mcgee

I'm constantly pushing for them to watch Bottoms. I had tears rolling down my face when I watched it from laughing so hard. It's so good, and Ayo just has a natural charm and humor to her

Jaelyn Mcgee

Yeah. Like he really does take her for granted, and just have her handle things instead of working with her to resolve them properly. I don't blame her for being frustrated, especially since this is Carmey's dream that he kind of keeps handing off to others.


The last fork Mikey threw in the Christmas episode landed in the cannolis I believe


idk but syd is insufferable for most the show lmao.


Add Andor as your next show please 🙏🏽


What tattoo are you referring to? If it's what I think you're referring to, Carmy's is a knife through a hand and Syd's is 3 knives through a heart.


If you go back and watch the scene where Carmy & Syd describe their vision for The Bear in the season 1 finale, they mention that they'd like a 'window on the side for sandwiches,' which is the drive-thru that we see Tina and Ibra talking in. I love how thorough this show is.

april 🍏

My guess is that there's going to be a bigger Ebra arc in season 3. This seemed like set-up.


i am genuinely concerned when people don’t take to sydney lol what


I get richie is changing but tbf he deserves a lil bit of flack for all the bs. Bro was a grade a pos they earned the right to rib a little. Just hope it doesn't change deter him from improving.


They really need to introduce Francie Fak played by Melissa McCarthy😂

Tim Drake (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:43:53 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭
2024-02-19 08:25:47 1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭

1:30 in the morning dying laughing at Roshi getting immediately clapped saying they wrote him off😭

Tim Drake (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 11:03:06 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety
2024-02-19 08:43:33 I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety

I used to drink pepto out the bottle in high school when my anxiety got hella bad but I didn’t know it was anxiety

Sou saetern

Maybe a little too old, but I think they can make it work. Definitely can picture her for the role. And with who they've been able too pull, Definitely poseible.


@sara Same. Like I know we all love Carmy, but dang, Sydney had to put up with a lot fr.


I would love for them to watch Bottoms

Michael Pamon

@Danny well Syd was at the table with Carmy and Nat when they asked Jimmy for the extra 500k. As the CDC, I’m pretty sure she is legally involved with ownership of The Bear