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3/4 groups legit caught their own shit



Let's gooo early reactions

Joel Mason

That was a brutal cliffhanger this week :/


Mopped up before the op even plays fern really is that bitch.


Every Monday I fight the urge to read the manga.


roshi clapped lmao. They had just showed the girl on his back, ehre, having a flashback where Wirbel saved her. Not the same girl at all.


cliffhanger acting like Frieren gonna have any trouble lol


The girl that Wirbil carries on his back, and the one that he fell in love with when he was 4 is not the same person, you can tell by the hair colour


The girl on his back was not the same girl that Wirbel loves. They were in the same village and were of the same age. The girl on his team, Ehre, had her village saved by Wirbel and she is younger than him.


I love that the author made it to where Frieren isn’t really known to the newer generations like Lawine and Kanne. And they also don’t really know if elves could really live as long as they say they do in this world’s education system since majority were wiped out.


Wirbil is way older than the girl on his back. They showed him saving her village when she was a kid so it couldn't be the same person he was talking to when he was a little kid.

zILovePelmeni _

staff confirmed that next ep will have crazy animation

Fernando Perez

There were a lot more groups besides the main 4 they’ve shown. Seems most of them either got killed or didn’t catch one.


lol yo chick got blasted right into the opening, hilarious transition

Vincent S Deluca

There are at least 8 groups lol not 4


white haired dude is like 37 the girl he liked was around the same age but the girl on his back was saved by him when she was mad young at least that's what I got from the flashback they're not the same girl


9:090 Scharf out here using Senbonzakura!


08:06 You guys must have missed it but I love the small detail of Wirbil's eye twitching, showing he was shaken up but kept his composure.


Quick make a meme of Byakuya as Omniman talking about mimicking fractions of power


We all know frieren gonna ask for some dumbass spell that's only useful to help her clean the dirt of her shoes or someshit like that.


Wish I could clean the dirt off her shoes or someshit like that 😩

Devin B

I'm glad that Wirbel was able to pass because his character is too dope to be short lived in this arc

Hasnain Khan


Gerard P

I think you miss and misunderstood but Wirbel clearly did not said that the girl on his back is the one he likes. And she has brown hair and the girl on Wirbel's flashback is like a grey or white colored one.


To be fair to Denken, the reason he decided to steal from Frieren specifically is because of the stunt her team pulled with freezing the lake. Don’t know if they had a plan to catch one before that, but if they did, the deep freeze probably ruined it.


Yeah it happened 29 years ago, which seems to indicate Wirbel is like 35 or thereabouts, and Ehre is clearly in her 20s at most


Also the shawty literally has more GREY hair than Ehre, who has standard brown hair, to her grey brown hair...

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

The amount of yapping this episode is crazy 😭


@Vincent - We don't know the other teams though. I think he meant, "Of the 4 teams we've met, 3 of them caught their own Stille."


perfect opportunity to say sum corny like “petal to the metal”😔


Next episode is going to be 🔥

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

I felt like there was a lot of unnecessary dialogue between characters and a lot of still shots used to drag the time out. The fight with the murderer chick and fur jacket dude alone had at least 3 shots that they just stared at each other not moving or speaking for like 10-15 secs. Could be wrong but I felt like animators were trying to drag for time because of the next episode being higher than usual budget

Nick Baynes

Dude messed up by telling Frieren that she can get any spell she wants. She didn't care about the title before. She will now.


I'm curious. How would Elaina from Wandering Witch Elaina fair in this test?


Knowing Frieren she gonna go all out just to request an air fryer spell or some bs


That made sense… they wanted u to feel that the guy hesitates with his kills when he binds them. Nothing is unnecessary here ur just pretty impatient


@Mar -- You should have stopped at "Nothing is unnecessary here" instead of tagging on an insult. The two of you have different opinions, just leave it at that.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

I understand they wanted to make the suspense felt when he’s hesitant to kill. They even said that. But I just think they dragged it out a lil too long is all. I don’t think I’m really being impatient as to being anxious to see what happens


bro said exactly 29 years ago the demon activity increased. isn't that when my boy Himel died.

The GoDKing 27

What was stopping the binding spell guy from blinking and he getting free?


Denken reminds me of Boruto from Two Blue Vortex. Serious, keeps it real, and has no problem killing if necessary lol


Yeah, in the beginning of the episode Ubel is definitely on some Sukuna timing with her spells.


It's not even that much of an insult, wtf? Why are you such a pansy, Merfhew? Calling someone impatient is HARDLY an insult. What wimpy-ass standards. Not to mention it wasn't even directed at you, random white-knighting out of nowhere. See that? I insulted you. I actually said some mean shit, and I won't apologize for it, because I hope it was actually educational for you. Now you know the difference between making an observation, and actually insulting someone.


Go watch a shonen, Jelani lol. It's not "yapping" unless you make it that way. It's not even that much talking, and you call it "yapping" like a little boy.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

How about you shut the fuck up and go move out your mom’s basement. Don’t come on here and start calling people lil boys cuz you might just try the wrong one. Just some life advice for your stupid ass. Ima watch whatever tf I wanna watch. Oh and spell peoples names right pussy.


Sense looked nothing like her. Stop trying find shit where there is none lmao.


chill chill some times they miss things it happens they watch a bunch of shows it happens


I fear not the mage who knows 10,000 spells. I fear the mage who can cast the same spell 10,000 times at once.


Yea with tht slice shi I thought the same thing when watching it Friday🤔

Rishad GB

bro WHY IS KILLING SO "OKAY" here??? this is pissing me out like bro they can kill anyone despite how innocent or age is and be fine with it? who built this shitty test system?


Feel like they dragged tf out of the convo between Denken and Richter.


The system as a whole seems pretty corrupt. That's par for anime but it's still annoying. That said I hope this show at least addresses it even though the plot nor Frieren herself seem particularly interested in doing so.


Seems about normal for the time this could be based in, killing and death wasn’t a big deal in the past, kids today don’t learn about history so they always go “omg why is killing ok” because we were raised by today’s laws and modern day common sense, in the past depending on the religion and governance their common sense was different, in this world it’s normal for mages to kill each other to prove who is stronger that’s wats normal to them


that man said 29 years ago ? how old that mf


He said 4 or 5, so he's obviously 33-34 years old. Looks much younger, I suppose. He kinda reminds me of Eraser from Magical Index/Railgun but he's not as much of a scumbag.