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Fuches doin the most


Jeremi Monroig

Can't wait to watch this when I get home!

Louis Kalman

The Sally monologue scene is GOATed


Can't wait for the season finale

Cam Shannon

Bro this was the best episode in my opinion jus cause that ending

Jamaal Ellison

I'm so glad they're watching this show. 😭

Michael Blake

I think you guys are way more clouded by your dislike of Sally than you think. Someone popping up in a lobby and getting an audition for a film is some weird, privileged shit. As someone who works in this industry, it's the same as a nepotism hire skipping the steps. They aren't just salty Barry hasn't worked nearly as hard and honestly isn't talented.


i mean Barry literally just got into acting - its not really crazy for Sally and Gene to feel some type of way as they've had years of experience whilst Barry was just tall


This producer in that meeting talks to Sally the way Sally talks to everyone at class, its kinda hilarious. "I'm not waiting for a response, I'm waiting for you to start a sentence agreeing with me then its my turn to talk again."


Crystal Ball


You know, when Roshi polled to see if people wanted Barry or The Bear, I didn't even vote because I had no idea what either show was, but damn if they aren't my two favourite reactions on this channel.


No bull, Barry gotta put a hot one in Fuches lol salty as fuck cause Gene is a better father figure then this fool could ever be, nahh time to pack up Fuches. 💀⚰️

jorel quieta

“Imma put a hot one “ Deym …….. yup Fuchs ladies and gentlemen

Hasnain Khan



The real problem is why did Barry do such a bad job at hiding the body


Why did Barry leave the car and the body there?


Does anyone else hear a high pitched noise at random times during the video? At 4:12 for example.

John Cedar

He had to find somewhere to not only hide Janice and her car, but get back in a few hours to be in bed when Sally and Gene wake up. So he settled with the fact that they're in a secluded place and took it as far away as possible in the time he had. You could say he needed to dispose of everything later, but it's important to remember that the police in this show are ridicuously incompetent without Janice and they immediately assume she was revenge killed by the Chechens. They think she was kidnapped at gunpoint and put her in her own car, and the police eventually gave up the search. So someone eventually finding Janice's body was always part of Barry's plan, it's just really bad that Fuches is directly leading Cousineau to it.


That’s fair but if I was Barry I would just dispose of the evidence just in case

Oni Legend

Mannn Sarah Goldberg is a hell of actor. Even outacts Bill Hader at certain points I said this in the Discord, but i love her rant scene because it’s like we get the entirety of Sally’s character and personality shown to us in just that moment. The narcissism, the fakeness, the fragility, the anxiety, the people pleasing, the mental instability, and also like the full 5% of her geniune affection for Barry when says she’s happy for him


Tbh barry did fine. The police literally stopped searching cuz they couldnt find anything. Its only cuz fuches most likely taught barry how to hide the bodies that he found the car so quickly

Champion Bescos

Next episode is gonna be intense.


I stop fucking with Fuches after his dumbass brought Barry a mission to a party and the only place Barry could put it was in his car which got his friend caught up in it


Would like to point out that the subplot in Swim Instructors where JT teaches a girl to swim so that she doesn't drown on her own is a direct parallel to Barry teaching Mayrbek to be a better fighter and "giving him a purpose." In the Chechen escape, we see the fruits of Barry's teachings.

sotonye ogan

Fuches is like the bad combination of Walter white and Jesse pinkman lmao.

rickie woodson

i get where yall are coming from but you're not looking at the context: sally has been working her ass off for YEARS, doing the normal grind of a working actor. barry, through the power of luck, just happened to be tall and at the right place at the right time and got an audition for a MOVIE like it was nothing. of course she would feel some kind of ways. put your self in her situation: you been working at your job 5 years, putting in your time, climbing that career ladder and BAM! they hire some kid fresh out of college to take the managerial position you've been working towards. someone with no experience, who knows nothing about the company but hey "luckily you are the only one with a degree that applied". how would that make you feel? and its not like sally attacked barry for it or said he didnt deserve it. she was shocked and confused so she rightly asked questions. "wait. you did what now? but how is that possible. i need to make sure i heard you right. you got the audition for a lead in a movie, when you have NO experience outside of a few acting classes, just fore being TALL" totally on her side. first time this season

Delinda Arts

Fuches said “imma get my bitch back”😂


Honestly this show is pretty great only episode I thought was weird was the mutant ninja child. Characters that were shitty never stopped being shitty they just became more likeable the plot keeps building on itself and we as an audience can follow it pretty easily. I didn't think I'd like this show so much so thanks for reacting to it.


I only heard it after reading your comment and going back. Your hearing is amazing because that sound can go almost completely unnoticed. 😅


Yo, just put a bullet in Fuches. This man has caused so many problems for so many people. How is he walking around.


Fuches need a hot one in his skull but if it was me I'd torture him first

DsWorldd •

Wow this is actually surprisingly accurate idk how I didn’t see this before😭

Paden Snell

So glad yall finally got to barry after it losing in a bunch of polls. Swear this is top 5 best written and acted shows of the of the new millenium.


Alright so it's not just on my end. Thanks for letting me know. I was getting worried lol 😅

John Cedar

Like I said, the police were searching in that general area for what we can assume is at least a month. The cops would arrive early because Cousineau would've immediately called them and said Janice is unexpectedly gone with no car, keys, or gun but left the rest of her stuff. They now search the area, and if you're Barry, is it a good idea to be sneaking around in an area where you might very well run into a police deputy searching for her? He'd be carrying a shovel, needing to take her body and dig a hole under their noses. And where is he gonna take her car? It just makes a lot more sense for him to lay low and allow the police to create their own story, which just happened to be a hit by the Chechens that could easily look like the scene Barry left in the woods. If a hiker found that, they'd report it and they'd find Janice shot dead in her car with no other evidence, in the clothes that Cousineau would remember from that night. It confirms their story, so Barry is smart to just let it play out. Really they have a loose relationship with criminal investigation and realism in this show in general though, sending hit requests on fucking iMessage lol


sally had every right to be frustrated, it doesn't make her unlikable. She's worked her ass off for years and had people in the industry treat her like shit and barry got a job just sitting on a couch for being tall. not to mention it was from a very personal and important piece that she wrote herself, she should reap all the benefits of that. sally is annoying sometimes but she's an incredibly written character and an amazing representation of the struggles that women face in the industry.


Sally and the rest had every right to be upset with Barry getting an audition with no work. It’s hard to see someone who puts literally no work into it (Barry just started compared to the rest of them), do much better in a short amount of time just bc the man was tall ☠️


Compare this reaction to the Ronnie and Lilly one lmaooo, this show has RANGE


It's just building on top of what Sally has already shown though. I agree with you for any normal person that's a perfectly understandable reaction, but Sally from previous episodes has already built up this image of a Narcissist, a Manipulator, and a character who has a genuine disinterest in anyone else's feelings. Sure she's gotten better but it's still hard to see her as any other type of character after how she acted for almost all of the first season


Exactly, she uses Barry as her personal practice but when Barry wants help she wants to rant to him about her issues, she should be supportive of him instead of jealous and bitter.


Too bad that's how show biz works and Sally should know this. What point is there being upset and bitter at her significant other for how a whole system works? He didn't ask for this. She can be frustrated without expressing it to Barry who even if he sucks at acting, wants opportunities too. Swallow pride and be a good partner.

Aniki Pft

@Jman1738 Not even, that mf Fuches didn't even stumble upon it purposefully lmao. He got mad lucky getting to the body himself.

zacharie garondo

Sally’s monologue was soooo good Sarah Goldberg murder that role

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 02:25:18 I'm confused on your last sentence. Barry has worked very hard and natural talent doesn't actually mean anything. When he and Sally acted out the abuse he did just as well as she did multiple times. They've made it evident that Barry at times can act very very well so the talent really is not as issue. The only point you really have is that Sally has done it longer and been through more in the industry. It's a really normal reaction they had and they even gave Sally credit for being completely honest.
2024-02-10 02:25:18 I'm confused on your last sentence. Barry has worked very hard and natural talent doesn't actually mean anything. When he and Sally acted out the abuse he did just as well as she did multiple times. They've made it evident that Barry at times can act very very well so the talent really is not as issue. The only point you really have is that Sally has done it longer and been through more in the industry. It's a really normal reaction they had and they even gave Sally credit for being completely honest.
2024-02-04 20:44:47 I'm confused on your last sentence. Barry has worked very hard and natural talent doesn't actually mean anything. When he and Sally acted out the abuse he did just as well as she did multiple times. They've made it evident that Barry at times can act very very well so the talent really is not as issue. The only point you really have is that Sally has done it longer and been through more in the industry. It's a really normal reaction they had and they even gave Sally credit for being completely honest.

I'm confused on your last sentence. Barry has worked very hard and natural talent doesn't actually mean anything. When he and Sally acted out the abuse he did just as well as she did multiple times. They've made it evident that Barry at times can act very very well so the talent really is not as issue. The only point you really have is that Sally has done it longer and been through more in the industry. It's a really normal reaction they had and they even gave Sally credit for being completely honest.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 02:25:18 That's life bro. A lot of opportunities are about being in the right place at the right time. It's luck but more than that its about putting yourself in positions where its more likely for you to get lucky so you meet the right people. However anyone can get lucky, what makes a person successful is if they put in the work/ have the talent to capitalise on those opportunities. Sally's dumbass now realising that life isn't fair, and that some have to work harder than others because person A might just be born taller than person B. She was handed an opportunity with further industry links and she turned it down because of her pride. Her jealousy is on her, and its a pathetic way to treat someone you're supposed to love. In any industry you're going to have a play a role that you don't like, but in order to be successfully you have to sacrifice a little bit of who you are to get ahead.
2024-02-10 02:25:18 That's life bro. A lot of opportunities are about being in the right place at the right time. It's luck but more than that its about putting yourself in positions where its more likely for you to get lucky so you meet the right people. However anyone can get lucky, what makes a person successful is if they put in the work/ have the talent to capitalise on those opportunities. Sally's dumbass now realising that life isn't fair, and that some have to work harder than others because person A might just be born taller than person B. She was handed an opportunity with further industry links and she turned it down because of her pride. Her jealousy is on her, and its a pathetic way to treat someone you're supposed to love. In any industry you're going to have a play a role that you don't like, but in order to be successfully you have to sacrifice a little bit of who you are to get ahead.
2024-02-05 14:28:26 That's life bro. A lot of opportunities are about being in the right place at the right time. It's luck but more than that its about putting yourself in positions where its more likely for you to get lucky so you meet the right people. However anyone can get lucky, what makes a person successful is if they put in the work/ have the talent to capitalise on those opportunities. Sally's dumbass now realising that life isn't fair, and that some have to work harder than others because person A might just be born taller than person B. She was handed an opportunity with further industry links and she turned it down because of her pride. Her jealousy is on her, and its a pathetic way to treat someone you're supposed to love. In any industry you're going to have a play a role that you don't like, but in order to be successfully you have to sacrifice a little bit of who you are to get ahead.

That's life bro. A lot of opportunities are about being in the right place at the right time. It's luck but more than that its about putting yourself in positions where its more likely for you to get lucky so you meet the right people. However anyone can get lucky, what makes a person successful is if they put in the work/ have the talent to capitalise on those opportunities. Sally's dumbass now realising that life isn't fair, and that some have to work harder than others because person A might just be born taller than person B. She was handed an opportunity with further industry links and she turned it down because of her pride. Her jealousy is on her, and its a pathetic way to treat someone you're supposed to love. In any industry you're going to have a play a role that you don't like, but in order to be successfully you have to sacrifice a little bit of who you are to get ahead.

rickie woodson

I dont view it as pride but integrity. As much as she has stayed the same she has had a little growth. Season 1 sally would have jumped at that tv show job. Right or wrong, i can just see where she is coming from 🤷‍♂️

Storm Blade

why would Fuches do that? it's suicide, there's no way Barry is going to let him get away with that


TBF in Sally’s defense the whole Barry getting an audition off the bat was a satirical message about how Hollywood will type cast certain people without any previous experience aka “the IT factor” especially for white guys in the industry lol (IMO)


I am blind on The Bear but aware of how Goated Barry is. SO glad they are doing both

General Grevious

I stand by what I said already, Fuck Sally but the actor that plays her is amazing 😂

Jaelyn Mcgee

it's crazy that I don't think I've seen her in anything else aside from this


Fr but also, I think it's done on purpose lol. It's about damaged people. Like ah the person who's just a bit of a bitch we make you hate but the guy who literally kills people and has killed civilians out of being a fucking lunatic is likeable and you root for him. Seriously good writing, acting and directing


I think that's kind of backwards, its not like Barry did anything wrong, I'd say they should be mad at the producers and the industry for overlooking hard work and talent like that


exactly be mad at the industyr not mad at barry especially since she in her own words has been in the industry longer she should know how it goes


Nailed it. Sally is selfish and self centered but shes also incredibly insecure and a victim of physical abuse. It makes complete sense why shes the way she is.


Well said. Thats why they kept stressing the height. She had to fit all these acting chops to be offered a shit role as a lead and all he had to do was be tall to almost be handed a role.


Man I'm glad I'm not the only one who would check out payback ladies sounds interesting also sheera literally read my mind when she said the state farm jingle the show had to have done that on purpose.