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curious what they do next season




Janaire Bradley

Lupa i had the same face 😂😂 22:10

Arima Kana

Despite some random hate, I actually love to see more of captain carter 👍

Revstarallstar .

Marvel fans in a nutshell. The end (the tree scene) “YOOOOO….. The shit from the other shit”


This man strange supreme tried something so crazy they had to ban him from his universe all together😂

Jamaal Ellison

I like this season a lot (don't get me wrong) but am I to believe that Supreme Strange couldn't stop Kahhori?! Why would he need Peggy's help for her? Nah miss me with that he's beaten multiple universe killers across the multiverse but can't stop Kahhori?! I Stan the MCU hard against the M-SHE-U people but shit like this and echo really makes it difficult.


I was rooting for Strange.

Casey Hedge

It wasn't that he couldn't beat her (they show that he was more powerful when she needed Peggy's help). He couldn't CATCH her since his power was easy for her to sense and she is crazy fast.

Jamaal Ellison

But that's what's so absurd we've seen him swallow an energy wave powerful enough to wipe out a galaxy and can peer into the veil of the Multiverse. Strange can see and speak to The Watcher an Extra-Dimensional being But can't out smart a primitive Native American woman who's a rookie magic user?!

Hasnain Khan


Rent free

The Infiniti stone suit was literally a part of the ending of the first season when they fought Ultron Killmonger got the stones and got a suit


Just not fall in love 😂🤣

Rin Okumura

Aiight confirmed Peggy is multivers powerhouse... held all infinity stones barehanded and didn't even crack a fingernail.

rickie woodson

i assume peggy's suit is special in some way. it was conjured by magic by strange supreme after all. and infinity killmonger is from episode 9 of season 1. he has a vibranium suit, thats how he was able to use the infinity stones. much stronger then tony's iron man armor.

Jamaal Ellison

Post WW2?! I don't think that's true I'm not even sure Europeans have settled yet.

Kevin Fernández

Yeah major plot armor for Peg and kahori, strange at that point was stronger than a unvierse killer, vs a super soldier that shouldn't be able to use the stones that only work on their respective universe even if she could use them she would be dead and kahori is literally a primitive novice magic user with no experience.


So purple and blue beam struggles and no one made a Goku and Vegeta vs (insert random villian here) joke.


It's a bit unclear what happened between her episode and this one. She was found by our-Peggy in the post WW2 universe where that version of Peggy and Steve both died during the experiment explosion (thus the Red Skull mountain). Seeing as she was sending people back to their universes, she had probably jumped to it while running from Strange, but we still don't know how much time she's had to practice. Also, for whatever reason when people in Marvel get ahold of an Infinity Stone they just know how to use it lol (and her powers came from the Tesseract / Space Stone, which is why I don't think Kahhori should be considered a magic user. at all).

Smash Bran'Discootch

All the people talking about plot armor and the writing...ITS A SUPERHERO SHOW! THE SCRIPTS ARE LITERALLY LAMINATED IN PLOT ARMOR. Come on folks, what are you REALLY complaining about?


I'm cool with Peg using the stones as part of her suit, but her grabbing them all for a punch should have vaporized her. As for the Stones, we've already seen them working in other universes in the What If season 1 finale (and maybe the first Doctor Strange movie depending on if you consider the Dark Dimension to be a part of or outside the main MCU universe). In the comics this is a no-no, but in the MCU we've only seen them not work inside the TVA (unless I'm remembering wrong)

Smash Bran'Discootch

I mean....he did. You didn't see roshi making the "Rotating the analog stock for the beam struggles in the budokai games" motion? That was the joke.


Also, Kahhori isn't using magic. While their application/manifestation is different compared to Captain Marvel, both of their powers came from the Space Stone

Severus Alaerth

that PS2 analog beam struggle by roshi lmao anyways SPARKING ZERO (BT4) teaser is out let's fucking goooooooo


Peggy was able to use the stones because of killmongers vibranium suit. Without the suit she would have been toast and when she lost the stones she was still wearing the armor. When the stones combined with her so did the armor. As for the stones. You really don’t think the stones wouldn’t work around something called the forge of creation? They aren’t in their universe but they are in a realm/dimension (I.e the forge of creation) They haven’t been super clear but does it really matter. The show is literally called What If. Just enjoy the epic craziness that would be pretty impossible in live action. Just for the dum dums screaming plot armor.

Bart the Beard

The writing is at the level of two kids screaming BUT I HAVE SOMETHING SOMETHING SO I BEAT YOU one after another.


My marvel buffs wtf was that version of hulk? if that is hulk idk

nathaniel dixon

pretty sure in the comics literally anyone could just hold them so it was the movie who kinda screwed everyone else over with that... but also Peggy did have a protection spell on her for that whole fight

Devin B

I'm assuming that's Hulk Thor, basically The Hulk and Thor fusing together because of a gamma explosion from the Hulk


Inconsistent writing is still inconsistent writing

Jaelyn Mcgee

I don't know how I feel with strange as the final villian for the season, it feels like a retread of the first season, and like they genuinely ran out of ideas at the end. Still a good season for the most part, and great fight scenes especially Kahori's episode, but this just feels... weird.


What If sure does gloss over the whole infinity stones only being powerful in their own universe thing quite a lot


They def ran out of ideas and recycled. imo season 1 was leagues better

Drake Rage

20:07 Did Strange "Sorcerer Supreme" actually try to PUNCH Carter? wtf is this shit, so much absolute nonsense.

Kevin Campos

Season 1 was good. Sad they were not creative enough for Season 2


too woke, all the men are just suddenly evil just because

Drake Rage

You know how sad it is, the fact that this is "What if?" where anything can happen, and they still make something that lacks in creativity, lol.

Vongola Fiamme (edited)

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