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Random Will Poulter


Enok Nivlac

Finally!!!! Now watch episodes 5-10 in one sitting because this season is wholesome asf💀


let’s gooo i finally peeped the schedule for the bear😭


felt crazy refreshing my screen for notifications💀

Hasnain Khan



finally felt like 50 years no cap

Stephen walker

I’m waiting for episode 6👀


How did I know the caption would be either "random will poulter or random Adam warlock" lol

Liam Gilbert

Where's the most recent Apothecary Diaries reaction? Not trying to rush ya'll or anything, just curious if it's been delayed a week or something, or if you've maybe dropped the show, but I haven't seen any posts mentioning it on the Patreon.


Apothecary diaries?

KingKai _

is carmy the dude that was better than him? just my theory


I just rewatched it and it made my anxiety go up like crazy


he was talking bout carmy when he was talking bout the chef that was better than him that he tried to keep up with


Correct. There's an Easter egg confirming that later this season

Azzy V

I told you guys I couldn’t wait to see Mr. Eyebrows 😂


I just saw the tweet from Fak's actor (Matty Matheson) talking about Carmy (Jeremy Allen) being on Calvin Klein & gooodamn that nigga is built fine


The episodes the rest of this season are all bangers, which is saying a lot since they already have been bangers.

Joe Williams

imo the dude on the bike is a metaphor for how things can crash into our lives. Marcus is terrified of this awful thing happening to him (his mom dying) and of course something like that has to have like a big build up and the rest of the world has to recognize that something big happened right? Nah, sometimes those personal tragedies like the death of a loved one and disaster just happen and the rest of the world doesn't notice.


Dw the randoms will be randoming this season

KingKai _

yea i didnt really want yall to tell me, thats why i said theory, but everyone said it in the comments anyway


More cameos coming this season.....


for real, I feel like one of these weeks they just need to do power through Blue eye, Barry, and Bear(b day lol)


But you pick yourself up and you carry on. Its tough but you gotta do it


not a spoiler cuz its a really really quick pan of a pic you supposed to know its carmy cuz carmy in episode 3 said he knows someone in denmark marcus can stage under and its wills character


not a spoiler cuz its a really really quick pan of a pic you supposed to know its carmy cuz carmy in episode 3 said he knows someone in denmark marcus can stage under and its wills character


Well it isn't confirmed. It's insinuated that it's likely to be Carmy in the easter egg.


This next half of the season >>>>

Joshua De Hart

I took the bike scene as a metaphor for having a passion in our lives that can be painful or not fun a lot of the time. Marcus asking that biker, "Are you sure you wanna get back on the bike?" after suffering some injuries is very much related to Carmy and his passion for being a chef. It showed that no matter how much pain you're going through, You still have to keep on 'riding that bike' and push forward.


You could pick up Ritchie knew Nat was pregnant in episode 2. He said she looked green and offered her a sprite.

Devin B

Carmy did tell Marcus when he told him his assignment that he knows a guy up there so I thought since they knew each other that Luca was talking about Carmy

Michael Pamon

The chef Luca/Will Poulter was talking about is implied to be Carmy, that’s why Marcus kept looking like that when Luca was describing him. Also in the last episode Carmy mentioned knowing some a few places (or something to that effect) in Copenhagen when Syd suggested to him that they send Marcus somewhere.


Ngl seeing Marcus on his Eris OVA got me in love, so many beautiful shots in the episode


Shoutout to Will Poulter. We’ve been trained to expect chaos and toxicity from the kitchen environment but then we get Luca who was a stern but nice mentor. Would love a mentor like that.

Jack SV

Dude I saw that Rick Ross interview too and I was laughing so hard when he said that lmaooo

Alejandra P.

Marcus was meant to be there to help that biker. He mentioned that it was winter in Copenhaven. Imagine how long that biker would’ve had to wait for help. Marcus needed this time for himself. He created those amazing donuts in the chaos that was The Beef. Imagine what he can create now that he has time for himself and I know he felt guilty but from what he said he really should not feel guilty. This is good you help yourself so you can also help others. Also, I like that we were told that it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been working in that world, what matters is inspiration. Marcus has to create three desserts for them. Sydney and Carmy want to get a Michelin star. That is huge.

John Cedar

I LOVE the scene of Marcus helping the nameless man trapped under the fence. They dont speak a word of each other's language, they can't really communicate at all. They also will almost certainly never see each other again for the rest of their lives, their entire interaction is less than 5 minutes. But I think they will still remember each other forever, they shared a deeply human hug of understanding. Marcus simply existed in that moment to help that man and the man existed to receive the help graciously, and they both went home better for it. I don't know why...it just felt so beautiful despite being so simple.


I was expecting the scene with Marcus messing up to be like the seen in whiplash with the chair. I thought buddy was going to tweak out.


Lupa laugh’s like black Seth Rogen


omelette du fromage is crazy lmao


Lupa v Roshi intro discussion was the real highlight


Need yall to watch The Iron Claw

Jesus Leon

Can you guys react to series “911” , “Swat” ,or “The Rookie”?


Everyday, we inch closer to The Fork

hyakimaru dono

BTW good icecream typically starts as a light custard


Sorry Lupa but if you immediately agree with Roshi or Sheera on something then find out later you were right, you still took the L. If you really believed you were right all along you for sure would have stood your ground. Don't let others tell you what you should or shouldn't think if you actually believe you're right on something.

hyakimaru dono

I like to think the guy will was talking about is carmy cause the was the connect carmy mentioned to syd.


matty Matheson is so good the popping shit had me laughing so hard

J Man

13:34 "When can I talk to the chef?", "you are", "ooooh"... You could smell the sexism and racism coming off this guy

These Plums

I wonder if Will Poulter's character was talking about Carmie when he was talking about the other chef

andrew ayala

Marcus so lame and boring that the 4 minute Will Poulter scene is all anyone talks about or remembers


I deadass think he stole his passport cause ts was weird

October Veil

this episode is a palate refresher. Love it love it. Can't wait for fishes and forks

Charlie baker

yeah lotta places in europe have anti bird and rodent fence toppings that are basically a variation of razor wire so that dude was hurting hurting


i swear sheera looks so disgusted whenever these mf's make something lmao


Yeah, whoever said Sydney doesn't like Marcus... I'm not seeing it. Im not talking about her being into him or anything, but cmon. She has way more chemistry with him than Carmy. I think they're just good friends tho Kinda wish yall didn't reveal you were joking about denmark being brooklyn, imagine the circus you could have had in the comments lol

john segun doe

That Jazz score with Marcus B-Roll sounded hella ethiopian. Imma have to check if i'm right


I'll say this about the bike - you crash into something fast enough, WEIRD SHIT happens. Shit you never expected. If there's a way to turn a fence into a net, its by going too fast.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:03:46 despite being 'partners' she looks up to carmy still so there's anxiety/tension when she speaks to him vs marcus is more on equal footing so she's more relaxed and open around him, i think next season we might see their dynamic shift tho (im agreeing w/ you btw 😭)
2024-01-24 14:17:10


Tezeta is always a classic.


slight spoilers (?) i see friendship chemistry with marcus but i don’t get the vibes she likes him back at all. i think the thing is with carmy a lot of people see romantic chemistry there. idrc who gets together in this show but i would agree with the sentiment. and like the other reply said it’s not as easy to be comfortable with carmy because she’s looked up to him for so long. and i also agree with the other reply i think their dynamic will change next season probably for the best (i sense a big fight between them lol)


Marcus wholesomeness is incredible, really appreciate this episode for what is and definitely seeing a lot of things Marcus struggles with comes into play. Alot of the things Luca says hits home for Marcus especially when he said "if you spend a lot of time in the kitchen but not a lot of time in the real world etc," and you think back to season 1 when Marcus literally slept in the kitchen in the Beef. Now that he is spending more time out there and being open he is able to grow a lot more better. Can't wait for fishes, its going to be hell on earth. Pay a lot of attention to that episode.

HBK 713 🏄🏾‍♂️

I shed a tear during the bike-hug situation so if he would of got robbed I would of been pissed 🤣


Probably no one but it’s a tv show so it might be fit plot convenience because they focused on it when he was in the airport


Probably my least favorite episode of the entire show so far


Lol yeah ice cream is usually made with eggs. It's a custard


I believe it was vanilla. You have to scrape the guts out of the bean


This was definitely my favorite episode this season so far, and it's in my top 3 for the show, this was great


damn hope my ass never half dead on side of the road with sheera as my only hope.


The bike scene was all about the HUG. Marcus needed that hug real bad especially since he hasn’t gotten one from his mom recently

Sheraya san

Sheera what do u eat? U say ew to everything

Bria A.

Yeah, when you make ice cream from scratch you start with a custard base, which is essentially milk and eggs 😅 Also I’m pretty sure the “other chef” in the Luca story was Carmy, he mentioned a restaurant called Noma a while back and they gave the sign a quick cameo in some of the Denmark environmental footage lol


Vanilla bean/pods you usually scrape the pods from the inside or steep it in milk to get the vanilla flavour out


wait you don't carry it around I didn't know that (has never left America)


It’s for international travel so if you’ve never left you kinds dont really need it you have to apply for one anyway

Israel Perez

Marcus can’t come back until he masters sage mode

Kai Lee

Roshi, Sheera and Lupa forgetting this isn't America but Denmark lmao. One of the best countries to live in period with almost 0 crime


Cuz it’s a Will Poulter cameo in an otherwise chill and relaxing episode dude. Man what is with these weird ass takes in the comments.


This nigga said "egg.... aight im lost" lmaooo


why. Honestly one of my favs. No shade type shit just genuinely curious


It really says something about shows (and I guess myself) how anxious I was feeling during this episode lol. First I was scared Luca would be an absolute dick. Then I was scared the bike thing was a setup for a partner to rob/hurt Marcus. Then I switched to wondering if the guy pick-pocketed him during the hug lol. But nah. None of that. It was just a wholesome episode (god I hope none of these become a thing later on lmao)


I dont know if yall ever caught it, but the chef Luca was talking about who was way better than him and that he learned to stick beside was Carmy. Thats part of the reason that he looked out for him and let Marcus come train with him.


wait he reminded me of carmy but like was his old partner's carmy? and also i agree w sheera but like that bike guy reminded me of marcus' mom like everything will be ok when he comes back home

Dark Shogun

Besides the price, the reason I've never tried to go to fine dining is because they plate the food to look like edible art and I'd hate to ruin it. The food looks too beautiful.

Eli Kisamo

Am I tripping? Is Luca talking about Carmy? Yoooo that’s crazy. I’m not sure why I’m even thinking this. Also, that convo between Luca and Marcus felt so natural. This show is awesome bruh.