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Oni Legend

Fuck i made a bet with someone in the disc that you would put WHAT?! as the caption

Hasnain Khan


Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:03:46 Lying to yourself, about yourself, in order maintain an image of who you want to be for people that, ultimately, don't care about you seems like an awful and incredibly damaging coping mechanism to deal with trauma... but I guess what other kind of advise can you except to get from a conflicted hitman lol
2024-01-24 01:05:18 Lying to yourself, about yourself, in order maintain an image of who you want to be for people that, ultimately, don't care about you seems like an awful and incredibly damaging coping mechanism to deal with trauma... but I guess what other kind of advise can you except to get from a conflicted hitman lol

Lying to yourself, about yourself, in order maintain an image of who you want to be for people that, ultimately, don't care about you seems like an awful and incredibly damaging coping mechanism to deal with trauma... but I guess what other kind of advise can you except to get from a conflicted hitman lol




I can't wait til next episode

Hbk Lee

“come over here nigga” sheera for the win 🤣


My favorite non anime y'all watching


idk how yall got confused lol, but nah he is just mad that she wrote in the part about her standing up for herself but he's glossing over the fact that he did indeed beat her. just a big nigga with a big ego

Culdesac Jadoni

Get ready for THE quintessential Barry episode

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:03:46 blud this episode was a fucking rollercoaster and my emotions are all over the place
2024-01-24 01:29:44 blud this episode was a fucking rollercoaster and my emotions are all over the place

blud this episode was a fucking rollercoaster and my emotions are all over the place


just remember "the bear" won the polls against this show and its still amaze.


They're both so good in different ways, it rocks there both getting covered. (the first two barry seasons are better overall but I do think the bear has some individual episodes that are higher highs)

mitch anderson

Roshi drinking 5hr energy? That shit not good for you bro

Oni Legend

Barry’s talk with Sally was actually kinda sweet but also kinda fucked up. Like yeah they don’t have to and shouldn’t have to turn highly traumatic events into entertainment for people that don’t give a shit whats real or fake as long as it’s entertaining But at the same time for Sally to keep up this facade of standing up for herself and making this big speech to Sam when she left him, is also just like….incredibly unhealthy in terms of processing her trauma from it. Yeah sure a big speech standing up to him is strong….but so is just leaving him in the first place and staying away from him Like the sheer amount of abuse victims that remain trapped in a cycle of violence and abuse is so high that an abuse victim just getting away from that situation is worthy of praise and a major show of strength. Hell if you go on Twitter rn, you’ll find threads of people talking about being close to an abuse victim and how even when so close to almost dying at points and getting presented opportunities to get away from their abusers, they’ll go right back to them and get hurt or get others hurt or, unfortunately in most cases, get killed. Its just tragic to see Sally downplay her experience just because she didn’t stand up to him directly

Davon Thomas

The best episode of Barry is next!

Jaelyn Mcgee

I just realized that Sally's friend literally married and had kids with Sam. I completely missed it the last episode, despite hinting that he's just as abusive to her


you know its some fuck shit when lupa gets up lol


Great episode 🔥


Last time y'all said someone was nimble they fell and died sheera 😂.

John Cedar

Yeah it's terrible advice for Sally because something was done TO her and if you keep replaying what you wish happened in your head you will never really get through trauma. But as the perpetrator of the bad actions this is the only coping mechanism that works if you care about your image, so Barry has to literally deny all the parts of himself that he doesn't like in order to function. He lives the lie so much that he all but believes it himself, because he has to. You can even forget the truth and totally believe the delusion for real under the right circumstances. An incredibly common coping mechanism, unfortunately.

Culdesac Jadoni

I’ve been ready ever since they started watching! It’s gonna be pure comedy lmaoo

John Cedar

Isn't it that her friend from the Skype call has an off-screen husband that is friends with Sam still and told him?


Where is the schedule

Douglas Kelley

No, he is worried about his family finding out he was abusive. Sally decision on how to play her part doesn’t change that.


Yeah, saw that coming. Like since he found out what Barry did and he was talking about his ex wife and that other dude.

Jake Coulter

Next episode is pure comedy gold, yall are gonna love it 😂


Sorry but from what I see so far. Barry seems obliviously cautious and lacks people skills. In fighting Barry would win tho

Jake Coulter

This is interesting cause you might be right lol but also Joe got wrecked by that girl in season 2 pretty easily so maybe not 😂


yes but they were talking about whether he even hit her or not, him worrying about his family finding out is obvious tho

Jake Coulter

Wait so the girl she face timed with, is married to Sam? Maybe I missed those details but is this confirmed?

Jake Coulter

Bro you’re receiving radiation as you typed that and ingest microplastics everyday. Ain’t nothing good for you homie lol it’s all good.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I'd have to go back and rewatch the episode to be sure, but she mentions her 5 year old son, how much problems she's having at home due to the husband's drinking and not wanting to really bring up or mention the past abuse which would make sense if she's going through it too. I could be completely wrong though so take it with a grain of salt


😂 it was during their Flower of Evil reactions. I can't remember the episode but Roshi said it and it proved to be not true 😭


Get ready people the next episode is PEAK! You guys aren't ready

Oni Legend

No no her friend is married to a completely separate guy. They name him in both this episode and last episode as some former shitty baseball player or whatever who coaches the boys baseball team

Berts Tv

Sally is terrible but she looks good so


you not wrong lol joe doesnt got the best track record…but he is a psychopath also

Alexis Sullivan

I took that scene between Sally and Sam to mean she was abusing him. Idk why but when he said "tell everyone how you kicked my ass or something" it made me think wait was she abusing him? But I guess he was just giving an example of how she's lying about standing up to him

Tyrese Marshall

This is the one. Never try with someone who is horrible in fear of fumbling something "good". It ain't worth it.

juan vargas

Next episode is gonna be fire. The guy that plays Ronny (the guy Barry is hired to kill) is Chad Stahelski who's been Keanu Reeve's stuntman since the Matrix days and is the director of the John Wyck movies. You might recognize his face because he always plays a goon in action movies that are directed by former stuntmen like Extraction 2 and Atomic Blonde. He was also the only goon that gave John Wyck hands in the first movie. For me the next episode is the funniest and best episode of the entire series.

Jaelyn Mcgee

ahh okay, that's good to know. I was really confused cause he name dropped Kate and I think that made me think they were together

Kevs rey

I can't wait for the ep with the kid 😁

Darion Belt

No, what he was saying was that she was lying about how the story actually went down, so why not tell everyone that she fought back and kicked his ass because its made up. he did abuse her but she didn't fight back. Also, blaming the victim of abuse is pretty standard for what abusers do. Make you feel like you deserved it so you're not willing to fight back against them.

A. P.

Not tryna argue about health in Patreon comments but that's literally all the more reason not to add to the unhealthy shit we already intake daily against our will lol This coming from a mf that's basically addicted to chocolate and has acid reflux lmao

A. P.

Caffeine + L Theanine pills have changed my life, just throwing that out there for anyone tryna get off the energy drinks


Sam did abuse and hit Sally (like we can see he has a super short temper and is already punching walls in this episode lol) Sam is just upset Sally lied about fighting back and making a big scene before walking out on him which makes him look “weak” in comparison.


Sally is a fucking idiot like be for real.

Delinda Arts

Next ep is S-teir Barry

Corey Leach

I think it was stated that Sam was drunk during that night, so he probably doesn't remember what exactly happened. Also next episode yall might wanna get some tissues cuz yall aint ready lmao.


Both are great shows however one is more suited for reaction content than the other. I like the Bear but I wasn’t a fan of them reacting to it because there are very few react worthy episodes. Where as Barry has something that would generate a reaction too in almost every episode.

sash wing

More or less It's a reputation issue. Even if she's a minor actress you wouldn't want a situation where people find out you commit domestic violence against a former partner. This is just a theory but around 2017 the me too hash tag became a focus point for people calling out for committing similar actions.


Been waiting for the next episode since they started, lupa is going to die

Lively Nili

S Tier build up. Damn, this show is too good.

rickie woodson

soooooooooooooo, barry survives 4 seasons cause of plot armor. not liking it. that ending so doesnt work for me. le sigh

Koosha Mokhbery

I finished the show and I'm loving their reactions. All I will say is, trust me, stick through it, blind reactions like the gang.


Oxygen's pretty bad for you too. You see what it does to copper and iron? Does the same thing to animal cells, just takes alot longer for the damage catches up. Oxygen is the reason our cells degrade over our lifetime untill they cant reproduce


I don’t know what you complaining about lol the main character surviving is not a surprise


Next ep is hands the most funniest shit I ever seen on TV the commentary next ep finna be so lit


There's definitely better places to talk about the ending than a comments section of a season 2 episode reaction... or yk you can just... wait...


That fucking ending broke my ankles so hard wtf


Well of course Barry will lack people skills he is trained killer he is meant to be devoid of emotions

Richard Vonherbulis

next episode is one of the greats of television history

john segun doe

Lmaooo Sheera didn't even say "barry" in the intro. She legit just said "BAAAAA" Im dead

Oni Legend

Wdym plot armor? It’s not like it doesn’t come out of nowhere. All the signs were there that Loach wasn’t concerned about catching Barry to bring him to justice. Starting with the fact that he went after him completely alone


Can’t wait for Ronny/Lily

Hussain (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:03:46 Next episode is hilarious lmao
2024-01-24 14:05:54 Next episode is hilarious lmao

Next episode is hilarious lmao


They are absolutely going to lose their minds at ronny/lily I'm so excited lmao

Jesse Gutierrez

WAAAAAHHH main character is still alive WAAAAAAH, character the show is named after isn't dead WAAAAAH


Love this show

Demonsha Long

It doesn't matter if its a war situation. Him killing an unarmed non us civilian is definitely a war crime and he could've been in a military prison for years on end

Anna Anthony

i feel awful for Sally, still not a fan yet. But Sam is actual garbage


Bro I can't wait. Literal clownshoes antics next episode

Christian Owusu

No she didn’t lie abt the abuse it’s how it happened come on yall

Gmac paddiewac

she lied about standing up to him after

Gmac paddiewac

cant wait for season 3 and 4. the show is just tooooo good. the places it goes

rickie woodson

Im not dropping the show, just really didn't Ike the loach thing. Came out of no where. He just didnt strike me as a crooked cop. And figured he and janice were close enough to want justice. I honestly was waiting for fuchs to bust in at any moment to help barry out

rickie woodson

Not about surviving as in living, but as in getting by unknown as a hitman. Just would prefer if he would evade detection due to his own skills and ingenuity not based on the opponent being inept or corrupt


Not the nimble reference lmao

Chuk it

again this show got zero emmy or golden globe wins


Lupa's dying laugh gets me every time


Roshi said: “he’s gonna smoke him and he’s gonna deserve it” 😂


Couldn't agree more sss tier show and top favorite episode. The scene with Barry telling Gene the korengal story hit hard and Gene was absolutely correct in charging that was a whole therapy session speaking of this man Barry need that Bucky Barnes treatment and get himself some more. This was the most human I've ever seen Barry and I'm truly starting to sympathize with his character. I have to wonder if Albert is gonna show up in the future that'd be crazy because I don't think he died. Loach trying to get ronny out the way was unexpected but fit perfectly truly great writing but they need to show me how Barry got up there that fast because that's beyond nimble he's gotta be Cleveland Spiderman 🤣.


Surely hank's assassination army is gonna be a well oiled machine Surely or at the very least Mayerbach got it clutched 😂.

Jigga Man

That ending was wild AF 😂😂 I was same as Barry

Drake Rage


General Grevious

Just a heads up, next episode about to be top-tier👌🏾


Yo this show is crazy 🤣😧😦😮😯😳🤯😆








holy shit