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the broken blade


Hasnain Khan



Season 1, episode 5


never clicked on a link so fast ! thank you for the reactions, this show is amazing

PJ Rivera

Whoa this was fast, salute to roshi and the team


Roshi really keeping us on edge with these blue eye samurai uploads

Skye Brooklyn

nigga said “oh, that’s why he asked if she was sure”😭😭😭my nigga lula ain’t heard of consent j/


Thank you so much for the reaction can’t wait for next weeeek schedule


lupa really attacked me at the start🤣


so mad a nigga jumped gooch first into my screen lol

Bria A.

I don’t actually think Mizu knows which of the four white men that were in Japan at that time is her father, and is basically doing process of elimination (in the first episode she said her goal was to kill all four of them, anyway—overkill revenge, I love it). I could see a setup where each season is a different guy, and for narrative’s sake, her father will probably end up being the last one she looks for.

Zion Williams

4 fangs were trash 1v1 holy hell

Kevs rey

They used to blackened their teeth to preserve it and it helped with cavity and decay. Fun little fact jogo from JJK had black teeth


"Don't forget your teeth." *Rolling Stones 'Paint It Black' starts playing* That would've been wild if they did that.

Tamara Palmer

Can’t wait until roshi and the gang react to next weeks episodes. It’s gonna be epic !

Smash Bran'Discootch

Roshi, you're surprised over the people in your comments section not realizing the main character was a woman even though the description of the show and all the promotional material flat out says it? Have you BEEN in your comments section? It's not exactly Mensa International o.O

J Man

Yo! Dat dude only lasted like 30 seconds 💦🍆 😂😂😂


Episode 5 is the one to get gassed up for. The story starts ramping up from here though

Mike Peebles

"imma blow up with this shit!!" 🤣🤣

David Emerson

i think niggas just couldnt believe a woman could play an MC role.


so random but ringo and his like backstory being the noodle shop guy son and wanting to be a samurai just reminds me of kung fu panda 😭😭

Quincy Jones

Western Based, I could believe, but not in Anime. They be handlin business out East.


On Lupa Roasting people for being confused: BOY, IF YOU DON'T... Stop and remember 2005 when niggas, EVEN YOU (probably), thought Haku from Naruto was a girl for 3 episodes before the reveal. Lol 😆 Remember Perfect Hair Forever??? (Prolly not tbh 😂) Male MC with a female voice. I spent half the episode thinking she was like both of them lol😭🤣


I JUST noticed the Netflix logo has the Tattoo on Mizu's arm in it. EDIT: ALSO, is homie really trash? I mean, as a kid, yes. The scene that made Roshi assume he was playing homegirl isn't very telling, IMO. At first, I thought he was playing her too, but after running it back 5 times, he wasn't talking shit and in THOSE times, Men had several women at the same time (See Apoth. Diaries) and it wasn't frowned upon. I take it he's an up and coming hotshot and he's popular with the ladies. In all honesty, HOMEGIRL came off like she was using him just to get out of marrying dudes she only knows through the grapevine. Just a thought as I'm watching at the same pace.

solo prince

I mean he’s pretty trash for the shit he’s done not only to Akemi, but also Mizu. It being normalized back then doesn’t take away from the fact that it is not good 😭. He’s also still calling Mizu a dog. I also understand that he was also living a shit life, but making someone’s else life shit as well doesn’t cancel that out. Maybe with the next episodes you’ll change or keep the same opinion.


I thought it was fairly obvious but I also didn't look up shit before watching this. They spoil way too much in the promotional material these days.

Jordan McKenney

Y’all wouldn’t know since you live in Florida, but every year in Maryland we have the Polar Bear Plunge. People jump into the bay in February for charity.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah I should say for the record that my statement wasn't directed at EVERYONE in the community. Just a good 70% or so lol


Btw Mizu didn't get cut by anything. She was bleeding because she was binding her chest too tight with the bandages.


Ringo has my whole heart


To your point, EVERYONE calls her a dog because of the Culture itself. Even she believes she's less than human because of the way the entire society of Japan worked at the time. Is it wrong? Yes. Is he wrong for following the rules of society at the time? I don't think so. He was a bully as a kid, but people grow. I'll just say I went ahead and watched episode 3(SO good), and I'm even more on the fence now 😆. [Lite Spoiler] in his words, he was celebrating his engagement, so that was like his bachelor party. Flirting and drinking with prostitutes is a normal activity for such an occasion, so he STILL has done nothing wrong to Akemi.[Lite Spoiler] Can I just say I wanna like him? 😆


First the princess make a dumb decision to sleep with him and than he JUST LEAVES in best Zuko style to look for his honor lmao

Bart the Beard

I will never understand why the western audience and directors think those ape-talk dialogues in the "Japanese accent" are fine


I don’t know if anyone else has said it but Mizu in Japanese means water.


You would rather have them all sound American or some shit? If you aren’t going to use the original language for your characters, giving them an accent always helps with immersion. That might just be me tho. Idk.

Steve Harvey Dent

36:09 noodles. Get The Fuck Out My Way

Jamaal Ellison

My man noodlehands got to see hairy unshaven Bushidoussy.😂

J Man

I would have preferred it off screen, but the writers had to go on and embarrass the dude


Metallic rogue is also a very good anime, i bet it would get a lot of hype like this one


I won't lie, you got that, yo lol 😆


Get off my man's nuts, yo! Sheera and Lupa haven't demonized him yet, so don't let Roshi BRAINWASH you into being a hater, too! Man's was humble and KNEW their marriage was doomed once he lost that fight. Very next scene, Daddy confirmed this. Let Taigen Cook.


I felt so judged by "is it true they drink the milk from their animals?!" while I was drinking coffee with milk... .... is this... not a normal thing in ancient Japan? :O Are there cultures that judge us for this? lol


Looked it up since Lupa mentioned. An authentic sword made by a Japanese blacksmith can cost between $8k and $50k. To be honest... I almost feel like that's not enough.


I didn't know blackened teeth were a thing until this episode. Looked it up and went down the rabbit hole and apparently it's a whole thing that some cultures even do now!

rickie woodson

i wonder if she's ever killed anyone. she had an opportunity twice last episode to take down someone and chose not to. its giving "the lady doth protest too much". makes me think when the time comes she wont be able to snipe daddy dearest

rickie woodson

annnnnnnnnnnnd nevermind. she is that girl lol. dont get why she let taigen live tho. besides plot. fatal mistake


If seeing white or mixed people is such a shock and sin to these people imagine how they'll react to seeing a black person for the first time. Damn

Darion Wilson

I know Lupa isn't tryna come for yall when he never knows what's going on. "Wait, what?" Him every episode. LMAO!!!


Nobody cut her. It's the tightly wrapped bandages that made her bleed and whimper in pain when trying to work the fire

Kumi Chan

Mizu means water in Japanese


prince zuko moment

Norman kay10


solo prince

I think he’s a lot like Zuko kinda. So, I can see how people like him. I didn’t like him at all during the first few episodes and i’m still like eh with him. Maybe in the next season I will, but I can see it.


Bro 'martyrdom' has me dying


Akemi (daughter that ran away) is voiced by Brenda Song btw

Jaden Coleman

Lupa rude as hell for that intro lmfao, wildin


nah nigga i stay lasting 20 seconds. If the cat is good then it is what it is lol


They're not judging! Asian people are actually just more likely to be lactose intolerant, which is why I'm assuming they just avoided milk and other dairy products altogether back in those times and were curious about people who were able to easily digest it.


Jesus christ the ending discussion had me in tears. "Back in the day I get into a fight, someone cuts my dreads off and now I have no honor." I'm dead 💀


well, they're more lactose intolerant BC they didn't eat dairy. They didn't start consuming dairy until the west came over and introduced them to it so I'm sure they did find it to be strange.


They would try to "clean" a black person to prove they naturally black. True story btw


Yeah, I saw someone talk about that happening to them before. Wild


He actually was praised, they thought he was a gift from the gods as they make their statues of God's out of black stone. He became a sort of side show, but eventually became the first foreign samurai.

Muricon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂
2024-02-01 16:52:45 The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂

The scene at 42:19 reminds me of the live stream of them playing the Quarry and they fucked up on the zip line and had home girl break her back on a rock just like that. Rip Emma 😂

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-09 00:03:46 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao
2024-02-06 22:44:53 The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao

The pumpum really gassed him up to go an die lmao

Eli Kisamo

Lupa doing the Jiraiya dance to the music is hilarious. Only OGs remember that shit. 💀😂😭