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If I see one more caption about Sydney 😤


I just realized with this two drops a week we are gonna get Fishes and Forks in the same week. Holy fuck thats gonna be a good week. Two of the best episodes of TV all last year

J Man

Bear! MONEY!!!! 💰

Hasnain Khan



that was a plate that she imagined (word to Solange)


SIR YOU NEVER HAD REAL ACTUALLY GOOD CHICAGO PIZZA THEN…Im TIRED of you Roshi disrespecting Chicago what did my city ever do to youuuuu

John Cedar

I don't think it's weird that Claire hunted down Carmy's number since they've always been on good terms and have had a clear unspoken attraction up until this point. It's not like she was creeping on him and following him and he obviously wasn't interested, they obviously had a mutual interest in knowing each other but he gave her a wrong number for his own reasons that were completely independent of how she acts. And she's a part of the local community and friends of his friends from their teenage years so it makes sense she will find out if anything is wrong in his life to not want to keep in touch with her. And she genuinely asked if it's ok if she keeps in contact before continuing.

Vongola Fiamme (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-22 19:34:31 I hope syd got all that at a discount cause she gotta make that 1 month check ride for 6 months right? ik she living with pops but based on how much they reiterate how shit the pay is she cant be that well off. Also peep how she was taking ole dudes recipe ideas all sneaky like.
2024-01-22 19:34:31 I hope syd got all that at a discount cause she gotta make that 1 month check ride for 6 months right? ik she living with pops but based on how much they reiterate how shit the pay is she cant be that well off. Also peep how she was taking ole dudes recipe ideas all sneaky like.
2024-01-18 01:52:18 I hope syd got all that at a discount cause she gotta make that 1 month check ride for 6 months right? ik she living with pops but based on how much they reiterate how shit the pay is she cant be that well off. Also peep how she was taking ole dudes recipe ideas all sneaky like.

I hope syd got all that at a discount cause she gotta make that 1 month check ride for 6 months right? ik she living with pops but based on how much they reiterate how shit the pay is she cant be that well off. Also peep how she was taking ole dudes recipe ideas all sneaky like.


I kinda interpreted Carmy giving the wrong number as an honest to god mistake myself. Seems weird to me to give the correct number off by 1 digit instead of just making some shit up if you weren't ready to get back in the game.

Michael Pamon

Roshi, I don’t think Claire KNEW Carmy gave her a fake number, I think she actually CALLED the fake number. Then when she realized it was the wrong one she got in contact with Fak for the real one.




He seemed to want to give it at first but considered it in the moment, hesitated, and then changed his mind last minute. That’s how I viewed the scene last episode.


Roshi gonna get his knees broke when goes to Chicago


Nah the black plate was her ideas, that’s why it kept changing, like Lupa was trying to say


Ct got the best pizza let’s be honest

Mike A

Lupa was right. The top down shot of the black plates were what Syd was trying to imagine making. And I agree with Sheera, if Claire was a stranger it would be weird, but given they knew each other from back in the day I don't think it's too weird that she got his number from a friend.


i think lupa was right all the foods syd tasted she kinda put together her own meal in her head if i remember correctly i dont think that was a dish she ate, the different types of ravioli appearing on the plates was like her figuring out what would be best and then at the end she tried making it


Kasama's longanisa egg and cheese sandwich (the one wrapped in foil) is probably my favorite breakfast sandwich in Chicago. Their pastries are really good too. These days it's harder to get in though ever since they got their Michelin star and additional exposure from The Bear Margie's Candies is a classic ice cream place and you definitely should go if you're around Also I think the tavern style cut pizza is more representative of Chicago pizza than deep dish is (though I like both)

Pedro Lopez

NY 🍕 >>>>>> Chi 🍕


That whole last four episodes was heat I can’t wait for it all tbh


Lol 16:04 I might be remembering it wrong but wasn't that a line in Promised Neverland?


“why you in a wheelchair?” “it’s not a wheelchair it’s me cooking up these fries!” 😂😂😂😭

Alejandra P.

I agree that it’s weird you go asking ppl for someone’s number. That’s weirdly stalkerish. Also Carmy being passive aggressive when all montage ppl were telling Sydney to have a trusting partner signals trouble in the future. Like Sheera said, they have to care about everything.


There'll be context eventually on Claire's relationship with Carmy's circle

Lord Joku 69

Where’s blue eye samurai


Carmy just has a hard time letting people in remember how hard it was with him and his sister. So he got scared last minute


Lupa making jokes 🤝🏾not knowing what’s going on


I’m with you roshi that is weird about the number thing and crazy lol and now we know sheera is crazy.

Uly A O

I never thought that Carmy intended to give a fake number, I think it was a subconscious decision because Carmy has self-destructive behavior, always thinking it's not going to end well for him to shield himself from failure. Also given the history between him and Claire, all she is asking is confirmation to know if she should pursue Carmy or not, which is how it is interpreted.

Calem Joseph

I agree with Roshi, it is weird


Ik you guys are prob just joking when you say shit like "you'll leave hungry if its fine dining" but its such a common misconception about actual fine dining where when you see pictures of small plates and such its typically as a single course which forms a larger tasting menu. For places like what the Sydney and Carmy are trying to open they'll usually only provide a single tasting menu that can range from minimum 3 courses up to like 8 (on average at least, there is no limit). Some places of course will do a la carte (single items) but they'll always push their tasting menu because it is something that is actually designed to be eaten together (a good tasting menu will be deisgned in such a way that each dish will flow into the next and be properly balanced). Tasting menus are superior for the purposes of these kinds of establishments also because you get to taste a wider variety of food properly, which for someone like me especially is something that I value a lot - you pretty fairly judge the restaurant based on one visit as opposed to "regular" restaurants where you'd really need to go multiple times to try everything or be forced to go with a large group so you can order a lot of things. So when you see a dish of like "just 4 ravioli" its not really fair because its either meant to be as a part of a larger menu or whats pretty common nowadays designed as part of an a la carte menu that can be more easily mixed and matched (its quite common in slightly elevated italian restaurants where you'll find the average plate of pasta is for like say 10-15 USD and there won't *that* much because its designed to allow you to try a wider variety of pasta than just getting a big bowl of bolognese everytime. BTW this isn't to say that all fine dining and upscale restaurants are just amazing & refined and if you don't understand it you're like a broke bitch or whatever for not understanding true cuisine, there is definitely a lot of shit fine dining restaurants or worse yet gimmick restaurants that design their menus so that they go viral on instagram or whatever thats just not a good food experience but for the most part this industry is extremely cutthroat and even if your food is good thats not a gaurantee of success because your margins are razor thin. For example, one of my favourite restaurants and I think its fair to say one of the best restaurants in my homecity Hong Kong closed down abruptly last year with basically no warning despite having 2 michelin stars, being for the most part packed, and having a tasting menu thats like 300 USD/person simply because the owner went broke.

Devin B

I have to disagree with you Roshi, we saw how they were vibing, talking to each other in the store so she's probably like why would he go out of his way to give a fake number when they were hitting it off. Plus the fact that they were close before makes it less weird to me.


Roshi done gave out some fake numbers, emails, etc in his lifetime fasho


carmy and syd need to sit down and actually talk about their relationship. syd keeps referring to herself as his partner yet i don’t really think that’s what carmy sees her as. i feel bad that she’s going around doing all this research for a restaurant that isn’t hers to begin with. i might not be the biggest fan of syd but she should definitely go elsewhere with her talent.

Devin B

Also I can understand why Carmy didn't bother to call Sydney about the wall because even if he called her it doesn't change the fact that the wall had to go down, but it's a respect thing between partners to let the other party know about any changes within the business and Carmy failed at that part


Yeah about the “partnership”, not having a profit share is kinda crazy. Then again, it’s a question about whether she had capital to invest in the restaurant and deserves that partnership, her name is likely not on the restaurant. She’s putting in the work though like she is a partner too so emotionally it means a lot to her.

Drake Rage

Sheera spitting Faks in the ending discussion.


Lupa and Sheera rockin some heat


Since we’re repping Chicago, the original spot this show is based off is an actual spot too, Mr Beef. If you’re there, apparently you gotta try their Italian Beef. Between this spot and the spots shown this episode, I am looking forward to doing a food tour in Chicago some day.


Switch the genders, if Carmy was a women and Claire was a man, would you still think it's not weird? Be honest now


Sheeras point definitely stands, Clair is stated to know his entire family and his extended which is the faks she also probably knows about Mikey’s death as well. It wouldn’t be weird to get his number and ask why he gave her the wrong number. It’s all about perspective because we can obviously tell there’s interest going around the two and that Clair might be the amusement and enjoyment in his life that he so desperately pushes away since he’s used to not having that. Probably the reason why he dwindled on giving her the wrong last digit.

Antonio Williams

The quintessential deep breath (because of the chaos) and then exhale (because of the growth). Pun not intended, but we're gonna be eating good that week

John Cedar

Chicago has so much amazing pizza that's not even deep dish too, people really just embrace the stereotype immediately even if they've never been. New York has amazing food everywhere but so does Chicago and Chicago isn't pretentious about their shit like NY or LA can be. They just make good food, the whole city is full of it.


She lucked out here. Her credit is apparently screwed so she doesn’t have the capital to start a place on her own. Choosing to help Carmy with the restaurant is probably her best shot at the moment of making it big. Once the spot becomes more famous and she starts earning a profit/reputation, she probably would end up striking out on her own.

alex nelson

season 2 a whole ass training arc and im here for it


Mr Beef is legit - the owner died pretty recently but they're still kicking. One of my favorite Italian beef sandwiches in Chicago (though I didn't start going until after watching The Bear) I'm obviously biased but I love the food scene here in Chicago more than anywhere else in the States. It's got something for everyone and then some, regardless of how much money you make or whatever dietary restrictions you may have


Glad everyone’s excited about that week, but next episode is gonna be fire too. S2E4 is vibes.


Exactly Chicago doesn’t need to brag let the food speak for itself💯


I don't really thinks it's that weird that she got his number since It seems like they were very close and she is not just "some random". It's like giving your cousin a fake number like they can't just call your mom and ask for it. Also, she even asked if it was okay that she has his number or does he genuinely not want to contact her anymore. If Carmy didn't want to talk to her anymore that was his chance to tell her why but he folded and said it was okay.

andrew ayala

nigga these places are real??? thought it was some bullshit the show made up


Has Carmy ever actually bailed on Syd before? Other than that one time he ran out to go to a meeting ... I don't think he is particularly unreliable at all.


lol yeah some of the people syd was talking to were the actual proprietors of the restaurant too. i live right next to avec (one of the restaurants featured in this episode) and i remember when they were shooting in the area because they had all these signs up on the street


I think also with them spitting out the food, if WE ate it we would be happy with it. But they are hyper critical and looking for perfection. That's why even when Carmy and Syd spit it out, Carmy still said "almost perfect" which wouldn't have made sense based on their reaction.

Samke Dladla

Roshi is right about the phone number thing being weird.

Aybek Telgarin

To be fair Sydney didn’t put any capital. Whole restaurant which is around 2mill plus 300k Mike left and also half mill borrowed Carmy’s. Sydney is grinding and working hard and she should get paid well for sure , but profit share? Carmy is the owner and Sydney should work for him and get paid really really well. IMO

Zazies Beret

The Chicago pizza slander has to end 🤣 NY not touching shit, but any real Chicagoan will tell you that Tavern style is the real Chicago pizza. Deep dish is just a well-known/signature dish not the staple 😤


Lupa had me dying laughing at the “heart stops” joke 😭


Kasama is a real restaurant (w a Michelin star) and it’s as good as it looks

Champion Bescos

It’s not uncommon for chefs in the industry to let friends and respected peers eat for free. I’m guessing she was able to eat at most of those places free of charge due to Carmy’s connections or her own.


Roshi dtm on Chicago. Maybe get something besides giordanos next time and you’ll have an accurate view lol 😛


I would actually love a sprite only restaurant


Claire is a handful. Confront someone with a favor?

Champion Bescos

I wish Syd and Carmy would highlight and detail their working relationship better. I fully understand Syd’s growing ambition and increasing need for Carmy to be more present. She clearly has her ideas, she wants her menu to shine and to earn that Michelin star, etc and she has the drive and is clearly putting in the time and effort needed to achieve those goals. So she deserves credit and CONSIDERABLE back pay, without a doubt. But is she a whole partner? Should she go around town saying as much? Maybe, maybe not. At the end of the day… Syd is not a traditional partner in the sense that she hasn’t invested considerably into the project. Without putting any serious collateral or investment into the business, she’s moreso a creative partner and a glorified right hand.. Voluntarily delaying your pay for six months is actually wild of her to do and does indeed buy her some leeway with the whole partnership thing, but if she were to hypothetically quit the next week, then what? That six month deference is only valuable so long as she works all six months, it’s a hypothetical, it’s not a concrete investment. Moreover, that’s nothing compared to what Carmy has invested. He is essentially the sole owner of everything (which could be sold as is for a couple million!) and he’s the one risking it all (plus his well established reputation) for this new business venture, which is also he and his brothers’ childhood dream. It’s leagues beyond what Syd feels she is putting in. That’s the bottom line. So, as it stands, should Syd really be pressed about him not consulting her in regards to something uncontrollable and inevitable like tearing down the walls? No. She shouldn’t. She should, however, definitely call him out on being focused, on being present in regards to developing their menu. And I hope she does.

Champion Bescos

I never saw Carmy as being passive aggressive. I saw him as responding with bewilderment and a little annoyance when his employee (they’re not traditional business partners nor are they co-owners) got upset about something he has no control over. She came with the attitude, fueled by her insecurities. It’s understandable, totally, but that’s what happened.


“This just me cooking fries bro” 😂😂😂😂


i'm filipino and it's the only restaurant i've been to where i've had an emotional reaction having their tasting menu and seeing my people's food prepared like that. they've had a lot of success in such a short amount of time and it's all deserved imo

Oni Legend

Claire’s such a weird thing for me. Like she’s so dead-wifey in the sense that so much of what she says does especially in her introduction scene last episode just feels like the shit you’d see in someone’s flashback about their dead wife who’s death forever changed them For a show that’s leaned into being just a littleeeee bit more cheesy this season, she’s an exceptionally cheesy part of it. Not to say i hate her character or her actress or anything, i like her energy lmao she just feels weird to me narratively Nah my main thing is Syd and Carmy. Between the flaking on her lasf second and the wall thing it feels like theres just a disconnect in their communicating where its like the both have the energy to do it but aren’t doing the actual thing. While Syd may not be a partner in the financial aspects, it does feel like there’s an unspoken or inferred agreement that they would be designing this to be both their visions and communicating like partners would but its not clicking up like it should


They’re both shitty communicators and keep their feelings close to the chest. Said it before, they’re birds of a feather. Don’t mean that in a shippy way either, the two are just a lot alike.


nobody put in any capital. Sydney Nat and Carm all got that half a mil together. Shes a partner shes getting paid to be one. But she doesn't even care about being paid, getting the bear up is her top priority.

A. P.

I'm with Carmy on this one. Again. I don't think he did anything wrong so far. He's been putting in work, doing the best he can and he decides to take ONE day off to finally do something for himself and try to add a little fun into his life (and could only allow himself to do so by rationalizing it as if maybe him being kinder to himself would help those he's around), as he's still grieving his brother, and it's a problem for some reason. Syd, you work FOR Carmy. If I already know you've been working hard going around tasting stuff for inspo like I asked you to why the fucc would I call you about a damn wall we're knocking down? It'd be different if there was an option of whether or not this wall is coming down, but there clearly wasn't. It's just not realistic expectations especially considering that she isn't a partner in the company, and that's on her. Closed mouths don't get fed.

A. P.

Also a restaurant with only sprite, burgers and fries actually sounds kind of appealing lol

Jamaal Ellison

See me personally, I love eating one slice and needing to sleep for twelve hours. So Chicago pizza all the way.


What are you yapping about? Carmy has said multiple times that she is his partner. Also, she’s working and doesn’t even care about getting a paycheck for six months. What does that tell you?


My take on the number thing is that Carm initially wanted to give her his number but thought it over and changed his mind because he either got scared last minute or knew itd be a distraction. Is it weird for her to go to someone else for the right one? No, and yes. No in the sense that she clearly knew him and his family well enough to get it without stalking him but also yes because if someone gave me the wrong number I'd immediately understand it meant they weren't interested. It's interesting to see everyone confused why Syd calls herself a business partner. It's because she is, even if you ignore the fact she's explicitly called one, there's a reason why whenever a financial decision is made regarding the bear her, carmy and natalie are there. I didn't realize how badly a lot of people need information spoon-fed to them.


Carm and Nat probably have their name on the property. It’s why the note about the lack of profit share for Syd is so revealing. For all intents and purposes Syd is treated as a partner in terms of decision making, but being a partner on paper and profitability is another question. The deferring of payment does make a better case though.

Drake Chuckle

Nah Roshi's right, that's weird as hell.

Champion Bescos

It tells me she’s incredibly ambitious, hungry for growth/success, and a bit naive. It also tells me that Carmy is equally giving and considerate as a boss towards someone he admires and likes, even relies on, but doesn’t actually owe anything to. By deferring her pay and being so emotionally invested, he gives her far more leeway in terms of authority than anyone in the real world would normally give their sous-chef. She SHOULD be partner, but as someone else said, without a considerable buy-in of some sort and legal documentation that she owns part of the business, Carmy saying she’s his partner is just words. Legally and financially, she has nothing to say otherwise. I… I really don’t think you actually even read my comment guy lmao

darnay mayberry

I can definitely see how Roshi thought that number situation was weird. Because if the roles were reversed (in the same exact scenario) and a girl gave a fake number to an old guy friend, then that guy goes out of his way to get her actual number. A bunch of people (probably mostly females) would think that is weird. its a Double standard and hey it is what it is.

Charlie baker

Frankly the iconic nyc style pizza is just a giant piece of lightly topped shit. Those big slices are some ass with not much cheese or topping,if i wanted some flat bread id have bought some.

Charlie baker

Its the principle of the thing, theres an understanding there that needs to not be a double standard about fake numbers meaning dont contact me


Realistically I think she should be considered partner given the work she’s putting in, but that would involve talking about maybe having a loan system in place or buy-in for her to truly become a partner.

Charlie baker

Better not be talking about that big slice slop the ninja turtles grab,maybe nicer spots do but the iconic style nyc pizza is ass

Charlie baker

Its the principle of the thing she violated why he calls it weird, cant be perpetuating double standards by absolving her of going behind his back to get his phone number from someone else if she was given a fake number. Its conceptually a creep move. Now she saves it with the is it ok that i have your number, but you cant get pushy about it in the first place as thats overstepping

Charlie baker

Stereotypical big slice nyc pizza is shit, its slop bread with barely any cheese or toppings for its surface area. Been dozens of times and nyc does way better hotdogs across the board then they do pizza,you need to actually look for good spots to get something solid,the walk in pizza places on the corner arent it

Akila Yaw

This show just won an Emmy and The actors playing syd and Carmy and Richi all won an Emmy WELL DESERVED!!!!


@tany I don't think he doesn't see her as a partner. He most certainly do if he trust her to help design the menu. Carmy just doesn't know how to balance relationship. You could make a argument he has a problem with balancing in general. He doesn't see it as a big deal but he is stressing worrying about dozen over things. You see how he handled his sister earlier by avoiding her and using her husband as a workaround. They do need to talk as Carmy is use to this stress but Syd is not and she has alot riding on this. I also think her not being a true business partner as in share in the business is eating at her.


@robert I think you make her sound more down bad than she is. She could easily work at other places and do well. She even has friends in the industry who seem to easily want to hire her. Her dad also had a different line of work for her too. I think she liked working with Carmy because of his skill and wanting to be one of the best. Also think she like the freedom of building the restaurant up with her ideas. One day maybe she will open her own place but right now,i feel it's just opening a restaurant from the ground up jitters.


It is shitty to make plans and bail on them, especially without a proper explanation, regardless of Syd’s status as partner or employee. He’s bailing on something he set up to help a restaurant he’s trying to open. People keep going back and forth on Syd, but there’s not enough comments about Carmy’s actions here just being shitty. And technically this is strike 2 with him doing something similar in season 1, setting up something and bailing on Syd without providing support for her. Or explaining things beforehand. You see Carmy’s side of the situation so you can empathize with him, but for Syd, it’s showing the beginning of a pattern.


I love when Lupa actually gets things right it’s like what I imagine seeing a unicorn in real life is like


@phantomzxro1 That’s why she lucked out though. She brings up how she didn’t just to work for another chef and be part of the line and not contribute. She wants to have creative control. That’s likely why she chooses to stick with Carmy and not work elsewhere because he does listen to her and let her input her ideas, plus like you said she admires him for his talent. Her former employees have called her impatient and green, so she probably has tried bringing up her ideas at her former places of work with little success.


I have to agree with Nikko here. It was Mikey's money he kept hidden that push them to invest, so it's not like Carmy is flipping the whole bill. they also owe money and have to repaid that money back. I do think Syd has every right to be pressed when she is giving it her all into the place and is pretty much running the kitchen and designing the menu. Carmy can't run the place by himself and need a head chef. I think Syd is just worried about the place failing and I do think her being a official partner needs to be discussed. Because like you said, if the business fails it can be sold to cover the debt but everyone else is out of luck. This whole leeway in terms of authority talk is why things went to crap last season. Carmy learned he couldn't just do things his way and not respect his team even when they are wrong.

A. P.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I think you must be referring to the other time that Carmy left Syd hanging bc he needed to go to an al anon meeting, for which he gave an apology, which she accepted, so they should have both moved on from that. Given the circumstances I would imagine that to be stricken from the record. So up to this point, what has Carmen done that Sydney could rightfully see as indicative of a pattern?


Nah that's a wild take for me. You don't keep people by disrespecting them. You also under sell the "day off" thing. He left her ghost for an hour before saying sorry I can't make it. She already told him she was ordering food. Syd also doesn't have the back story that he meet a childhood friend and needed this. I think the whole point is that even if the wall was coming down regardless you would informed your head chef of the change of plans. If your boss said your desk was going to be moved regardless, so they didn't feel the need to tell you, it would come off as crappy. I just think Syd need some reassuring given how much of a risk this is.


That’s like saying Marcus should be absolved from season 1 episode 7 for being behind on cakes even though Marcus promised Carmy he wouldn’t do that again in episode 5. If bad behaviors occur and they start to be repeated that’s a problem. To repeat what the patterns are. He’s making plans for Syd to shoulder responsibility and then bailing due to personal reasons without explaining things to her first or being there for support. Those aren’t good practices for a partnership or to do to your employee.


the chicago pizza slander is ridiculous.


I don't know because I feel Roshi is just looking at it with recent dating eyes and not as someone who is a friend of the family. If a guy was a friend of the family and knew all of her family,I don't think it would be all that weird if it get her number like that. Dudes drop in female's DM for less and often go 0 to 100 when first chatting up a girl.


"You trying to fuck I'm just trying to cook" is wild. I find it kind of funny because his uncle asked him last season if he was fucking and he pretty much said the same thing. Carmy a simple dude they just gotta let him cook.

These Plums

Roshi might be on to something. There's actually been studies about wrapped food tasting better than unwrapped food.

A. P.

@phantomzxro1 imo he definitely should have immediately called her when plans changed and made her aware that he wouldn't be meeting her. That he didn't was inconsiderate, I just don't agree that up until this point there is a pattern of him being inconsiderate or necessarily untrustworthy. This may be a biased take because I understand being someone who works non-stop & never really does anything for themselves, but I don't think he did anything wrong by not meeting with her, just that he didn't let her know. As for your desk analogy, I like that example. That has literally happened to me on multiple jobs and I felt a way when I showed up to work that morning, but it was just a desk, not like I had my own office that was switched without a heads up, so I was over it in 5 mins and got back to work. There's nothing for him to consult her on. The wall has to come down. Since she has a problem though, say, "Oh, hey can you call me and let me know next time so I know what to expect when I come in?" And then keep it moving, preferably without all that attitude she was giving 🤷🏾‍♂️

Jaelyn Mcgee

I can understand Syd's frustration, since it feels like she's doing a lot of the heavy lifting to get things going and carmy isn't reciprocating that respect. Like she's out doing taste testing, asking for advice, trying to find workers, and Carmy bails to help out Claire and he could have kept her in the loop by saying "hey I got caught up in helping someone move, and I'm gonna go by the Bear and start tearing walls down cause they're rotten so you do your thing and I'll meet you later" I feel like that would have smoothed things over. Granted he wouldn't have cause he's terrible at communicating and work life Balance but I don't blame her for being mad

A. P.

@robert Marcus wasn't behind on cakes because he was having a panic attack, or w/e tf, due to grief though. That's a false equivalent to the Carmen's situation. Marcus didnt have an excuse, he just wasn't managing his time properly. I'd agree with you, IF there was a pattern of such behavior from Carmen *up to this point in the show* but there isn't (unless I'm mis-remembering). He hasn't asked Syd to do anything outside of what's expected of her as a sous as far as I know. He needs to get better at communicating, clearly, but she's also too quick to let her emotions paint a picture of something that isn't really there (ie: her thinking he wasn't listening to her when he was just wanting her to be patient)

Muse of Salzburg

I heard something about it being awarded ONLY for season 1 though, which would be insane since season 2 is such a step up. Idk if that’s actually the case though

Akila Yaw

No lol the Emmy’s just finished, for season 2 For Season 2 The bear won a golden globe + Ayo(syd) and Jeremy(Carmy) each won individual golden globes too. Then the bear won an Emmy, lol Ps..cast was on stage and fak’s actor spoke and richi’s actor full on made out with him on stage front and center loll it’s was perfect loll Then Ayo(syd) won her first Emmy and then Jeremy(Carmy) won another Emmy !! It was great to see lol Season 2 won more awards

I’m me

If he was my best friend, I would've played it off with her and asked him before giving his number to her. my mate put in a spot all the time, makes me pretend to be his boss in front of his customers just so he doesn't have to deal with the talking customers

Jean-Marc Mwandulo

NY def has better pizza you just need to know the good spots for the best representation, same thing with Chicago but across the board NY got it


Claire asking for the number wasn’t weird. What was weird was her calling him out and guilt tripping him into doing her a favour

KingKai _

Actually just a heads up the crabs will get tough so you have to kill it first all that stress being boiled alive makes it actually worse. (From what I remember idk tho)

Davuan Flowers

Nah roshi!!! Yall niggas nuts for choosing ny over chi pizza cuz huh!!! U went to the wrong places in Chicago, and just stay outta new york lmfao

john segun doe

LUPA: IT'S NOT A WHEEL CHAIR, IT'S JUST ME........... COOKING FRIES i'm Crying lmaoooooo!!!!!!

Michael Pamon

Must…..resist…..urge….to fight…..Roshi…..over…..his pizza comments 😤😤😤🥴🥴🥴🥴


Just sprite lmaooo


With sub sandwiches wrapping helps combine the layers with the dressings

John Endaya (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-22 19:34:31 Shoutout to the Filipino food brought into the show! Always neat to see it. "Kasama", the restaurant Sydney orders in first and where Carmy planned to meet her, means "Together."
2024-01-22 19:34:31 Shoutout to the Filipino food brought into the show! Always neat to see it. "Kasama", the restaurant Sydney orders in first and where Carmy planned to meet her, means "Together."
2024-01-18 15:55:21 Shoutout to the Filipino food brought into the show! Always neat to see it. "Kasama", the restaurant Sydney orders in first and where Carmy planned to meet her, means "Together."

Shoutout to the Filipino food brought into the show! Always neat to see it. "Kasama", the restaurant Sydney orders in first and where Carmy planned to meet her, means "Together."


well that’s how it works 😭 they’re gonna get wins/noms for next season when that time comes around. they didn’t get them for this season bc it was specifically for season 1. emmy season has a deadline for shows and s2 aired after the deadline for noms.


syd didn’t say “hmm okay” because she didn’t believe that he wouldn’t come — she really did expect him to, she was still upset bc she thought that he was sending her home. him bailing out and texting her that an hour later after he had her waiting for so long is the reason why she was so upset about the wall which she had the right to be. it’s not about the wall in itself it’s about him not talking to her and making decisions without her and hearing everyone say that their business failed because of their partner she doesnt want that to happen to them. andd i personally don’t think the number thing was weird 😭 you’ll get a little more on her history with her and carmy’s friends/family, but it makes sense why she would call fak and ask for the real number because they were that close.

Mike Besaw

The Golden Globe wins were for Season 2 of The Bear. The Emmy wins this past week were for Season 1 of the Bear. The Emmy's were delayed because of the strikes. Season 2 of the Bear will be up next for the next Emmy's.

Akila Yaw

Oh crap loll , well good thing their all still gonna win again anyway!

Atlas Creation

that one day off just happens to be the day he was going out with Syd. They are business partners, they need to be on the same page

Bria A.

though i didn’t really care either way about the claire number situation, in my personal opinion, one of my biggest pet peeves is relatives handing out my contact information. 😭 like who are you to decide this person gets to have access to me? at least ask me if it’s okay first, damn.


Why Sydney stay ordering food like she ain’t about to be broke for 6 months? Random Duke Basketball plug with the Coach K book


Roshi right about the number. She weird for not just taking the L and moving on. He didn’t want her to have it so she should’ve just accepted it


I think they're totally going to the wrong direction, instead of all fancy shit, just have good cooked regular food.


i found her finding his number and reaching out again weird, just the possibility that this person that I haven’t seen in a long time doesn’t want to be in contact and gave me an incorrect number purposely would’ve been all I needed to know to back off

Marquist Simms

No wonder Lupa always missing shit he can’t turn the goofy off


You guys should react to Shameless. Jeremy Allen White basically plays the same character but not a cook lol.


I think it's weird Claire got his number too because if someone gave me a fake number I would 1, not ask for it from someone else and 2, I would assume they didn't want to talk to me.

Candice Blair

Exactly. Chicagoans eat tavern-cut pizza; we don't eat deep dishes like that.

Candice Blair

Roshi tavern cut pizza is the way to go and neighborhood pizza places and not necessarily the real famous places are the way to go.


I would say even more so 2 different lanes cause NO do have it on the seafood side


Claire is very weird to me like it’s clear this man got his own thing going and very much does not have space for you rn and yet she’s guilt tripping him into it anyway

Yuuki Sonzaishinai (edited)

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2024-01-22 19:34:31 xD Chicago pizza lovers right now = >:(
2024-01-22 19:34:31 xD Chicago pizza lovers right now = >:(
2024-01-19 04:24:09 xD Chicago pizza lovers right now = >:(

xD Chicago pizza lovers right now = >:(


For the most part I agree the number thing with Claire is weird, but it could be excused only if (and this didn't seem to be the case) Claire thought it was a genuine slipup on Carly's fault. But she seemed pretty sure when she called that it was intentional which makes it weird to get his actual number.


Nah bro just about whatever you get is gonna be good. I think yall got us beat on pizza but there's so much more good food than just seafood


Damn, the clip with the restaurants closing is rough. It's still going on too. New places are opening up and closing like every other month it seems in my city.

William Zavala

The only people who like Chicago’s version of food over another are people from Chicago. I got people from Chicago telling me the Mexican food there is better than Mexican food from literally Mexico.


Sheera’s so articulate. I originally agreed with Roshi but once she went into detail, it actually made perfect sense. If claire was a stranger then ofc she’s weird but considering she knows the family so well, it’s not the same.


Lupa was on point this episode lmao, dont think he's made me laugh this much in one reaction before.


As a Chicagoan - our food is better than most of the US, regardless of cuisine. New Orleans (only because their style of food is bomb) is probably one of the only cities I would put above. But Chicago is comprised of many different neighborhoods that represent different ethnicities/cultures (Chinatown, Ukranian Vilage, Little Italy, Greektown, etc.) that are home to immigrants and decedents of them - and with that comes a lot of good and culturally authentic food. That is why you will hear people say some of the best Mexican, Italian, Greek, Jamaican/jerk food they've ever had in the world could come from Chicago. It's also a considerably smaller city than LA or NY so it isn't that hard to navigate and improve your food based on what a competitor is doing (similar to Syd's quest). NOW ON TO PIZZA lol There are TWO types of Chicago style pizza: Deep dish and tavern style. Deep dish is where everyone's mind goes to initially when discussing Chicago pizza (unless you're from Chicago) because of how unique it is. Pizza from across the globe almost always looks the same and is prepared in a similar manner. Deep dish is such a mind fuck of a food that it gets a lot of attention lol. But as a Chicagoan I can say that I prob only eat it once a year MAYBE. There are some ofc who love it and will have it more often, but that is not the style of pizza that is the go-to for most Chicago-based folks. Could you imagine eating deep dish every time you didn't feel like cooking for your family? That's just not a thing lol. Deep dish is def something tourists do. Tavern-style pizza is the true Chicago pizza because it's eaten more often and its what most pizza joints will serve, with their own added pizzaz of course. Tavern style is thin crust, super thin with crispy edges, and with a ratio of ingredients that go edge to edge - there really isn't a pronounced crust. And it's cute in squares. It's better than NY-style because it isn't sweet, and uses an abundance of ingredients(my personal fav is sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, giardiniera peppers, and fresh garlic - yes all on one pizza lol), and the preparation of the ingredients as individuals is also important. Everything is seasoned lol. If y'all do go to Chicago - there are hundreds of pizza places you could try but my personal favorites are Aurelio's, Villa Nova, Vito & Nick's and Italian Fiesta.


it5 aint weird you just anti social as fuck and weird roshi.

Isaac Cobbinah

You wrote all that and still wrong, NY is def more known to be the better food city than Chicago, its bigger and more culturally diverse, stop it. the fact that you tried to say Chicago's pizza is better than NY...girl stop


I gave you a like Isaac but y'all are both wrong tbh. It's silly to rate any city a better food city than any other honestly given both how enormous cities are and how fluid the nature of food establishments are. I've had trash food in both NYC and Chicago, and great food in both too, but better food in other places as well like New Orleans, Seattle, Dallas, Memphis, and Toronto. Johnetta is wild for claiming Chicago pizza is better than NY style though.


I wrote all of that because I know what I’m talking about. Girl, YOU stop.


Sapphire it’s okay if think it’s silly to compare food between different cities. Others don’t. Hence why it’s a topic of conversation frequently.

Ava Nouri

Am I the only one who finds Syd pretty unlikeable?

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2024-01-22 19:34:31 It really be like that with artistic endeavours bro. You really spend all day crafting, designing, developing... only for that shit to come out ass and have you feeling like you wasted all this time because you couldn't just get it right.
2024-01-22 19:34:31 It really be like that with artistic endeavours bro. You really spend all day crafting, designing, developing... only for that shit to come out ass and have you feeling like you wasted all this time because you couldn't just get it right.
2024-01-20 01:40:02 It really be like that with artistic endeavours bro. You really spend all day crafting, designing, developing... only for that shit to come out ass and have you feeling like you wasted all this time because you couldn't just get it right.

It really be like that with artistic endeavours bro. You really spend all day crafting, designing, developing... only for that shit to come out ass and have you feeling like you wasted all this time because you couldn't just get it right.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2024-01-22 19:34:31 If the homie gave her Carmy's number then their families must have a good history so I don't really fault her for trying... I wouldn't do it myself though.
2024-01-22 19:34:31 If the homie gave her Carmy's number then their families must have a good history so I don't really fault her for trying... I wouldn't do it myself though.
2024-01-20 01:47:58 If the homie gave her Carmy's number then their families must have a good history so I don't really fault her for trying... I wouldn't do it myself though.

If the homie gave her Carmy's number then their families must have a good history so I don't really fault her for trying... I wouldn't do it myself though.


Roshi's burger buns where you get a free bombaclaat with every order .


You stated it like it was a fact though, which is indeed silly to do


Sydney was trippin at the end the walls literally had to come down also it's not food related and you don't own anything why do I have to check in everything I do Jeez it's like they're married or something weren't you hired a couple months ago? She is just I don't know how to put it too needy or pushy for me I know it's a big setback but there was no other choice did you not hear mold ma'am? On another note yes you're weird as hell roshi ice cream with things like fresh brownies is amazing but just ice cream is the best whether it be an oreo flurry or Ben and Jerry's Americone dream it always hits and that candies spot was nuts this show got me f'ed up with all this deliciousness in my face at the end polar opposite to the first dish which was disgusting had me make the sheera face. I also hope Ebra just went to go get some breakfast or something surely that was it.

Url Robbo

Dude this reminds me that they HAVE to watch The Menu they would definitely enjoy that one!


Even if she didn't put money down she's still invested. More then once she referred to Carmy as her partner and shes not even getting paid. Texting her that there is mold and shit, the walls have to come down shouldn't be a problem. He already bailed on her that day when they are suppose to be working on the menus and wasn't responding to her text since.

Jill I

Not the same character at all. Stop gaslighting


The thing is she copped an attitude. Yes she's a partner when it's food related but as far as anything else not at all. I get he bailed but she should have some understanding of what he's going through especially since it was her mother's birthday recently. He didn't text but she learned when she got there so that should of been it and even if she doesn't get paid that's her problem and she should take it up with carmy otherwise that'll lead to more resentment because she's literally in debt. Yeah a simple text would've solved everything but sometimes people get caught up and forget I think the problems bigger than just lack of communication. It's fine that she's frustrated but she could of just brought it up later between them that's why carmy signed. At the end of the day it's not a true partnership and that's probably the gist of it.


Syd is very ambitious but she isn’t controlling which makes her a good character imo. Most ambitious characters also be hella controlling.


No, you're not. I started disliking her character since the ending of last season.


nah she annoying af and constantly over steps and gets butt hurt when shes called out on it

Aniah Troublefield

But put yourself in her shoes if your business partner tells you that they are going to meet up with you and doesn't, just to text you that they can't make it after you texted them an hour before but when you show up to y'all's place of business you find out that it's getting redecorated but you didn't get a text message about it, you telling me you wouldn't be upset too. Like the least he could've done was send a little text. They made the decision to become business partners, which means they are now a team. It's not just Carmy's shop anymore. Simple.


Not so simple. Yes Sydney's getting no pay for a while like them but that doesn't equate to business partners. They're partners when it comes to the menu and the look of everything but like I said before They're not true partners. Ownership is a big deal like with sugar she is an actual business partner so unless Sydney's name is on something she's not and that could lead to problems down the road creatively yes it's" their "shop but there is for sure a hierarchy. It also wasn't just some redecorating like I said before it was literally mold and had to be done she was talking like there was an alternative or something. Besides all that I see where you guys are coming from putting myself in her shoes yes it would be frustrating 😤 but I'll just chalk it up to a difference in personality. The reason why I think Sydney was trippin is because I'm a pretty calm person even when I'm angry on the inside and I don't believe that was the right time to bring that up it gives off to me there are deeper issues in their relationship. I'm no psychiatrist but she's probably just insecure about not being heard or acknowledged by carmy she looks up to him a great deal after all but she's an amazing chef she should have more confidence and trust with him I doubt it was just getting left on read or no text back that's the issue but that's just my opinion 🤷‍♂️.

Jill I

where are episodes 4 & 5?

Koosha Mokhbery

wdym lol. They usually post Bear on Tuesday's and Thursday's, ep 5 will be on thursday

Sheraya san

Y’all can’t eat just ice cream? Shiiii…..

nami (edited)

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2024-01-29 06:52:39 nah you arent alone i can see it for sure
2024-01-29 06:52:39 nah you arent alone i can see it for sure
2024-01-25 01:24:25 nah you arent alone i can see it for sure

nah you arent alone i can see it for sure

Israel Perez

Deep dish is cool but the square chicago pizza is actually fire, still prefer NY pizza imo. Also frozen custard > ice cream if you know you know.


Roshi's 100% correct. Her calling was weird af and if the genders were reversed it would have been more obvious how creepy that was

Tre'son McClendon

New York pizza is trash, Detroit style pizza is the best.

Jyrus Lobo

I’m from Chicago we only tell people to eat Chicago deep dish but in reality we don’t eat that ish🤣🤣

Jaime Ruiz

Look… idc what Syd is feeling like. It’s not her restaurant. It’s not her money being spent, she’s lucky she’s being included as much as she is.


If you had a business partner wouldn't you want to know everything that happens in your restaurant? I get both sides but Syd's feeling are perfectly valid.

rachel web

isn't her pay being deferred 6 months? that is her money being spent in a way


She was promoted to business partner and she's not getting paid for 6 months, same as Carmy and Nat. That for sure gives her a major say


Im wit sheera thats not weird. Especially because she asked for clarification. If you really didn't want me to have your number then say that and we can dead it right now. But if we've known each other our whole lives I might just think it was actually an honest mistake.

B Mowglli

tavern cut, thin crust with sasuage (with fennel) and roasted bell pepper is classic. Those corner slices are the best snack. I haven't had deep dish in years, you can't eat that stuff regularly. It's like tamales. Lou Malnatis buttery crust is dope tho & can be bought frozen, ordered in advance, or shipped anywhere. Gino's East has hella long wait time, but the Chicago Fire spicy pepperoni is amazing.


Yeah i mean if u give me a fake number then at least have the balls to say what u want to say, simple


Also i get that syd is worried about their "partnership" but to be fair its Carmys shop and not hers so its kinda weird that she acting like whatever happens needs to be also approven by her


In any place of business, you gotta have transparency. Regardless of how a person is personality wise, a place of business needs to be 100% on the same page otherwise it'll fail. The entire episode and Sydney's venture out into other businesses demonstrated the need for communication is of utmost importance. If there's no communication, there's no trust. No trust, no survival and another failed restaurant endeavor. You can't repeat the same mistakes and expect a different result. Progress and being successful is a habit. All the small things matter, even a quick text updating the team what person X is doing with situation Y.

Kwame James

Also one thing that yall didn't consider about the wrong number thing is this she knows his family and friends so she knows what happened to his brother so maybe she was wrong that wrong number thing could be a red flag people in that head space offen push people away

Tyshawn Evans

Lmaooo lupa is stupid bro😂😂


nah if a childhood friend didnt want my real number i would move on


lupa the fact i thought of five guys when u did that hand motion lmaoo