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Danger Tomato

Can we get 6 more episodes tonight

HBK 713 🏄🏾‍♂️

Mannn I haven't had time to watch Barry but since it's a freeze in Houston I'm bout to start now fuck it 🤷🏿

Kolby Kirkman

Let’s post all of Barry in 1 night😂💀

Derek Sanders

please just post all of barry lol all other shows can wait

Hasnain Khan



yo i just binged the entire series this past weekend and i can't agree enough. It only gets better from here


Barry needs to pack Fuches up

rickie woodson

they couldnt at least replace the black cop with another black cop. not feeling this chica..........

Tejiri Ubiedi

Fuches flipped like Simone Biles. I ain't mad at it tho.


I'm lost without my oh holy schedule to guide me lol


Them monks was ready

Alani Davis

Ay fam… we kinda need the schedule

John FD Lobrano

Roshi: You know what? I'm with Fuches on this one. *literally five seconds later * Roshi: WOW! Fuck you man! Yep! That's Fuches in a nutshell. XD


Will you be posting a schedule for this week?


1. where is the bear? 2. where is the schedule?


Fuches really said "gender-liquid" 😂 That line belongs in Cobra Kai

danial javady

DOMAIN EXPANSION STRONG LOBOTOMY: are nah id win because you are whit this treasure i summon or are funeral of the living for he who left everything behind because im you it wasnt so bad always bet on hakari im you turn up the volume because trought out heaven and earth we are the honored exeption Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win. Nah, I'd win.

Oni Legend

Damn the episode’s over already? Aye man y’all got another 1 back there? Matter of fact how about another 2….or 3…..or 6……man how about the other 22 episodes just to get it out the way ya know


Where is the schedule

Kameron Renae

Just waiting for blue eye samurai😇


is the bear coming out today?


No Bear is CRAZY


Last week the bear was Tuesday and Thursday. Sometimes it gets moved to Friday but for the most part the Tuesday one has been consistent


Replacing an actor for another of the same race diminishes the importance of the previous actor, IMO. It’s like, you know what, ppl liked that we had a black cop, let’s just get a new one. Don’t just reduce Janice to the token black cop.


I just want to see how Barry deals with the consequences of his actions so far. Like the guys said, Barry is just making stupid decisions because of a girl (IMO) who is with him because she thinks he is just a pushover who she can have power over (IMO). That way she would never be the powerless person in the relationship after her divorce. Maybe her ex husband will pop up this season, that would be an interesting thing.


No schedule shit is getting ghetto😂

Douglas Kelley

Barry didn’t jam up Fuches, he is the one that went to the Czechians to sellout Barry and got his tooth knocked out. Barry had to come save his ass.


Love this show


I’m sorry to keep asking but I think you all would be really surprised and love Andor. You don’t have to have any previous Star Wars knowledge, there is only one season, and it’s critically acclaimed. The episodes are full of suspense and action and great monologues. I think it would be great to react to. I would appreciate it if you could maybe add it to a poll? Thank you !


idk how im supposed to feel bad for barry bc he was sloppy from the start! He never should have left that facebook up for Janice to find anyway; What else was Fuches supposed to do? I'm not going to jail for Barry after he ended with me


The car he left was probably stolen beforehand. Edit: In S01E01, Barry tossed his gun into the car he drove to kill Ryan Madison and just left it there, and nothing came of it.

Delinda Arts

We’re almost there y’all lmao

rickie woodson

tinfoil hat time: no body = what if janice is alive but being held somewhere? probably only a 1% chance of this being the case but throwing it out there so i have receipts if its the case lol

Gmac paddiewac

I cant wait for the season final and s3


Exactly lol I thought this was common knowledge


I’m not mad at fuches for tryna set up Barry, fuches tried to retrieve his tooth from the crime scene to avoid shit like this but Barry was like “no fuck off I wna be in theatre”


I like this better than the Bear 😂 mainly cause The Bear always makes me hungry


Bro even a non killer knows how sloppy Barry is being with these kills and attempted kills

Jaelyn Mcgee

They would absolutely love it and it's got Ritchie in it too. Even if they haven't seen Rogue one I think they'd still like it. I was kind of surprised they watched Ashoka since there's so much lore involved in that one

Jaelyn Mcgee

I'm so excited only a few more episodes left

General Grevious

I’m so glad the Sheeragan didn’t ruin that reveal at the end😂


Don't spoil the context but what episode are you waiting for

Jaelyn Mcgee

Barry and Fuches ending up dealing with something not of this world, in episode 5.

juan vargas

Episode 5 is my favorite of the entire run,. HILARIOUS

Davon Thomas

Episode 5 is coming, they ain't ready for it

Senpai Seviin

There is a character in here (one in the purple dress always getting disrespected) that plays in a show called The Good Place (really good show fyi) and her name is Janice that basically acts like a robot. So you saying Robo Janice had me laughing too hard.


I would love for them to react to Andor, they would love that show.


One of the funniest episodes of anything I've ever watched.

Jaelyn Mcgee

yuup, and it's such a great palate cleanser from how dark everything has gotten

Marshall Lee

sheera… i need u to see the light. this man has killed so many innocent people- PEOPLE in general and now hes doing so simply for his own gain! js because he feels bad about it sometimes doesnt make him NOT an egregious person.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I watched the episode again a few days ago and was dying just from how fucking clown shoes it is


Damn sheera would've immediately gotten folded she answered yes with the quickness 😂. Roshi all it takes is one shoe squeak and it's up my guy especially if they brand new. Finally lupa I can't believe what I heard this show is still goofy as hell but that's why I love it the way they blend the dark and tense with the light and ridiculous is amazing and seeing hiro murai directing this episode tells me they went all out for this series.


The fact that Jermaine vehemently believes Eric is a serial killer is hilarious and I'm glad they brought it back during his trauma scene 😭. I swear if it ends up being true Barry owes him the biggest apology also I wonder if he's brought it up with his other roommate or anyone else 🤔?