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the exports are hoeing me tonight, I appreciate your patience!



Season 2, episode 6


Ahhh..... New York

Raven Ball

This season really took it up a notch!

alexis ♡︎


Hasani Wilmer

Might have to get off the expo chef

Hasnain Khan


Vongola Fiamme (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 03:51:57 "is that in my head" yo Carmy is fighting demons man
2024-01-14 03:51:57 "is that in my head" yo Carmy is fighting demons man
2024-01-14 03:51:57 "is that in my head" yo Carmy is fighting demons man
2024-01-14 03:51:57 "is that in my head" yo Carmy is fighting demons man
2024-01-12 00:21:12 "is that in my head" yo Carmy is fighting demons man

"is that in my head" yo Carmy is fighting demons man

Riley Mayfield

Honestly im disappointed on how season 2 went it had so much potential with the end of season 1


Lol I love the little "Yeah??" War between Roshi & Sheera Also respect to Richie, he's showing growth and trying


Am I tripping heavy or is there some subtle tension with Carm and Syd, like i wouldn’t be mad about it

DJ Muldrow

Absolute banger of an episode, glad to have the gang back together


cant wait for the thanksgiving (christmas?) episode and their reaction to all the side characters development this season especially richie's, i genuinely think their gonna love every episode of this season fr


Always saw them as birds of a feather. They’re a lot alike in terms of having passion about being a chef and type A personalities that put their all into something, along with poor communication skills as will come up and has come up.


this season is so damn good im hype for this


Glad Natalie is gonna get more screen time working at the restaurant. It’ll be good bonding for her and Carm. Also like how sweet she is to Fak.


Let me rephrase, wouldn’t call it tension (it’s been 1 season) but I’d call it a connection I’m intrigued by

Asante Upshur-Benson

Hearing that song by Refused gets me motivated every time

ThunderousMacabre (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 03:51:57 Lupa lookin’ epic with that hair bro
2024-01-14 03:51:57 Lupa lookin’ epic with that hair bro
2024-01-14 03:51:57 Lupa lookin’ epic with that hair bro
2024-01-14 03:51:57 Lupa lookin’ epic with that hair bro
2024-01-12 00:51:52 Lupa lookin’ epic with that hair bro

Lupa lookin’ epic with that hair bro

Ernest Moran

Season 2 is amazing can't wait to experience it with you guys! 🔥


Hoping we still getting Flower of Evil tonight. also loved the reaction and yeah s2 seems like its gnna be a nice banger of a season


You know the funny thing about Michelin stars is that the Michelin that gives them out is the tire company. Michelin created the star system in the 1920s to encourage more driving which means more tire wear which means potentially more tire sales


One of my favorite seasons of TV ever so excited for you guys!


I’d say everything after ep 6 is a 9 - 10


Barkeepers friend is a washing powder that you can use to get really stubborn stains and shit out of stainless steel pots and pans. It can be used for other stuff like mould or rust I think but I’ve only ever used it in the kitchen and it’s like a miracle cleaner. Doesn’t matter how burnt or fuckrd a pan is I can count on it to make it look new again. Would recommend highly


Remember when we used to hate Tina? that's crazy.

Zion Noland

I just finished the show a few minutes ago, why am I crying


I can’t wait!!! I wish I could see the reactions of the whole season in one sitting


Tina getting hit by a bus after accepting the position Lupa? Yeahhhh? 😂😂😂😂

A. P.

That Tina moment 😭 This season is so good, I'm hype


Truly enjoyed this season! Roshi's Gordon Ramsey impression is hilarious. I love kitchen nightmares 🤣

Charlie baker

I meant technically you aren't supposed to start the car till you're situated but i get what yall mean its cold in that bitch

Alejandro Rodriguez

damn ya'll loving consuela now, the switch up is crazyyy lmfao


Lupa: YOUR A TOWEL!!!🤣 had me in tears

Charlie baker

Bar keepers friend basically line of cleaning products aimed at restaurants and bars. https://barkeepersfriend.com/

Nick Vaughn

The character development in this show is absolutely GOATED.

Devin B

This is why we said let Tina cook last season because even back then we saw the potential for growth for her character

Majin buussin

It never meant to become what it is today🤣 but roughly ⭐️ = eat there ⭐️⭐️ = go out of your way to eat there and ⭐️⭐️⭐️ means plan a trip (airfare and the whole nine yards) just to eat there.


i still dislike syd & marcus after what happened in season 1 so i’m hoping their characters gets better this season . i’m so happy for Tina though, shes one of my fave characters and i can’t wait to see her growth this season

James Stephenson

Stop getting hoe'd by the exports. Best these exports ass. Show them where we from 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲

October Veil

Anybody else notice how they showed the canning equipment in the basement right before the scene between Carmy and Ritchie? I only caught it on a second watch, if they showed that equipment before that I totally missed it. Probably just me but I was like how in the F did Mikey get all that money into those tomato cans lol. Love watching the trio's reactions to this show!! This season is the GOAT. I'm sure some of the actor cameos are gonna be a fun surprise.


Can’t wait for forks


It is probably my favorite cleaner in my apartment

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Sadly it can take 5-10 minutes for the car to heat up enough to start blowing hot air out of the defrost. So yeah, you scrape first and then start the car, unless you have an auto car-starter.

Peachie Mellow



It’s actually magic for pans! I was shocked when I used it on my stainless steel pans for the first time.


Right and him literally thinking about her anytime he feel’s anxiety and him immediately calming down yeah I fear they are in love I don’t make the rules 💀

hyakimaru dono

There isn't much there yet obviously they will get it probably at the table scene or when he remembers her

andrew ayala

Marcus such a wack ass character, they had to invent a dying mom in the hospital for him to be Interesting.. cause in season 1 He didnt seem all that concerned with bills and checking his phone, when he was beign retarded and messing with donuts all day

andrew ayala

Speak your truth riley... Season 1 was so tight, I thought this season was a bit of a downgrade.... really bloated season and the new character they introduce later is atrocious

Abad Lopez

On the rewatch just realized Ritchie was asking about his purpose on the first episode. Writing in this show is top tier. Forks is definitely that episode can’t wait for them to watch it

Quinn Balsam

Does that mean we are gonna get Fishes AND Forks the same week?? oh my god I'm gonna bust holy shit

Twin Hallow

It still makes way more sense to start the car then start scrapping. By the time you're done your car will be heated up a bit at least. Ive never heard of anyone thinking scraping first is the way to go lol.

J Man

Original "Berf"

Chris Hee

I definitely felt a bit worried for Tina, hope she makes it and the writers don't decide to... Also, why not hire her kid, if they need to train more people?

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

It's a cute ship but a lot of people don't see it because it's not intended to be a slow burn. The showrunners and actors have all already addressed the possibility of a romance between them and said it's not happening.


with sydcarmy it’s easy to see them as platonic and romantic and some people just see them as platonic.

Just Shinji

I want you to remember he slept inside the restaurant, probably to save money for the mother

Azzy V

I started tearing up over the Tina scene, I can’t wait for Mr. Eyebrows 😩

Azzy V

Also me and my boyfriend started watching Gordon’s new series and the disgust and stress 🥲


Tf sheera screaming so much for

Url Robbo

roshi and lupa they are not shipped😭

Daniel Robb

So, the food handler's certification is only really required by one staff on shift at any time. At least where I live only one staff member per shift needs it. All managers need it as well.


they were the first yelp review, it was called the Michelin guide, 1900s includes how to change tires , a map and recommended spots on it and other shit. To make people use up their tire to get there. a whole marketing stunt. It became famous When they started putting stars on restaurants that was exceptional, Mfs started competing. Whole of europe became aware of it

Bria A.

Lmao yeah, Michelin stars were literally invented as an excuse to rack up the miles on cars and sell more tires 😭


considering he is a whole visibly autistic or neurodivergent character you calling him the R-word is insane to me. He clearly has a hyperfixation issue so much to the point where he has to perfect the thing he is doing to his standards, this detail is shown to us multiple times. We saw it when he was working on making cakes and now with his donuts. The detail of his mother now being sick is just another obstacle he has to try to overcome that he might end up hyperfixating as well, which does not make him a "wack-ass" character, it makes him a well-written character imo.


Sydney trying so hard to implement her own things


generally I think a restaurant only needs one person on the premises to be food certified at all times, not that everyone has to be food certified.

Elicia Mitchem

Please watch Dangers in my Heart! Ichikawa Kyoutarou, a boy barely clinging to the bottom rung of his school's social ladder, secretly believes he's the tortured lead in some psychological thriller. He spends his days dreaming up ways to disrupt his classmates' peaceful lives and pining after Yamada Anna, the class idol.

andrew ayala

his retarded ass shouldve been hyperfixated on getting those 180 slices of cake ready like his boss asked.... also its really not cool to assume hes "visibly autistic" just cause he wears the same stupid hat everyday and his eyes are too close together like a muppet


I've been watching these reactions for years but Sheera facial expressions have gotten more pronounced I swear it's to a point where it's the whole reaction lmao. Like please just look at it throughout this one I'm dead what is happening


It's crazy because for whatever reason I couldn't care less even though usually I feel like I would feel the same way. I wonder what's the difference between the perspectives here.


The song drop at the end was epic! They kept playing it last season and I couldn't remember where I heard it from before still can't but 🔥 nonetheless. Roshi has a future as an Gordon Ramsey impersonator felt like I was watching masterchef for a second.


Glad my instincts weren't off about Tina and Richie they're my favorites and Tina especially her character arc going crazy no isekai for her please. Richie too he trying real hard for the no G or R make sure no N as well 😂.

J Man

You guys picked the right time to start The Bear. It won all those awards recently, meaning the hype is peak now


That Tina moment got me 🥹 😭


carmy's shirts are always so crisp and white,,,


idk there's something cool and unique about a show like this with people building something together from scrathc.

Alberto Aquistapace

The book Richie mentions in the beginning is colorles tsukuru tazaki by haruki murakami. Really cool reference.


safe to say i binged this series now im rewatching


Show is too good


But you don't dislike Carmy & Richie for treating Syd poorly from episodes 2-7?? People are such hypocrites. Syd said she didn't want to work for a maniac like most other restaurants and yall act like her making a mistake is the end of the world.

matt i

never seen it or even heard of it but i’m watching thru these vids 😂


aww itaewon sheera what a throwback