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Nah this show is S tier

also, its time we remove Sheera from the couch. Writing the whole ass episode while we watch lol



The sheeragan is too op

Hasnain Khan



S-Tier and keeps getting better. I really want to see Hader do more directing, maybe get his own movie now.

General Grevious

This just made my birthday even better😂 Appreciate y’all🙏🏾

PJ Rivera

Sheeragan is working overtime on this show


Tbh I do not like this show as much as everyone else does , I kinda hate it but it has so many amazing moments idk how to explain it 😭


I binge-watched the entire show and think it's excellent. My only issue is Sally.


Nooooo not Janice. Bruh this show is too good!!!


Bro the way bro arm started spazzing out when he got shot in the head has me dying 😭



Culdesac Jadoni

He was going to smoke her regardless. There was no making it to the morning after hearing the monologue


I’m gna miss hearing Goran say “stash house” he was hilarious


him creating the facebook page was the whole reason all the taylor shit even happened, facebook page is the cause of all the drama 😭

Jesus Perez

How do they keep doubting her is what I don't get lmao


Sheera going to overuse her chakra if she keeps this up lol


Bro she literally should’ve just left it alone. It’s been a whole time skip and now you wanna investigate again. I get she’s a cop but damn


Sheera goated

Idan Diaz

Sheera’s intuition is unmatched ☠️

Extra Crispy

I think Barry knew she knew he would have taken her out regardless of how she played it; her only real hope was popping him on the dock before he got to the gun.


Nah, Barry is a delusional character and convincing Janice was definitely plan A. If it wasn't, he wouldn't have tried to convince her one last time at the tree.

Culdesac Jadoni

I agree that he’s delusional, I just think he knew what he had to do because he is inherently selfish

Mario Carranza

he has time and time again given people the benefit of the doubt. he gave Chris multiple outs and then afterwards told him to let it go several times, only killing him once he figured there was no going back. then there fuches who he constantly bails out despite him making his life incredibly difficult. in upcoming seasons we see the same trait get played out again. he definitely wanted her to drop it and she'd be alive

Oni Legend

Honestly it didn’t matter what Janice did or how she played it because Barry knew she figured it out. Like he was out there at that dock for a reason and as efficient as Barry is, I don’t doubt he could have and would have taken her out at the first chance he got if he couldn’t convince her

Culdesac Jadoni

For the sake of not spoiling anything, I’m just gonna leave it at Barry being selfish and only looking out for himself. Everything is about how it’s going to effect him, not actually the right thing to do imo

Jamaal Ellison

Sally's abuse also plays into why she just wanted a casual hook up with barry.

Jamaal Ellison

Sheera's gonna go blind if she keeps overusing her Sheeragan!!! She'll have to take someone's eyes.


Day 7 of asking for a Vikings or the last Kingdom reaction!

Terry King Jr

Barry and most of the other characters are terrible people so it's hard to root for anyone and it makes it a hard watch.


Ok is it just me or was that fade to black screen in the middle way too long ?

Douglas Kelley

No shit he is looking out for himself. What.. you think he is just going to turn himself over? What argument are you trying to make without pointing out the obvious?


You’re right characters like sally don’t even feel real but I can’t talk about my main gripes with the show (spoiler reasons) but it’s just not even up there with other amazing shows I’ve seen


Sheera please :( spoiled the whole episode lmao

Culdesac Jadoni

That him “looking out for people” is moreso about what it means for him and not really about looking out for them.


Lmao, should have been blind a WHILE ago with how powerful she is


It was and I’m surprised no one said anything about it lol. I think it was to signify a time skip.


Nah I don’t ask everyday like back to back, this is just my 7th day of asking. I ain’t gonna press them that hard just to watch some shows 😂


Barry was hoping she would drop it fr


I cant remember when but I think roshi mentioned they're planning on watching it just not rn

rickie woodson

its not done cause we got three more seasons thats the real reason why. premise is "hitman takes acting classes" so he still has to kill. and since there are lots of people who know about his double life or are smart enough to figure it out, he is forever going to be killing to keep his secret. folks are going to be looking into the murder of a cop. they dont play with that mess. and he was THERE with two witnesses to say so. that facebook thing is so messy. just delete it all ugh

Matthew Barrett

I just finished the show. My god, what a masterpiece. Can't wait to see their reaction after its all done

rickie woodson

great season but sad ending. glad fuches is gone. glad hank is still around. glad sally and barry are out of the "will they wont they" era. sad homegirl is gone. i like this actress but she always does small roles or guess spots so never get to see her for more than an episode or two. i was like "yassss sis got a recurring role in a series" psych my berry. season 2 is going to be very interesting indeed


Barry should have just left bro🤦🏾‍♂️


Get her off the couch she knows too much lol

Corey Leach

Getting close to Ronnie/lily. That episode was pure gold lmao. NoHo Hank is such a cool guy as well as Cristobal 😉

Danger Tomato

yojimbo reaction when?

Koosha Mokhbery

lmfao I saw your comment before watching the episode like huh what's that, but naw just an underrated comment lol


I'm mad Ryan Madison got framed out of nowhere lmao.


Just like Barry said "Starting... Now". This show is about to cook something spectacular for yall. Welcome to the weirdest Dramedy in recent memory. It's so Good


But now, we finally have the best character in his position of power. Noho Hank about to go crazy hahahaha


Ronnie/Lily is a significant moment in TV history. Can you imagine Lupa's reaction... dear lord hahahaha

Lamaree Jackson

Sheera when the show’s plot is straightforward: 😴 Sheera when the show is crazy and unpredictable: 👁️


Sheera always on the pick up, love seeing this

Ranginald Vagel

You're telling me he keeps this up for 5 seasons?

andrew ayala

aww man they missed the majority of the background Yojimbo joke... oh well lol

Jurassic Jordan

just cuz someone's an asshole usually doesn't mean they cant be nice. yall need some positivity.


Sheera on Alan Wake time writing shit into reality

Ranginald Vagel

Janine should have just pretended to know nothing and gotten Barry on Most Wanted smhhhhh


its amazing how you guys manage to put the blame on every one of barrys victims


It's really not, this show does not hide that Barry is in the wrong and a bad person

darnay mayberry

if she got caught by the hitman she is looking up, how is she supposed to trust his word that he won't kill her if she drops it. If i was her i would've waited until the trip was over and then look him up.


I mean alot of the plot was obvious its not like Sheera is the only one that can see alot of what was going on with the plot. Barry is a excellent show but alot of 1st season is pretty obvious.


Ah yes social media the ultimate snitch also I love the fact you guys honestly got caught in the Tsukuyomi when Janice arrived I immediately knew it was real and got shook. Goran getting capped like that was one of the most disturbing things I've seen because of the loss of body control and still being semi conscious I feel like I've seen something similar before also that sheet over him was hilarious 😭. Sally's ex husband is definitely getting killed by Barry in the future the way he asked did he hit her he definitely killing him in the worst way possible.


Honestly, I like how Sally is written. She's experienced horrible things and has small moments where she says things that almost make her likeable, but her personality is so awful and I find that interesting.

Jaelyn Mcgee

is it just me or do sally's boobs look bigger in the dinner sequence?, I genuinely thought it was part of a daydream with how perfect everything was going until gene mentioned the monologue


that was your viewing experience, this is theirs.


Barry is in the right, his victims had it coming


They didn't blame her for wanting to catch barry, they blamed her for making the bad decision to not resolve this from the safety of her police station, rather than alone with barry in the woods.


And how would she have done that without letting Barry kill everyone back in the house and disappearing forever? He would not have, but she didn’t know that. She knew Barry was a liar a murderer. What a fool she was, as a cop, to try to bring in him at gun point when she had him dead to rights rather than play a bunch of elaborate cat and mouse games in the hopes he would eventually fall into her trap!

Nate D.

Yup wrong 90% of time but when someone's right its a gazillion. Iq prediction


Bruh...up until maybe just before Janice went outside I was in denial that this was real. Between Barry and Sally being together, his acting being better, and them just being with Gene and Janice at this cabin, I really thought it was still a daydream lmao. But I guess it being a time skip made it make sense.


Shout out to Sheera for the LaGuerta comment, I obviously know it's the same actress but still, they went down the same path, Janice and LaGuerta, and Barry wore the same kind of t-shirt Dexter wore when ever he was killing, also Sally reminds me of Rita from Dexter, the looks, so I kind a feel it's intentional, but man, great season overall


Honestly its better that way. Reason why I enjoyed You so much was because he manipulated the audience into thinking all his actions were justified. It’s a way more entertaining perspective and it doesn’t hurt anyone from entering that perspective

Odr K

That's all you got from that scene,man?Hahhah


Yeah, this is when I realized that this is not a show about good or bad, it's just a bunch of messed up people doing messed up stuff. I love it.


@14:18 No way the police officer just ignored that this man face is bloody, teeth sawed, and carrying a cartoonish bag of illegal money lol


Binged S1 in a night 😭