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Damn I really dont remember nun from early YYH lol



Damn episode 3 too

Musical Esscence

And it's all downhill from here. They absolutely massacred Genkai as a character.


Hyped for flower of evil

Danger Tomato

Gang you could easily do blue eye samurai and Pluto next week, each is only an hour long

Revstarallstar .

Ngl watching this show again through reactions, I have to say a M-Rated Power Rangers needs to be in the Next thing for Netflix give anime a break after Avatar make that deal


They changed it a lot from the anime. the entire live action

Hasnain Khan



haven't watched the reaction yet but based on your caption I can say that they changed a lot to fit 66 into 5 episodes so don't try to connect to many dots from the live action to the anime lol


I believe Roshi said Blue Eyed Samurai would either start next week or the following week. If they're uncertain about starting 1 new hour-long show, it feels safe to assume they won't have time for 2 of them. They'll get to Pluto soon, and when that time comes, I'm sure they'll enjoy it. But until then, their schedule is pretty tight. If I had to make an educated guess, next week will probably look like this: [TRIO] - Baki (x2) - Barry (x2) - The Bear (x2) - Yu Yu Hakusho (x2) - What If...? (x3) - Frieren - Undead Unluck - Solo Leveling - Classroom of the Elite - Mashle - (Maybe) Blue Eyed Samurai [DUO] - Flower of Evil (x2) - The Apothecary Diaries - Berlin (x2, maybe)

R'Mani Leavell

It might be for the best you don’t remember much. This was the episode that put me off from the show. And from what I read most people who loved the anime felt the same. Main point was the orb that Genkai gave Yusuke in the anime put him in so much pain he was out of commission for like 5 episodes

R'Mani Leavell

Kuwabara has 2 swords in the anime. The 2nd one was green which is probably why Sheera thought that

keandre deas

But this isn't a retelling of the anime it's an ADAPTATION meaning certain things are going to be different are they not allowed to tell a different version of a story🤨


An adaptation sure. But they rushed through it, I mean they did like four arcs in this one season skipping so much content it is ridiculous. It’s like they didn’t plan on doing a season two or didn’t care. I was still entertained but disappointed as they could have done so much more having spread it out.

X__Dead Man

Idk why but if you go to the announcements in the patreon app and click on it it wants you to buy it for 1 dollar only episode 2 I think they made a mistake now I can’t watch it


The video and sound weren't synced so they are fixing it


The upgraded one he gets close to the end (won’t say exactly what it does cuz I don’t wanna spoil)


Damn man, I'm watching episode 3 thinking is episode 2.


We getting episode 2 tomorrow? 😢


Yall need to react to solo leveling that comes out today 💯

R'Mani Leavell

I’m not saying it has to be a 1:1 adaptation. But as a fan of the original, it’s disappointing when this version disregards rules established in the original series. And a lot of the character development is basically non existent . Genkai died in the same episode she was introduced in. Were we supposed to care about her at that point? I get the show probably expects us to have seen to anime or read the manga but I still think this should have at the very least had complete compelling stories for the characters that played an important role


What is so special about solo leveling? I see the internet freaking out about it. I tried reading it, and it seemed like another generic OP rpg fiction, that I've read dozens of on royalroad.

Richie Roberts

When you pull all of the heart and soul out of the original for an adaptation, then yeah it's a problem. Check out the anime, they did such a better job with all of this. I'm ngl there are things that were cut out or done differently that I agree with. But some of the choices made in this show kill all of the important themes of the source material. It all comes down to only having 5 episodes to tell 2 arcs of content. This show needed another 5 episodes to tell the story well with the emotional weight of the original anime/manga. If they cut out 95% of the tower and training with Nen or most of the hunter exam from HXH you would be saying the same thing. That's what this is.

Richie Roberts

Genkai trained Yusuke before Toguro showed up, but his training was only half done. After facing Toguro the first time he went back to train with her before the Dark Tournament. It feels like you could all have a good time rewatching the anime. It seems like a lot of time has passed since you watched it. Also, this is one of the few anime where the dub was better. Yusuke was more of a smart ass and the dialogue worked better. If you ever decide to I would love to check out your reaction.


Yeah, this was fast! I get what they're trying to do but, oof, does it hurt!


Can ya watch the anime yu yu hakusho after this?


honestly it sounds like myself and others would be very interested in a rereaction to yuyu hakusho anime if thats something that yall would be interested in doing!? just something to consider


It's unique because it was one of the first....or at the very least popularized the genre of Manhua and webtoons

Delinda Arts

yall rewatching the dub would do NUMBERS lmao


Yeahhh it would be awesome if you guys rewatched the anime. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of this but personally i can’t really enjoy this.


Only issue with 90s anime... Is the pacing. The arc between the 2 tournaments is always a part I skip due to how lame it is by comparison. Same with shows like Sailor Moon, that introduce characters 5 eps at a time (22 episodes before we have the full squad) . IF you consider a 90s anime, please be open to suggestions on what episodes are completely skippable. Ya know, like Half of Naruto AND Bleach 😁


YYH is a weird show that failed at a lot of things HxH succeeded with. The little castle arc is forgettable, at best. Every "Detective" arc was pretty much a failure, which is why despite there being a bunch of said missions and arcs in the manga, only 2 made it into the anime. Yusuke is a spirit detective first, but that part of the story doesn't hit like the Tournament Arcs hit. It's a personal preference, so I just ask they stay open to skipping things NOBODY wants to watch.

Khalil Tippin

I can't stand how they handled the spirit wave orb in the live action. They didn't do this series justice in my opinion. Casting is pretty good, fight choreography was good, pacing and context was a miss for me

Devin B

Overall I like the live action so far but my only complaints are that they rushed Yusuke coming back to life because I did enjoy the episodes when he was just a ghost, especially the one where he helps Kuwabara study in his dreams, and the training he gets from Genkai was too short lived, he actually had to go through pain to master the power she gives him in the end but here he took it like it was nothing. I get they had to condense stuff to fit this season but knowing what they had to cut out makes the pacing feel even worse.

Drake Chuckle

I think he can never light the cig because he is underage and they don't want to actually show a kid smoking on japanese tv.

King Medjai

They might do a reboot. Nothing confirmed yet. But the original english dub was definitely lightning in a bottle. One of a kind


Petition for the rewatch of the dubbed anime series👀🤞🏾


Was that tournament area the same building from the Kingsman movie? Samuel L. Jackson's lair for the wealthy?


As someone who has never seen Yu Yu Hakusho, I thought this has been a pretty cool adaptation and got their point across for people, like me, to go watch the source material so I can see the full development of everything. I hope it gets a second season though because being able to watch the tournament would be dope based on the fight choreo so far.


It really does seem like they're doing the dark tournament this season - they must've had no faith in a season 2


They showed him smoking on the school roof in episode 1. Keiko even says "On the roof smoking again?" and snatched the cigarette away.

Jamaal Ellison

Unpopular opinion, but this version of Kuwabara is annoying the fuck outta me. He's basically sneaking around, stalking Urameshi, hiding, listening, And then inserting himself into business that doesn't really concern him.

Smash Bran'Discootch

They're doing the dark tournament without it actually being the dark tournament. It's...it's real bad, my man.

Smash Bran'Discootch

For a second I misunderstood you and thought you were saying the Chapter Black arc was boring and I about had a heart attack 🤣🤣🤣 My bad, my dude!

Smash Bran'Discootch

RIGHT?! This was THE scene they had to NAIL. Like this was this show's equivalent to the intro to the last of us. The one thing they HAD to do right. And they fumbled it so hard as to be laughable.

Smash Bran'Discootch

This was such crap. They reduced one of the most IMPORTANT scenes in the entire series to "Oh snap, Yusuke I almost forgot to give you the spirit wave orb. Here ya go, homie!" and then like....Yusuke just GETS it? Just like that? So powerups are just handed out completely unearned? Did the people who made this crap even SEE Yu Yu Hakusho? Because THIS garbage is NOT Yu Yu Hakusho. It's bad and everyone involved should feel bad. Like if Togashi watches this nonsense, THIS is gonna be the thing that finally kills him!

Smash Bran'Discootch

There....isn't going to be a tournament. Did you not see how this ended? That WAS The Dark Tournament, my dude. Or at least this show's crappy version of literally the most legendary tournament arc in anime. That's it. No dark tournament for us.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Hey Kuwabara, keep smacking this rock until you develop your spirit sword FOR LITERALLY NO FUCKIN' REASON because apparently that's just how we do here. All flash and no substance. Yeah I realize I'm basically live tweeting rants here as I'm watching but like come on man. This SHOULD have been good.


Like I said before, I've never seen Yu Yu so I didn't realize that the end of the episode was showing anything about the dark tournament

Smash Bran'Discootch

Legitimately the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You basically just said "ignorance is bliss" in a super roundabout way.

King Medjai

That's what he was doing in the anime. He was always inserting himself.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I do think a rewatch of yu yu Hakusho and Outlaw Star if they haven't seen it already, would be great

Doc Anime!

Roshi's take on the show was perfect!! I feel like this was designed to get ppl talking more about the source material if they liked it. Hopefully this will lead to another anime remake like they did for HunterxHunter


He said, "He literally killed him," but he really didn't. Hiei barely did shit to Yusuke, and Yusuke was standing and in fine shape after. So no, there was no killing happening. He did not literally kill him. If he literally killed him, Yusuke would be dead.


Calm down. It's just entertainment. It's not that serious. You're wasting so much energy having a temper tantrum over nothing. I highly doubt you have actually been harmed in any way. You've made your hatred known already, it's pretty clear you have a very negative opinion about it, which is fine. But it's time to move on. Watch something else, play video games, go to sleep.

Smash Bran'Discootch

So....You're commenting to tell me that commenting is useless? You don't see the hypocrisy here? Fuck off.

My Big Little Brother (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-26 05:41:42 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.
2024-02-21 08:58:49 You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.

You're going on a rant without understanding the statement. What Lupa meant was "You'd be dead already if he was serious." You hear that kind of thing all the time in older martial arts movies. When someone clearly stronger places their hand or blade at your neck, it means you "could have been dead". So that's what Lupa's statement meant.