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Britni Williams

Been waiting for this one!! One of the best episodes of television

Mubarez Ahmad

Whole episode was done in one take

Teddy McDonald

I legit yelled when Marcus came around the corner with that fucking donut the first time I watched this. Probably the most stress inducing episode of TV I've ever seen, all by design. Mad props to the directors and actors they were cooking.


This episode such a banger, and I think the season ends equally strong too. One small detail that’s often overlooked was a background event; the first customer that walked into the Beef that was let in near the end of the episode asked about the risotto


The beginning isn’t part of the one take. The rest is though essentially once Ebra starts reading the review.


the kitchen scene was in 1 continuous shot if i remember correctly

Devin B

I couldn't feel bad for Marcus because you really took the time to make that donut at the worst time possible

Vongola Fiamme (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 16:42:54 They acted the fuck out this scene bruh. S/N you do gotta watch how you talk to people cause in this situation 1 wrong thing could cause people to just quit or tap out.
2024-01-21 16:42:54 They acted the fuck out this scene bruh. S/N you do gotta watch how you talk to people cause in this situation 1 wrong thing could cause people to just quit or tap out.
2024-01-21 16:42:54 They acted the fuck out this scene bruh. S/N you do gotta watch how you talk to people cause in this situation 1 wrong thing could cause people to just quit or tap out.
2024-01-04 23:23:09 They acted the fuck out this scene bruh. S/N you do gotta watch how you talk to people cause in this situation 1 wrong thing could cause people to just quit or tap out.

They acted the fuck out this scene bruh. S/N you do gotta watch how you talk to people cause in this situation 1 wrong thing could cause people to just quit or tap out.

Kumi Chan

the one take was crazy


The acting in this episode was incredible. I was almost as mad as carmy when marcus came round the corner with the donut. I get how they'd be upset with how carmy was yelling/taking everything out on them (sydney & marcus), but with the fuck up that just happened and the amount of orders, no wonder the dude was stressed the hell out. Especially when they're already struggling financially. Really disappointed they both bailed when clearly the kitchen needs help. Really hope they come back, though they'll all need to apologise to each other ha.

Nikita Umda (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 16:42:54 So many one shots in this, what an AMAZING episode.
2024-01-21 16:42:54 So many one shots in this, what an AMAZING episode.
2024-01-04 23:30:51 So many one shots in this, what an AMAZING episode.

So many one shots in this, what an AMAZING episode.

John Strickland

The next episode has me fuming lol


i love this episode lmaooo

Mubarez Ahmad

Nobody means what they say in the heat of the moment in the kitchen. That's why Marcus' and Sydneys reaction to this whole situation is even more annoying, cause Carmy would've definitely talked to them at the end of day calmly how they fucked up


Carmy was eating marcus’ donut off of the floor

John Endaya (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 16:42:54 I'm friends with a sous chef and he was very clear that this is VERY relatable to him. When shit hits the fan, it buries the kitchen.
2024-01-21 16:42:54 I'm friends with a sous chef and he was very clear that this is VERY relatable to him. When shit hits the fan, it buries the kitchen.
2024-01-21 16:42:54 I'm friends with a sous chef and he was very clear that this is VERY relatable to him. When shit hits the fan, it buries the kitchen.
2024-01-04 23:34:37 I'm friends with a sous chef and he was very clear that this is VERY relatable to him. When shit hits the fan, it buries the kitchen.

I'm friends with a sous chef and he was very clear that this is VERY relatable to him. When shit hits the fan, it buries the kitchen.

Uly A O

The chaos during this ep I legit was stressed the entire time. Regardless I still love it. I do skip this ep when I rewatch the season though.

Devin B

Carmy didn't need to bring up that the risotto wasn't ready but he was just letting out his frustrations on Sydney trying to move things along when they're not at that point yet. Sydney is an asset overall but her only issue is that she shoots too high too often when it's not necessary. Carmy tried to tell her that he wanted to maintain the peace they had a little bit before expanding but she kept trying to push for new things and his fears came to fruition with this incident.


Damn PLEASE watch the movie Lupa said in the end (1917). This is my second favorite movie of all time and I would go crazy if u guys react to it 😂😂😂


what's really interesting is that the ones that were mostly calm and collected were the richie, tina, ebra and all the other side kitchen workers

Oni Legend

I’m glad Roshi caught that at the end of the day, everyone is just pissed off at each other and fucking up and taking it out everywhere they can and its just ruining things even worse Marcus was too caught up on them damn donuts, Sydney fucked up with the preorder and cracking under pressure in the middle of the shit, Richie was throwing gas onto the fire before the shit popped off, and Carmy’s only real mistake this episode was just that he did not take control of the situation like a leader to get them through and assess the situation. He was the first one to crack under pressure and lose his shit which then snowballed on everyone else and kinda brought the kitchen back to that state it was at the beginning of the season with just chaos and anger everywhere. Like I completely get his anger and he’s justified in it(besides the weird ass risoto comment to Syd showing he was indeed NOT over it), but the mans head chef and they all rely on his direction to keep things moving and focused and he just wasn’t up to the plate for it. A leader has got to be the one keeping shit together and adapting and solving problems and he wasn’t that

mitch anderson

Nahhh this episode was fire. Just straight nonstop chaos. Done mostly in one take? Brilliant.


i was so stressed this episode. Sydney should have not left maybe take a 5 min breakkk

Bushido Black

I think my favorite moment from this episode was Carmy eating Marcus’s doughnut off the floor and he realized that shit slapped lmao

Oni Legend

Bro it’s that first bite of the donut they was talkin a few episodes ago. Swear that shit defused all Carmy’s anger and made him say fuck it


btw it was even more her fault with the risotto because it hit the news bringing hella customers which is why the preorders was so crazy so no matter how you look at it its mostly her fault entirely


Yeah the one take aspect + the phone constantly ringing in the background + Carmy yelling for a marker + Marcus ass with these stupid donuts made this so stressful lol


This episode everyone was on some shit

Hasnain Khan



last episode they talked about sydneys impatience and how shes good but wants things too quickly. this episode showed the downside


Yooo this ep flew by

Jahari Fields

Richie lives in chaos that’s why he’s the calmest in this situation 💀great episode I love it when these guys go crazy


yea the stabbing was an accident cuz richie walked back into the knife....but yeah sydney didn't look sorry lmaoooo


A 20 minute one take is a crazy accomplishment for real, the insanity is unbearable in this lol

Devin B

I'm sorry but I guarantee you anyone would act like Carmy did if they suddenly have to face a shitload off orders at once. I couldn't fault him too much as a leader because the burden of performance is higher for him than the others since he's in charge and he can't afford to mess up or he would be closer to losing the restaurant. Realistically there was no way to get through that situation in a calmly manner with the staff that they had.



Bria A.

it was very much her fault (even accidentally), but what gets me is there was nothing malicious or petty about it — she genuinely just didn’t want food she knew was good to go in the trash and wasn’t aware the guy she offloaded the plate to was a critic. sucky situation all around.


only about 18-20 mins according to articles was done in one take


Not even the most stressful episode of this show and I find that hilarious.


Lupa was talking about that war movie “1917” I believe. Filmed like it’s one shot, pretty dope movie.

Dmitri A. Baldwin

Carmy was not being cool about it. Both of Sydney's things were honest mistakes. I 100% believe in the fact that leaders cannot have bad days. Everybody is to blame for the way things went this ep - marcus not focused, sydney to-go orders, cousin being a stubborn asshole, and carmy just didn't respond in a good way and started giving people contradicting orders. Also, Sydney cares more about the beef than Carmy does rn, she's had to push and push and push for all the progress they've made as a restaurant and he isn't taking her suggestions seriously AT ALL. Sydney deserves better...

Oni Legend

Oh no trust me I completely agree. Like i said its a completely understandable and justified feeling and response where a heavy plate is getting heavier and heavier faster then you can blink and i don’t doubt that even if he was the most amazing leader the world has ever seen, theres still no way out of scenario while remaining calm just by the sheer workload alone That being said, he ultimately caused even greater tension and stress in a shitty situation by being the first one to snap and lose his shit and thats just not something a head chef or leader can afford to do because then thats just even more problems and makes it harder to get out of


True but she also walked out without displaying any remorse and responsibility for her mistakes. Carmy did take her suggestions seriously by incoporating the to-go services and look what happened at the end of the episode. He also told her the risotto was not ready to be served and she still served, going against the head chef's orders. Everyone takes blame here but I definitely did not appreciate how she left carmy to deal with a mess that she technically started.

Ginger Dwarf

one episode I'm like "Richie cringe, sydney based" and it's the exact opposite this time.

Jamaal Ellison

And the way shit works, he's probably gonna end up having to apologize to the both of them. Even though it was both of their faults they got yelled at.


i cant wait for them to start season 2 and also props to the actors for doing this in one shot


It's very much a cliche to talk about how well this show depicts a working kitchen but it really does a tremendous job at it


This is the first part of the show they start to show you what Richies good at.

Devin B

She wants the best for The Beef but she's pushing for too much. Carmy is being realistic about what The Beef is capable of with their current staff but all Sydney is looking at is how much better it could be. It's not a bad mindset to have but it could be dangerous because as you saw this episode she introduced a whole new system and made a mistake that took everyone off guard. That trait was probably why her business fell through because she wanted to do more than what they were currently capable of.

Devin B

Plus she was still holding the knife towards Richie after they were done arguing


I'm with Carmie these mfs playing to much. I love how he didn't miss a beat even when Richie got stabbed. "I bet you deserved it" is wild after he got stabbed.


Richie was really on it this ep. As soon as he heard the pre-orders he immediately got to work on the french fries and was actually helping out

Alejandra P.

Thank you!!!!! This here is what I feel people overlook. Carmy is the leader and when he started snapping, it snowballed to everyone. All while ago Sydney said she didn’t want to work with someone screaming over her shoulder. I felt like it was a call back to that bad chef from Carmy’s flashback. That they both don’t want to work under someone like that or in that environment. I feel this is what Carmy felt when he tasted Marcus’ donut. Just a thought. It is a stressful episode.

alexis ♡︎

thanks for the early upload!! this episode is so well directed and the actors absolutely KILLED it

Esperance Adzem

In defense of Sydney. Her quitting wasn't just about today. It was the accumulation of Carmy behavior from the begining. He deferred to her a lot and often times left her hanging. Even in this ep with Tina kid. Mind you, she admired this man , leaving was def not an impulsive decision for her.

Aniki Pft

Sheera that nigga Carmy is losing his damn mind. Syd was already being bombarded with pretty much everything + richie. I would've left too and he going crazy lmao. Everybody was pretty much out of it this entire episode, I understand why everyone was going through it, including Marcus and his crafts. I personally feel as if it wasn't just Carmy snapping, he was going through a genuine mental episode where he would order 1 thing and completely flip it to another, confusing everyone in the kitchen. The overall chaos would be too much. I think Syd was in the right lol.


I feel like it’s on Carly to check Richie being a nuisance and in the way all the time because he really just slows things down. If Richie wasn’t there or if Carmy checked him a lot of the chaos in this episode wouldnt have happened

Victoria Edward (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 16:42:54 Richie had nothing to do the preorders going off, which is what made the chaos happen
2024-01-21 16:42:54 Richie had nothing to do the preorders going off, which is what made the chaos happen
2024-01-05 00:46:35 Richie had nothing to do the preorders going off, which is what made the chaos happen

Richie had nothing to do the preorders going off, which is what made the chaos happen


No I know it’s her fault but Richie is the last kind of person you need in a stressful environment. But the Sydney also needs to take some accountability


Love the reaction guys keep up the good work.

Mubarez Ahmad

And another thing, you CAN'T take the shit that is being said in these stressful moments to heart. I think we can all agree that Carmy would've talked to Marcus and Sydney at the end of the day why their behavior and their choices were not good, in a calm and reasonable manner. Because that's just how kitchens work, after the shift everyone is cool and you can laugh. But them just quitting is a Bitch move and telling Carmy that he's shit is uncalled for

Almighty Kahn

Gave a critic risotto, implanted a new system, left preorders on in the new system, committed attempted murder, then gone quit. Fuck Sydney. Then you got Marcus still fucking around with the donuts and cinnamon rolls instead of the cakes. Stop making love to the damn donuts everyday and stop bullshitting!(I work in a kitchen and I felt the pressure)


watching this ep the first time marcus had me dying n livid cause why tf u still making donuts while we inna rush. then without making my fucking bread u come up to me w smile asking about a damn donut😭

Devin B

I'll give you that Carmy did add unnecessary stress to everyone else, it's his first time being in charge of anything so he probably doesn't realize how much his actions has an affect on everyone else.

Noel Cruz (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 16:42:54 Bro I feel so bad for Carmie This shit was stressful as a motherfucker 😂
2024-01-21 16:42:54 Bro I feel so bad for Carmie This shit was stressful as a motherfucker 😂
2024-01-05 01:03:45 Bro I feel so bad for Carmie This shit was stressful as a motherfucker 😂

Bro I feel so bad for Carmie This shit was stressful as a motherfucker 😂


also carmy is at zero fault. they have to understand hes the owner. theres hella orders and hella ppl asking for food. at the end of the day carmy is going to have to answer to all of that. plus the tight money situation they r in. losing hella money

Devin B

Carmy needs to remember that no matter how capable Sydney is she's still young so for her to get all these responsibilities thrown on her without much guidance is going to be stressful for her, still she should've took responsibility for her mess and talk to Carmy afterwards before quitting

Zara B

Ngl I feel like Carmy was mad at Sydney cause she told him earlier in the season its important to listen and she felt like he wasn't listening and then she pulled that stunt (admittedly she didn't know man was a critic) after he said no

The thing that flows

Carmy: Marcus if you're still doing donuts, I will fuck up your day. Marcus 5 minutes later: Carmy look at this donut. This man is in his own little world 🤣

Devin B

So you would leave after causing a big mess like this, granted it was a stressful situation for everyone but as the person that caused the mess in the first place she has a duty to see it through, especially because she kept pushing for introducing the new system

Aniki Pft

Yall gotta hop off Syd. If she wasn't given 10 million things to do then maybe she wouldn't have left Preorders on, It wasn't just today but it's an accumulation of things that contributed to Syd quitting. The Kitchen is mad unorganized and pinning everything on one person (Syd) is going to make shit worse.

Almighty Kahn

That’s kitchen life you’re gonna be handed a bunch of tasks to do. Their kitchen was on the verge of being more organized and literally everyone has multiple tasks to do. Syd did create a problem that she didn’t take accountability of. It’s still fuck Syd

A. P.

I woulda slapped tf out that donut too lmao Syd was absolutely trippin' in this episode though. Of course Carmy could've done better to keep his cool, but she's more in the wrong than he is in my opinion. It's no excuse, but you know how things get in a kitchen, you gotta be able to excuse some yelling when shit is THAT crazy and just talk about it later and make sure it doesn't happen again. Syd thinks Carmy never listens to her but she's just impatient.


Dawg that was the most stressful 20 minutes I've ever watched, Sydney fumbled hard. Bummer because she had good intentions, but for such a small spot & crew that just couldn't work out.

Aniki Pft

I think we're forgetting that this system would've worked and none of this would have happened if Carm didn't pin Tina's kid on Syd + Richie having to argue with Syd over his insecurities. She's simply being tasked with too much and this episode shows that at the start of the episode. Syd isn't innocent but Carmy and Richie didn't help this situation either.

Twin Hallow

I dont know about the she cares more about it, that is a bit much. Just because she has ideas and Carmy says its not time yet? Also she straight up stabbed someone this ep lol. Even if it was a mistake she was trippin.

Aniki Pft

Kitchen life except Syd was the only reason that shit was coming together. A bunch is a understatement and when those tasks are deadass conflicting with everything it's then her problem/fault. she made the mistake when she did try to stay that stuff with Richie happened. This falls more on everyone instead of just her lmao.

Kevante Caldwell

I already know people can’t wait to jump in the comments and take up for Sydney she needed to take some accountability


Sydney was on some psycho shit. I was with her sticking up for herself and cussing Richie out for being an asshole, but she pulling a knife on somebody IS WAY over the line. And she has no idea when to stop asking Carm about some bullshit when he is very clearly busy. Carm and her past employers were spot on when they said she is impatient. If this was real life, Richie could attempt to press charges for deadly assault, but obviously he ain't the type of guy to do that. Fuck Sydney all day up and down

Desert Penguin

Sydney didn't stab Richie. He backed up into her while her knife happened to in that position while she was going back to work. No intention from Sydney at all


Bro I’ve watched this over like 4 times this has got to be my favorite episode

KS Neelesh

Good lord idk how everyone in the show hasn't lost their hair and gome white already🤣


Re: DJ at the beginning -- Lin Brehmer was a mainstay in Chicago radio. Died last January of prostate cancer. But yeah, you guys should check out Chicago! We've got a great food scene.


Ritchie is an ass but Sydney is to pushy to force change in a chaotic and unprofessional environment as proven in this episode they both in the wrong side bar-the dish is to blame partially cause it pushed the good review for new customers to flock in especially with a Order online option Carmy literally said we got some semi peace let’s hold on to it for a bit but miss inpatient wanna force the issue

Devin B

The main issue was that she left the preorder option on which caused the mess in the first place. In general the system wasn't a bad idea and yeah it's understandable why she's getting stressed out from Richie and Carmen but she pushed for this new system and made the mistake, at least take accountability for what you did.

gabriel250c .

Nah I still think the risotto was on purpose. She made 2 plates and could've let the staff eat it but she walked that shit out front and gave it to a customer so she can tell Carmy she was right. She didnt deserve to get screamed at but she sure as hell didnt need to yell at everyone else then quit after the chaos she caused. Marcus on the other hand had that shit coming.

Aniki Pft

It's as I said before. None of this would've happened if she was just working her system and not doing everything else. Again Tina's Kid and Richie pulling her over to argue. No one seems to be getting on him for patronizing her the entire episode. He pulled her aside for BS when she could've been working on her stuff.

John Strickland

Yeah it’s such a weird writing choice to have no resolution for a couple of people

Majin buussin

I’ve been a chef for the past 7 years and I can tell you this is my FAVORITE episode of the season. I’ve personally been Carmy, Sydney, and Marcus. When you’re the leader there’s usually an understanding that you’re that guy, and in these situations everyone needs to just listen to your voice and follow directions.


Sheera wth do you eat?? 😂

Majin buussin

When you get lost in creation you really drown out the noise of everything around you and don’t even realize things outside what you’re doing

Majin buussin

And when you’re a sous you get all the blame and all the responsibility for everything inside the restaurant and that makes you crazy and sometimes resentful because you see where the executive has fault and you go blind on that sometimes and forget sometimes you are part of the problem too.


I agree Syd has to take the L on this but everyone has a bad day or a fuck up and this was Syd. I don't know if I would go as far and say fuck her. She deals with alot and this was the perfect storm.


Sydney definitely had a stick up her ass the whole time. Carmy was right about the reference check on her. Impatient, and Green. Probably why her catering business failed.

Skye Brooklyn

nah tina was a bitch from jump, im glad she’s growing but still, richie has been a bitch too and camry putting everything on her, praising her dish and giving her confidence, only to then take it from her and then scream at her? i’m just saying it’s not like syd had absolutely no reason to react the way she did.

Skye Brooklyn

uhhh idk when a grown ass man who has been talking all kind of shit and starts throwing shit and get riled up and gets in MY face i’m not just gonna smile and wave. he needed to back tf up🤷🏽

Skye Brooklyn

hmm idk i feel like he could’ve really sat them down and told the crew to get their shit together as their boss, MADE them step their game up but he just told them to stfu when shit got heated. he never truly went out of his way to fix the conflict going on especially with richie and syd bc they are HIS employees and their behavior is affecting the job. if u watch the ep back so much of the problems that came up throughout he called sydney’s name and put it on her and then blamed her bc she messed up cuz she had HELLA on her plate already. i could go on. don’t fight me lol but i wouldn’t say carmy is at ZERO fault


ive worked in a restaurant n when i tell u nb got the time to do that during rush i really mean it. when u work in the kitchen u kind of have to have that sense of urgency and quick thinking. the amount of orders they got was ridiculous. the longer u keep ppl food waiting the more obligated u have to do extra shit for. brings unnecessary shi to everyone as a whole. carmy response is even more warranted cause of the fact he told syd that they werent ready for it. syd doesnt wanna do the extra work that comes w her plans


syd does good shit but she doesnt think of what comes w it. she thinks it automatically happens. thats why she been messing up and is rightfully so blamed. carmy is literally telling her shi isnt gonna work bc they arent ready for it


Now we patiently wait for Fishes...


Since You Guys Dropped "The Bear" Today does that mean we're not getting another episode tomorrow?.... This episode got my stomach tilt that's how good it was they really do great job showing a stressful situation from the start to the finish. Sydney was def buggin this episode last episode Carmy (Bear) when he mention the reference that she was impatient and Green it really showed this episode. I think we all can see the potential in her its just the pick me mentality gets to her which is nothing wrong with that but we can see the cons in to play like as not able to handle a tight situation or not able to handle a denial/no. She's good at cooking its just that her personality and characteristics affect her ability to focus and to lead/ take charge affects her food like lupa said a few episodes back "you can taste the sadness in the food".


yea but how long you're going to hold that knife for especially in a postilion to stab him in the lower back if its not intentional. That little argument happen literally a minute ago tops she could of put the knife away or continue what she was doing. She was just under stress like majority were its just that she had enough so she took out on the next person she sees even though richie did his part

Gabriel Sanchez

At the end of the day everyone sucks in this episode. Sydney is too impatient and gave out a dish that shouldn't have been given out, just give it to the staff, and now with the article it just gave attention to The Beef that it didn't have before, risotto or not, people wanted to try it a la pre-order (honest mistake that coulda been avoided). Marcus was too into finding his purpose and already fucked up once with breaking a circuit when he was behind on cakes and yet he chooses to continue on donuts when he sees they are SWAMPED plus he said he wouldn't make that mistake again. Richie being a fucking asshole didn't help and just rattled Sydney even more. Finally, Carmy was a dick and not proper mentor and honestly needed more time dealing with his grief before running a kitchen. Anywho i cant wait for the next episode


two wrongs don't make a right. He's older like he claims he should of been the bigger man and kept it pushing and he was kept pushing sydney buttons as soon as he arrived at the shop. Even though I said that sydney was def buggin pulling out a knife is way outta line especially in a working environment and on your boss and on top of that actually stabbing him on purpose cause that was not a accident at all.


They got a food critique to rate their store 5 STARRSSSS!!! I’m assuming that’s gonna have their preorders skyrocket like they did today. It’s one thing if Sydney did it any other time, but she made that mistake right after she gave the risotto. She’s quick to rush into shit and that’s the problem. It’s one thing to make mistakes but it’s another to not even do your task afterwards. Carmy is yelling, YES CUZ HES STRESSED, but in a situation like this just do what he asks of you—don’t start talking to him about what you’re GOING to do. Mf was talking bout some “yeah but I was just going to tell marcu—“ BITCH THERES 76 ORDERS WE GOTTA MAKE, IF YOU DONT HURRY YA ASS ON!!!


She thinks she’s helping—which she is to an extent—but you can’t get too ahead of yourself or you’ll just get fucked over. Shit remind me of Itaewon Class when Yi-Seo fucked up her decision making

Megan Campbell

I don’t like jelly donuts, either, Sheera. Great reaction guys! Watching this episode the first time was so stressful lol. Lupa, I couldn’t work in a kitchen, either!

John Cedar

That's not what attempted murder is dude, she had no intention to kill or even hurt him. Murder doesn't just mean someone ends up dead by your hand, it means you have the intent, from the start, to kill. She completed disregarded knife safety and was in a very volatile state, but he backed into the knife, it was an accident. An accident that relied on Sydney being incredibly careless, yes, but it was still an accident. At most you can say she threatened him with the knife, but Richie is also being threatening getting right up in her face like that. Let's not forget this man has waved a gun around and fired it in the street, and deals coke, he's not a harmless dude. He's been on Syd's ass relentlessly when she's just been trying to do her job for the whole show so far.


He went over there to do his job and help out, and she saw him and decoded that was the best time to antagonize him and bring up HIS DAUGHTER. He cut the shit in that moment, and he was being quiet until she just kept pressing and pressing him because she decided that was the appropriate time to wild out. Nah. I'm usually on the 'Fuck Richie' train but Syd was on some other shit




My only gripe with this episode is that Sydney left. My wife and I go back and forth on this “till this day!” She says that Sydney was about to have a mental breakdown which I understand but to leave, after YOU implemented the new system. Yes Richie was being an A -hole and Carmy was screaming and cussing but leaving them to drown in your mess just didn’t sit right with me.

john segun doe

fam was that all one scene????? Yoooooo, I think i gotta watch this show on my own now... FAMMMM 0_0


Lol if you come away from this ep thinking Sydney was the only problem, you got alot of growing up to do fam


How on God green earth do you think the risotto was on purpose??!! Media literacy is at an all time low

Aniki Pft

@TheOGDaffy Richie has been antagonizing Syd since the episode started, don't play that weird card. He's been on that since last episode because of his own issues. We not going to act like Syd randomly started fucking with him when he's partially the reason Syd wasn't working on the Machine.


She was stressed an was just standing there after a man twice her size squared up with her lol sure she shouldnt have brought Richies kid into it, but Richie was harassing her the WHOLE ep! She understandably blew her top!

John Cedar

Well I guess the logic is that if you're about to have a mental breakdown, you aren't going to be of help to anyone. People need to just pull their shit together, do their jobs, and do what's required, for sure. We all do that, or we're supposed to. But also, she's a human who has a limit, and that shit was volatile in about 30 different ways. She may have fucked up the most on this particular day, but there are a lot of issues at The Beef in general. I definitely could never function in a work environment like this.


Yeah he was on it after antagonizing Sydney the whole ep and then being surprised when she fired back, she went too far with the kid, but he also said she was blowing food critics for good reviews! He had it coming


How sorry do you want her to look? Shit happened so fast she was probably in shock, and notice no one else in the restaurant really cared that Richie got accidentally stabbed lol Carmy even said that he probably deserved it


At what point did Gate say that Sydney was the only problem?

Amy Johnson

i love this episode, i will gladly watch a shorter but super tense and high energy one take episode any day


Sydney and Marcus pissed me the fuck off this episode. Didn't win me back until the second season lol.


I agree for the most part but he was only antagonizing her in the beginning and she already went off on him (as she should) but when stuff started getting crazy he put it to the side but she still wanted fight for the rest of the ep

Ajai Ramsey

nahhhh seriously the moment Sydney left like that, i lost mad respect for her because she was told “DO NOT SEND OUT THE DISH” it was good but it wasnt “Customer” good because eventually the place will Surge during a rush

gabriel250c .

What you're not going to do is try to insult me for a completely valid OPINION. If you disagree just fucking say that. It ain't that serious


Man this episode was amazing. The only innocent person this episode was Tina 😂. She’s really grown on me. 100% the way Carmy talked to Syd was definitely no good. But to just leave on me?! After I implemented your to go plan and it fucked me?! I feel like I woulda been more understanding if she quit after the day was over. Richie been a dickhead always gonna be a dickhead. He showed some levelheadedness when things got busy but still. And Marcus lmfao. Idek wtf to say about him. Lucky Carmy didn’t smack him with the donut.

Aniki Pft

@gabriel250c . I mean tbf it's not really an opinion if the show objectively points out the opposite and someone calls you out on it. I do agree insulting you isn't right but the Risotto thing wasn't on purpose.


Too bad this show doesn't have the itaewon class iconic sad music that plays 500 times that plays during an emotional scene :,(

Crow's Nest

Tina's kid and Richie pulling her to the side were after she already fucked up with the system though, she left it on overnight which caused this entire mess.


I agree that Syd should not have given the dish to the customer. I don't think she did it with good or bad intentions and staff would have eaten it. However, I do understand why Syd leaves in the end. To understand her breakdown you have to look at the past eps and see how Carmy essentially gives a ton of responsibility to Syd without any of the support. In this episode alone he pushes Louie on her on top of running the new system. Syd wants the Beef to change for the better too which is why she undertakes these responsibilities but again does not get the support or the guidance and then gets all the blame. Literally in the convo with Richie and Carmy, Carmy emphasizes that the new to-go system was Syd's idea as if he did not also cosign it instead of supporting Syd in that convo and saying yeah we have been working on this system. It is her fault for messing up the to-go orders, but Carmy's response as leader was horrendous. He cuts into her for the review he initially said he was not upset about and then cusses her out when she does try to help and organize things. He recognizes that Syd wants their kitchen to be better than the ones they have experienced but actively does not help her and instead adds to the toxicness of the kitchen. This was just Syd's last straw. Again she did fuck up and idk if I would have left in that situation but with how fucked it was and Carmy's shitty response to the situation, I don't know what else you do in that situation but to shut the kitchen down and hand out refunds.

Shane John-lewis

Yall think they'd watch Shameless?


Man everyone here is piling on Syd for this, and yeah it was shitty for her to leave, but the pre-order thing was an honest mistake, it happens - she's obviously sick of Richie harassing her, and at the end of the day no boss should ever talk to their staff like how Carmy was talking to her. Again, not saying she's innocent, she stil acts shitty this episode too, but I don't blame her at all for walking out

Aniki Pft

@Crow's Nest It's never stated that she left the system on overnight. She was on the same tablet while Carm was asking her if everything was ready, The orders must have flooded in during the time they were opening. (I could be wrong though)

Devin B

For people to pre-order from the restaurant they have to have prior knowledge that there was the option to pre-order, it wouldn't make sense for them to just implement that service and all of a sudden people are ordering from it that quickly. More than likely they advertised the new system beforehand and Sydney had everything set up but she left the option open for people to order well before opening time which caused that large influx of orders

Aniki Pft

@Devin B Ahh okay. Thank you for clarifying. I just fail to see how if the influx was wayyy before opening time; like the day before there's no way she wouldn't notice it as she was setting everything up. Maybe it was advertised prior like you said and they got it running before she stepped away. I still don't think she left it on overnight because again it shouldn't have slipped her notice.


Also the review that came out in the newspaper created hype for the restaurant which led to the influx of pre-orders. That's why Carmy got extra mad about the pre-orders.

Aniki Pft

I'm saying. I'm surprised no one is really giving Carm flack for this. He's obviously going through some mental stuff and blowing that shit on everyone in the kitchen is insane.


So ngl I wanna know what war movie Lupa was talking about.


gtfo my expo chef!


You know what, you're right Gabriel, I didn't intend to insult you. I apologize. BUT like Aniki said, the show points out that she did not know the guy was a food critic, in both this and last ep. If the sky is blue, but someone says "nah I think it's green", don't be surprised when ppl respond like "can this person even see?"


All I'm saying, is that Carmy, Marcus, Tina, Richie, and Sydney were the problems this episode, but Sydney seems to be the only one getting heat like she didn't make an honest mistake

Adrian Neal

That boy Carmy blood pressure was through the roof lmaooooo

Cleven Anthony

Personally I think it was bad for her too leave. Honest mistake or not, syd had a responsibility too try and fix her mistake but left them hanging after hurting Richie physically and emotionally and then just quit. It’s like as soon as it got rough she just lost it and forgot about any accountability smh she owes everyone an apology but Carmy does need to chill out a little bit and Marcus don’t even get me started on this bakery baker; he don’t belong there


Im sorry but i rdgaf about syd bringing up richies kids cause he literally implied she was a whore and lets men fuck for good reviews not even five minutes earlier. And tbh she never insulted his kids, she said that your kid thinks you are a loser, which isnt an insult on the child its an insult to Richie.


They all took out their anger and frustrations on Sydney in this episode, so I completely understand why she walked out. Yes, she made the mistake of giving out the food but it was not on the menu or being added to the menu, she knew that and she made Carmy know she knew that, but then they proceeded to bring it up and use it against her at any given moment like it was her fault everything gone to shit. The preorder thing could have been an easy fix if they decided to chill and work things out but since everyone was already pissed the result was to take it out of her.


Sydney literally didn't do anything


Nah too long and it fell off when Fiona left. Maybe even before that.

Asante Upshur-Benson

Nah her pride is why the preorders went buckwild. Sydney tried to cover up the risotto as a “accident” but when shit went left, she ain’t accountable for her actions. Marcus just as bad too

Makenna R

I honestly think this was all just honest mistakes that were happening one after the other, Sydney had no idea that the customer was going to review it and it would become so popular. She genuinely was proud of her dish and wanted someone to enjoy it rather than have it be wasted and I get it. Also the whole thing with the to-go tablet prob would have went smoothly if she was able to focus/caught on it earlier rather than being thrust the responsibility of Tina’s son and also dealing with Richie’s comments. I believe everyone has the share of blame in how this all went down, but the way Carmy reacted was not okay at all but at the same time he is also going through shit that can explain his behaviour haha idk I love how complex this show is and how complicated everyone is and it all just adds up into a concoction of chaos

Makenna R

LITERALLY THIS, like bro was making so many under the brow comments at her that I don’t think a lot of people noticed


I disagree it's wasn't all of them just Richie and Carmy. She should have never giving out the food no matter if it was a critic or regular customer cause either way they are going to tell other people and expect that to be on the menu for next time. Richie is the one that mainly brought up the fact that it was her fault just because he was being a douche. Carmy did it once and like they said cause he was already upset rightfully so. it was her idea she should have been more prepared with it being setup it could have been avoided and she accidentally stabbed Richie and didn't apologize. yes if everyone would have chilled out and did what they was suppose to do they would have been fine. Also everything was kinda her fault for it going to shit her idea, it improperly setup and cause her and Richie kept going at it. The only thing that wasn't was buddy doing the donuts instead of the cake.

Anna Anthony

Sydney walking out was justified. Idk how many viewers worked in a restaurant environment, but Carmy did not handle that well. And then blamed Sydney. He could have done many other things. There were a LOT of other options that weren't a cooking marathon. It was a bad decision. He just wanted to be mad at poor Sydney who was trying to resolve things before it became the issue that he made it. Carm was wrong. Fully Fully wrong. Sydney was only a little wrong. Marcus was wrong, but Carmy was a piece of shit.

Anna Anthony

Carmy should've been like, "Sorry to-go malfunctioned. $5 credit for whoever showed up and didn't get their order." But nah, he got to yell at Sydney about Something. THAT's abusive behavior. Weird energy, he probs picked up at his last place.

Anna Anthony

I think she earned grace that wasn't being given to her by others, when she's given so much. They did not have to drown. Carmy was trying to swim too fast at everyone else's expense. They could have been surfing at worst.

Joe Topside

I kinda get it the reason the dish wasn’t ready wasn’t because it tasted bad, like cammie said it was tremendous but because it’s tremendous it was gonna bring in a wave of customers that they weren’t ready yet to handle with a new system they should have waited to see how well the system can accommodate for the rush before introducing a new item otherwise it just becomes chaos, you gotta walk before you run.

Louis Kalman

Carmy shouldn't be yelling at his staff, but Marcus was told multiple times by his boss to stop fucking around when he has other responsibilities. Obviously I'd prefer if my boss didn't throw a tantrum at me, but he needed a reality check. It also feels like Sydney takes advantage of the fact that Carmy doesn't want a toxic work environment, so she wants him to be a pushover that accepts everything she asks for. They want a perfect boss but don't act like perfect subordinates. Sydney is a fine character but she's overly impatient and overly ambitious, She already failed at running her own business, then acts offended when Carmy doesn't immediately capitulate to her 50-step plan when the dude has infinitely more experience than her. She's a great asset when not sabotaging everything by switching between arrogance and panic attacks. Also, her threatening Richie with the knife (not even the accidental stabbing part) was way out of line. If someone did that shit to me it'd escalate a lot more than that.


No the preorders had nothing to do with the risotto, she just forgot to turn the option off, so everyone would've been ordering like a week before it opened, that's why it was so backed-up The point of the episode is that everyone acts like trash, but these are all also problems that Carmy, as the boss, should've dealt with beforehand - Richie's attitude, Marcus's fixation, and Sydney's impatience

Louis Kalman

Pull a knife on a dude after you've had a heated verbal argument IRL and see how that shit goes for you.

gabriel250c .

Ok I see where the confusion is. I meant that she purposely gave that risotto to a customer for some sort of validation. She wanted to show Carmy that her risotto was ready for the menu and that he was wrong. Of course she didn't know he was a food critic, that was an unfortunate coincidence but her intent was still there.

Ajai Ramsey

The crazy thing about that is she wanted to feel valued, yes the dish was Good but it wasnt “Perfect” for the Public, 2. Your Head Chef/Master tells you “Dont” or “Its not Ready” for a reason to help you grow and while he tells her on feedback she feels like he is putting her down “Sometimes you gotta Walk before you can Run”, plus not only you sent it out but the person was a Critic and you put in a Pre Order system on a small mom and pop shop that doesnt even have that PARTICULAR dish at all causing a Surge then the Food Material will be done before closing. 3. How she defended herself against Richie i admire but she went too far calling him a Loser then mentioning that his kid thinks he is on, that was EXTREMELY Out of Pocket, i dont care if im pissed at the world i wont attack a person’s family out of anger verbally & finally 4. Her leaving the kitchen and quiting without taking accountability and calling your chef a POS (attitude yes but his anger was lowkey justified) now if it was me and im Carmy im dead telling her you cant come back here ever….


yes she did. she didn’t take accountability for the mistake she made. because it was a mistake and carmy shouldn’t have yelled at her like that, but she was trying to talk to him at the wrong time and didn’t say that “yes, it was my fault.” she left them at the worst time possible. same goes with marcus.

DJ Muldrow

Realize guys that Carmy is their BOSS in what establishment do you curse out your staff in front of all other employees?? He embarrassed half of his staff this episode when he COULDVE refunded everyone’s orders and shut down for the day. Them quitting was justified because it shows a parallel what carmy should’ve done when he was in New York working for a boss that mistreated him!!


Marcus needs to get it together. He's in his own world. W Tina and Richie mostly tho

DJ Muldrow

At the end of the day you don’t blow up on your staff when shit hits the fan, they work for you and all trust is lost when you decide this momentary issue is bigger than all the relationships you’ve built

Xavier Louis


Nick Vaughn

Funny thing is if you look at Sydney’s face when Richie got stabbed, you can somewhat tell that she did it on purpose lol

Nick Vaughn

This is the most anxiety inducing episode of any show I’ve ever watched and this ain’t even the peak of anxiety from this show. Just wait y’all

Reckless Company

Why are fucking with me? was the most hilarious shit I've ever seen poor guy lol


Yeah rewatching and knowing it was about to happen. It defo looks like she was watching him back into her and she held the knife out. Idk if thats on purpose or just happened due to the one shot takes and having to be in position

Aybek Telgarin

I would get riled up as well if someone talked about my children. Richie is an asshole , but Sydney was wrong.

Nita - Kento's Widow

The comments on the previous reaction warned me... I thought yall were lying.... I had to pause three times lmao

Idan Diaz

Look at the restaurant I work at ain’t no one been threatened with a knife before but people wanna square up ALLL THE TIME!☠️ but I remember one chef yelled at everyone like carmy did, it’s pretty stressful.

andrew ayala

Im glad some sensible reactors are finally on this.... Marcus is a Fucking hoe for leaving.... and That situation is syd's fault... zero accountability... Ebb is a goat we can keep him LOL

andrew ayala

wish i can stab whoever i didnt like and only be "a little wrong" lol.. not even a "my bad"


He can’t refund the literal IRS cussed out sugar like last episode and they are 300k in debt to other guy so why the hell would he close down

DJ Muldrow

Even still mistreatment of the people that work for you is terrible, it’s not tolerable in the slightest


I love how no one in the comments is mentioning how this whole situation was EVERYONE’S FAULT. Tina should not have brought her son to work. Richie shouldn’t have antagonized Sydney in the beginning of the ep. Sydney left the preorder option open. Marcus wasn’t on task. Carmey shouldn’t have spoken to them like that regardless if that’s common in the kitchen workplace

Kumi Chan

While everyone played a part in how the situation ended up, the catalyst for the frenzy would have been Sydney leaving the option open. Tina's son helped out by organizing the food, Richie was being an asshole to Sydney, but that had nothing to do with her leaving the option open, it was an honest mistake. Richie was pissed because Sydney gave out a meal that wasn't on the menu to a customer who turned out to be a food critic, and could cause huge problems to the credibility of the restaurant. Carmey absolutely shouldn't have yelled at them, but he had managed to keep his kitchen stable for a while until everything fell apart out of nowhere, so I understand why he's so frustrated,

Aniki Pft

I like how everyone is so quick to mention accountability until they're at their literal boiling point. Syd tried working through it but Richie(The same mf that was fucking with her the entire episode and the last) was her boiling point. I'm pretty sure half of the people screaming accountability would've done the exact same thing and left.

Teddy McDonald

They aren’t a franchise with lots of money, they’re a small family store barely scraping by. A $5 credit on 250 beef sandwiches might literally bankrupt them.

Aniki Pft

@Louis Kalman Get a mf face irl in a heated argument and see how that shit goes for you.


To be honest I wonder if this would have gotten so bad if Carmy or Richie had gone over the tablet with Sydney beforehand. She kept asking them to go over it with her and they kept brushing her off. I also agree that Syd is too impatient like her previous employers said, and too green/too ambitious as well. In light of that, think of all the times where Carmy brushed her off coldly when she came to him with ideas or advice not just in this episode but in others. She probably felt like she wasn't being appreciated for her efforts in a job she initially didn't want the responsibility for. Then to top if off Richie kept antagonizing her so she just reached a boiling point with the knife and quitting.


My point still stands everyone played a part in the chaos in someway


At the end of the day, a leader takes responsibility for their team’s mistakes. If Carmy genuinely didn’t think they were ready got to-go orders, he shouldn’t have let them start the new system that day. He can’t give the green light but then when shit hits the fan say, “I told you we shouldn’t have done this” and blame someone else. Everyone sucked today — Marcus for being obsessive over the donuts, Richie for being a huge asshole to Sydney (I’m sorry, but I can’t gloss over him calling her a whore because of the good review), Tina for bringing her son on a high-pressure day, Carmy for losing his shit, taking his anger out on everyone, and making bad decisions. The only people free from critique are Sweeps, Ebra, Fak, and the dishwashers.


Syd fucked up with the preorders and then left like…wtf. It’s fair that Carmy shouldn’t have snapped at Syd but this whole thing was her fault, especially by giving that reviewer the food behind Carmy’s face. IMO it was definitely Syd that messed up the most


The donut slap still kills me 😂


Exactly! I honestly just don’t see myself getting upset at Carmy at all for everything that happened. Like sure he shouldn’t have snapped but he explained to Syd they don’t have the bandwidth for to-gos like risotto and she served that shit anyway. And then fucked up the preorders and had the nerve to leave like….


Man this ep was relatable, but glad I dont work at my old job lol. Also random fact Fak is an actual Chef named Matty Matheson he does somewhat similar meals in this show and more. Thought it was funny he wasnt a kitchen crew and he like the Technician in it.

Azzy V

Btw @yaboyroshi this was all done in one shot so that’s why it’s so stressful because it’s real


You guys should do a reaction to the new Godzilla minus one movie


In the kitchen they don't care if it was a accident that's why in the kitchen you got to have a idgaf attitude are you will be stressed out

Anna Anthony

Nah, not if you do it correctly. You end up bringing more customers in. And it doesn't have to be $5 exactly, but you get my point. Cooking all that food on time was NEVER the best choice. Bad decision Carmy.

Anna Anthony

And I said whoever showed up in the line that morning looking for food, it's not like every single order's gonna get the voucher. They also could have said "To-Go is broken, we're throwing. To-Go Party tonight after its fixed. Tell ya friends!" But no, Carmy's angry.

Anna Anthony

People always be like "leave the kids out of it".... Richie has been stepping on this girl since he met her. Idgaf what she wants to use to get him. And she didn't even call his daughter names. She just mentioned her as an example. Richie getting mad was so satisfying.

Anna Anthony

I'm sorry, Sydney owes Carm an apology? Are we watching the same show ya'll?

Anna Anthony

It was an accident. She did not know that man was a critic. In the culinary world, it's very common to give away test dishes w/o expectations. I've been on the receiving end of many off menu items. It's not weird. The boys are haters.

Lamaree Jackson

Listen. I haven’t watched Gordon Ramsay cuss people out over a piece of meat being 5 degrees too cool for twenty years to be shocked by Carmy blowing his top on everyone when they get over 200 orders as soon as the restaurant opens. Yeah it was an accident but you still did it. Take your licks. Sydney can yell at Richie and storm out because she’s stressed, but Carmy can’t yell at Sydney even though he’s stressed too and she’s the cause of all the immediate problems he has to deal with???


Jesus this episode genuinely stresses me out everytime I watch it, Sydney is still my favorite character but this episode really made me falter. It's best to rewatch the episode again to point how things went totally south right from the beginning or else you would only think that Sydney is to blame for everything. Everybody has issues and my biggest gripe is that Richie kept fucking with Sydney and that made her literally blow up. If I was called a whore I would definitely stab someone if a knife just so happened to be in my hand. She didn't know ole dude was a critic but she still shouldn't have given him the food anyways. Than nobody ran over the preorder with her which she asked for MULTIPLE times and than Marcus got to obsessed with them fucking donuts. The work environment is too toxic, everybody fucks with each other and nobody wants to take accountability for their share of the problem. I would leave to, remember Sydney came to escape from all those issues in which this one episode delivers right to her doorstep. Sydney explicitly tells Carmy she doesn't want someone screaming over her shoulder just like back in those places Carmy used to work at, in this one episode he does what she said she didn't want.

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 16:42:54 Nah Sydney is pathetic here. She literally caused the entire thing. And kitchens in general are high octane, high tension areas when you get backed up like that. All the Gordon Ramsey and cooking shows in general I watched are very akin to sports. None of it is ever really personal, its all to accomplish the same goal. Nothing of what Carmy was saying was personal. Richie obviously felt like a loser but was right in suggesting that Sydneys mistake was a big deal. Sydney got out of line talking to Richie about his daughter and not working. To cause that scenario and then leave is ridiculous
2024-01-21 16:42:54 Nah Sydney is pathetic here. She literally caused the entire thing. And kitchens in general are high octane, high tension areas when you get backed up like that. All the Gordon Ramsey and cooking shows in general I watched are very akin to sports. None of it is ever really personal, its all to accomplish the same goal. Nothing of what Carmy was saying was personal. Richie obviously felt like a loser but was right in suggesting that Sydneys mistake was a big deal. Sydney got out of line talking to Richie about his daughter and not working. To cause that scenario and then leave is ridiculous
2024-01-21 16:42:54 Nah Sydney is pathetic here. She literally caused the entire thing. And kitchens in general are high octane, high tension areas when you get backed up like that. All the Gordon Ramsey and cooking shows in general I watched are very akin to sports. None of it is ever really personal, its all to accomplish the same goal. Nothing of what Carmy was saying was personal. Richie obviously felt like a loser but was right in suggesting that Sydneys mistake was a big deal. Sydney got out of line talking to Richie about his daughter and not working. To cause that scenario and then leave is ridiculous
2024-01-06 16:23:34 Nah Sydney is pathetic here. She literally caused the entire thing. And kitchens in general are high octane, high tension areas when you get backed up like that. All the Gordon Ramsey and cooking shows in general I watched are very akin to sports. None of it is ever really personal, its all to accomplish the same goal. Nothing of what Carmy was saying was personal. Richie obviously felt like a loser but was right in suggesting that Sydneys mistake was a big deal. Sydney got out of line talking to Richie about his daughter and not working. To cause that scenario and then leave is ridiculous

Nah Sydney is pathetic here. She literally caused the entire thing. And kitchens in general are high octane, high tension areas when you get backed up like that. All the Gordon Ramsey and cooking shows in general I watched are very akin to sports. None of it is ever really personal, its all to accomplish the same goal. Nothing of what Carmy was saying was personal. Richie obviously felt like a loser but was right in suggesting that Sydneys mistake was a big deal. Sydney got out of line talking to Richie about his daughter and not working. To cause that scenario and then leave is ridiculous

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 16:42:54 "If I was called a whore I would definitely stab someone if a knife just so happened to be in my hand" no youre not lol
2024-01-21 16:42:54 "If I was called a whore I would definitely stab someone if a knife just so happened to be in my hand" no youre not lol
2024-01-21 16:42:54 "If I was called a whore I would definitely stab someone if a knife just so happened to be in my hand" no youre not lol
2024-01-06 16:26:20 "If I was called a whore I would definitely stab someone if a knife just so happened to be in my hand" no youre not lol

"If I was called a whore I would definitely stab someone if a knife just so happened to be in my hand" no youre not lol

Cleven Anthony

She does in my opinion; yes It was a honest mistake but it was a mistake that made theirs day significantly harder and tho carmy took it overboard he had good reason to be upset


You do not know me beyond this comment so who are you to say I wouldn't??? Saying that she sucked someone's dick for a review is crazy so whatever comes after that, lands all on him.


And she didn't say corner either... What's your point


she definitely did it on purpose no remorse on her face

Anna Anthony

It was a joke. You good bro? Want a virtual hug? I'll give you one 🫂


i had to pause this episode multiple times because it stressed me tf out. but wtf is up with sydney, she literally fucked up big time and then decided to leave when shit became chaotic


Damn u so pressed over a patreon comment fair enough

Drake Rage

10/10 No actually 12/10 episode, My god.

Mark Torweihe

Whole episode was one shot, no cuts!


Sydney is guilty of not taking accountability and stabbing Richie, Richie is guilty of acting like a POS to Sydney, Carmy is guilty of talking mad disrespectful to his employees, Marcus is guilty of not focusing on his responsibilities and getting hurt like a baby, Tina and that dude who talked about Blackhawk (forgot his name) are the only ones innocent. You do not need to defend your favourite characters and act like someone else is more guilty so it's okay for your character to act shitty


Marcus had me dying with those donuts lmao. This man was in his own world while the restaurant was melting down.


Ok,I was one of the ppl talking shit about the bear… I stand corrected. This is awesome.

Aniki Pft

Sydney did not do it on purpose. Do you not hear the scream of shock she let out? How do yall rewatch the scene and still come to the conclusion that she did it on purpose? lmao

Pedro Barrera

The thing that Carmy got from the floor was the donut he slapped from Marcus

October Veil

Congrats to this show on winning Golden Globes

Charlie baker

They probably would if shit was you know out in peoples hands and nit in theaters still

Anna Anthony

Idk, imo a leader is responsible for how the day ends. If he really thought they weren't ready for to-gos, then how does he jump to making ALL of the to-gos. Sydney messed up. Sure, sorry I left the order window open. It won't happen again. Vs Carmy's I'm sorry I set us up for failure and wasn't being able impartial leader. Sydney's over eager but at least she's helpful. Being mad about their own success is toxic.

Anna Anthony

You seem angry. And that's not what I'm doing. Sending a virtual hug your way if you need it 🫂


She pissed me off like girl you caused this entire situation - if you wanna quit, quit after you fix your mistakes

Anna Anthony

Everyone mad at Sydney for the Unintentional Stabbing and attitude (which BTW seemed like her breaking point, the guilt, so I doubt she did it on purpose.) But no one mad at Carmy for the verbal abuse at everyone, Richie's sexual harassment, and Carmy physically on purpose slapping something out of someone's hand. Like I get she was wrong this episode in particular but ya'll seemed so eager to pounce in the comments. Anyway, Ayo won the award last night so I know I'm not wild for sympathizing with Sydney

Cleven Anthony

Well at that point via restaurant culture he had to do those orders since they were already in the system or as many as he could other wise reputation gets shot but I get where your coming from I just don’t think it’s fair too land it on carmy a lot of things came together too ruin that day

Jaelyn Mcgee

I have so much ptsd from working in kitchens, its just too much of a toxic work environment

Jaelyn Mcgee

I went back to the scenes where Sydney is carrying the cakes and she actually does say Corner and Behind, Richie just didn't hear her, right before they crash into each other

Jaelyn Mcgee

I remember working in my high schools restaurant and having a kid hold a knife to my throat while we were washing dishes


just went back to it and im pretty sure richie was the one who said it

Alejandro Rodriguez

Nah w that level of stress I honestly get the yelling, it was out of pocket and mean but at least a little justified especially when a lot of the problems were Sydney's fault due to impatience, plus some kitchens just be like that sometimes it sucks but it is what it is. And I would've slapped that shit out of Marcus' hands w the quickness too, experimenting and losing all focus on the tasks that need to be done as part of your job in a crucial moment like that where everything is going to shit and they need all hands on deck is foul.

Jaelyn Mcgee

is there anyway you feel the situation could have been fixed/handled better from your perspective


Carmy said it last episode impatience is Sydney's downfall whole reason her credit got fried it's fine to want to strive for bigger things but if you try and skip to the finish line you'll trip and fall on your face it's not just a saying patience is literally a virtue. Don't know what the hell Marcus was doing but I guess back to mcdonalds for him bro talking bout jelly donuts while all hell broke loose 🤣. Definitely gotta give Richie props if you stab me it's literally a wrap. I'm a big fan of just walking out of a job without notice but even I think that was messed up for both of them at least we got Louie 😂. The cinematography was definitely on point all we needed was an on-site correspondent.


These actors can really act holy

Majin buussin

Honestly no, and for good reason. You could have avoided this version but it would’ve happened for something different another day. You NEED this to happen to you. It is the best teacher. It’s like when Gordon Ramsey or Jon taffer puts those restaurants through stress tests. Its the only way you truly learn strengths, weaknesses, focus areas, everything. There’s beauty in the chaos.


Well yeah, Sydney never hides that fact. Us watchers don't need everyone's personalities and motivations spelled out. Sydney's intent was never really a question. The episode right before this one literally brings up her pride and impatience. The main argument this episode causes is whether she was in the wrong for walking out and if she caused the mess. I personally think she deserved to walk out. Stabbing Richie was an accident but I wasn't even mad at that, all season he'd been starting shit with Sydney, and shes constantly chosen the higher road and kept the peace until now. Not to mention the guilt she felt over that accident; repeatedly asking Carmy if they were ok until he threw it in her face. With that combination, I could understand why she quit.


well no, he was already on her because of the last episode when tina defended her and the new system against him. When he found out about the risotto he kept applying pressure on her until she snapped


Marcus and Richie were really the only ones whos feelings I did not care for this episode.


The risotto wasn't an issue at all. The issue is they don't know how to use the tablet. Richie was right it was a bad idea and not even 2 minutes after saying it chaos ensued.


Everyone, individually, deserved what they got this ep. Ritchie’s been personal and disrespectful the entire show, about time someone pushed him for a change. Marcus was told in advance to not get obsessed, didn’t listen and now he’s not serving anything. Sydney wanted to be impatient and rush, now she’s had to see what true fast pace chaos is. And finally, Carmy deserved to get left alone. Personal anger doesn’t equate to professional justification. You can criticise, send them home and even fire them, but you CANNOT swear and talk to your staff like that. Chef or no chef. A worse man than Marcus would've punched him.


I f with this take heavy. Everyone is to blame. Also love how you included carmy because damn right he can’t talk to his staff like that.

Sheraya san

He ate Marcus donut off the floor

Champion Bescos

I can tell a lot of y’all are young or have never had the experience of working in a traditional/old school kitchen environment. It’s fucking tough. I know it’s considered toxic now, but the way Camry responded to a Herculean rogue wave of bad news could have been better, but it also could have been a lot worse. He’s not without fault, but goddamn if Marcus and especially Syd didn’t drop the ball big time. Tough episode to watch all around when season one Richie is somehow the mvp in the last half.. damn.

Champion Bescos

She’s a fantastic actress. Her winning an award has zero baring on her fictional character’s actions and how people respond to them. Syd is a fave of mine, but she was wrong this episode.


Then why aren’t you cussing out Sydney? Look at what she said to Richie? IMO that’s worse than what Carly Said, or hell why aren’t you cussing out the other guy for not listening to both carmy and Sydney when they told him to stop what he’s doing and actually do his job

Anna Anthony

I sincerely hope you know that I know the difference, internet stranger. But thanks for trying to talk down to me. It makes for a productive conversation.


This 100%, Carm, Syd, Richie, and Marcus where all in the wrong this episode, Carm was letting his anger get the best of him and went beyond just yelling, syd overstepping boundaries with her impatience and messing stuff up, Marcus not prioritizing his actual food that he’s selling and getting obsessed, Richie being Richie


Episode 3 is where I started really liking the show - this is when I started loving it. Masterfully done.


Yeah I'm sorry but NO one cares more than Carmy. Everyone else is finding their lane to care (i.e. Marcus and the desert) but at the end of the day, this is Carmy's shit.


WHEW this that episode 1 type of stress jesus

Kaiser Spiral

This episode is literally all one shot except for the city B roll and Carmy walking in the street

Dud3 itsj3ff

"you CANNOT swear and talk to your staff like that" You ever been in a kitchen during a rush? XD


Yeah and it happens. But just because something is normalised doesn’t mean it’s good or acceptable. You can’t to your staff like that.


Richie has said the wildest, most disrespectful things to Sydney all season long without a care in the world. He can take that comment about his daughter being ashamed of him, let's be serious. This episode was pure chaos and I loved it.

Israel Perez

Cinematography team cooked this episode


Yea idk how i would handle this situation either, some people can't take the yelling and disrespect even though they know there a team. Man Marcus put his heart and soul into those donuts, and to get it smacked like that! DAM!!

EJ Katt

Carmy was told Syd that they weren’t ready for the Risotto because of the attention it will grab. Then Syd accidentally gave it to the worse possible person, a food critic who quickly spread the word about the Beef.


Sydney was right to quit. Not only was Carmy blaming her for a decision they made together (even if it was her idea he displayed in the past that he has no issue hard shutting her down + his 'brigade' went to shit immediately and Syd didn't throw a fit like a child.) But he also had a fucking meltdown instead of being a damn adult and refunding the damn orders. It wouldn't have hurt business, considering people show up even if the place is operating out of a tent out back. But no instead he blew a gasket cause his mental health is fucked and he won't deal with it, ultimately wasting all of that food and causing his two best employees to quit. I do agree she was out of line bringing up Richie s kid though. But also Richie had been giving her shit and acting like a fucking incel baby bitch boy since she got hired. And not just her but everyone else too. So like... par is par my guy.

matt i

yall gotta understand all the shit syd took from those mfs 😂 it ain’t fair that everybody gets to dump on her but she don’t get to have a breaking point lmao


I think him cussing them out was the least offensive thing onscreen, much less worse than Marcus dazing off into his own world during a rush, Sydney being continually arrogant about her way being the best way when a FAILED BUSINESS didn't somehow humble her enough, and Ritchie just being a nonstop dickhead without provocation.

Des Bethea

this was my favorite episode of s1 lol

matt i

everyone has a breaking point but if u mean meltdown? it was long overdue


I can see why you sympathize with syd and put all/most of the blame on carmy. You both think you know best. Someone who overreacted to a massively fucked situation is fully fully wrong, but the person who is the direct cause of said fucked up situation is only a little wrong? Crazy logic.


Damn I must have watched the wrong episode. I could swear she left the pre order option open.

Anna Anthony

I don't have time nor do I really want to further explain my thinking on this subject to an internet stranger. I hope your mind continues to open and your eyes continue to see, though.


Fair points but Syd and Marcus especially still share a considerable amount of blame. Carm was wrong for how he reacted and that is his flaw, but as he did pointed out before, Syd's is being impatient. She went and gave the risotto to a customer when the dish wasn't ready, that in turn gained the restaurant traction it wasn't ready for, via the new system he said they weren't ready for, an on top of that she left the pre order thing open. As for Marcus...he got way too lost in the sauce. Not only did he NOT notice the crazy orders they had coming in on his own, before that even happened Carmie told him about the donuts and to stop working on them. After the whole chaos he still didn't have any awareness to help and was still focused on the donuts, to the point where Syd and him were arguing about it and he insisted it wasn't a big deal. Yes Carmie was wrong for how he was reacting and talking/not talking to people, but this isn't one-sided and they fault is shared.


I don't blame Syd at all for quitting. Was bad timing, but it is what it is. Why tf would anyone stay in a work situation like that unless they had no choice


girlie should've quit before she stabbed someone im dead im finally continuing this show


you're an emotional retard if all that it takes for you to stab someone is them calling you a whore. barely a sentient being