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sorry for the delay!






Hasnain Khan


varus ez

Nicee!! Great show and great reaction!


Hands down the most reliable reactors on the planet. Most reactors would had just uploaded next week if they skip this week.


Also their patreon is so well organised, I've seen some other reactors pages and its often all over the place


next episode is going to be one hell of an ep, can't wait to see the reaction

Mike A

Yeah, like Roshi said, it's a k-drama so the dad has to be the accomplice. There's too much juicy drama there. The son saying that the woman he was going to meet would have changed things for everyone leads me to believe it was the kidnapped lady. Hyun-soo realized Ji-won knew it was him, cause she told her Husband that she was going to call him at 10pm, but at 10pm she called Do Hyun-soo's burner phone. It was her telling him without saying the words, it's why he checked the time by looking at his watch after the phone call ended. Finally, screw Choi. Can't believe he did Ji-won like that.


So much for confidentiality. What kind of therapist does she have 🤔😅


looking forward to next week


Choi a bitch for doing Ji-Won like that, fuck that mf

Kumi Chan

This show gets better and better


???? Not really lmfao that was realistic lol


These mfs having a heart to heart and Roshi just randomly goes "what the fuck car is that?" shit has me in tears.


in korea, if you're a 'close friend' or family member, dr's will often share your medical information. it's becoming more strict now, but back then they might as well have just sent out a bulletin to the neighborhood.


Oh 😲 thanks for the info. I'm a therapist and I know not all rules and regulations are universal when it comes to therapeutic services but I was hoping that the confidential piece of it was. I wonder why they decided to make it more strict and why it wasn't in the first place🤔. I may just have to look that up.


this being a day late just means that next ep is a day closer....man i can't wait


Theory of Accomplice: Okay with this new information I am doubling down on my theory that the real baek hee sung is the accomplice. With some of the new information we got recently after he woke up it makes me think he is the accomplice while the dad and mom both know it. He said he was going to meet someone that night before he got into the accident, which he also ended up saying that is he got to meet the woman then everything might have been different (I think the woman he was talking about was the witness that saw him). Then we learn about the bracelet and how it was for the hospital dealing with his dad. With the dad's new position in the hospital he couldn't risk anyone finding out about what his son did or his condition (which would lead to questions about how he ended up that way). So with everything that has been said and I agree I doubt a new character would be introduced at this point the would end up being the accomplice I think the real baek hee sung is the actual accomplice.

rickie woodson

dont tell me its going to be the son.........

rickie woodson

homie was misdiagnosed. happens all the time. second and third opinions matter


There was some confusion towards the end but Ji-Won had told Hyeon-su that she would call him later at 10PM while he was out at the "funeral". She did end up calling him but she called at 10PM on his burner phone as Hyeonsu and thats why he looked shocked when he checked his watch and it said 10PM because he realized that she knows he is Hyeon-su.


a contributing factor being that korea was decades behind on knowledge of mental illnesses, and until the last decade, psychiatrists have either been avoided or were still misdiagnosing their patients on a very frequent basis.


I was thinking the same thing from last episode that it might be the son baek hee sung

najma mohamed

Loool you guys always got me laughing !! but Roshi and sheer low-key caught on to some things I missed ! cant wait til your next episode!

Elle E.

Ji Won getting caught is pretty realistic but Choi should've kept it in the police conference room he dragged her out of.

rickie woodson

This ep got me thinking the same. But the woman in my theory is hyung su's sister or wife. The wife just for some kdrama foolishness. "Both bark hee's have the same taste in women" but the sister because like she said in her hypnosis session " he was studying me to kill me". Only reason he hasn't come after her is because he COULDN'T cause he was in a coma

Tommy Ortega

Yo Roshi idk if you’re aware but they finally released all the final episodes for Zom 100!

Zion Kim

This show fire!

Azzy V

Can’t wait for the next episode it gets real juicy


Moving plz 🙏

Clarke Smith

Why do Sheera keep saying that the police have no evidence on Do Hyeon-Su? On paper, he is still the murderer of the village head that is on the run for 20 years. So of course the police will still be interested in catching him. This is not taking into account of all the rumors and hearsay of Do Hyeon-Su being an accomplice to his father's serial killing, so they actually needed to question if he actually was Do Hyeon-Su and what the reason was for him helping them.


but then why would her dad's accomplice come to kill her? she's his former partner's daughter. i know there's no honor amongst thieves, but damn i would hope fellow serial killers wouldn't kill eachother's children.


jiwon told her husband she was going to call at 10pm but called "do heyon-su" instead, that is why he looked at his watch.


We still don't know what the hospital director was doing the night his son got hit by a car, and it also explains why he decided to save Hyeon-Su if he was the accomplice - also wondering if it had something to do with him becoming the hospital director?

Elsie White

It’s feeling the next drama to be is Terius Behind Me It funny and got good child actors and the plot

J Man

Even though he clapped on the main character, I agree with Choi's reaction. The guy's a cunning cop who got in the direction he should have. It's also interesting to how he turned from comic-relief somewhat into one of the main people putting things together.

J Man

I like how Roshi and Shera had the same reaction to Real Baek Hee Song's "I want my name back" scene. The guy does such a good job acting like a sad guy coming out of a coma.

J Man

By the way? Does Hypnosis really work like that? Like you can do full on Cyberpunk 2077 braindance investigations like that? If so, the police need to start using this in their investigations.




I only choose to believe that it works like that because an idol group called Dreamcatcher had an episode of the idols doing this. A very sad topic came up while one of the girls was under hypnosis and I don't see why they would fake something like that. I believe it was Dreamcatcher Mind ep 6.


What kind of mystery magic trick was Sheera thinking😂


This show is too good. In my top 10 for sure.


I think real Baek Hee Seong (Kim Ji Hoon) and the guy playing Do Hyeon Su (Lee Joon Gi) are the stars of this show. Plus the daughter.


What a catch. I didn't think of that at all. Just makes this show even better.


Do you all watch these shows for the first time? Insane. Or at least weird to me.


Yea. I didn't remember it was this good. Basically always some interesting stuff going on even when the episodes are over an hour long.


I can definitely understand where you're coming from. For k dramas yes it is my first time watching them. I honestly haven't heard of this show until it came up on a poll. Also unless I get super into I won't watch ahead. (The only one I did watch ahead on was Itaewon Class) I just have seen so many shows and animes that it becomes easier to predict what will happen. But if it's a show I seen I won't ever commit about it so I don't risk spoiling it.


I’m sorry but Roshi saying “bawk” instead of “Baek” is killing me😂😂😂😂