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Sydney is awesome to have around



Thanks for the uploads even though it’s late for y’all over there goatshi ☝️

Epic Brofist

Just in time for my lunch break Thx1🙂

Semaj Brown

The cake issue is cause he had it going to fast. When I worked at Chuck E Cheese we had a similar thing to make dough and the kitchen manager told us that we never set the speed higher to get the dough made faster because it will likely fuck up the machine. He set it faster so he could get the cake done faster, and the machine fucked up


I don't think Sydney's dad was mad she bumped the table, he was just double checking it was her and she felt bad for waking him

Semaj Brown

Sugar would always bring up that stuff cause she knows her brother is not mentally well and he needs help but for the longest he wouldn’t get it. So everytime they talked she tries to force that issue


damn what the dad do lol

Almighty Kahn

Franklin gone get em right… Right?


Appreciate you working so hard to get these out even with all the problems. Happy holidays.

Devin B

Matae is another way of saying matte which is the Japanese way of saying stop


Guys, Richie didnt spike the juice. He left it in the table remember. It's safe to assume one of the kids probably put it in there (coz yknow, kids).


Damn she bump at table and ya'll give her a whole backstory 😂

Elizabeth Enyobi

Lupa's dreads look so gooooood! Especially in that style. They growing~

John Cedar

Also, making cakes like that just isn't good. The high speeds are for bread doughs, you will make way too much gluten if you mix it that fast and it will be a tough and chewy cake. Even if he didn't break the machine, the cakes would've been bad 😅


The Richie interview had with Fak is a standard waffle house interview


sidney also lives with her dad so some of those meds most likely belong to him


the amount of assumptions you guys made from the intro scene lmao

Marquist Simms

Damn niggas hr dad was just making sure that was her and not a robber or sumn all he said was baby ? Why y’all think she being abused at home from that ? Lmao


lots of high end restaurant's chef becomes ocd in the kitchen. its get beaten into them. it makes sense since attention to detail cant be selective, it has to be turned up all the time to train it. so everything has to have a process

Oni Legend

Like bro she was just tryna be considerate seeing as it was early as fuck in the morning and late as fuck at night

Oni Legend

I don’t think i can call Sugar’s behavior drama with everything going on. Like for her she just recently lost a brother who took his own life and now she’s doing everything she can to reach out, be there, support, and grieve with her other obviously not ok brother and he’s constantly dodging her to the point of speaking to the brother in law he didn’t fw before talking to her and spending all his time in that toxic ass environment. Her mood really only changes when she finds out that Carmy is taking at least some effort in taking care of himself and dealing with shit If it was in ANYYYYYY other scenario or at any other point in time i would completely agree that she’s drama. Like Richie IS WITHOUT A DOUBT drama


Richard is so insufferable, I feel like it’s gonna take a lot for me to like him as a character tbh

Eric Vasquez

I think they're saying Matae as an homage to the movie Bloodsport w/ Jean Claude Van Dam. In that movie if you fought your opp to the death or forced them to say Matae as a sign of submission. Great movie! One of my favorites growing up!

Red Death

Love how her dad was just concerned for her and yet Lupa created this whole backstory in five seconds


Yep, chefs are OCD. Because they have precise and consistent in the food they serve. If you go back to episode 1, carmy always looks at the clock. Because they check the time whether it's for the food they are cooking or how much they have left before service.

Jigga Man

Nah bro Lupagan was going crazy with Sidney home situation, I was laughing way too much 😂😂

Anna Anthony

like imagine your sibling calling you and telling you he's been cooking boxes in his sleep, and then not hearing from him, and then seeing him use your stuff through your s.o. I'd be so peeved.


having it cut straight w scissors can also be carmy wanting to develop good habits bcos he wants to change the resto for the better


Love the reactions!!! This is one of my fav shows.


Sheera was saying "ew" to almost everything this episode. No way we saying ew to shrimp


Isn’t really much of a sheeragan if 90% of the things she says is way off and gets corrected but never acknowledges it or admits she’s wrong.


They have dulled as reactors, just overreact to the slightest thing in any show now.


Exactly just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks

Metweet .c

The hell did Lupa make up an entire backstory for Sidney at the beginning 💀 poor guy only asked if his daughter was there geez



*Dad hears noise, probably woken from sleep* "Baby?" "sorry dad" Welp she gettin whooped at home


well y’all have to realize… it’s hard for a restaurant to close down for a day. they’ll lose too much money, and considering that they still have to pay cicero back the alternative was good choice instead of closing for the day. the backstory yall created for sydney was INSANE. it was just early and her dad just called out to her to make sure she was okay 😭 there’s absolutely no abuse going on there. and also, sugar knows how carmy is. if she doesn’t press him about this, then he’ll disappear completely which she wants to avoid. i understand why she’s doing it.

Jamaal Ellison

If I'm trying to contact you for whatever reason and you purposely avoid me, completely ghosted me. Then the next time I see you, you're taking advantage of my spouse who we all know is desperately trying to get your approval oh we're fucking fighting!!! I don't give a damn what you're going through. But not only that, you also bring someone into my home you know I don'tfuckwith?! Man miss me with that.

Kryptik _

Thank you roshi for comparing shrimp to roaches . Now I everytime I eat shrimp, I will think of you and this analogy 🥲


That’s how it’s always been, but it’s better then a prewatcher

Wes App

Awesome. Recommendation: Mr Robot.

Arsean Wilbon

The dad who don’t know who in the hall “Baby?” Lupa: “Damn you can’t make noise in the house now that’s an abusive household.” Lmao

These Plums

Damn lmao does Sheera eat vegan chicken tendies every meal or something?


You could have saved this comment for after the episode. Why not just let them.figure that out?


Lupa really monologued a whole homelife backstory for Sydney from her just saying, "Sorry, Dad." 🤣

Oni Legend

No she’s vegetarian which explains the reaction to meats(pause) and shit

Vongola Fiamme (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 00:41:07 I remember growing up I wanted to be a chef, then I watched master chef and Hell's Kitchen and said fuck all that noise
2024-01-13 00:41:07 I remember growing up I wanted to be a chef, then I watched master chef and Hell's Kitchen and said fuck all that noise
2024-01-13 00:41:07 I remember growing up I wanted to be a chef, then I watched master chef and Hell's Kitchen and said fuck all that noise
2023-12-28 17:54:04 I remember growing up I wanted to be a chef, then I watched master chef and Hell's Kitchen and said fuck all that noise

I remember growing up I wanted to be a chef, then I watched master chef and Hell's Kitchen and said fuck all that noise

Hbk Lee

this is one of THE best intros 🤣🤣


the restaurant is struggling, but its impressive he's actually able to keep that many people on the payroll. My fast food work shifts has less people on at the same time, and we're always busy.


Richie is becoming one of my favorite characters ngl


she is vegetarian so it kind of makes sense to not really liking meats/seafood


I'm really enjoying these reactions with QuiGon Lupa and Ashoka Roshi 😂

Antonio Williams

Sugar knows Carmy basically doesn't handle most things healthily. He uses cooking and the restaurant as a distraction from actually addressing his emotional state and while he's a big boy who has to navigate things for himself, she's more than entitled to being worried about her brother who already handled things horribly before Mikey's death and now avoids her. And she's justified in being pissed that he didn't say anything to her since their last conversation weeks ago and would've still avoided her while in her house if he had the chance

Antonio Williams

Matte/Matae just means stop in Japanese. It's used a lot in sparring. "Hajime" starts a match and "matte" ends it

Clinton Vance

She said “you go’n eat these nightmares” 🤣

Devin B

No one is saying she isn't entitled to feel the way she does but there's a reason he didn't want to contact her in this particular moment, he's already going through a lot with the restaurant, the meetings, and processing their brother's death, if he has to deal with his sister on top of that then that's more stress for him. They definitely should talk it out but this was not the time for that.

Devin B

I'm convinced that Roshi and the gang never ate at Arby's because the only people who usually complain about Arby's never went there


They ate Arby’s in a live stream a while back they still hate it, and I can’t blame them shits nasty

A. P.

Ion know how y'all jumped to the conclusion about Sydney having an abusive father from that one lil moment lol I just thought she was being considerate since she leaves early and gets home late and she didn't want to wake her dad

Desert Penguin

It's literally just that. She wakes up super early and gets home super late and doesn't wanna wake anyone up. No one here ever worked a 4am shift? lol

Desert Penguin

The entire episode really... This one was a little hard to watch. Just let the show show and tell instead of theorizing the whole time

Desert Penguin

Yes, the tape is a little bit of OCD but really it's because it looks more professional and that's what he's striving for in everything this restaurant does

Bria A.

They pronounced it wrong but they probably just meant “matte” (the Japanese word) lmao. And Syd just left out at like 5am and didn’t want to disturb her dad with the noise, that’s all. The sun wasn’t even up yet when she was waiting at the bus stop (…train station? idk, I’m disabled and it was on screen for five seconds lmao)


Franklin Saint distributing coke to the restaurant 😭

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 00:41:07 Ong me an Lupa said 'I'm going home' at the same time LMAOOOOO
2024-01-13 00:41:07 Ong me an Lupa said 'I'm going home' at the same time LMAOOOOO
2024-01-13 00:41:07 Ong me an Lupa said 'I'm going home' at the same time LMAOOOOO
2023-12-28 21:08:26 Ong me an Lupa said 'I'm going home' at the same time LMAOOOOO

Ong me an Lupa said 'I'm going home' at the same time LMAOOOOO

Hasnain Khan


Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 00:41:07 Trust me. Of course she's going to lighten up when he tells her he's going to the meetings - she's concerned for his health and well being. Despite being ghosted at least now she knows he's taking her advice and trying to take care of his issues.
2024-01-13 00:41:07 Trust me. Of course she's going to lighten up when he tells her he's going to the meetings - she's concerned for his health and well being. Despite being ghosted at least now she knows he's taking her advice and trying to take care of his issues.
2024-01-13 00:41:07 Trust me. Of course she's going to lighten up when he tells her he's going to the meetings - she's concerned for his health and well being. Despite being ghosted at least now she knows he's taking her advice and trying to take care of his issues.
2023-12-28 21:33:52 Trust me. Of course she's going to lighten up when he tells her he's going to the meetings - she's concerned for his health and well being. Despite being ghosted at least now she knows he's taking her advice and trying to take care of his issues.

Trust me. Of course she's going to lighten up when he tells her he's going to the meetings - she's concerned for his health and well being. Despite being ghosted at least now she knows he's taking her advice and trying to take care of his issues.

Abigail Stember

These arby's jokes are so funny to me. If you have any questions, I do work at one.


"Deal with his sister" You act as if Sugar isn't grieving too, Carmy has yet to even ask if they're okay or how they feel. Carmy is distracting himself from Mikeys Death but its not good for him or his sis.


Another amazing reaction from you guys! Cant wait for yall Jjk finale reaction ^_^

Metweet .c

Yeah they theorise a whole lot more (excessively at times) with live actions shows than with animes. Interesting difference that they can understand nuance more in anime from what I've seen compared to live action.


really wish you guys binge the bear in the next few weeks and i rlly hope you guys react to s2 as well !


Lupa's hair!😍


I felt lupa's pain lmao they ruining food talking like that🤣


thaaank you lol like the "sheeragan" never even existed, it was just a bunch of ppl hyping her up for actually paying attention to what they're watching (sometimes)

Najee Robinson

Can we take a moment to acknowledge that Lupa’s hair be hairing rn🙌🏾👏🏾🤞🏾

Kwame Hasani Salmon

My dad was the exact same way when I was living with’m

Michael Quiroz

Matae is like submitting It's from blood sport with Jean Claude Vandamm


lol fr but it’s cute tho. Lupa the only person hyping her up at this point


Sydney's dad didnt sound angry to me. I thought it sounded more like curiosity/concern. Im sure after watching his daughter crash and burn during her business venture, it doesnt feel good to see her (possibly) go down the same path again


idk if anyone else gave context but Richie didnt lace shit, Carmy accidentally added the entire bottle into the punch when he added all the orange slices at once (the bottle is orange and fits in with the color of... the oranges) probably just kinda picked everything up to dump it in there and didnt notice. but ep 4 is definitely my favourite just from the aspect of it being comedy gold writing wise. so many jokes and punchlines that perfectly fit.

Alejandra P.

😂 I can taste your day on my sandwich 😂

Kumi Chan

Its cause of the medications shes taking , something is going on, and I do agree Lupa did go off on his dad a little too much. But i don’t hate him for it, he’s just a dude watching a show


do you remember which stream? was it like a danganronpa or elden ring stream?

Kumi Chan

Thanks for clearing that up because I had feeling that Richie didn’t put it in the punch


Roshi immediately got cooked with the nigtmare statement at the end. What the hell kind of supervillain was ya'll talking about at the end serving you're customers F'ed up food to feel your sorrow is next level diabolical that's an Avengers level threat right there 🤣.

Kumi Chan

You’re right, sydneys dad is not an asshole but they think he is for some reason

Tyran Holmes

I laughed out loud with Lupa’s comment about the Infrared 6’s.


Sorry for the late reply, sadly at this time I do not remember but If I ever encounter the stream I’ll let ya know


lmaoo i wish everyone could work a cook/chef job at least once in life, the show hits different when you notice small real life details


Y'all be so quick to turn on every character 😂 also Sheera for sure the type to only order chicken fingers wherever she goes lmao


This is how it has always been. The Sheeragan is tongue in cheek.


she is not taking 50 different meds they are obviously not all hers ^


I also think Carmy's (non)reaction to Richie should have shown that. He would've been pissed if Richie actually laced it


Well from my theory it makes sense that carmy realized that hes the one who accidentally put them in there so really its not richies fault that he might have left them there but he didnt mean anything by it


chicken fingers slap every time

Jasmine King

Bruh, I'll never forget working in a kitchen and washing a huge metal basin. My hands and the metal were wet, but I picked it up from the sides without thinking. it sliced through all of my fingers. There was blood everywhere. I had to call a friend to come get me because I couldn't use my hands. I didn't have insurance and forewent the hospital. I bled for a long time but when it stopped, I could see the fatty tissue in my fingers.


What does Sheera eat? Seems like whenever food is on the screen she is saying ewww.

Kai Lee

she's vegetarian bro, literally wipes out like 70% of all ingredients

B Mowglli

he also slept thru the train passing nearby which is super loud


Why does sheera keep saying ew 😂