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what a goofy predicament



best part of Thursday has arrived


Regarding the laptop, Sally thought it was weird that Barry would buy her such an expensive gift when they just recently met. She's basically thinking, "Why is this person I barely know getting me this thing that costs 3 months of my rent; what strings are attached with this gift?"

Michael Blake

Hope they didn’t think Barry was weird for bugging the computer I don’t know. They barely knew each other. Like how do you think she was asking him to pay her rent? Like come on.


Mind you she's known him max 10 days

Hasnain Khan


Metweet .c

You guys don't find that weird? A guy you barely know gifting you a hella expensive gift after you sleep with them. I'm worried what comes attached with some expensive shit like that

Metweet .c

This! Is that not weird? Like dude...why would you buy me something so expensive after a short period of time


funny that you called the bald dude vin diesel cause he played vin diesel in a fast and furious parody movie called Super Fast lmao


Just because she's a bit self centered she deserve to be coerced into sex by her "agent" to advance her career? What a weird thing to say.

Oni Legend

Sally wasn’t asking Barry to pay her rent, she was saying that it was weird for him to just randomly give her an expensive ass gift when they barely know each other and (from her perspective/literally anyone in her position’s perspective) just only had a 1 night stand. Shit like that is lovebombing where you’re basically tryna buy and lock down someone’s love and affection with straight out the gate crazy gifts and gestures when you barely have any connection to them Also….small thing she didn’t force him to make a facebook, she volunteered to help him because he wants to be an actor and needs some sort of way for people to find him and for him to connect with others

Oni Legend

Exactly and she already made it abundantly clear both before and after they had sex that she wasn’t in it for a relationship

General Grevious

The plot thickens like a fine soup

John Cedar

That scene with Sally's agent is so hard to watch...what a freak. You can't even really report someone like that in the industry, because if you do, even if his career was ruined, you'll be blackballed by all the other creepy losers exactly like him. There's nothing to be done, it's just fucked.

John Cedar

My question is...wtf is her rent in LA, with no roommate? A new Macbook is like 3k, max. Where is she getting a decent apartment in LA for 1k month, alone? I guess it was just an estimate, but still. I dont know anyone in LA paying less than 2k a month for rent.

Oni Legend

Yeah Sally’s a LOT of things and a good portion of them are unlikeable but one thing she isn’t is manipulative or malicious. Most she’ll be is just vindictive because she feels like someone stole her spotlight like ole girl last episode

Taylor Garci

yeahh but letting him hit isnt a dealbreaker and they have only known each other under 2 weeks

John Cedar

People have casual sex all the time now, maybe in other countries it would be a sign of a definite emotional connection, but not in the US, and certainly not in LA lol. The script has flipped and people often start a relationship with sex and then move onto romance and dates, as opposed to the other way around in the past. Even just kissing is more intimate to some people than sex now.

Mario Carranza

Y'all I'm an avid Anti-Sally fan of the show, but y'all were so mean here. she didn't ask or imply to pay rent she meant it as damn bro we just met, out here buying expensive ass gifts


That wasn't letting him hit though, it was more like she was feeling insecure and wanted some herself; didn't matter too much where it came from. @John Cedar Season 1 was filmed in 2016; gotta keep that in mind.

gabriel250c .

I think Sally meant that it was weird for him to spend so much money on a gift when they just had sex the one time and they're barely friends

Metweet .c

It was a hook up that HE consented to. People have sex with each other just from one meeting so I'm not sure why you're trying to act as of Sally was the only one there when they had sex. Barry let her hit after 10 days. The laptop is weirder because what normal person buys someone an expensive laptop and claims that they're their boyfriend after one time?


It’s clear sheera has adopted the anti sally agenda and will likely keep it til the end

Oni Legend

I mean yeah that’s….kinda how 1 night stands work lmao. 2 people met, they were attracted to each other, they had sex point blank period no timeline bs required


Oh I’m sorry was she not lovebombing him? Whatever man


Her attitude and body language changed the moment after they had sex. She definitely didn’t respect Barry and he’s so socially awkward everything looks odd when he does it

Levi Blair

I mean clearly there was a heavy misunderstanding but honestly how Sally handled it was way worse than the level of weirdness from the gift. Literally all she had to do was tell him it wasn't serious and that it was a one time thing and while it woulda been awkward would have avoided a lot of bullshit. Granted Barry's "That's my girl" bit was way worse than anything even if he was misunderstanding what was going on between them.

A. P.

😂😂 Gene M Cousineau is the smoothest nigga ever on soul lol

Oni Legend

No she definitely didn’t lovebomb him. She didn’t do anything grand for him with the intent of locking down his affection. Most she did was take his niceness/attention (that he offered) for granted with the asking for him to drive her to the audition and stay around and asking him to not let her be alone but thats completely separate from lovebombing. Don’t get me wrong thats dtill an issue and a sign of her narcissism, its just not lovebombing And as far as the “she didn’t respect Barry”, there was nothing to respect in that situation lmao. Like in what way did she not respect Barry? They slept together, had a 1 night stand, that was the extent of what she was looking for, she kicked him out cuz she wasn’t looking for anything more. Thats it. Once again, most that can be seen as is just taking him for granted again

Oni Legend

Bro Lupa’s got me thinking its gonna be Jinx part 2 the way he talks about her lmao. Craziest part is she hasn’t even done anything yet besides be pushy


sally has every right to feel weird about a man she slept with once buying her an incredibly expensive gift, being possessive, and calling her his girlfriend. The laptop thing bothered her because its like he was rewarding her for sleeping with him, just like her agent would only help her for doing the same. it was bad timing. Sheera is over here thinking like a man or something, sally doesn't owe either of them shit.


There is no greater bond than a Marine and his Crayola.

Delinda Arts

not gonna say much but ronny/lily is the most Ya Boy Roshi coded episode of Barry. Cant wait for yall to experience it lmao

Tejiri Ubiedi

Yall reading too deep with the laptop shit, it was just a super expensive gift for someone you literally only fucked once, and then they kicked out the next morning.


It didn’t seem anyone had an issue with how she reacted to his fuck ups after the laptop. Sally’s issue is she’s self centered, manipulative, & borderline narcissistic, hence her steam rolling everyone, asking for favors, calling someone in the middle of the night & walking out at the end with the one person she believed gave her the best shot at stardom. Both her & Barry are emotionally stunted, & yeah what the agent did was repulsive but that has nothing to do with Barry he isn’t a mind reader & is oblivious to social cues. But in the grand scheme of things Barry is undoubtedly the worse of the two since he murders people (that don’t deserve to die) besides that tiny hang up what Barry did in the party scene doesn’t compare to what sally does day to day with everyone including Barry.

Renni .

Naw that gift is weird , especially after the controlling and messed up experience she just had . It just amplified how off the gift already was


To be fair Sally does suck lol, but she's written that way on purpose which is why she's a great character. Same as Jinx


the scenes between barry and sally are so cringe it hurts

jorel quieta

The things that are in store for these guys, cant wait

Gmac paddiewac

dude they are gonna love this show. when they get No Ho Hank for 3 seasons they will love them all

rickie woodson

thats not what she meant at all lol yall hatred of sally is making you read her wrong lol. she is so used to being fake that barry scares her, which proves she likes him cause he is getting under her skin. for whatever reason she has commitment issues and she is trying to keep things casual with barry. buying a gift THAT expensive shocked her "dang this is too deep for me. gotta run". she didnt say it as an implication of "you should have paid my rent instead" at all.

Donovan Doyle

Sometimes ppl can be out of touch ngl I think a laptop for roshi is a small purchase but for many others Is a huge thing especially if you just smashed


lol i love that the trio didnt think giving a laptop to someone u just sleep with once is weird. Like yea, a gift is a gift why are u making a fuss about it LMAOOOOO

Donovan Doyle

Good reply but you don't need to respond to these incels either. It's very easy to have a one night stand and sex with ant emotion attached but it seems clear some of these people can't understand that


Hear me out when Barry first arrived at the party the hostesses was talking to the black guy in the acting class she then walked away to greet Barry. Afterwards if you watch the guy in the background he was just standing there not talking to someone else or on his phone he was just standing there like a robot or one of the black people off of get out maybe he was waiting for her to come back. I don't know why that moment stayed with me but it was weird I'm like 99% sure it was intentional and if I'm correct that was hilarious 🤣.


This man Gene smooth as hell Barry on the other hand not as much. I forgot about Taylor I remember loving his character can't wait to get refreshed.


Gene's game is like sandpaper. Rough at first but it leaves things feeling smooth afterwards 🤡


TLDR: Sally established a relationship with Barry of if you do something for me, it’ll progress whatever we have going on, Ryan drop off = kiss, take me to my audition = vulnerability, come console me = sex, with that “rule” it’s kinda hard to blame Barry for doing the same, buys laptop to replace broken one ≠ relationship ? We can all agree in the grand scheme of things Barry is the bigger PoS between the two (kills innocent people) with that outta the way. From a few of the comments you’ve left it seems you’re giving a lot of leeway to Sal in terms of not noticing how she’s effecting Barry but not the other way around. He’s a grown man & should definitely get a clue but she’s just as socially & emotionally stunted as he is idk why you haven’t pointed that out. Love bombing is a bit deeper than buying 1 gift, & I’d argue trauma dumping or the weaponization of grief is worse than Barry’s misguided offering. I’ll concede that everything after the gift was Barry’s fuck up but none of those things compare to Sally’s manipulation whether she’s conscious of it or not is irrelevant. It first started with that random cheek kiss (un-consensual but forgivable) something strangers don’t ever do, as a thanks for dumping a drunk Ryan on him, that’d give anyone the impression that she’s into him. Then came the scene where she essentially dismissed his feeling about Ryan’s death & made it about acting rather than being a human & letting him process it, followed by her genuine surprise of Barry not wanting anything besides walking her to the door (forgivable). Then the audition scene, Barry said he couldn’t, Sal insisted, he caved, afterwards she wanted to hang out cause she needed emotional support, again Barry said he couldn’t, & again she pressed the issue until he gave in (if using grief as a weapon to get what you want isn’t manipulation idk what is). & Sally blowing up on Barry would’ve been forgivable had she not projected what the slime agent did to her onto Barry. Sally established a relationship of you do something for me, it’ll progress whatever we have going on, Ryan drop off = kiss, take me to my audition = vulnerability, come console me = sex, with that un-established “rule” it’s kinda hard to blame Barry for doing the same, buys laptop to replace broken one ≠ relationship ? We all know dam well Sals had plenty of chances to vocalize whatever relationship she wants with Barry but left it purposely ambiguous so as to not be tied down. Anyone who’s sensitive to women’s plights is aware that its a woman who sets the pace on how far things go at the beginning stages of a relationships & the man must respect that so id argue the onus is on her to lay clear ground rules. Not saying this doesn’t happen but I’ve never had casual sex stayed & cuddled through the night, that way you avoid the polite/awkward gtfo I need to do shit interaction they had. If I’m staying the night & you’re gonna be on me like she was it kinda gives off, ‘we might not be “dating” but maybe exclusive’ or at the very least, ‘this might be a thing’ esp if you see this person regularly. The time to talk was before the initial kiss that led to sex, the morning after they definitely should have talked about it, I’d understand if sally was afraid to broach the subject alone with a man in her bedroom but it didn’t seem like that thought crossed her mind. She was done with him & wanted him out, dick move but fully in her right. (word to the wise don’t shit where you sleep)


I ain't a Sally fan by any means, but saying she deserved to get creeped on by her agent and then fucked over is certainly a take lol


The sally hate is crazy omggg 😭


i agree, sally is awful im just saying that sheera acting like barry did no wrong either was weird.


im having a hard time seeing what sally did wrong

Metweet .c

Just getting war flashbacks of how lupa acted with Arcane and Korra lol. Atleast the comments will be entertaining


Are you for real? While I agree that Barry jumped the gun on the relationship thing with Sally, she is definitely emotionally unstable and toxic.


So much weirdness about Sally lmao. If I sleep with someone and the next day they get me a laptop and get drunk calling me their girlfriend, I'm fucking changing my locks, getting cameras, and telling all my friends that if they see me on the news it's this guy lmao. Everything Barry did this episode was a giant red flag. You're conditioned to give him the benefit of the doubt because he's the protagonist. Absent that, the shit he's doing is weird. And yeah as everyone has already said the context of LA is so important when considering one night stands and all that. I couldn't stand to be around someone like Sally but she doesn't "deserve" the Mike shit because she's not treating Barry how the audience wants her to. I don't know where to stand in terms of Sally and Barry. I can't tell if Sally just isn't picking up that he's socially unconditioned, and even if she does and doesn't care, whether it's out of malice or just her being narcissistic. If she asks Barry to all this shit and he says yes, is it her fault for asking or his fault for saying yes? Either way, him doing that shit doesn't mean she owes him being in a relationship lmao, that's not how that works.


im not talking about her character as a whole, im talking about the moment of the computer bs, that is a odd thing to do after fucking once in my opinion i would be creeped out personally

Antonio Williams

..life isn't anime. No one is owed affection just because you like it and while Sally was pushy, using someone for sex is only bad when uiure promising them something you won't give them or have power over them. She didn't promise Barry anything or pretend their situation was more than a hookup but Mike screwing her just because she wouldn't sleep with him is absolute trash behavior and coercion. Barry being a doormat and socially awkward sucks but it's also not really her problem. He consented to a casual dynamic and that has nothing to do with Mike being trash and trying to coerce her into sleeping with him

Lamaree Jackson

If Sally making y’all cringe this much already just wait. But y’all are definitely doing what the breaking bad audience did with Walt and Skylar because they both truly suck. Barry just doing that kicked dog gaslighting that got Steve Urkel his girl. Barry and Sally both have issues that the other just makes worse.


Yeah they definitely feed off each others issues

Oni Legend

Pretty much. Barry’s emptiness makes Sally feel validated in her narcissism because she gets to put more on him then others since he has like no identity and that “attention” from Sally makes Barry feel more like a person without realizing she basically sees him like a Ken Doll

Mad4Life (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 05:49:06 Nah Sheera trying to say that Sally deserved to get exploited by her manager for sex is crazy. Sally and Barry both consented and Sally even said she didn't want anything serious, so Barry should've known what time is was when he hit it. The manager trying to solicit sex from his worker in exchange for a job is literally not even close to being the same thing. Def one of the worst takes I've seen from Sheera in a gripe.
2023-12-24 05:42:26 Nah Sheera trying to say that Sally deserved to get exploited by her manager for sex is crazy. Sally and Barry both consented and Sally even said she didn't want anything serious, so Barry should've known what time is was when he chose to sleep with her. The manager trying to solicit sex from his worker in exchange for a job is literally not even close to being the same thing. Def one of the worst takes I've seen from Sheera in a gripe.

Nah Sheera trying to say that Sally deserved to get exploited by her manager for sex is crazy. Sally and Barry both consented and Sally even said she didn't want anything serious, so Barry should've known what time is was when he chose to sleep with her. The manager trying to solicit sex from his worker in exchange for a job is literally not even close to being the same thing. Def one of the worst takes I've seen from Sheera in a gripe.

Jaelyn Mcgee

Right??, I genuinely thought it happened season 1, but they got till season 2 to experience probably the best episode in the show for me

Corey Leach

I think Sally was just being a salty bitch bcuz she can't get roles to get more money but Barry was able to get that much from (autoparts)

Smash Bran'Discootch

You guys ENTIRELY misread the scene with the laptop. She literally JUST had a guy, Mike, being nice to her for no other reason than to get in her pants. So then IMMEDIATELY comes another man doing something nice to her out of the blue. So coming off that Mike situation, it looked like another mam trying to do something "nice" for her just to get some sex. Like, "Oh, if I accept this, is he going to think I owe him sex?" And IMMEDIATELY after they JUST decided to keep it casual, all of the sudden Barry is making some super love-bombing moves. It can be incredibly uncomfortable. It's just a whole lot of people trying to force things on her that she doesn't want, sex and relationships.


I know this is late but I think yall missed it when fuches was giving barry his cut of the money from what was in his hand you see in the suitcase stacks of hundreds

Marshall Lee

no? theres a difference between being congenial or having sexual interest in someone and love bombing. she doesnt even like him like that, first of all!


Except for the part where Barry has been being nice to her and she already smashed him. Otherwise I get your point.


It feels a bit forced writing wise. First she opens up to Barry and uses him for support, now when he's tryna be there she's pushing him away. Just cuz he bought her a laptop doesn't scream "I'm trying to buy you"

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah I've since watched the rest of the series and man did I not have her nearly as figured out as I'd thought XD

zacharie garondo

The scene with the gift was an idea of Bill Harder and though it would be cute to have this kind of gift in the early stage of a relationship. Every woman in the writing room say how creepy and to much it would be so they use that for the scene


shoutout to everyone in the comments defending sally. ppl find it way to easy to hate female characters and im tired of that! i hope later reactions yall turn around abt sally or at least stop bein godamn haters cause the show just started and shes one of my fave characters here.


Sally is trash I’m sorry


nah she sucks, i have hated her throughout the whole show. she is selfish, narcissistic, self absorbed, petty, and just a bad person in general


Nah she’s not saying he should have payed her rent. She just thinks the gift is way too expansive considering how she viewed their relationship at that point