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sorry this took so long, media encoder kept crashing on me lol




Ryan Ryan

Love your uploads guys keep it up 👌🏾

Alejandro Rodriguez

media encoder crashes are the most annoying thing in the world bruh i feel u


Roshi doesn't read my explanations of Kisaki not Shooting Takemitchy, he only reads the comment where I thought Sheera had cancer and go Xeet about it publicly 😭😭

Danger Tomato

Wtf I thought this crap was over

Zaria Parker

He said who is your tailor? 😂😂😂

Callum Murphy

One week away from the clown show

Alexander Flores

bro the plot armor be getting annoying bro has been shot in the foot, beat up, hit by a brick in the head bro should be knocked out by now


Roshi still ain't read my comment and it shows - Kisaki backstory explains why he hesitated to shoot Takemichi - Kisaki is fine killing everyone except for a select few like Mikey

Darren Banks

lol this shitshow is hilarious as hell. I haven’t seen an anime on this much anime time in long time and I’ve missed this fuckery.


Kisaki always calls Takemichi "My Hero"


Bro this how you know bro defenses max bro ran into a cinderblock and was still standing and yes 1 more episodes till Roshi hear why he keep killing her and be like nigga what 😭🤣


Nah da dick riding crazy kaku


i really think yall be forgetting this an anime and not a live action show 😭


Sheera does not miss a SINGLE opportunity to clown the "they're in shock" argument lmfao


So it was you he was talking about on Twitter 😂😂

Nate D.

was there a schedule released for this week??


What you mean body count? Majority of those people weren’t killed by him personally. He had somebody else do it for most of them


next episode...


I'm curious then. Why is Takemichi in that select few? He's clearly stated why he wants and admires Mickey but for Takemichi its only ever distain? Not coming at you by the way I'm genially asking.


We finally see Takemitchy throwing hands 🙏🏾

Vongola Fiamme

@damion Kisaki clearly has a admiration for Takemitchy its shown time and time again. He views takemitchy as a "hero" (which he kinda is). When Kisaki has no choice but to kill him in the future both with chifuyu and Naoto he expresses disappointment and sadness both times.

Vongola Fiamme

"why didnt mikey do something?" Mikey was clearly talking to his "brother" who was dying and then assuming command over everyone there. "why didnt the other people rush him?" most didnt see it, the others could barely stand like manjo or whatever his name is, and the others were in shock hence the cut to their shocked faces over and over again. Anyways this seasons almost over and I can already sense the switchup


Kakucho and Izana went out "goofy goofy goobers goobers yeah!!" I'm sorry it's not funny it was the SpongeBob and Patrick handholding pose and crying I just couldn't not see it 😂😂

Tahj Brown

THATS WHAT IM TALKING BOUT TAKEMICHI ‼️‼️ if we can just get more of those straight just brawling w a mf I wouldn’t even care if he losses I just wanna see him throw hands mixed w his resiliency‼️


love your content! I never comment or say my opinion about things online.... but this show... I just have to lol you guys were saying why is Draken carrying Takemitchy to chase after Kisaki... I'll do you one better Draken has his bike... a whole motorcycle just sitting there... why are we chasing that man on foot? 😂why are we not chasing him on our fully functional motorcycle? 😂better yet, why are we not running up to him with our fully functional motorcycle and busting his head open like he did with Emma? 😂


Tokyo Revengers from this arc it's clearly the story of takemitchy learning to actually fight and stand on business, and he did by the time fight came around stood on BIDNESS with his lvl99 defense, made Kisaki fold with a gun in his hand and even earned +5 in attack at the end of the episode lol


This - everytime he's show admiration for Takemichi - to kill him would literally be a last resort as shown in the future the past seasons


Scroll up to my last comment - "My Hero" flashback was shown - no way this many people forgot Kisaki flashback


Next episode is just as great as this one!!!! I see y'all clowing on what happens next in comments but they'll love it

Parlay miles

Roshi wit the w jojo reference c c c c c c c c c call

A. P.

As soon as they showed the snow castle I looked at Sheera and waited lmao Kisaki turned Izana into a bowling ball that's craaaazy. I can't go out holding my mans hand tho, pause on that situation lol


Reminded me of Zabuza and Haku in the snow.


I like to believe Takamitchy has memory issues in the future because of how much he gets his ass beat. Every other day he's getting cracked in the head.


Uhhh, why? This would be a pretty weird place to stop the season (although S1 and S2 did end on cliffhangers).

Devin B

So instead of chasing down Kisaki on his fully functional motorcycle Draken decided to put Takemichi on his back and chase him on foot


Man, kisaki a bitch and a pussy with bitch in his feelings motivations. Only reason he's doing all this shit now is cause he's desperate now. Hopefully next week you'll actually see that he wasn't as "him" as you thought he was. Kisaki a bitch and I stand on that lmfao. Edit: how you gonna ride for a dude that look like a dyke in the future 😭

Kevin Kovacs

Danmm so that Kisaki scene is gonna be in the last episode? I can't wait to see their reaction to that.. 🤣🤣


Hold on. Where are these alleged goalpost-moving comments that Roshi and Lupa were talking about? I saw some people defending Kisaki in last week's comment section, but I was expecting to see a LOT more based on what Roshi was saying. Was he talking about YouTube comments (I don't read those), or was he just exaggerating?

Jalen Holmes

btw roshi just in case yall didnt know or care Izana is like 18 so him and the big 4 or all adults compared to the rest I beileve


Can any manga readers let me know if this is near chapter 185? I haven’t read this in years and have not been watching the anime I have literally no recollection of where about this is in the story but that chapter is fucking hilarious to me lmao, the setting of the final scene in this ep looks similar to me


Idk about what the other comments are saying but imo Kisaki didn't shoot Takemichi because his whole goal outside of taking over Toman is to break Takemichi. It's clear he has an obsessive nature regarding Mikey due to his infatuation but given that when he shot Takemichi in the future dude started crying and calling him "crybaby hero", it's also clear that Takemichi falls in that same category to some extent. I think when he pulled the gun on Takemichi and he saw how strong his resolve was and that even placing a loaded gun in his face wouldn't cause him to waiver, he froze because he didn't expect Takemichi to have that level of resolve but anyone outside of Takemichi and Mikey are all on the chopping block as far as he is concerned.


It always amazes me how they make situations harder than they need to be. Why are Draken and Takemichi running!! USE THE BIKE RUN HIM OVER OR KNOCK HIM IN THE HEAD WITH YOUR FIST. Also, their pain receptors are broken


Why did beat up takemitchy go on the chase and not Mikey? Also why did the guy who got shot in the shoulder even die? His injury wasn’t that deep lol

Joshua Burns

I’m telling you right now they made this episode lamer in the anime than in the manga the scene were he gets hit with the brick it looked so much more badass


Next episode is going to be crazy

Devin B

Hanma was down from the crash so they definitely could've caught up to Kisaki before he got to them if they were on the bike, if anything the only reason Hanma was able to catch up was because Draken was being weighed down carrying Takemichi



Berts Tv

This was ass season 2 was better (the antagonist)

Austin S

why tf they aint just continue chasing him on the bike 😭🤣


Some people take Tokyo Rev to serious. Its styled more like a stage play or soap opera

Solivigant Kaiba

Second to Rachel to this day, I hate Karen Kurokawa. To this mf day. 1. Rachel (ToG) 2. Karen Kurokawa(Tokyo Revengers)<-《 3. Mrs. Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)

john segun doe

Yh the kisaki argument against him so far have not held up. Kisaki keeps doing the opposite of all the argument lmaoo. BTW 2 dudes dying for 15 min while nobody, none of their gang homies did ANYTHING is wild. Luv this show, its hilarious. I get its Mitchy's beef and the symbolism of draken carrying him but..... c'mon the homie draken could've easily got KISAKI's slow self already and placed him in front of Mitchy. They draggin this out like crazy. Plus... damn takemitchy ATE that cinderblock to the head (BRAIN DAMAGE). But damn finally the faceoff. Can't wait for next week

john segun doe

bruh aint nobody here to watch it because its good. Its to see hw bad A.K.A "Clown shoes" it gets lool. These reaction are soooooo funny

Cam Kaneki

Dawg Tokyo revengers writing be so all over the place but can never deny the hype sometimes. When takemichi started throwing hands too hype. When takemichi held the line hype as fuck!!

john segun doe

Then why they aint add that in the anime. CLOWN SHOES SHOW BRO just leaving us confused

Donell Whitfield

I can’t wait for next episode. There’s a specific moment I hope they bust out laughing too😂

john segun doe

true, maybe the wording (Body Count) is incorrect but he still has mad blood on HIS hands given all of it necessitated HIM as the contingent point of origin for those deaths. He is the common denominator, meaning It was all done through his directive and his orders. So..... U can't play that HUGE part down, no matter how you spin it


W Takemitchy cause he finally threw some hands and chased this dude with a shot foot and tanked a damn cinder block to the dome. Ngl tho I get self preservation but kisaki was looking like mahito for a quick second with the war he was running


Can't wait for the next ep for kisaki to be proven he's not him at all LMAOOO can't wait

Soul Pirate Ruichi

Idk I think ya’ll take Tokyo Revengers way too seriously sometimes, much more than other anime. This nigga time travels lmao just like in other anime there’s things that are both logical and irrational. I say if the clown shoes don’t take away from the story line just let it go. Also I’ve seen multiple comments on why Kisaki didn’t shoot Takemichi due to him viewing him as a hero. Idk how ya’ll always end up reading the wrong comments on this show. Then again if ya’ll didn’t enjoy, i’m sure ya’ll would drop it.


The manboy reference with Izana 😂😂

Adamantite Momon

Afterall, Takemichi's defense was maxed up by Taiju in the Church


Day 1 of asking for a reaction to tv show Vikings

Joshua DeJesus

Day 478 of asking for link click anime reaction(really only the second day😂)


Link click


Yup this shit is trash 😂😂


Takemichi watched Bofuri and learned from there

Thetrillest Khi

Like I was saying last episode kisake only kills or gets his hands dirty when it's something crucial that's why they emphasized him not getting his hands dirty before killing Emma so when he seen his final plan basically getting cooked by kukacho or whatever his name is he felt backed in a corner, and yall also gotta remember to not compare future kisake like past him the way yall do. The future is just showing us yes kisake can and has the will to become a killer but past him is still a child whose adjusting to the life of crime he chose and 12 years is a long time so of course over the 12 years he would become more of a hardened killer living that life but it also means that as a child it could have been a chance to sway him from that path, not saying that was takemichi mindset but when yall are immediately saying kill this middle schooler even before he caught his first body in the past is wild. Still loved the reactions though yall hilarious.


So i think this is one of those show and not tell questions. Yes Kisaki has referred to Takamichi as a "hero" but again I'm asking why. If during a story the author tells me this character is dangerous but then never shows why that character is said "dangerous" it looks like "cap" and it doesn't make since. This is where I'm confused. Kisaki says he's his hero but I don't see the substance I'm not seeing why. So It just sounds like yall are telling me to accept something with no substance, if that makes since. If someone asked me why does Kisaki like/ want to be with Mickey, I can pull scenes and exchanges where Kisaki talks about and expresses how he feels about Mickey. Thats the substance! With Tackamichy ya'll just keep throwing the line of Kisaki saying "my hero". WHY THOUGH? I'm trying to not see this as lazy writing but I'm asking to see if I'm missing something or if I just need to blindly believe this statement because the story says so. Maybe I'm looking for something that's a spoiler so maybe I just have to wait to get that answer. And P.S. if your response to my question of why Kisaki thinks of Takamichi as a hero and your response is cause Kisaki said so then your not answering my question so don't bother.

Donovan Doyle

It's not even his mentality which makes it a good reason why be didn't shoot there is literally 0 reason aside from bad writing


Takemichi can’t use his brain 80% of the time cause of how damaged it is from continuous brain injuries, it all makes sense now


Y’all will defend the trash ass writing in this show with your life. Imagine thinking that b/c a show is fictional, that we as viewers should disregard basic common sense and human nature 😂

Soul Pirate Ruichi

You may have comprehension issues. That’s not at all what I said! These are all just opinions, to each their own.

Travis James

The way they laughed when takemitchy was standing over kisaki😂😂😂 y’all got no faith in takemitchy

Travis James

Yea ain’t no way a cinder block to the temple is gonna stop takemitchy 😂


I really thought Kaku was going to join the 1st division 🫢


He really has that tank build going

General Grevious

Bruh ain’t no way this boy got bust in the head with a cinder block and shrugged it off😂😂