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Felt like I was losing my mind in that end discussion

she be his mama or his sister lol



i’m not even gonna lie, i thought it was a weekday for a second 😂


Oh wtf I’ll take the W

PJ Rivera

Huh, must have just finished the upload I thought they didn’t film anything on the weekends

Kassandra (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 08:55:14 Saturday upload! Super generous of y'all, thank you!
2023-12-25 08:55:14 Saturday upload! Super generous of y'all, thank you!
2023-12-25 08:55:14 Saturday upload! Super generous of y'all, thank you!
2023-12-25 08:55:14 Saturday upload! Super generous of y'all, thank you!
2023-12-10 06:04:29 Saturday upload! Super generous of y'all, thank you!

Saturday upload! Super generous of y'all, thank you!

Hasnain Khan



THE WEEKEND?! I’m here for daddy bro🙏🙏


Oh y’all like this show bad bad. Couldn’t wait to watch the next episode. lol same.


Monogatari treatment with the weekend upload. Gang gang 🍷🗿


they should make more anime like this, historical shows that highlight some interesting aspect of society at that time.


They usually don't but it's a treat.....since it's a duo and they record them on their own time ig it's easier to upload on weekends than trio shows

Kassandra (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 08:55:14 As an add-on note to that end discussion, in the episode where they had the big tea party, there was an off-hand comment from one of the characters that the emperor has a younger brother who's sick all the time and is essentially just locked up at home and no one ever sees him (hence why he wasn't at the tea party). The family tree is def confusing though, esp. with all the concubines and previous vs. present emperor.
2023-12-25 08:55:14 As an add-on note to that end discussion, in the episode where they had the big tea party, there was an off-hand comment from one of the characters that the emperor has a younger brother who's sick all the time and is essentially just locked up at home and no one ever sees him (hence why he wasn't at the tea party). The family tree is def confusing though, esp. with all the concubines and previous vs. present emperor.
2023-12-25 08:55:14 As an add-on note to that end discussion, in the episode where they had the big tea party, there was an off-hand comment from one of the characters that the emperor has a younger brother who's sick all the time and is essentially just locked up at home and no one ever sees him (hence why he wasn't at the tea party). The family tree is def confusing though, esp. with all the concubines and previous vs. present emperor.
2023-12-25 08:55:14 As an add-on note to that end discussion, in the episode where they had the big tea party, there was an off-hand comment from one of the characters that the emperor has a younger brother who's sick all the time and is essentially just locked up at home and no one ever sees him (hence why he wasn't at the tea party). The family tree is def confusing though, esp. with all the concubines and previous vs. present emperor.
2023-12-10 06:34:12 As an add-on note to that end discussion, in the episode where they had the big tea party, there was an off-hand comment from one of the characters that the emperor has a younger brother who's sick all the time and is essentially just locked up at home and no one ever sees him (hence why he wasn't at the tea party). The family tree is def confusing though, esp. with all the concubines and previous vs. present emperor.

As an add-on note to that end discussion, in the episode where they had the big tea party, there was an off-hand comment from one of the characters that the emperor has a younger brother who's sick all the time and is essentially just locked up at home and no one ever sees him (hence why he wasn't at the tea party). The family tree is def confusing though, esp. with all the concubines and previous vs. present emperor.


Omg this upload is truly a gift, hope yall have a great weekend!


I agree....but with how popular the fantasy genre is, I feel like we'll only get a few underrated series like this for the next few years


Bro Roshi’s face during that end discussion had me in tears. Mans brain was fried lmfao

Dark Shogun

I don't think the baby was Jinshi. Jinshi looks like he is older than 17 year old. Also, why would the emperor or the concubine fake the death of a male baby? That baby would likely be the heir. I still think he's the emperors' bother that should have sat next to him at the garden party. Of course I could be wrong about the whole thing.


The previous emperor is 100% Jinshi's dad.

Brianna Jenkins

I thought I got the date wrong seeing this! 😳 love hearing the theories but we have indeed seen the emperor and the empress dowager. Go back to the garden party episode.

paladar blade

From what i've gathered it happened like this Previous Emperor(loli, because of his taste in women based on concubines) had a son at the same time Ah dou had a son with the current Emperor(Mature, again based on his concubines and taste). Supposedly Mature's son "died" shortly after his birth, but his "brother" seems to awfully resemble to Ah dou(Mature's concubine) rather than Loli's concubine(current empress dowager who was shown doing the garden party playing with her granddaughter) assuming Jinshi is the "brother". Also Maomao's father could have been expelled to keep the switch a secret, but they couldn't execute him for reasons(?).


Forgive my randomness I’m super toasted but anybody else wanna see them react to the new Bass Reeves show? Or The Harder They Fall? I really wonder if they’ve seen THTF it’s a 🔥 Black Western


You guys might see small hint in ”Episode 6 Garden party” about Jinshin now after watching this episode.


You guys got the explanation for the most part before the small additional theory at the end Ah Duo is not royalty she was just raised together (foster siblings) with the current emperor and had one child with him who we have been told passed away.


Is MaoMao’s dad her biological father? Because if so, how did he have a child with MaoMao’s mother if he’s a eunuch? Or did he have her before that happened??


no he isnt her biological father, all you need to know right now

Chris Hee

Lady Gyokuyou for life! also, have we ever seen Ah Duo and Jinshi in the same room? 0.o


Roshi loves this show so much 😭

Pancho Martinez

During the garden party, you get to see the previous emperor's wife which is the Empress Dowager holding the princess that MaoMao helped save. In that episode, they stated she gave birth to the current emperor at a really young age as well and she would be another in question for this episode's question of who is Jinshi. You can compare the empress dowager and Ah-Duo together

Random Guy

Remember that they did say that the current emperor has a little brother who has a burnt face that never shows himself to the public. At this point it's kind obvious who it is.


I mean not to spoil anything, Concubine Lihua and Gyokuyo are stated to be like 19 or 20 and Lihua DEFINITELY don’t look like it. So saying “well Jinshi doesn’t look 17” is hard to say in this scenario


Are Roshi and Sheera gonna participate at the 2024 summer Olympics?? Cause the mental gymnastics displayed here is CRAZY 🤣🤣

X__Dead Man

Couldn’t help myself and started reading the manga


Same I had to check the date like is it Monday and I'm late to work haha


I'm so glad you're enjoying this show, LOVED Sheera and Roshi's side eye to each other when Maomao commented on the resemblance between Ah-Duo and Jinshi.


Bro I see the reaction is 32 mins my brain like please let this episode be longer nope 😭. Also at this point quadruple Maomao's pay. One thing I will add onto the discussion is that I think the guy who's always with Jishi knows that Maomao is gonna figure out how important Jinshi like the guy was talking her up while on his way to get her the documents.


The foster sibling thing is that they had the same wet nurse(current emperor and ah dou) it's hilarious that with all the intrigue of assassinations the hardest question is to figure out the imperial family tree.


Bro is the MC a princess - I honestly forgot her name - So her dad, idk if we know if that's her biological dad, he delivered the baby around the same time I guess she would've been born? She 17 right?


Hmm so maybe Jinshi is the half brother of the current emperor (since Jinshi’s mom is Ah-Duo and the current emperor’s mom is a different woman but both of them have the same daddy, which is the previous emperor) and they stated that the current emperor has a brother who has a burnt face and never shows himself in public. But idk why they’re saying that Ah-Duo’s son existed and died? What’s the point? Probably because she gave birth to him. And maybe because the current emperor did not know that Ah-Duo was fcking his daddy (the previous emperor) while he is also fcking Ah-Duo and then maybe he knew it and thats why he hired Jinshi to monitor the Concubines if they’re loyal with him because his mom (Ah-Duo) wasn’t loyal? and maybe thats why they made it seem like Ah-Duo’s son was from the current emperor but died when the truth is, jinshi was the previous emperor’s son.

XxYourWaifuxX Xx

The dialogue needs to be easier to digest tho. I’m like Roshi and Sheera, I couldn’t comprehend what the writers were trying to tell us so constant rewinds and pauses.


Baby swapping is quite a trope in Imperial China (at least literature wise) to better a family’s fate. But I’m more intrigued on that father-smash theory. Blood brothers 😂

Giulia Moraschetti

Ehmmm... didn't she say that his father is an eunuch? Then what science did he use to be her father? XD Unless he's not the real father? Mhhh, interesting...


I'm also anime-only, but I do believe Jinshi is the current emperor's younger (half) brother: Back during the garden party episodes, there was an empty table reserved for the emperor's "sickly" younger brother who's rarely ever seen - and Jinshi looks like he's about to sit there before he runs into Maomao after she tasted poison. Also, he was wearing a special hairpin that his righthand guy reminded him to take care of/can't always be seen with. That pin may be a sort of calling card identifying him as a member of the royal family. Even when we're first introduced to Jinshi, Maomao comments that while his beauty is a constant test to the concubines, he must be greatly trusted by the emperor to not take advantage and have fun with the concubines of his own volition - and surely a sibling connection would explain that trust! I believe that Maomao's dad delivered him but faked his death in the official records (maybe Jinshi and current emperor were born at same time and, to prevent any arguments over which son would be the heir, the previous emperor instantly sided with whoever birthed the current emperor). And maybe to keep up appearances, Maomao's dad was fired - that seems like a punishment that would be given for "failing to save" a male baby?

Bria A.

Someone commented a while back that Jinshi’s pretty young. The art style makes a LOT of these characters look older than their canon ages lmao. (Which like, it’s kinda feudal China? None of these people are gonna be significantly old in the first place because of the setting.) Except for Maomao who looks 17 or even arguably younger. EDIT: Changed the first part bc I just looked it up and Jinshi’s age discrepancy seems like a spoiler lol.

Chris Hee

I mean they did binge like six or eight episodes at once hahaha

Bria A.

Family trees get confusing as fuck when concubines are shared between generations. 😭 I think they’re saying the Emperor and Ah-Duo’s “deceased” baby was born at the same time as the former Emperor’s baby (ie. current Emperor’s younger brother) — Jinshi is almost certainly Ah-Duo’s son, which is why they haven’t put them in the same room together yet lmao, so…the infant brother is the one who actually died and they just swapped the babies’ identities? No idea why they would do that when Jinshi would be in the line of succession regardless…unless the death was homicide or something.


Did they lie about the baby's gender and that baby is actually our mc. Because they made it a point to say she is 17 multiple times

Jainand Patel

The previous emperor was an asshole, we know this info because they've said it like 2-3 times in previous episodes. So they might have done that to just survive. Because MaoMao said that for some of the things that she got away with under the current emperor, for the same things heads would have rolled under the previous emperor.


Kinda makes sense given his age. I always thought MaoMao's dad looked too old to be her biological dad, (or i presume he's old, i should say, since we don't know how old he is). I mean it IS possible of course, but....her being adopted by him instead makes sense.


me and my brother had the same discussion after the episode trying to dissect this 😭


As a novel reader, I just want to correct all the comments but my lips are sealed so the answers will be worth the wait🤐🫡

Rin Okumura

Yeah the sub in the end part was confusing AF... thank god I know more than 1 language... Literally have to go and google this episode at a different foreign site and read the subtitle there to understand what they were trying to say. In short The emperor and the Concubine were raised together "not related" and Their kid was born at the same time as the emperor little brother. Very simple Idk how they F@cked that up.


Except Jinshi clearly was entering through the curtain literally from the spot where the Emperor's younger brother's seating is at, so he clearly was at the party (the other ladies-in-waiting even pointed that out that the younger brother was just there, but wasn't at the moment there for some reason, presumably Jinshi had to change clothes or w/e, since he was returning by the time that 1 dumbass minister poisoned himself when Maomao literally said the soup is poisoned & left the area to yeet it out)


TBF Maomao does point out that he looks younger when doing those tantrums or w/e & acting bratty from time to time, so maybe he just looks more mature than his age is, and he reverts to his actual biological age when not acting as regal as he usually does


They presumably expelled him since as the rear palace doctor, he would have been responsible for the then-prince's firstborn SON (ergo his successor, once he ascends to the Emperor status when lolicon dad pepsi's or just becomes too weak to carry on the role & effectively retires) dying, so expelling & mutilating one of his kneecaps (by removing some bone or w/e, hence why he limps like an old lady as stated by Maomao) seems about low-tier as far as penalty goes for not preventing the death of the future Emperor's son


I'm quite sure Emperor would know if he was fucking bussy instead of coochie tho, just sayin'


Well it said her dad is a eunuch so he physically was not able to have a child when he was in the rear palace


How did she pull off the younger brother when she clearly would have been past her teens when conceiving the younger brother (17 years ago, and we know that the current Emperor (her firstborn) is 34 rn, so 17 year gap give or take between her giving birth to the current Emperor as a loli or w/e to the second kid, so she should have been in her 20s or so at the time), yet the former emperor is a lolicon, and thus presumably wouldn't be sexually attracted to her old hag physique, no?


Also Ah-Duo's offspring clearly has a different hair color than Maomao anyway so...


I doubt former emperor would have been fucking a 18 y/o hag like Ah-Duo tho, since we know from this episode that Ah-Duo is 35 rn, and her firstborn male offspring died shortly after birth 17 years ago, when she would have been 18 chronologically speaking. I don't see current emperor having gotten NTR'd luckily enough based on the data given to us


it’s not her, they stated that it was a male multiple times. I read the novel. They’ll touch up on her backstory soon.


He likely has white hair because of getting his pp & balls (the standard castration used in imperial China historically speaking) cut off, which causes heavy drop in testosterone, which can apparently speed up your visual aging because it fucks w/ your biology as a male & all that (so him being described as looking like a baba checks out, because loss of facial definition & muscle tone are some of the more immediate side-effects of castration due to the severe drop in testosterone. Incidentally this pretty much confirms that Jinshi likely isn't an eunuch, because as we saw in his boogaloo w/ Basen, he was too shredded for an eunuch to be biologically capable of doing so due to the sheer testosterone generation requirements)

paladar blade

That's assuming they hold him responsible. Remember in ep 1 many of the mature emperor's children died to the white powder makeup yet that quack doc is still employed. He could've been expelled because he knows of the switch between the 2 babies.


The foster siblings implied is the Concubine and the Current emperor (previously prince).


No, the current emperor is 34 as stated in this episode, and the younger brother was born 17 years ago, and Ah-Duo's firstborn male was born aprox same time as the younger brother as well, ergo give or take 1-2 years from the 17 year timeline backtracking


Yes, that's what "foster sibling" means... also the English subs are quite easily comprehensible, IDK WTF you or they are talking about smh...


These two are folding my brain more than the anime with that end discussion 🤣 because I understood what the anime meant the first time, even though the wording was off, but couldn't understand what they were talking about. Anyways, we know for a fact that Jinshi is royalty and has to be the son of Concubine Ah-Duo. However, I'm confused now because we still haven't seen the emperor's brother which I thought was gonna be Jinshi. So, if two babies were born, and one died, maybe it was the brother who died since Jinshi is obviously the son, but why lie? Why hide Jinshi's identity but still put him in a position of power? And how does noone else see he looks exactly like that Concubine?

Nick Nguyen

I think Jinshi is the emperor little brother, mainly because the emperor little brother is 'sick' and many haven't seen his face, but at the garden party he apparently showed up for a bit and left, later on Jinshi was talking about how the party was annoying and that he only showed up for a bit. Also you guys talk about how similar Jinshi look similar to Concubine Ah-Do but if you look the garden episode (episode 6) at 2:53 they talk about the Empress Dowager (aka the emperor mom) and she look also very similar to Jinshi.


Bro I didn't ask for confirmation my god. Keep your spoilers to yourself. Let others enjoy the show


Love you guys, enjoy the speculation.

Alaysia Moore

Last week, I was heavy on the idea of Jinshi being the recluse younger brother, but now with the fact there were two babies born in the mysterious past, one being the current emperor's, and one being the former emperor's, I'm not so sure. Because if he was the younger brother, the fact that the servant girl with MaoMao that mentioned " the younger brother doesn't come out much. he was here, but now he's left" would insinuate the younger brother is known at least to the palace workers, right? And if he was known to the palace workers, are they on some kind of " don't mention anything about Jinshi being the brother of the emperor" kind of secrecy, or does the "brother" somehow obscure his identity when in public so they couldn't really tell who he is (that is if he is Jinshi). Also, I'm pretty sure that was Ah-Duo at the beginning sitting on the ledge and drinking. I feel like I saw the outline of her chest and then when MaoMao was describing her as kind of masc/handsome and the ladies in waiting were "swooning" over her, I'm sure that's some call to Jinshi and his flirtatious ways/allure. I really don't know where these family lines are connecting but...yeah...


okay hear me out what if Maomao is actually a boy that's why she has no boobs and she is actually the emperor's son and jinshi is a woman that's why he has feminine features and ah-duo is actually a man pretending to be a lady 💀😭


now i have to get back into reading the manga to solve this mystery bc yall r also folding my brain lol


I'm just glad this was confusing to y'all too because I had to rewind multiple times to get the family dynamics down.


Have they mentioned that in the show yet? I'm a manga reader and I don't remember this.

Pancho Martinez

i can give an answer but its a spoiler of course, and whats the fun in that. but of course if you wish to know i can tell


I had to rewind it too, cuz it just went by so fast and my brain was still trying to process the family tree lol. Then it went to her dad and I was like waaiiittt I'm still thinking about the other stuff 🤣


you know they love this anime when they upload it the day bf its supposed to come out

Bria A.

Given some other comments, possibly because the previous emperor would’ve started executing people if he found out his son / heir died (even if it was just a childbirth mishap and not malicious or negligent), but if his grandson died, oh well, just a tragedy. So staff there switched the babies to cover up the death? As for Jinshi and Ah-Duo, it’s obvious that some staff do know he’s faking his identity, but maybe the more common folk just don’t see Ah-Duo that much to connect the dots? Or maybe it’s just anime logic.

Bria A.

…I think the implication was that they’re intentionally kept apart to keep the audience from figuring it out too soon, not that they’re the same person 😭


Exactly what I was thinking, but isn't the previous emperor now dead I think? So why is his identity still being hidden if his supposed father is now emperor?

Bria A.

I just deleted a comment that said we first see Jinshi in Ah-Duo’s room when the baby prince is sick, and fully forgot that was Lihua. Lowkey why do all three of them look alike lmao, but I guess Lihua’s hair is technically dark blue. 😅 I would’ve picked like…blonde or green or something, personally


Apart from the ongoing theories, another interesting fact: The man Maomao calls "dad" is an eunuch, which means they aren't blood related. Maomao, btw, also 17 years old, so probably born around the same time as those two babies and the same time her dad got expelled from the palace.

Liam Gilbert

Basically, the current emperor's brother and son were born around the same time.

Rin Okumura

then explain the part when "Ah Dou kid was born as the same time as the emperor little brother" why didn't they subbed it just like that? Why did they complicated the sentence? There's time to be cryptic with word but this is not the right time. The sentences could have been very simple, example " Concubine Ah Dou's son was born at the same time as the emperor's younger bother."

Leanne Stephenson

I think it's interesting that they made a point to talk about Maomao's age in this episode and the birth of this child 17 years ago. I want to know her connection to all this cause this is also linked somehow. I want to know her parentage and why her dad left the palace and seems to have taken her with him.


I love how much yall love this show. The 10 minute-ish discussions rlly show that n their as fun to watch as the reactions themselves imo.


Idk whether Roshi was cooking or tripping at the end lol. I think the fact that both Jinshi and Maomao are 17 is interesting, but that could be a coincidence too.


Gaoshun was in the state of mind like "Breathing is fun"

Glib Dolotov

All healthy speculation. As someone who has read all available light novels [[[no spoilers below, this is a safe comment]]], the author leaves many loose threads and mysteries up in the air. Certain mysteries still aren't answered even 10 books in. TL;DR Don't trip if the story is confusing. It's confusing because the author is writing a mystery and is leaving out info that is unavailable to Maomao (since she's MC), not because y'all missed something.


Im pretty sure they have the same hairpin(jinshi and the concubine)


At the end, they're saying that the current emperor now, when he was a prince, had a baby (that passed) with consort Ah Duo, who was raised in the palace along side him (showing the relationship dynamic) -- at the same time that the previous emperor, who is now deceased, had a baby (the current emperor's younger brother who we haven't seen) with the current empress Dowager.


Didn’t expect this but it makes sense because they mentioned that Jinshi has a special position.


Okay hear me out: Jinshi is the current emperor's half brother (same dad, different moms). Ah-Duo is the current emperor's dad's ex-concubine.

A. P.

Lmao, y'alls brains were on a treadmill this whole episode

Johnathan Shelton

Just wait the story only gets better and better from here.


In the scene with the honey/orange tea, Lady Lishu's handmaids are bullying her because they think she's a spoiled child, a "picky eater" as they call her. They don't understand allergies. This type of medical knowledge would not have been common knowledge among anyone not highly educated at the time. Maomao picks up on the fact that Lishu is allergic to honey and drinks the tea, pretending it's not finished (needs to be boiled longer). Gyokuyou is perceptive enough to have picked up on Maomao's quiet sigh and realizes she's helping Lishu to save face by removing the drink so her handmaids can't bully her for being "picky" about not drinking a drink that's offered.


the easiest way to solve this AND combine Sheera and Roshi's theories:


Maomao's ''dad'' was there back then and the children were born 17 years ago and they say in that same episode that Maomao is 17. I feel like it is too much of a coincidence. Maomao's real parents are probably royalty and she got abandonned or there were circumstances and her adoptive dad took her away.


11min end discussion Beautiful

Nancy Raha

always love those discussion at the end

Arsean Wilbon

the now emperor then prince had a baby with Ah duo at the same time the emperor his father had a baby with the dowager empress. Ah duo's baby died so we think. the current emperor now has a brother we havent seen. a few episodes back they said he was at the garden party but left cause he was sick


Damn I’ve never seen them this invested

Eli Kisamo

Suppose you marry a widow who already has a grown up daughter, and your father marries the widow's grown up daughter. Now the widow's daughter becomes your mother. Since your mother's mother is your wife, your wife is also your grandmother. As the husband of your grandmother, you become your own grandfather. Type ahhh plot.


The last 2 braincells: it seems pretty obvious from this episode that maomao is the child of the emperor and Ah duo that her "dad" delivered and the baby "died" and the "dad" was expelled from the palace and he said what a coincidence when he heard that maomao ended up at the rear palace I could be wrong but this seems pretty obvious

Kraivathin Kritaramrueng

17:27 Sheera really nailed it in the head, a baby less than 1 year old and honey ?, poisonous.