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what is this arc bruh



i ain’t ready for this episode😭😞


JJK is the GOAT new gen!!!


Pain and suffering with the aftertaste of cruelty


Depression that’s what it is as a manga reader when I first saw her in the op it made me sick lmao they did her so dirty




Rest in Glory Queen


I have a love/hate relationship with jjk bc it’s just straight hands the story is pretty much nonexistent .


That scene with Nobara was a real eye opener that's for sure


Yuji ain’t got no powers fr just straight HANDZ


Gege when I catch you😭


Damn man can we please get one happy episode just one pls


This jujutsu pain kaisen now


Watching Nobara go out hurt 100x more than reading it, hate this series 😭😭😭


This world shall know pain.


This arc is Gege stabbing us in the heart, twisting the knife, and asking if we want more.

Theo Williams-smith

Reliving all this again in the anime is pure pain😩😭


First RIP the Goat Nobara Second Roshi’s hair is 🔥


Im SICK, they took best girl💔💔💔


I liked this slice of life Nobara episode where nothing happens

pedro garcia

I remember getting spoiled when she first showed up in Season 1 😞


Mahito was really, ahead of Nobara at the end I would even say she’s so embarrassed that she might… lose face!


Are you anime only? Then I’ll understand this comment.

Christopher Ross

Ah yes the Shibuya Incident arc where no character has plot armor 😂


Roshi looking like the 3rd haitani brother


The peak of pain I love this show

Fernando Perez

I’m really pissed that at this point I feel like I’ve been spoiled on like every major development in this series by manga readers lmao.

Hasani Wilmer

More pain to come 🙏🏾

Andres Rojas

It just doesn't stop with this pain man


No I read the manga I enjoy the anime though, but honestly it’s just straight hands reminds me of bleach in that sense. The story isn’t that good imo. It is very entertaining though and the animation is good.

Metweet .c

Anyone else been watching that tweet 'jjk has the best female cast in anime' just age like milk with this season? xD

Url Robbo

I really dont get it man bc who’s gonna be alive after this wtf


This is when JJK truly starts to go downhill, writing wise.


Saw someone on Twitter said that Yuuji waking up from Sukuna’s control to Nanami’s death to now Kugisaki’s all happened within the span of 15 mins in real people time.


Tf? No it doesn't. Are you just mad that your favorite character are getting clapped? That's just how it goes.


Everything is going to shit! RIP Nobara

Kevin Kovacs

I'm gonna be honest... Nobara's death didn't hit me in the anime as well when I read this years ago. It's sad and everything but the flashback was kinda boring to me and felt like it was going for too long. Nobara never really had that much of impact on me (personally) or just needed more time for her to shine which was cool with the short Mahito fight in this episode me. Itadori beating th shit out of Mahito in the episode was EPIC but other then that it was "okay" to me.

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Wait do you mean the writing is bad, or that things get really bad now? Cause I see no problem with the writing. It's really showing just how high the stakes are. People have been dying in every direction, we just happened to know Nanami and Kugisaki more than the others.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Wait do you mean the writing is bad, or that things get really bad now? Cause I see no problem with the writing. It's really showing just how high the stakes are. People have been dying in every direction, we just happened to know Nanami and Kugisaki more than the others.
2023-11-30 20:51:28 Wait do you mean the writing is bad, or that things get really bad now? Cause I see no problem with the writing. It's really showing just how high the stakes are. People have been dying in every direction, we just happened to know Nanami and Kugisaki more than the others.

Wait do you mean the writing is bad, or that things get really bad now? Cause I see no problem with the writing. It's really showing just how high the stakes are. People have been dying in every direction, we just happened to know Nanami and Kugisaki more than the others.


Save it for after work. You’ll thank yourself you did.


@Bautista I barely have a favorite character. Hell, I barely care about any of them. It goes downhill. Just straight bad writing and characters.


This the reality of the JJK world without Gojo😂

danial javady

SPOILERS!!! Sukuna eats the Prison Realm for him to have an inner domain battle with gojo. He wins and basically gets the 6 eyes and infinity. Then Ichigo has to pull up because no one left in the verse can handle him.

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Idk bro nothing in this season hits hard. It’s just really dope animation and that’s kind of it. The plot doesn’t feel relevant enough, characters die in meaningless ways. I don’t feel the promised dread, heaviness and horror of this arc. It just feels like one flashily animated fight after another and because it’s so over saturated with that the fights don’t even excite me in the same they used to in season 1.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Idk bro nothing in this season hits hard. It’s just really dope animation and that’s kind of it. The plot doesn’t feel relevant enough, characters die in meaningless ways. I don’t feel the promised dread, heaviness and horror of this arc. It just feels like one flashily animated fight after another and because it’s so over saturated with that the fights don’t even excite me in the same they used to in season 1.
2023-11-30 20:54:15 Idk bro nothing in this season hits hard. It’s just really dope animation and that’s kind of it. The plot doesn’t feel relevant enough, characters die in meaningless ways. I don’t feel the promised dread, heaviness and horror of this arc. It just feels like one flashily animated fight after another and because it’s so over saturated with that the fights don’t even excite me in the same they used to in season 1.

Idk bro nothing in this season hits hard. It’s just really dope animation and that’s kind of it. The plot doesn’t feel relevant enough, characters die in meaningless ways. I don’t feel the promised dread, heaviness and horror of this arc. It just feels like one flashily animated fight after another and because it’s so over saturated with that the fights don’t even excite me in the same they used to in season 1.


Next arcs are better in writing and enjoyment than this arc fym? Also the next arcs have better character development


The sad part about her death when it happened in the Manga for me was that this was suppose to be their rank up Arc who knows how much stronger she could've gotten shit could've gotten a nail domain or something


The manga has a better female cast than the anime


@Miekala the writing is just bad. It kind of shows that Gege just relies on shock factor and nothing else.

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Already knowing this would happen did not make it hurt any less lmao. Can we just respect Gege for not giving all the characters plot armor? Yes I want to slap Gege at times, but he is the goat. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still depressed we lost Nanami and Kugisaki lol
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Already knowing this would happen did not make it hurt any less lmao. Can we just respect Gege for not giving all the characters plot armor? Yes I want to slap Gege at times, but he is the goat. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still depressed we lost Nanami and Kugisaki lol
2023-11-30 20:55:18 Already knowing this would happen did not make it hurt any less lmao. Can we just respect Gege for not giving all the characters plot armor? Yes I want to slap Gege at times, but he is the goat. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still depressed we lost Nanami and Kugisaki lol

Already knowing this would happen did not make it hurt any less lmao. Can we just respect Gege for not giving all the characters plot armor? Yes I want to slap Gege at times, but he is the goat. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still depressed we lost Nanami and Kugisaki lol

Michael Blake

Yo the writing in this show man I can't. I'm sorry I like the animation too, but this episode is literally last episode in reverse. The writer of JJK has zero idea how to write women. She starts off with the main crew. We are never told anything about her, and she barely participates, so she never gets stronger. You legit can take her out the show completely and nothing changes. She kills a curse womb, which in that scene she was damn near stronger than she is in this season. Then she gets tortured for no reason. Then she dies. Actual waste of a character. They gave us her backstory before she died like a Demon Slayer villain. When I say the writing is bad, I mean like basically this episode serves the same purpose as last episode. What is the audience to gain from any of this that we didn't get last episode. The. only difference is Mahito killed Nanami at the start while Nobara dies at the end. Alright I'm done.

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 I‘d sadly have to agree. This arc was already kind off all over the place and just got hyped because of the shock value, but it has no meat on its bones.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 I‘d sadly have to agree. This arc was already kind off all over the place and just got hyped because of the shock value, but it has no meat on its bones.
2023-11-30 20:56:02 I‘d sadly have to agree. This arc was already kind off all over the place and just got hyped because of the shock value, but it has no meat on its bones.

I‘d sadly have to agree. This arc was already kind off all over the place and just got hyped because of the shock value, but it has no meat on its bones.

halinton williams

Nobara did say she felt the core of cursed energy gojo felt it also while on the brink of death and used it to come back I'm pretty sure she isn't dead otherwise they wouldn't have included that part


@prxnce lmao, hell no. The next arc is T E R R I B L E. From the story to “character development”.


Next episode is gonna be crazy. My fav character coming next


Nobara had so much potential...what a waste


“where did all those nails come from” she been fighting w nails the whole time you thought they just disappeared?😂😂😂😂😂

Thomas Juino (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Next episode is so hype !!!
2023-11-30 20:59:53 Next episode is so hype !!!

Next episode is so hype !!!


Shit in this anime is happening way too fast. The writers don’t even give the audience time to feel a connection to the characters. When the characters die it’s like oh well who’s next.

matt B

Lupa did not say Half Baked


if you pause right you can see her eyeball fly out


Kugisaki mentioned before that people like Itadori bring their own chairs and sit down in her heart, i love the way they did the analogy of everyone she cares about sitting around her again


Its different from an manga perspective, because this doesnt happen until chapter 124, at that point people felt at least something for a lot of these characters.


@prxnce lmao, it doesn’t. Only one mediocre female character but she’s more a replacement for another character, with the author constantly comparing them. So she can’t even be her own character.


Yes I read it I’m talking about from a anime standpoint the writing is ass.

Art of Trolling

I didnt have much a connection to her tbh it still sucks though.

Life Legacy

On Sheera’s point she was halfway there. Mahito cant fully fight Yuji because of Sukuna. The last time Mahito tried to use his techniques directly on Yuji he also touched Sukuna’s soul and Sukuna let him know not to try that shit again lol That’s why Mahito has to break Yuji’s mental state


next ep will feel good dw Roshi


I think the real mahito was blocking the double just enough that she could see Yuji but not him so she just assumed he turned around and was coming back towards her at least that’s how I saw it in my opinion 😭


Psh, they're gonna have to just make a whole new crew of characters to replace the old ones. That or have the old characters we've seen be promoted to main character status.

Michael Blake

Damn Gege my bad didnt mean to insult your writing like that. You gotta be him right? Otherwise your just some random nigga online mad at my opinion.


Same with CSM. Like bro why should I care for the character that just died, when they have less screen time than Ace from OP?


You think over 40 episodes isn't enough time to connect to a character?

Nick Vaughn

This is the aspect I really like about current shonen anime like JJK and Demon Slayer…characters can die just like that and the injuries characters sustain in battle are permanent. The deaths also aren’t ridiculous in terms of how many characters are getting taken out either in comparison to something like Akame Ga Kill where you just don’t care about the story anymore because the entire cast is just gone

Jdogzero Silverblade

basically sakura if she had no plot armor. so yep im done with JJK. japan can never seem to make an actual good female lead. they either end up weak useless stupid annoying or die if they are good. this is the last one. though lets be honest the hell did she think she was going to do with a hammer and nails. that is by far the dumbest power to have. im less sad she died as while i did like her character she was ok overall but she was pretty bland with a lame power that was not all that strong. i put her in the skaura camp with how poor her time spent was. she didnt even last that long in the story. what maybe a year or almost one before she died.


This story aint loyal to its main cast broo 😭😭

Mason Scott

I feell like a half of a epsiode got wasted don't get me wrong it was nice but that backstory kinda didn't tell us shit maybe I didn't catch what it was trying to say or something but it was kinda just there


... Can't Take This Shit No More, Man.


So there goes my favorite character - I think Maki is still alive based on what Nanami said so I've still got her and Mei Mei


Mahito’s ability is op. A little slap is GG? Wtf

Maya Coleman

Dude if you don't like the anime just go watch another anime like thier is alot of anime that you could watch instead of this and you saying the writing is bad is the most touch grass thing that I have ever heard bro how about you go write your own shit instead of judging someone else writing because at the end of the day this isn't your story go get a life and kick rocks

Tony Amadeo

Meeeen they smoking everyone 💀


gotta love a show that wipes out the cast with no remorse lmao

Mr. K

This is an "Anybody Can Get It" type of anime like Hell's Paradise/Chainsaw Man. I wouldn't even be shocked if Yuji dies in the end with Sukana in a final battle or something

Rishad GB

Couple things to clarify: Nobara's cursed technique is resonance which connects whatever part or cell is connected with her technique so mahitos blood was connected so it connected his soul + clone + body EVERYTHING so nobara was actually more dangerous to him offensively But yuuji's case He is immune to mahito's technique cause of sukuna Secondly, You can survive mahito's technique a couple times if you protect your soul with cursed energy which nanami did at season 1 subconsiously which nobara can't or haven't learned yet

DsWorldd •

Yh it's lowkey like the God of Highschool anime but a lil more world building, character moments and better paced (it also has another season +movie tho). Jjk is highly entertaining but doesn't give u a lot to work with


How is it glazing? The whole point of Nanamis relationship with Haibara was to show that being a sorcerer means your life can end short. Geto went into literal depression because in this world being a sorcerer is unfair and being a young one means your potential may never be reached. It just sounds like you missed the point

Jordan Landry

They were all on easy street and had no idea. It’s actually wild how quickly it went to shit after he got sealed.

Miekala Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 I honestly see nothing wrong with the writing. Season one was leading up to this. We're finally seeing the big plan go into motion. Both sides are losing their major players. It's not meant to be smooth. It's meant to be chaotic. But everyone's got their own opinion.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 I honestly see nothing wrong with the writing. Season one was leading up to this. We're finally seeing the big plan go into motion. Both sides are losing their major players. It's not meant to be smooth. It's meant to be chaotic. But everyone's got their own opinion.
2023-11-30 21:16:28 I honestly see nothing wrong with the writing. Season one was leading up to this. We're finally seeing the big plan go into motion. Both sides are losing their major players. It's not meant to be smooth. It's meant to be chaotic. But everyone's got their own opinion.

I honestly see nothing wrong with the writing. Season one was leading up to this. We're finally seeing the big plan go into motion. Both sides are losing their major players. It's not meant to be smooth. It's meant to be chaotic. But everyone's got their own opinion.

Fernando Perez

It’s especially funny considering like 90% of the cast is just hot dudes lmao.

Rishad GB

It seems like you completely missed out why what happened...in jjk theres nothing happening without any logic theres no BS here. Everything happens with a logic and nobara was actually more dangerous to mahito than yuuji cause of how her technique works


@JayzWrld I’d be spoiling them, if I gave examples here…

Elizabeth Enyobi

Tho i fairly agree with you with nobara CURRENTLY. Please have hope for certain other female character(s) in the show (hell in the next arc or 2 basically). As a manga reader, i feel like you will be extremely satisfied in whats coming up next (when they do show it, this season might end before that tbh)


i dropped the manga at this point


Well at least the cast was mostly well built throughout the story so when they get clapped up it hurts so damn much. None of this Akame ga Kill snuffin main characters lmao

Maya Coleman

What could you have done better since you have so much of an opinion about her powers?


Might wanna catch up on the manga before u say shit like this lmao

Michael Blake

Imagine complaining that someone else doesn’t think that the writing is that great. I enjoy the show, in my opinion the writing is not that good. You’re mad at an opinion, grow up. Also the rebuttal of go write something is hilarious. You can criticize things. Also I have written thing I’m a film student, and I can promise you that when I write women in things they are an actual person, not just fodder so that the main character can be sad again.

DsWorldd •

Lil add on for the end discussion, yeah he might've been down to let yuji get bodied in the choso fight, but remember that was right before receiving +10 fingers(~50% of his power/soul). He might not keep such a fickle attitude about yuji as a vessel as things are rn..

sotonye ogan

I fw with realism of this show heavy, not fraid of killing niggas but I cant for the life of me really give af about most of the characters when they die especially nobara (a main cast) shit even jogos death hit harder no wonder they shoehorn that flashback last minute to make someone feel sumn like what demon slayer does with their villians plus she weak asl how many Ls she done take alr buh oh well.


Why wouldn’t Kugisaki get backstory…? Like I feel it wasn’t that difficult to get, but to help you out, its also referencing episode 1x24 when she was talking with Yuuji towards the end. Anyway, it also was another perspective of Kugisaki’s flashback in episode 3.

Rishad GB

well she is still strong but u have to remember "strong" isnt much here at jjk cause technique logics matter more ....you can clearly see why she could beat those curses and she could also beat mahito but she tricked her...mahito also couldve lost to mechamaru but he didnt cause he tricked him ....jjk is world of logic not Bullshits here bro


Do you consider Nanami fodder too? What about this is bad writing, everyone is entitled to their opinion but if the reasons given don't make sense then it's kind of a shit opinion that holds no weight, no?

Fernando Perez

I kind of agree to an extent. I definitely feel like I enjoyed S1 and hidden inventory a lot more from a character and story standpoint. Shibuya so far kinda just feels like it’s just fighting with the story not really going anywhere. The fights are very exciting and I still enjoy the episodes a lot, but nothing really hits me the same way something like the Junpei arc or Geto’s fall to the dark side. Hell, Nobara’s backstory felt kinda pointless even. People were hyping this arc up saying it was gonna turn the series into AoT, but honestly I don’t see it. Still a lot of fun to watch but I kinda just watch it for the spectacle now, sorta like Demon Slayer.


The storytelling in the second half of this season feels weak. Killing characters who haven't had real story arcs in order to raise stakes that are already high isn't doing much to invoke emotion.

DsWorldd •

Weird, it lowkey hit for me more in this episode than it did when I read the manga like 2 years ago. Maybe i forgot cuz it's been so long or I got spoilers beforehand and don't remember but the music, voiceacting and direction makes watching this scene even in a yt clip more impactful than reading it inthe manga

Michael Blake

I'm not mad she lost to mahito. Most characters would lose to Mahito. I'm talking about her overall in the show. In my opinion she was a wasted character for how she was presented.

John Smith

Yeah Shibuya should have happened next season at least, we needed a couple more arcs to actually bond with the characters

DsWorldd •

Only downside to this ep is it felt like 15 minutes of it was pure unadulterated flashback lmao, hard ass episode tho

Michael Blake

Nanami and Nobara are lightyears apart in terms of development and presence writing wise. Nanami has whole episodes anchored around his actions huh.

Fernando Perez

@YungZeus If you’re talking about Himeno, you’re not supposed to feel that sad about her death. The whole thing is used for Denji and Aki’s own development.

Daniel whitley

in the manga it says she basically couldn't see the fake body when they switched, since the real one was in the way and since she was just fighting the double she let her guard down against his hands.

Jdogzero Silverblade

be more creative than exploding nails that require a hammer to be used. i mean for one having a limited amount of ammo with no alternative is always stupid. as for other ideas for her powers. maybe have her nails grow in size or use cursed energy to accelerate them to supersonic speeds that would give an aoe from the shockwaves they would produce. paralyzing nails poison nails fire nails lightning nails weight increasing nails or the opposite of that. so many different ideas that stay in the realm of possibilities of what she could do with her power set. but nope exploding nails and the ability to link the effect to those that share cursed energy with whom she hit. and all of these should be 100% doable with her powerset so the author only put her in the story as a shock factor for the mc and audience.

Mubarez Ahmad

Roshis hair lookin 🔥🔥🔥


and all of this is happening back to back , bro just saw nanami die like 8 minutes ago LMAOOO


Yeah it's one of Gege's biggest weaknesses as a mangaka tbh. He has a habit of not developing characters enough. They'll have a good start but it goes onto a steep decline.

Jdogzero Silverblade

no she had a pointless death for no other reason than shock factor for youji and the audience. she did nothing the entire story if you actually think about it. she could be gone and everyone would still made it out of every battle they had.


They'll probably cover that stuff at the start of next ep


What more development are you specifically looking for because in terms of how this world works and everything we've seen, not everyone makes it to Nanami's level of development and can end up like Haibara. That's the entire point of the Hidden Inventory Arc, to show that being a sorcerer is unfair and to further emphasize anyone can die in this world of curses. Not everyone gets to meet their full potential.


A little clarification, in the manga the narrator explained that the real mahito was blocking the double in their switch. So that on top of the fact that she let her guard down after he confirmed he can’t transfigure her was the reason why she got touched.


Wasted potential especially considering her technique would actually mess to Sukuna


The fact that you dont like the writing has nothing to do with whether it is bad or not, it only means that you are not satisfied with the outcome, and there is nothing wrong with it. Saying Nobara barely participated in the events and got any stronger is cap though. Her technique might look plain in comparison to Megumi and Gojo, but it's effective, like even Nanami had to go all out to damage Mahito. If you say it like that, Yuji is the slowest in terms of development, because except for divergent fist (which he accidentally created due to poor control of cursed energy) and black flash, all he could do was throwing hands, like he did from the very beginning. And there is nothing wrong with having an uneventful life in a rural area before coming to Tokyo either.

The GoDKing 27

Yuji need a rage boost right now

Pan Cakes



bro roshi that retwist style is dope


I think it's less that Nobara was stunned because she saw two Mahito's, it's moreso that Mahito was sprinting down the hall (and he is known to be pretty damn fast) and Nobara basically turned the corner into him already very close and coming fast, combined with having to quickly take in the information of not only the other Mahito but also Itadori. It all seems like it's going fairly slow in the anime, but imo it's safe to assume this all happened pretty damn fast, because we know how fast all these guys be running around in this damn show


That's kinda the consensus of the manga community as well. Like yeah she should've had a backstory, that isn't the problem. It's that it didn't really add anything to the story and feels out of place like you said.


Nobara kept her distance because she knows that Mahito is quicker than her also

Kevin Kovacs

I think Nanami's was a good sent off but Nobara's felt really wasted if she would have died next season and having more character focos on her part then she would have had WAY better scene.


This the worst Halloween ever. It’s only been like 4-5hrs max. Like they JUST hit midnight & the city been through multiple natural disasters, a meteor, and zombie monsters. & that’s only the shit normal ppl can see too

Mubarez Ahmad

I don't know if you guys caught that but her eyeball exploded out of her head


Were we supposed to feel sad after that backstory? lol ngl expected better from her backstory it was abit too boring it had a totally different effect from nanami’s from last episode

Darius Wells

yea JJK fans are the most asshole ppl just spoiling everything left and right lmao


It’s literally the Ep I’ve been waiting for since Season 2 was announced


Yeah, it happened too fast. She didnt have time to process what was happening. Probably went like "Damn, this mf is running real fast", "huh, Itadori, you are fighting here too", "why this mf running back at me", "wait, there are 2 of them, this one could be-" -GETTING TOUCHED- "the real one, I should dodge this - oh no no no no - ok, I guess I'm dead."

danial javady

You can see Nobara's eyeball on the ground. They even animated it popping out of her socket.


Ah yes.....pain....

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 This is why sometimes I wish they read the manga. No speculation.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 This is why sometimes I wish they read the manga. No speculation.
2023-11-30 21:48:23 This is why sometimes I wish they read the manga. No speculation.

This is why sometimes I wish they read the manga. No speculation.

Darion Wilson (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 The flashback was in the manga too.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 The flashback was in the manga too.
2023-11-30 21:49:13 The flashback was in the manga too.

The flashback was in the manga too.


sukuna blew up shibuya like 30 min ago then like 15 min after that nanami died now nobara???? im killing myself if i was yuji somebody else can deal with this bs


Sounds like Roshi catched a cold.


At this point, I'm pissssssssed if they faking out Nobara's death. I love her, like what, don't cut her screen time. If shes dead ill accept it, but they cant play with my heart ahhh I was literally hypothesizing past episodes. "oh no Nobara, dont fight him...... Oh shit, use the resonance technique like the Brothers fight last season." (when she learned Black Flash). Mahito is a problem, especially his doubling power-up, Nobara equals that field, by hitting the source(soul) each time. Nah, I agree with Lupa, what else, Yuji has to just go feral. at this point, hes losing a lot of significant ppl in his life


Jarren Jenkins

It depends on how you like your stories. The issue I have is that her death feels so out of place compared to everyone else. It happens so fast and we just got reintroduced to her. I feel like Gege just didn't care about her character that much and wrote her out tbh. Just how I see it having read the manga and now watched it.

Darion Wilson (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Right, Lupa don't be paying attention and talking just to be talking.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Right, Lupa don't be paying attention and talking just to be talking.
2023-11-30 21:52:32 Right, Lupa don't be paying attention and talking just to be talking.

Right, Lupa don't be paying attention and talking just to be talking.

Coping McCoperson

I hope they won’t adapt something so I will post a spoiler in the patreon comments. Mental illness


i think i know who you talkin bout but im not gonna say anything cuz im waiting on 2 characters to show up


Why would u drop the manga? Cuz ur fave characters died??? Lol

Taylor Moon

Nobara will probably be alive in the end, she can just wear an eyepatch, Characters have survived much worse

Uriel Batuk

Rank B character gets on a rank SS mission, loses a fight against a rank A opponent. Get saved by a teacher who is ranked A+. Her coworker tells her not to go because the rank A+ teacher warned her that he is the minimum rank for the mission. The student doesn't listen to the coworker and gets killed by a rank SS enemy who killed the rank A+ teacher because she didn't listen. I agree her death was pointless because nobody on that battlefield needed her alive apart from her allies and if she stayed back she could have improved after this arc. She wanted to act then and she was not ready. Sometimes people think they are "him" but they are not. It kinda makes sense


How long will it take for people to understand, that if you portray a characters existence in future episodes it can affect your expectation in urgent/anxious scenes. No one safe in this show, except when you tell people they are gonna do something in the future. 100% a spoiler.


I read this arc in the manga before but why was it so much more heartbreaking hearing yuji yell...also can the writer give yuji a break


It was a short break, I got back into it for Megumi 🫡

nami (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Whatever you hope they dont adapt in the future, try not to actually say it.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Whatever you hope they dont adapt in the future, try not to actually say it.
2023-11-30 21:59:34 Whatever you hope they dont adapt in the future, try not to actually say it.

Whatever you hope they dont adapt in the future, try not to actually say it.


You can't just sweep that shit under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist. You gotta take the bad with the good. It's part of the series, it must be adapted along with everything else.

Davian Harrison

I feel like the story telling is there but the emotional stakes aren’t. This could be due to the placement of the arc like you said, the way it’s being directed or the fact that it’s seasonal so I gotta get reacquainted with the characters but they just end up dying :(. Maybe upon a rewatch it’ll hit different.

Michael Blake

I agree with some point. I disagree with some points. My main point is if this is the end of her character what was the point of the character. The message that this world is unfair is built into the show. So I’m just wondering why she was in the show to begin with. However, since this a manga reader who’s really into the behind the scenes told me that nobara was an editor suggestion. Honestly that makes a lot of sense.


That’s why I hate mahito especially,even though I like villain’s cause this dude is the embodiment of a hypocritical coward. All he does is prey on the weak and run afterwards and I know some of y’all are gonna say that’s smart no what Toji did to gojo was smart cause he stayed afterwards even though the plan failed what mahito those is just pick someone to bully.


Then strap in you might not enjoy too much going forward since Gege loves making yuji suffer and that’s the only way he knows how to apparently

Alexander Szabo

Y'all forgetting that Mahito literally can't transfigure Yuji because of Sukuna. The right choice is thus to end Nobara first, since he can transfigure her.


yall aint even halfway thru the sadness yet.

Carter San

Idk if y’all noticed during the moment cause of how major it was, but you can see her eyeball fly out

danial javady

It affects him. He just can't use it on Yuji because it'll hit Sukuna, and Sukuna will just brutalize Mahito. That's what happened in the first season. Yuji is being protected by having Sukuna in him. It's why Mahito can't use DE either because it'll bring Sukuna in the picture and he'll just kill him. Without Sukuna, Yuji is fucked

Isaiah Gray

RIP to Girl Boss Nobara She was a real one for sure.

Aniki Pft

@Nikko Hutton it's subjective if you rather feel something or not. It isn't always a pacing thing. Some may think Kugi didn't have alot of screentime(I'm one of them) but it still feels rough knowing it happened. As a manga reader, the anime is perfectly paced/perfectly animated, like obviously reading the manga and waiting for chapters to drop is going to feel longer in comparison lmao

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 GEGE AKUTAMI WHEN I FIND YO-
2023-12-25 21:36:49 GEGE AKUTAMI WHEN I FIND YO-
2023-11-30 22:08:55 GEGE AKUTAMI WHEN I FIND YO-


Jdogzero Silverblade

yea she was pretty stupid. i mean there are reasons people say these things. always seems that anime characters ignore the experienced and stronger people in order to support them when in reality 99% of the time they are a burden and usually end up causing the mc more problems and are usually the reason they get injured. its an annoying cliche and i wish they would just start making characters that are smart. like can you imagine if the characters actually were smart. take a lot of fanfics where the mc is smart calculative and strong and make them the main character of the show and have similar capabilities for the side characters. not only would they stay alive but it would make sense and not be plot armor. but so many anime ignore a smart mc and supporting cast for either an impulsive mc carried by plot armor or supporting cast that always get in the mc's way so they can be helpful when they never are.


Ngl this episode COOOKED with the OST my lord


bro im sayin, gojo really that dude. the fact that 1st grades that nanemi got bodied by jogo when gojo literally was just fuckin around with him is crazy


This I literally only the first L we've a seen her take, acting like megumi don't be getting cooked too

danial javady

He clearly meant where they were coming from, where they are being stored. Not that he is surprised she is using nails.


I've said it before and I'll say it once again, mahito is a tame yet annoying version of Shigaraki, the both have the same stakes to their power, same motives(to an extent) and literally are designed close asf


Ahh, the chairs symbolising the limited people she can care about, are a nice touch in her mind space with all her friends.


That’s wild that Kugisaki probably could have used Resonance on Mahito’s transfigured humans and killed him from afar. She could’ve been his biggest weakness and nobody knew it until it was too late bruh


i think telling Nobara's story from a 3rd party perspective was to keep her a mystery. We never found out what her dream was, what she liked to do, what she thought about other ppl. She died as that good friend we all loved being with but knew nothing about. And this is Itadori's 3rd close one Mahito killed so we as an audience also feel this "fuck this" feeling without feeling as sad anymore.


when i catch u mahito, when i catch u mahito

General Grevious

The whole episode was basically a flashback but still a fire episode😂


first nanami now nobara, i can’t handle all this


Honestly shocked yall didnt laugh at that lil backhand Nobara gave lmao

Damarcus Miller

JJK FANS! Hear me out, I know I’ve been giving this season a hard time but what a way to do an episode 🔥 favorite of the season for me. Nobara was a real one 💢 damn what an episode.. hit the feels a lil bit


@Fernando I’m talking about all the characters. At least until the second part of the manga, which I haven’t read yet. There’s only one character death in CSM that I think is pretty fucked and is actually sort of good with how it was written.

꧁The Artist ꧂

The anime doesn't say it, but in the manga the narrator mentioned how the real mahito acted as a blind spot so nobara didn't notice the switch. From her prospective it would have looked like the 'fake' just turned back to attack her when she turned the corner, and since she still thought it was the fake she underestimated it.


I think her dream was simply to live in the big city with Saori. She grew up in a village, so living in the city probably looked like "the good life" to her. I don't think there is more to it.


So Nobara is just a boring character in general


Yeah you two are both right, nobara had been keeping distance outside the few times she went in for attacks. She pretty much turned the corner and dude was in her face as far as how fast mahito is. We just had a little anime time sprinkled in there.

Rin Okumura

Yuji is that same main character from every Shounen anime out there. Goku, Naruto, Ichigo etc. Pure at heart, greed for fairness and justice. He's about to receive a power up just like how Goku did when Krillin was murdered or Naruto during Pain Arc.


AFAIK Itadori is anti-Mahito because every time he touches Itadori, he has to go through Sukuna's soul too, which only backfires. And then yeah, Nobara is a problem because she can damage the soul directly. Also, I'm not sure if I have the right logic here, but I think it's now less likely that Sukuna would let Itadori die. Not now that he has absorbed most of the fingers. Itadori dies now and what, more than 15 fingers die with him? That's like a big L for Sukuna if he lets that happen. (At least if I understand correctly how the fingers deal works.)

nami (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Cant lie, as a manga reader, Nanami and Nobara's deaths really didnt hit me reading or watching it. Like animation wise things are great, the music is great and definitely adds another layer. Scene selection is amazing too. A lot of it I think is that Shibuya has been amazing but it's so rapid pace and we didn't really get a lot of time previous to this with Nanami or Nobara as their own characters to develop that kind of connection I feel like, well me personally. I actually found Nobara crying on the train saying bye to her friend more emotional personally than the actual death.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Cant lie, as a manga reader, Nanami and Nobara's deaths really didnt hit me reading or watching it. Like animation wise things are great, the music is great and definitely adds another layer. Scene selection is amazing too. A lot of it I think is that Shibuya has been amazing but it's so rapid pace and we didn't really get a lot of time previous to this with Nanami or Nobara as their own characters to develop that kind of connection I feel like, well me personally. I actually found Nobara crying on the train saying bye to her friend more emotional personally than the actual death.
2023-11-30 22:27:09 Cant lie, as a manga reader, Nanami and Nobara's deaths really didnt hit me reading or watching it. Like animation wise things are great, the music is great and definitely adds another layer. Scene selection is amazing too. A lot of it I think is that Shibuya has been amazing but it's so rapid pace and we didn't really get a lot of time previous to this with Nanami or Nobara as their own characters to develop that kind of connection I feel like, well me personally. I actually found Nobara crying on the train saying bye to her friend more emotional personally than the actual death.

Cant lie, as a manga reader, Nanami and Nobara's deaths really didnt hit me reading or watching it. Like animation wise things are great, the music is great and definitely adds another layer. Scene selection is amazing too. A lot of it I think is that Shibuya has been amazing but it's so rapid pace and we didn't really get a lot of time previous to this with Nanami or Nobara as their own characters to develop that kind of connection I feel like, well me personally. I actually found Nobara crying on the train saying bye to her friend more emotional personally than the actual death.


Maybe in old traditions, red rice was supposed to ease period pain or something. Maybe that old lady just wanted to help. It looked creepy because we got the perspective of Nobara and her friend, but if you try to look at it from the perspective of the old lady, it probably felt like witnessing the big city's individualism infiltrating the village's communal life and corrupting the youth.


@Mauze it’s glazing because you’re just excusing badly fast pacing as “well, life comes at you fast”.


I think the issue isn't pacing, its just that we really haven't seen the characters much outside of action scenes, just a few times now and then so I feel like you just aren't attached to them, what I'm trying to say is that most characters aren't developed enough in the series to the point to where it makes you care about them


Nobara's past was touched on briefly early in S1.... but Saori was originally a city girl, and the villagers hated that and were petty about it, and had a weird-ass inferiority complex about it. So they harassed her with the vandalism, hence driving her out. Nobara REALLY looked up to her and admired her a LOT. Also, Nobara did the narration for her flashback in S1, so I guess they decided to switch it up?


Fuck Mahito, all my homies hate Mahito.


I think Gege wanted her to be "realistic". But don't forget that she's just a teenager too. Her dream maybe would have changed into something bigger after experiencing the big city on her own if the author didn't kill her off.


That could be said about any anime fanbase that’s popular, like Demon Slayer for me… but I agree that fans should chill with spoilers 😂


That's no fun though, "oh I already know what's gonna happen, let me react to this for the people though" no point in making reaction videos if you already know everything

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 No thats what i mean like, shibuya is fight fight fight, which I really like but we hardly get them before and then they kinda just shove all this on us right before they die when if they gave us this before they wouldnt even have to do that.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 No thats what i mean like, shibuya is fight fight fight, which I really like but we hardly get them before and then they kinda just shove all this on us right before they die when if they gave us this before they wouldnt even have to do that.
2023-11-30 22:32:53 No thats what i mean like, shibuya is fight fight fight, which I really like but we hardly get them before and then they kinda just shove all this on us right before they die when if they gave us this before they wouldnt even have to do that.

No thats what i mean like, shibuya is fight fight fight, which I really like but we hardly get them before and then they kinda just shove all this on us right before they die when if they gave us this before they wouldnt even have to do that.


Her dream isn't really a mystery at all lol and not that deep.


Junpei is the only death that touched me, because after getting bullied by classmates and curses, his last words were just "...Why?"


@Rishad lmao “everything happens with logic” is just cap


From Sukuna's Domain Expansion Massacre, to Nanami's Death, and finally concluding with Nobara's Death. Only 15 Minutes have passed for Yuji. Gege: Suffering Builds Character

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 You should catch up on the manga before making that declaration. My fav character in this entire story is female, I think you'd be pleasantly surprised for the female character(s) that appear later on. Also, I didn't love that Nobara died early but realistically most people in general have pointless deaths and she was completely outmatched by everyone in this entire incident. Her surviving would have actually been more unrealistic than anything else. She wasn't dumb or ignorant of this fact, she just made a choice
2023-12-25 21:36:49 You should catch up on the manga before making that declaration. My fav character in this entire story is female, I think you'd be pleasantly surprised for the female character(s) that appear later on. Also, I didn't love that Nobara died early but realistically most people in general have pointless deaths and she was completely outmatched by everyone in this entire incident. Her surviving would have actually been more unrealistic than anything else. She wasn't dumb or ignorant of this fact, she just made a choice
2023-11-30 22:37:43 You should catch up on the manga before making that declaration. My fav character in this entire story is female, I think you'd be pleasantly surprised for the female character(s) that appear later on. Also, I didn't love that Nobara died early but realistically most people in general have pointless deaths and she was completely outmatched by everyone in this entire incident. Her surviving would have actually been more unrealistic than anything else. She wasn't dumb or ignorant of this fact, she just made a choice

You should catch up on the manga before making that declaration. My fav character in this entire story is female, I think you'd be pleasantly surprised for the female character(s) that appear later on. Also, I didn't love that Nobara died early but realistically most people in general have pointless deaths and she was completely outmatched by everyone in this entire incident. Her surviving would have actually been more unrealistic than anything else. She wasn't dumb or ignorant of this fact, she just made a choice


that makes sense i didn’t think about it that way

Justin Spencer

Mahito is basically the d’vorah of jjk smh


I don’t think she can, because the people Mahito transfigures are still alive and still have their own souls.

Darren Banks

While I can understand the multiple complaints in the comments about characters dying or "dying" prior to any development that feels meaningful - it becomes a moot point if you also miss or ignore all of the character development and rounding that DID take place.

Jdogzero Silverblade

she was dumb. there is a reason people in charge give orders. they are more experienced. they have a ranking system for a reason. she just decided to ignore the entire system that has existed for over 1000 years because she chose to turn her brain off and follow her emotions. i mean seriously most of the city just got erased and she had the bright idea to go fight the other enemies in there. so yes she is stupid. shes battle smart sure. but seems to be an actual idiot when making choices outside of one on one fights.

nami (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 @yungZEUS she's definitely her own character, and you are also disregarding another character who is a pretty good female character I believe as well.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 @yungZEUS she's definitely her own character, and you are also disregarding another character who is a pretty good female character I believe as well.
2023-11-30 22:45:03 @yungZEUS she's definitely her own character, and you are also disregarding another character who is a pretty good female character I believe as well.

@yungZEUS she's definitely her own character, and you are also disregarding another character who is a pretty good female character I believe as well.


lollll not everyone needs a super depressing backstory for us to feel something...tbh nanami's character needed more development for his death to hit for me. I feel like he should've gotten a long flashback like this one showing us how his friend's death affected him instead of it being mostly implied. Nabora's backstory came back full circle because we got to see glimpses of it in season one so it hit more, especially seeing all the ppl she cares about sitting in those chairs like she told yuji in season 1.


Thats what im saying, Nobara is just another boring side character that died that isnt deep


Quick Yuji, grab her eye and put it back in!

Fernando Perez

@YungZeus MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR CHAINSAW MAN The major character deaths in CSM were Power, Aki, Angel, and Makima, and I feel like they were all done very well. Not sure how you can think any of them didn’t have enough screen time or that their deaths weren’t handled well.

Fernando Perez

@Thunter this fandom in particular has been really bad. I had like no spoilers for CSM and barely anything important for AoT of all things. But I’ve known about Gojo getting sealed and Nobara dying for like 2 years lmao.


I want yuji to either go full feral, literally bite and tear mahito apart or just go dead silent and beat his ass ultra instinct style.

James Bryant

man I didn’t think this was gonna hit me as hard as it did especially knowing what was coming


I call this kind of thing Gege special. Secret ingredient is pain

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 They pussy fr like show me her face with the eye socket cavity
2023-12-25 21:36:49 They pussy fr like show me her face with the eye socket cavity
2023-11-30 23:00:35 They pussy fr like show me her face with the eye socket cavity

They pussy fr like show me her face with the eye socket cavity

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 More fodder bites the dust, she didn't deserve to live in the new kingdom Lord Sukuna is building
2023-12-25 21:36:49 More fodder bites the dust, she didn't deserve to live in the new kingdom Lord Sukuna is building
2023-11-30 23:01:30 More fodder bites the dust, she didn't deserve to live in the new kingdom Lord Sukuna is building

More fodder bites the dust, she didn't deserve to live in the new kingdom Lord Sukuna is building

Url Robbo

That’s what im feeling like a whole new cast with megumi and yuji which is cool but that cast gonna go too😭😭


The intro was an absolute treat for manga readers with all the subtle spoilers, but til this day they are SICK for the Nobara covering her eye in the intro. WE KNEW


Damn Yuji hit Mahito with the Rokuogan 🤭


gege said oh wait, this character is a whole cheat code i gotta kill her off lmao


I feel the same way. My only real complaint with JJK as a whole is theres so many characters and most of them don't really get enough screen time to have any real emotional damage. If anything, my heart breaks more for Yuji having to see all this, more than nobara or nanami. My reaction is more like "damn, this sucks" instead of "this is devasting"

Champion Bescos

I think it’s understandable if you mean that it’s short on narrative? It is, to a degree. Definitely not AoT or FMA with its plot. That being said, like Fujimoto with CSM, Gege is a talented writer when it comes to world building and very subtle character study. Perhaps not as good as Fujimoto in this regard, but still leagues better than most shōnen writers. I think Gege doesn’t hold his audiences hand when it comes to the more nuanced character writing in his story and I appreciate that, and it gives the fights an extra emotional heft that altogether make JJK peak current gen shōnen for me (itd be CSM, but it’s really hard for me to describe CSM as shōnen despite the contrary).


He better crash out. It's over you have to kill him. All rationality is out the window. You either kill him or die trying because the two of them can't exist on the same planet. I'm talking about a violation on the level of kid buu when he blew up Earth and ran it back in otherworld. This is some forever fade shit.

Drake Chuckle

Honestly they disrespected this character so bad. Never got a chance to shine. Actually fairly disappointed.


Nobara didn't get enough. She got the least of the 3. At least Nanami got some development before his death.


wait wasnt she burned completely by jogo or was that the old man?

Wassim aitikhlef

and its 0-3 to Yuji, will Yuji will regain advance from Mahito? would he still taking taking L from that weirdo? find out on the next episode of JJK.


back to back deaths is crazyyyy


Fuck me, man. I really liked Nobara... This arc has been awesome but so rough as well. Cheers guys.

Champion Bescos

I believe the commonly used term for this trope is called fridging? When either the love interest or a female partner/close friend to the protagonist is killed almost solely for motivating the protagonist (further) into action, with little character, build up, or autonomy of her own prior to her death. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn’t. I’m on the fence about it with Nobara.


this is actually hilarious. the characters that everybody clowned on in the beginning are the ones who killed them. jogo and now mahito


I think that's just Gege's style of writing. All the other characters are more or less the same, and I think that's the reason why JJK fans like this show. The characters' selfishness and casualness make them relatable to most people. Yûji and Geto are the only ones who followed dreams bigger than themselves, and they both paid the price for it. Geto died achieving nothing and Yûji is turning more and more into a martyr. I think that's just the author's philosophy. For example, in the story it's been said multiple times that the strongest beings in the sorcery world have always been the more conceited ones. That's why Sukuna and Toji were so strong. And you can see it in Gojo's cockiness too, despite him caring about the young generation. The same had been implied about Mahito's "frivolity" in previous season. Those characters are so strong because they're so self-centered. It's like a practical rendering of Nietzschean nihilism. In the World of JJK, "might is right" and morality is the privilege of the strong. Because he's unable to understand that, Yûji embodies Nietzschean "slave morality" and is doomed to live a miserable life trying to help others without getting nothing in return. You have a Tanjiro avatar, so I guess you're a Demon Slayer fan? If that's the case, then your reaction makes perfect sense. Because JJK's philosophy is the literal opposite of DS's patriotism and sense of self-sacrifice for the greater good. Ideologically, I would say Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen are opposites.

Champion Bescos

Agreed Fernando. Mild spoilers below: All of the major deaths in CSM (and there are actually only five by my count) were handled very well in their own ways. As for the death of countless supporting characters, that’s one of the many, many things that makes CSM great. That people actually die, whether they’re agents that have barely one speaking like, are built up to be unstoppable devils, or are love/hate girlfriends. Death is a natural course for the line of work and the people living in Japan in that series and it makes perfect sense.


I was half hoping they would have played the “You are my special” at the end lmao imagine 😂

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Maki and the old man both got burned along with Nanami.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Maki and the old man both got burned along with Nanami.
2023-11-30 23:29:02 Maki and the old man both got burned along with Nanami.

Maki and the old man both got burned along with Nanami.


Yeah that's the biggest thing, because Yuji has Sukuna, he is aware of his soul and not only can Mahito not use his transfiguration, but then Yuji also does actual damage to him. Where with Nobara, she didn't have the experience to subconsciously protect her soul like Nanami didwith his first encounter, so she doesn't have defenses. But also to your points about the fingers, you'd be right yeah, the entire point is to have Yuji consume all 20 and then execute him so Sukuna is killed, at this point Sukuna has more of a reason to not let anything happen to him.

random citizen (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 She hit that nigga mahito ONCE with her ct… “ah hell nah she gotta go! RIGHT NOW! i am NOT getting 2 MAN’D BY MY NATURAL ENEMIES!!!!” - Mahito prolly idk 🤷‍♂️
2023-12-25 21:36:49 She hit that nigga mahito ONCE with her ct… “ah hell nah she gotta go! RIGHT NOW! i am NOT getting 2 MAN’D BY MY NATURAL ENEMIES!!!!” - Mahito prolly idk 🤷‍♂️
2023-11-30 23:31:41 She hit that nigga mahito ONCE with her ct… “ah hell nah she gotta go! RIGHT NOW! i am NOT getting 2 MAN’D BY MY NATURAL ENEMIES!!!!” - Mahito prolly idk 🤷‍♂️

She hit that nigga mahito ONCE with her ct… “ah hell nah she gotta go! RIGHT NOW! i am NOT getting 2 MAN’D BY MY NATURAL ENEMIES!!!!” - Mahito prolly idk 🤷‍♂️

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Gege really said "Every day is pain day" 😅🥲
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Gege really said "Every day is pain day" 😅🥲
2023-11-30 23:33:42 Gege really said "Every day is pain day" 😅🥲

Gege really said "Every day is pain day" 😅🥲


This arc is pain, nonstop pain 🥲

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Yeah all that happened within about 15 minutes. Yuji needs therapy after all of this. I swear Gege just wants everyone to be in pain
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Yeah all that happened within about 15 minutes. Yuji needs therapy after all of this. I swear Gege just wants everyone to be in pain
2023-11-30 23:35:15 Yeah all that happened within about 15 minutes. Yuji needs therapy after all of this. I swear Gege just wants everyone to be in pain

Yeah all that happened within about 15 minutes. Yuji needs therapy after all of this. I swear Gege just wants everyone to be in pain

Darren Banks

But did she NEED any? She wasn't struggling with family or self worth like Mai and maki. She literally told us who she was. Shes okay with who she is. She loves herself. She has her circle. And she was only here for Saori and to wait for her bumpkin friend to show up. I mean, it would have been cool if she could have had a save Saori arc or something. But that's about it for her character. if she and nanami didn't die with regrets and unfulfilled promises it would go against the entire theme of the writing about how sorcerers are forced to live and die.

Holo Kleros

The biggest issue Mahito has with Yuji isn't even that Yuji can punch his soul, it's that he can't use Idle Transfiguration on him at all or else Sukuna will murder him. So all he can do is make regular attacks with his shapeshifting and transformed humans.


I need Mahito to catch the nastiest fucking fade of the century. I want to sleep to that shit every night while crying over all these amazing characters this bastard has killed. Mahito is literally a menace to society.


Nah i have this prof cus the blick solves everything

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 I understand where you're coming from, but if they took a whole season to develop the characters more, people would complain it was boring, not enough action, and so on. I do wish they added a little more, but spread out a little in different episodes, or release a couple of special episodes here and there.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 I understand where you're coming from, but if they took a whole season to develop the characters more, people would complain it was boring, not enough action, and so on. I do wish they added a little more, but spread out a little in different episodes, or release a couple of special episodes here and there.
2023-11-30 23:39:06 I understand where you're coming from, but if they took a whole season to develop the characters more, people would complain it was boring, not enough action, and so on. I do wish they added a little more, but spread out a little in different episodes, or release a couple of special episodes here and there.

I understand where you're coming from, but if they took a whole season to develop the characters more, people would complain it was boring, not enough action, and so on. I do wish they added a little more, but spread out a little in different episodes, or release a couple of special episodes here and there.

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Yeah I actually timed my season one and movie rewatch for me to finish it on the day the first episode of season 2 was being released. I think it def helps with remembering info and getting aquainted with the characters
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Yeah I actually timed my season one and movie rewatch for me to finish it on the day the first episode of season 2 was being released. I think it def helps with remembering info and getting aquainted with the characters
2023-11-30 23:41:22 Yeah I actually timed my season one and movie rewatch for me to finish it on the day the first episode of season 2 was being released. I think it def helps with remembering info and getting aquainted with the characters

Yeah I actually timed my season one and movie rewatch for me to finish it on the day the first episode of season 2 was being released. I think it def helps with remembering info and getting aquainted with the characters


Old man got completely cooked but Maki and Nanami were only burnt somewhat, of course Nanami died later but we don’t know bout Maki I think


remember saori-chan was the girl nobara talked about when we first met her in season 1 - the villagers just had a stigma against city-girls and ran her out based on their own prejudices

Miekala Jones (edited)

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2023-12-25 21:36:49 Unfortunately that's war. You don't get time to mourn til after it's all over.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Unfortunately that's war. You don't get time to mourn til after it's all over.
2023-11-30 23:46:15 Unfortunately that's war. You don't get time to mourn til after it's all over.

Unfortunately that's war. You don't get time to mourn til after it's all over.


Major props to the animators, the composers, and the voice actors. As tragic as it was, this episode was beautifully done.


The villagers were just ignorant and intolerant to anyone who was different or "stood out" in some way. Cue why the blue bag was such a big deal -- because all the other students knew to fit in they had to choose black (for boys) or red (for girls). With Saori, since she was from Tokyo, and lived in a large house on the outskirts of the village, it just made her family a target for being "outsiders" who they assumed look down on the villagers because they were from a big city.

Miekala Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 It's really sad. I see people complain that she was wasted potential, and honestly, yeah they're right. But that's reality. So many people in the real world die too young before they ever got a chance to do something others would consider a win. It's tough, and Gege isn't afraid to put something like that in there. Not everyone gets a heroic death, and not everyone gets to do everything before they die.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 It's really sad. I see people complain that she was wasted potential, and honestly, yeah they're right. But that's reality. So many people in the real world die too young before they ever got a chance to do something others would consider a win. It's tough, and Gege isn't afraid to put something like that in there. Not everyone gets a heroic death, and not everyone gets to do everything before they die.
2023-11-30 23:49:08 It's really sad. I see people complain that she was wasted potential, and honestly, yeah they're right. But that's reality. So many people in the real world die too young before they ever got a chance to do something others would consider a win. It's tough, and Gege isn't afraid to put something like that in there. Not everyone gets a heroic death, and not everyone gets to do everything before they die.

It's really sad. I see people complain that she was wasted potential, and honestly, yeah they're right. But that's reality. So many people in the real world die too young before they ever got a chance to do something others would consider a win. It's tough, and Gege isn't afraid to put something like that in there. Not everyone gets a heroic death, and not everyone gets to do everything before they die.


"it's just an anime" "she's not even real" "taking this too seriously" If a media has you invested in its world, its characters, then it's doing something right. That being said...this still isn't right man. :(


What was that one skit on Dave Chappelle? "I want all of the bad things to happen to you and only you." :(


This arc is pain


For context the manga makes it clear Nobara doesn't see the switch - she doesn't see the fact that the Mahito's switched - hence why her guard was down


welcome to Home Depot is CRAZY lmfao i wfh there that shit had me rollin


I aint gonna lie, JJK may be the only anime to get me pissed tf off at the main character. Yuji better find a way to use Sukuna's powers or some shit

Dous Dous

I think the thing that made Nobara the bigger threat is that Yuji HAS to get in close. With Nobara, she can attack a clone and hurt the original AND attack from a distance. Mahito likes splitting up now apparently and it helps him escape since only one piece of the multitude that he splits into can be actually damaging to his soul. Nobara can attack any clone and it'll hurt the original. Its like asking who do you take out first, the person with the heat seeking missiles or the person with a blunt force weapon? Also, Mahito can psychologically attack Yuji but Nobara will just play the game and try to get in his head right back. Yuji is just the easier target, which for a curse, makes for more fun. Mahito said Yuji will never win until he realizes they're the same, Nobara not only does but has the means to hurt him. She trashed talked right back and is all chuckles yet serious while fighting Mahito whereas Yuji is all "how could you!?, lemme stay calm."


I have no clue what will happen. Because this would normally be the point where the MC would enter a rage mode and the inner demon would come out, but we know that Sukuna won’t be helping, so this means next it just has to be all Yuji.


In S1 ep 24 after the fight with Choso's brothers Nobara told Yuji that there are only a few number of seats in her life and that she didn't feel guilty for killing Chosos's brother since they did not take up one of those seats. The people that are seated (20:44) are people that Nobara cares about. I highly recommend re watching S1 ep 3 that contains the other half of Nobara's backstory.


What makes me even more sad is the fact that Yuji is only 15 years old and he has already “killed” (quotations cuz it was done by sukuna and not of his own will) thousands of people and has seen one of his mentors and friend die right in front of him🥲


Mahito definitely gotta go, nigga took now 3 of yuji’s closest friends off the map. Yuji please go get back already, it’s time 😭


Mahito and Sukuna are the Kobe and Shaq of villany this year Putting up NUMBERS in Shibuya

Kwame Afriyie

I swear it will be Geto on sight...

Ryujin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 Man I need yuta’s broken ass to come and clean up cause this some aot type shit with how everyone dying
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Man I need yuta’s broken ass to come and clean up cause this some aot type shit with how everyone dying
2023-12-01 00:31:12 Man I need yuta’s broken ass to come and clean up cause this some aot type shit with how everyone dying

Man I need yuta’s broken ass to come and clean up cause this some aot type shit with how everyone dying

Uly A O

The mental decline of Yuji is straight line down into the dirt. I kinda was hoping they extend this episode, but it was probably best for how they broke it up for manga. I get it if people dislike that these latest episodes didn’t have the explosive power like the craziness in 15-17 of the arc, but I argue this the 2nd climax. It didn’t have to be flashy, it just had to convey the manga to a T in ep 18-19 and it did imo.

Champion Bescos

Gonna do a lot of yapping, but it’s earnest and I mean well… If you don’t want to, just don’t read fam. I believe the main criticisms leveled against the Shibuya Incident arc and the mangaka in general are pretty much summed up with this episode and the handling of Nobara. Those main gripes being that Gege writes shock value deaths for the sake of subverting traditional shōnen expectations, he indulges in half-formed character arcs as a result, and none of it hits because of a breakneck pace but with little actual narrative development behind it. Now… while I understand these seemingly growing frustrations from a vocal minority (my wife included, unfortunately), I do believe there is some nuance to it and I actually enjoy Gege’s overall writing quite a bit. PACING: For starters, the pacing in this arc is breakneck because of the sheer size and scope of the Shibuya arc. Over two dozen named characters fighting in close combat in the span of a single hellish night. There is simply NO avoiding this pacing other than to not attempt it in the first place, and that would be lame. This is a challenge to pull off, but in a weekly manga/anime, it’s even worse because viewers/readers wait week to week. I guarantee you that binging the Shibuya arc in the manga was a MUCH BETTER realization of what Gege intended than reading it week to week, and I guarantee the same is true for binging the anime. What was Gege’s intentions? To create a night of nightmares, with our heroes swallows up by a seemingly ceaseless wave of violence and chaos, where people die every time there’s a clash, and an initial sense of purpose is slowly boiled down to numb meaninglessness. This is actually potent writing, but waiting week to week negates all thay. It makes it feel like this one night has lasted months, and therefore critics complain that nothing narratively has changed in months. It’s not remotely true, of course, but that’s how it comes across to some people and it’s a shame. SUBVERSIVE DEATHS & CHARACTER ARCS: Mass successes in the 2010’s (I mean unprecedented, globally viral hits) like GoT, TWD, and BB were perfect examples of how cynical the average reader/viewer was becoming, regardless of nationality or age. Gege was among them. Despite being inspired by the Big Three, especially Bleach, it’s apparent he disliked how drawn out and predictable elements were from that OP/Bleach/Naruto era. People wanted the gritty realism of consequences in fiction. This was especially true with manga readers, who in turn found new life in The Dark Trilogy (JJK, CSM, HP) a few years ago. The downside to all this ‘realism’ is that if Gege’s ultimate goal is to tell a compelling narrative about purpose and death, while still keeping a quickly adapting audience on its toes, whilst consistently upping the ante, all while highlighting the brutalist and unforgiving nature of being a curse user… he’s going to have to move fights fast, occasionally stretch his narrative thin, and cut some traditional ‘character payoff’ corners. Gege wants big, bad villains who are a genuine threat, and he wants a large, diverse cast of good guys? Well, he’s going to kill off a lot of those characters. Because, logically, that’s what incredibly powerful villains do to weaker heroes bravely/foolishly trying to stand in their way when their own deus ex Machina is sealed. Some characters may die with proper development and a meaningful send off that readers can get behind. Others, not so much. Because - as will be seen as an excuse by critics - real life is messy and chaotic and not everyone gets to have their moment in the sun, or a powerful send off; to see their potential fulfilled, have closure, etc. Now, I don’t mind this form of writing, in theory, but i can admit it does get exhausting when you turn to anime and manga for escapism, after all. For old school anime fans, especially, this would be hard to get behind. They view death in a series as a sign to be sad and feel a loss. And if they don’t feel that way, they think the author has failed to make them like a character or to set the death up properly. But.. that’s just not the case. The lack of sadness simply reflects the callousness and detachment the author wanted you to feel. The numbness and indifference to death that you would feel for most people in this world if you yourself were a cursed user and saw your friends dying left and right. It’s just.. consequences. Consequences of lifestyle, of actions in the moment, of hubris, etc. On one hand, this subversion of traditional arcs and calloused approach to character mortality provides a lot of thrills and shocks and a sense that actions have meaning. On the other hand, we’re never going to get an incredible, moving Asuma or Jiraiya type of death because that would require Gege to completely change up his formula - to slow down, to allow consequences to momentarily be paused or avoided for others characters so that when they eventually occur for the big ones, they hit all the harder. But, again, that’s not what his intentions are. Essentially, JJK is simply not for everyone. It’s not written poorly, it’s just untraditional. It doesn’t cater and doesn’t hold back and it can be rather exhausting and cold and even underwhelming. It’s the first three seasons of GoT compared to Naruto or Bleach being the fifth and sixth season of GoT. But it’s all intentional and I for one enjoy it.


Spoiler........in the manga she's not actually dead or shown after this.....so there is a chance she could return in the future


Yuji to Mahito "Ricky when I catch you Ricky, Ricky when I catch you Ricky..."


Remember that this whole time, yuta is eating chapati in africa, living his best life. Also to answer sheera, yes he blew a hole in her head. In the manga you see her eye fly out. As soon as she started showing out, gege hit the brakes


I'm a young dude yet I hate the slang used by the new generation... But this post stood on business, Great Job.

Earphone Jack

As a manga reader, I have one thing to say after this episode…fuck Gege and fuck JJK. What happened to Nobara was the thing I was dreading to see animated the most. 😣💔

Shin splits

I do agree with you on how Nobara didn’t really need character development. But I personally feeling like killing two prominent characters back to back so quick is doesn’t let the impact of the death sink in enough. That’s just my opinion. I feel like we also could gotten more of Nobara imo

Devin B

Imagine chasing someone for a good minute and out of nowhere you see someone coming straight at you, there was too little of a gap for Nobara to process what was going on so it would've been hard for her to react to the real Mahito coming at her


I'm so mad that I caught a stray spoiler that implied this.


Hopefully we get to see him in the season finale or something, about time we bring my boy in!


Mfs this ain’t naruto lol, tf you complaining fot


The deaths in this arc, like you said show the consequences of the jujutsu lifestyle. Nanami slowly realizing he could have gone to kuantan instead of coming back, nobara taking in and appreciating all the people that filled the seats in her Very short life. The thoughts and emotions we saw of a young nanami and geto reacting to haibara's death in the premature death arc. The jjk route is a slow but sure marathon to their demise and Nanami and Nobara crossed the finish line. The narrative makes some deaths seem like they were 'only a matter of time' even and despite what happens, things keep moving with barely, if any time to grieve the characters. Because, as per the jjk route, there is still a threat that must be dealt with. This shows how properly evil the villains are as they capitalize on this. They don't just want to kill people for the one up victory moment, and instead as a step to the next loss of life. But it also shows how important yuji's perspective is to the whole sorceror life. Nanami, Nobara and every person killed by sukuna, yuji feels responsible for. So while the narrative can give a sort of "detachment" from a character's passing, yuji's emotions to them keep the ' want for purpose in their deaths' alive and strong. 'They shouldn't have died here, shouldn't have died like this, they had more to live for' yuji encapsulates these thoughts that many people have reading the story. Nanami dies to mahito but no one even knows except for him and us the readers. It's a solo momentary grieving of life but still very significant.... then you have megumi who's been trying to off himself and everyone around since season 1 and he finally got the chance to do it. So hey the value of life is held differently by the characters and is portrayed well in the shibuya arc.


RIP Nobara. She had a great life but cut too soon.

Nicole Guerrero

Yuji really keeps witnessing the people he cares about dying, manz really needs a break he’s gonna have so much trauma. RIP nobara, she was a total girlboss and another great character gone


the spoilers for this show are crazy honestly the manga readers are ruining it for everyone.

Nicole Guerrero

Also I would love to see yuta again, they need to have someone else join the fights 😭😭

Kisaki Hater

Nigga be serious everyone in the main cast has taken way more Ls than Nobara. Her only L was her fight against Haruta bro. Yuji and Megumi have both taken at least 3 Ls this show LMAO

Davon Thomas

Feel like it's bad writing that Yuji has not done a single Black Flash especially when he had the opportunity to do so during this episode several times.


At 25:30 you mentioned that Sukuna didn’t let Yuji die but Sukuna actually DID NOTHING. He was even mocking yuji but then ‘something’ happened that made Choso get memories that never existed and stop his finishing blow on Yuji. Sukuna even goes back to sleep (as long as 1 finger of Sukuna is alive he’ll never die because remember, Sukuna is now a Cursed Object so it doesn’t matter if Yuji dies. It’s just that Sukuna will have less power but even a 4 finger Sukuna is scary) but then opens his eyes again after noticing what happened.


Yuji is mentally distraught. He's slowly losing his shit. Plus Choso injured him as soon as their fight even started so


Her eye is on the ground to the right of you look closely


Yh it does leave it into interpretation so we’ll just have to wait and see but it’s best to assume she is just so if she is alive it’s more relieving.

Bria A.

in the show too! you see her eye fly out and it’s laying on the floor afterwards


Reaching Black Flash has consistently been shown to require perfect mental focus and single-mindedness towards one goal. Yuji just cannot compose himself enough right now


Yes Nobara is just mentally more prepared for a war like this than Yuji. We were shown just that when Yuji was expressing remorse after their duo battle against the cursed wombs.


I feel like you just don't know how black flash works


Help! Somebody Help!

Randy Han

Nobara could attack the soul, while Yuuji was immune to Mahitos technique since he has Sukuna in his soul. So Mahito just opted to kill the one that can actually kill him. Yuuji is literally punching a meat bag but not doing any meaningful damage since he's not hitting the soul directly.


But also love Gege for this amazing show. But yeah fuck Gege.


It would be bad writing if Yuji was able to perform a black flash considering his mental state.


Nope. Nobara can't use resonance on sukunas fingers because they are indestructible which was established in like episode 1/2. So no, she woulda been practically useless against sukuna

Justin S Tuisamoa (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 When I went to that timestamp it sounds like he said "We already know Sukuna woulda let him die so it's a moot point"
2023-12-25 21:36:49 When I went to that timestamp it sounds like he said "We already know Sukuna woulda let him die so it's a moot point"
2023-12-01 02:19:19 When I went to that timestamp it sounds like he said "We already know Sukuna woulda let him die so it's a moot point"

When I went to that timestamp it sounds like he said "We already know Sukuna woulda let him die so it's a moot point"


MY GOAT! Mahi-GOAT!! 😆😆 Top 5 anime villain of the past decade at LEAST

Franklin Saint

Yuji can also damage mahito's soul by attacking him with his fist (obviously because of Sukuna)if you go back to the mahito arc


@championbescos that doesn't apply in this case since its by no means used to motivate yuji.


what are you talking about Mahito himself has said yuji can hurt his soul since he can percieve the shape of souls from having sukuna inside himself.


Not true, it was said in season 1 that Yuji is able to do damage to Mahito's soul because he knows the outline of his own soul


Mahito mentions in their first fight that yuji can touch his soul, directly hurting him.


Yeah, if that's it for her character that's fairly disappointing and feels like a waste ngl. Seeing people praise it and compare this type of death to CSM or Hell's Paradise is funny af. Difference with Hell's Paradise and CSM is that the major deaths are actually handled well, and the characters tend to be way more fleshed out before dying. (I say this as a manga reader of both) Compared to Nobara here, she kinda was just there in the show and the "main trio", didn't have much of a story (until they shoved her backstory all in one ep) and died anticlimactically to her third ever opponent to make the MC sad. That's it? Didn't we just have that with Nanami who was Itadori's literal mentor and had history with Mahito? I find it funny that side character deaths like Toji/Riko/Jogo/Nanami hit harder than someone in the main cast trio as well lol.


"The writer has no idea how to write women" is way too baseless a claim to make for someone who isn't caught up. At least preface such things with "from what I've seen so far", otherwise ur discrediting his ability to write women despite only knowing how he's handled this individual character. You don't have anything beyond nobaras case to work with yet u make claims that imply you do, see the issue with that?


Yuji needs to run and find backup, because this ongoing fight between them isn't making sense. I'm tired. Where are the people from Kyoto dammit!? Where is Yuta!? What happened between Mei Mei and fake geto? And if she loses, who the hell is gonna fight him? I can't wait until these questions are answered. Megumi unleashed that thing on that blonde bastard instead of Mahito. I'm so mad right now.

Brandon Brenlla

What a waste of a character killed off for character development for the MC. I'll never forgive Gege for that shit.

_ jiseee

You were right about the people’s reaction to the pacing. It was the same reaction when the culling games were starting. We’re introduced to new characters and witnessing back-to-back fights with no time to slow down. People were dropping the manga complaining about how Gege provides little character work then a few came back to appreciate the arc after binging it.

Joel Braaten

Yuji's suffering continues! 😭

Jarren Jenkins

Both the manga and anime do her dirty. She literally is like "I haven't had a lot of chances to shine" and then immediately gets clapped. I guess Gege really had no plans for her character and just wrote her off, it really feels that way.

Franklin Saint

Bro yuji’s body was taken over by Sukuna and Sukuna committed mass genocide and destroyed a portion of Shibuya with yuji’s body and brought him to seen and told him to savor it which also flooded his memory with his actions and mahito killed 3 of yuji’s closest people (jumpei,nanami,nobara) and is just toying several civilians by transfiguring them and killing them ever since the the mahito arc they need to give yuji a break from this trauma 😔

Matthew Tigue

Yuji can hurt Mahito's soul as well. We saw that back in Season 1 and we can still see it now since Yuji is drawing blood from Mahito. However, He can't just instant Kill Yuji because of Sukuna so he opted to go after the person he can.


Watch it be lame ass Yuta that takes out Mahi-Goat in the future lol 😂 I'm not spoiled nor read the manga, but I feel if Sukuna or "Geto" don't chop my goat down, it's gonna be a BIG W for a lesser known character to shine. WATCH! ☠️ Edit: Upon further research... I know I'm wrong lol. BUT, I was ALSO right! lmao 😆 I'll admit, this is well written! HOWEVER, you GOTTA understand how much was inspired by the OG big 3(Naruto, Bleach, OP). It's mostly inspired by Bleach(Atmosphere and theme) But the characters are SO Naruto, it hurts. I sense a little YuYu Hakusho tho, as the incredible stakes and level of capable villains never ends... I've always enjoyed this anime, and I'm glad I got rid of the "Popularity poison" that had me questioning whether or not I actually like the show or not. This is TRULY the best Shounen out RN.

Matthew Tigue

You see her eye fly out and fall on the floor next to her head when the pop happens.

Miekala Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 I actually really like Yuta but I get what you mean. He's a lesser known character for sure. It's still hilarious how Gege had originally intended Yuta to be the main character lmao!
2023-12-25 21:36:49 I actually really like Yuta but I get what you mean. He's a lesser known character for sure. It's still hilarious how Gege had originally intended Yuta to be the main character lmao!
2023-12-01 03:01:27 I actually really like Yuta but I get what you mean. He's a lesser known character for sure. It's still hilarious how Gege had originally intended Yuta to be the main character lmao!

I actually really like Yuta but I get what you mean. He's a lesser known character for sure. It's still hilarious how Gege had originally intended Yuta to be the main character lmao!

Miekala Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 It's the never ending toxic cycle of "We love you Gege! Fuck you Gege!" LMAO. I swear reading the manga had me hugging my laptop one minute and yeeting it into the wall the next.
2023-12-25 21:36:49 It's the never ending toxic cycle of "We love you Gege! Fuck you Gege!" LMAO. I swear reading the manga had me hugging my laptop one minute and yeeting it into the wall the next.
2023-12-01 03:04:00 It's the never ending toxic cycle of "We love you Gege! Fuck you Gege!" LMAO. I swear reading the manga had me hugging my laptop one minute and yeeting it into the wall the next.

It's the never ending toxic cycle of "We love you Gege! Fuck you Gege!" LMAO. I swear reading the manga had me hugging my laptop one minute and yeeting it into the wall the next.

Zander Infinity

While i do believe gege is a good mangaka he is quite trash when it comes to female characters but it is what it is


Have u read the manga? If not then that claim is practically baseless. If you have I have no clue how u came to that conclusion.


especially cuz she didn't see both Mahito's cuz he covered his double. nabora's would've definitely reacted faster if she knew cuz she wouldn't take the chance that the real one might be running after her. Also, someone said she paused cuz she saw Yuji and let her guard down...I swear this writer just likes to see my boy in pain.


u r right, but let the show cook buddy.. we can judge it later.

Daniel Robb

Wym??? Nobara is a goat tier female protag??? Also next arc Maki is gonna be insane. You gonna eat your words 🤣

Daniel Robb

Youre just conditioned to think the main trio in Shonen is supposed to be invincible. Nobara put up a damn good fight, but she was tricked by Mahito. We dont even have Megumi OR Itadori's backstory, so idk wym by shoved into one episode. I think it was a dope way to end her character.

Daniel Robb

Black Flash is basically luck, nobody has been able to consistently pull it off. Nanami was able to do like 7, but that was all in one single fight. you need to be in the right mental state and have the right cursed energy output.


I mean yuta isn’t lesser known at all, his second to gojo for a reason and he was meant to be the first protagonist, but imma yuta glazer so what do i know


I wasn't a fan from the movie, but I hear he's Himothy in the future. So I await hIs arrival in the anime.


Mahito always getting jumped

Daniel Robb

She also probably thought it was still the Mahito clone, who couldn't transfigure people's souls.

Joyce Samson

Not Sheera calling Panda ‘the bear’💀

Peyton Denisar

Kyoto is HOURS away from Tokyo even by bullet train. And Yuta is literally in Africa as shown already. It's hard to keep in mind since this is weekly but this entire event has lasted maybe 1 hour? 2 TOPS (and that's stretching it) and we don't really know what's happening consecutively between the characters so it's very hard to have a good frame of time during all this. The best we have is Pre-Sakuna and Post-Sakuna for a timeline.


For my manga readers in the comment section, relax this person know not what they say.


I don think she's dead. That whole flashback was told from her friends POV. I think its a misdirect.


@daniel 1. No, I am certainly not conditioned by Shonen about character invincible plot armor. I quiet literally just told you I read Hell's Paradise and CSM. Did you not read what I said, wtf lol. 2. Yes, she was tricked. That was what happened in the episode. Not really relevant to the writing quality of her character/death but ok. Gojo, Toji and Geto got tricked in combat, but I thought they were written way better as characters. 3. You think we haven't had anything for Megumi? You have amnesia...? We have literally had flashbacks (S1, Hidden Inv, Gojo flashbacks), family/clan members filling in the family history (Maki, Mai, Toji, Naobito), and gone back to Megumi's damn school. Didn't we have flashbacks with his sister as well end of S1? This was spread out wayyyy more than what Nobara got in this one episode + two other scenes. I'm sure more will be revealed about him, but he has consistently had his character and backstory develop at a decent pace. We've been with Itadori as his backstory started when he entered Jujutsu society. I'm sure we'll get some more stuff regarding his grandpa/parents, but so far he seems like a blank slate in terms of hidden backstory. 4. Yeah her dying suddenly is fine. The pacing of it coming right after Nanami and without her getting developed first was dumb af. Kinda redundant and takes away from processing Nanami's death or the thousands of people Itadori/Sukuna just killed.


@mpb I mean, unless she somehow gets revived then I don't see how I can judge her later? If that's her whole character and the death is finalized, then I can judge it right? If the show gets better with different character's and writing that's fine. But it's separate topic vs a "main" character who was underbaked and died anticlimactically.

Nuke XD

Gege made better female characters than most famous Mangaka´s lmao, 100 times better than Kishimoto in that regard, and others as well


So dumb . I thought it was something like a story I read during the Aids epidemic where this gir got ostracized for having HIV. But this, this is worse! I understand why Nobara had to get the fuck out of there by any means


2 weeks, 2 of my favorite charcters back to back. I hate this arc


"Mahito...when I catch you Mahito...when I catch you Mahito..."


Lmao Gege can’t write female characters. It’s just a fact. Y’all gassing nothing.


Apparently the gang forgot the chick from S1 who got bullied out of the village.


Facts, Nobara was more dangerous. I am still pissed but yes


Plus a black flash is rare. I feel like people were not paying attention to how rare it was. So far the only black flashes we've seen are Nanami, Yuji, Nobara and Yuuta , that's it!


I honestly don't know how Yuji is still functioning at this point and not a husk

Riley Mayfield

When did that happen? i watched season 1 again last month and still dont remember that


Bro fuck tis episode Im over this Arc I feel ya Lupa. Whats worst is i dont believe Itadori could win this fight. Im broken

Markel Thomas

That’s not a fact it’s your opinion lol. And if we’re gonna talk opinions, it is by verg popular majority that people love jjks females . Without the need for overall sex appeal.


If I’m not mistaken if Mahito tries to transfigure Itadori it won’t work because he’ll end up touching Sukuna’s soul as well and Sukuna doesn’t like him. And when the two Mahitos were running if she didn’t go after the clone the real one would’ve either came after her anyway or they would’ve both jumped Itadori.

Dillan Merrill

One of my favorite quotes from the series is next episode. "The sound of the Gion Shoja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. However! We are the exception!"


I think you guys said it yourselves when you were talking about this arc's OP. It looked like they were going to war and they did. This whole arc is a war and both sides suffered massive losses and each without much fanfare or purpose. Gege isn't no R.R. Martin who is too afraid of killing his favorite characters. Remember how he did Toji? Toji was alive for 3 episodes and he was Gege's favorite. I don't remember Hanami getting any special send off after being turned into wall paint. JJK's world is carnage and they're just living in it.

Rishad GB

yes I know but nobara's more deadly cause her resonance goes through everything literally from vast range


One must imagine jjk fan’s experiencing happiness


Cheap death 😭


22:13 but Mahito is such a pussy bro. As soon as Itadori starts cooking he is going to want to run away.


Yuji to Mahito: Ricky, when I get you RIcky Ricky when I get you Ricky...


Mahito is a menace like no other he is said to be the incarnation of all the worst qualities of humans and it shows jogo Hanami and Dagon never relished in their killings they did what they thought was the best for their goal but mahito wants to kill and harm others for the sake of killing and harming he honestly couldn’t care less about the end goal the only thing keeping him in like really is the fact that geto and sukuna would screw him if he went too far out of line oh and sukuna wouldn’t let yuji die now cuz he has 15 fingers now before he would have cuz he only had 3


Right when Nobara was introduced. Saori and leaving the village was her reason to go to Tokyo and go to Jujutsu High.


i feel like at her level she could have had a faster reaction to mahito coming for her especially knowing what he is and that the fights curses and idealy you might not want them to be near you


Yeah its crazy how all of this is happening to Yuji in 5-10 minutes tops. Bro has become a murderer and witnessed a lot of people close to him die.


No way bro says that. I disagree, Gege's female characters are top tier. They are feminine while being badass.


she isnt listed as unknown for no reason KUGISAGKI COMEBACK


When will Yuji stop getting L’s


apparently every week someone dies in Shibuya


Well Manito and Nanami are pretty close in power and speed. And Nanami is clearly faster and stronger than Nobara. She was only fighting on par with his Mahito’s double who was weaker, and even then the double managed to touch her directly a few times.


I’m not sure about that either but there was that one time she used it on herself at the end of season 1 against the Choso’s brothers. She used resonance on the blood technique they used on her so there’s definitely a chance she could use it on Mahito’s transfiguration technique even is she’s also attacking another’s soul.

Sung Woong

Yuji suffering has all basically occurred in less than 20 minutes. The evisceration of Shibuya, Nanami’s death to Nobara’s, barely any time has passed. Yuji barely has time to breathe and yet everything around him is literally getting worse by the second. And this why Gojo being sealed was such a big deal, any why the death counts are high even to relevant characters. It’s god-tier power scaling that the second the OP sensei gets sealed, everything goes to hell. Nothing shows power like the absence of it within a vacuum. A lot of people may feel like this series is just L’s, but there is a point to it. They planned shibuya for sole purpose of sealing one man, cause they knew the moment he was sealed, it was game over for everyone else.


Really good analysis on the writing style of Gege. I definitley understand why people critique the unconventional pacing, "lack of character development", or other shortcomings of JJK. Its not a perfect show, but its perfect for me. I love how there is so much to enjoy on the surface level and between the lines, and I really appreciate how Gege has bold and unique visions for this story. If anyone sees this thread and wants to discuss more about it hmu @christianoliivares on IG, I would love more perspectives and outlets to discuss this show and others!


I like the call back to season one where she tells Yuji that she only has so many seats for the people in her life.


Also in the manga they say that Nobara couldn't see the other Mahito when they switched, so she didn't really comprehend what was going on


This episode felt a little dragged out I cant imagine that nearly half of what they showed of Nobara's backstory was in the manga


yuji can also hurt mahito's soul back in season 1, because yuji's a perfect vessel and houses 2 souls, he can naturally see the contours of one's soul and strike it or smth. nobara just doesnt have anything to defend against idle transfiguration so mahito one tapped her


I eat all the spoilers up it just makes me love the show more

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

She better not be dead bruh Im holding out faith. The people Mahito’s killed have always either turned into a monster or literally blow up, plus this season has been very good at making sure you know when someone’s dead with how graphic/ brutal it is and I think that’s on purpose. he said that he probably couldn’t kill her with one touch like Nanami in their first encounter. SO IN CONCLUSION, I 90% believe that she definitely got fucked up badly by that attack but she’s not 100% dead. If I’m right I deserve mommy Yoruichi 🤷🏽‍♂️


The backstory segment is very loyal to what was portrayed in the manga. The manga version could even have been lengthier. It was actually the fight itself that they abbreviated.


Ricky, when I catch you Ricky. I don't think she's dead, holding out hope she's rocking an eyepatch from hence forth.

Taiki Saruwatari

I think the flashback was pretty much frame for frame to be honest. If anything in this episode I noticed they took out the explanation why Nobara didn't defend herself from Mahito's hand (even if you can still guess it)


I truly think alot of people putting JJK down can't differentiate bad writing from writing they just don't understand or like. There's clearly a story being told, there's intrigue, character development, ancient plans moving through their phases, and a theme of the curse of love being woven through the entire series since JJK 0. It just doesn't come easy, I've had to reread this manga so much to see these things weaving together, its not something you're gonna fully grasp just flipping through the pages


Thank you for this response, I needed to read that It sucks to see so many putting the series and the author down every time there's some major story development or character death, it feels like people are missing the entire story sometimes. I guess it really isn't for everyone, but it's perfect for me. HxH has been my top anime for almost a decade, yet JJK (the manga) has been slowly creeping up on its way to over take it for the past 2-3 years


This was a weird take. Just because she had a relatively normal childhood and wasn’t a war orphan or sins thing, we weren’t supposed to feel bad? She’s a character we’ve known since the beginning. Not every character needs a tragic backstory.


I still see some so to explain more - Nobara got speed blitzed like a MF in addition to her being distracted by Itadori + she only saw one Mahito in that split second and didn't notice the switch (Anime sorta dragged it out a lil)


If it’s next episode then why put it here? Those are spoilers dude

Clinton Vance

Hit “like” before I even pressed play, because of the caption 😮‍💨

Kristen Keating

yea I read the chapter for this after watching and the hallway is like 20% of the distance, makes more sense


@Luffy_77 It's probably a thing where it's 50/50. You know how it's gonna play out but you wanna see it executed on a screen. It's kinda like when comic book readers watch and MCU movie or when book readers watched GOT the first time it aired on TV.

Malcolm Washingon

Manga readers were saying no one was ready for the Shibuya arc and they were right. Everybody suffering. The characters suffering, the the viewers suffering, the animators suffering. We all fucked up


The switch is a nice call back to Season 1 episode 24,when Nobara and Yuji switched to finish off the brothers

Seth Aasland

pain. just pain. that’s what this arc is.

Isaac Cobbinah

long ass flash back lol wth

Samuela NTETE



I'm sort of with you on this. Thinking about it more It just seemed too easy to slap her when she was so avoided before. Like you said, it likely would take more than one touch. I'm also guessing this may have been a do or die plan by her as well. Same way she found out how to take out the curse brothers by using their connection with curse enegry that was running thru her.

Jota N.

look at the drip.. damn son


Mahito ran away because he cant use his ability on Itadori bc of Sukuna… It wasn’t Nobara’s technique or anything specific. When he touches Itadori’s soul, he touches Sukuna’s as well. And last time he did that Sukuna told himm don’t let it happen again lol. Nobara doesn’t have the king of curses unfortunately lol. So if there are 2 natural enemies, Mahito figured, might as well kill the one i CAN kill

3LD3RDR4G0N (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 21:36:49 Nahhhh this shit has no right being this funny 😭😭💀💀
2023-12-25 21:36:49 Nahhhh this shit has no right being this funny 😭😭💀💀
2023-12-02 01:17:42 Nahhhh this shit has no right being this funny 😭😭💀💀

Nahhhh this shit has no right being this funny 😭😭💀💀


Anyone else feel like this was kind of a wasted episode? Like other than Nobara dying this entire episode was just one big blah with no real progression or even new information


so nobaras entire backstory just doesnt exist to you?

Uly A O

Mahito created a blind spot using his body to make it seem like he just doubled back charging at her, so she didn't notice the double switch around. Otherwise, she would have been more on guard against the real one. At least from understanding from reading the manga a few times.

Thulani Mason

Gonna be honest. It's gonna be really hard for me to continue watching this show if Itadori isn't torturing Mahito for the entirety of the next episode.


Yes nobara 100% saved yuji's bacon similarly like the fight with kechizu and his brother but yuji wasn't able to help her this time. I know a lot of people won't like the flashback with her and that higurashi ass village but I loved it even reading it was great obviously wanted her to live but still she was best girl for sure and one of my favorite female characters in any anime. It's been a long time since I've seen this stuff so some things are hazy but it was a great call back with the chairs and everyone sitting in them remember she told itadori that she only has so many seats in her life for people she loves she can't be worried about killing other people when fighting. I just realized she had a lot more seats in the room which means she had a lot of life to live and people to fill them but it was cut short. Yeah I'm angry all over again call Naruto over here to jujutsu kaisen better yet get Asta somebody with plot armor that extends to family and friends.




Bro really thought two randoms survived all this chaos and were just standing around. It didn't lead to anything crazy but cmon bro one of the lowest iq moments I've seen in any anime


Not all deaths are over dramatic, sometimes you just die and that's it. It's a very realistic death. Not everything has to be significant

Chase Cockrell

In the manga it specifies that Mahito switching was in Nobara's blind spot. She got confused seeing itadori while having the real mahito who is much faster catch her the moment she got down there. The anime makes it seem like she stood there for a minute, but she got touched almost the moment she came around the corner.


Opinion. Flashback was a little long, we knew most of it already anyways from S1


“Higurashi ass village”. Yeah, that’s a perfect way to describe Nobara’s hometown.


Basically, Mahito is the next Gojo and Sukuna. If they don’t put him down, right here and now, he’ll be one of the worst demons to ever exist.


Mahito couldn’t take having 2 natural enemies, and the 2 were being coordinate he couldn’t have that. He knew he would have died and went for the weaker of the two.


@daniel abarca Reread my fourth point 4. Yeah her dying suddenly is fine. The pacing of it coming right after Nanami and without her getting developed first was dumb af. Kinda redundant and takes away from processing Nanami's death or the thousands of people Itadori/Sukuna just killed.


Man I feel bad for Yuji. Seriously 15 minutes right after he woke up, he sees a huge chunk of Shibuya destroyed by his hands thanks to Sukuna, Nanami murdered the second he sees him and Nobara murdered the second he sees her which felt like it's been a long while since they've all seen eachother. Yuji's entire character is probably gonna change from this experience I feel. Yuji should join the club of mentally destroyed characters. Him, Eren (aot) and Subaru (re:zero protag) will get along just nice.


I can see the reason Mahito went for Nobara She may be weaker than Yuji but she's smarter the double had the same level of intelligence as the original and she completely out maneuvered it and got that strike. A smart enemy is more dangerous than a strong one especially if the smart and strong team up.


no nobora no nabito november

Rishad GB

u wont know spoilers ruin how much if u purposely keep seeing them


Push me to the Edge. ALl my Friends are dead. -Yuji Cover


Noooo. I’m so upset 😭. She didn’t even get a chance to do anything really.

Dud3 itsj3ff

nah, I see it as two things... a tribute to Itadori's homie and a "break" for the animators. them animators have been going way to hard recently, they needed some chill slice of life time.


Nah fam, if Nanami got reduced to pants she should have been reduced to a left shoe. Gonna use this logic and cling to hope till next week.


Ya'll need to chill, this person stated their opinion (which i lowkey agree with) probably based off only what they've seen from the anime. So the 'ur opinion is wrong because u haven't read the manga yet' is dumb. So far, the ANIME has shown the only female lead get murked before she could reach any full potential. The only other female with potential has barely had any screentime and now her status has been unknown for the past 5 eps. We're almost done with the second season, so ofc gege's track record aint looking too good right now.


that man gege better have security posted outside his house when japanese laws start requiring mangaka to reveal their identities bc this shit pissed a LOT of people off lmao that one twitter user really about to "establish a society that doesn't allow gege akutami" fun facts, that flashback and the tranquil scenes with nanami weren't in the manga, i think mappa was trying to soften the blow or something? idk, but gege better start counting his blessings


Did some unhinged chad otaku have enough and infiltrate politics to get back at mangakas for killing his waifus?


Man we just get pain every week 😭


I gotta be honest bro it felt like the author just threw nobara in the trash like she just lets this dude go for her face. It's been weeks and I'm still pissed about it


In the manga she literally just turned the corner and didn't see them switch. So she didn't even realize the real mahito was there. In all honesty she should've just listened to nanami and stayed


Yea but even that still feels shitty. Nobara and Nanami were my favorite characters


There's more than enough stories where everyone gets to live happily ever after and the Villain dies. Go watch those. I personally like stakes. If there wasn't stakes then I feel like there is no point in anyone fighting anyway.

Chelsea Bondzanga

Nah it’s on site for Mr Creator???? I was waiting for her glow up.


No. It wasn’t easy to avoid. The anime made it look easy. In the manga, she turned the corner and only saw itadori and one Mahito. Never saw the swap. The hallway also wasn’t that long either to the point where she could react fast enough

Micheal Igreja

just bc they die and add's stakes doesnt mean it adds anything to the story narratively. I like JJK alot I am currently reading the manga, but Nobara was written horribly. Nanami was well done. Needed some more respect for Nobara who just got a flashback that lets be real, many mightve skipped bc we knew it meant she died.