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More big brain plays


Bhuwanake Manukulasuriya

The anime didn't go in-depth about it but the little servant girl's sister hung herself when she found out the man wouldn't be buying her


Loving the interaction between jinshi and maomao. Ive heard this is an extremely slow burn. Excited to see their development!


poor guy


The events were awkwardly described but essentially, Old boy didn't "dump" the courtesan that tried to kill him, but another courtesan she and the little girl were close with. Timestamp @ 8:43 - The original dumped courtesan was the little girl's older sister, and "the courtesan who drank the poison today was close to her (girl he dumped) as well". It's implied she killed herself out of despair and the others girls tried to kill him as revenge, knowing he'd try his fuckboi tactics again on someone else.

Robert Rodriguez

i saw in another comment section that it's implied though very subtly (Maomao's thoughts while trying to solve it) that the servant girls sister killed herself after the man didn't buy her out from the brothel. That's why they were out trying to get him. The other courtesan that was there with him was just a different one. Servant girl just calls everyone 'nee san' as a typical respect thing.

Huemon Nottabear

Tobacco didn't get to Asia til the 16th century, but they had weed for thousands of years. Still can't nail down what era this is.

gabriel250c .

Charcoal absorbs whatever toxins you ate instead of your body absorbing them. Its used a lot in medicine, especially with things that would do more damage to your body if you threw it up.

Kunj Shah

Yes for the record activated charcoal is actually a treatment administered by doctors for cases of severe poisoning


Captain Save-A-Ho 💀💀💀

Liam Gilbert

If you didn't catch it, the little girl's older sister killed herself after the douche cancelled his plans to buy her, it wasn't just cause he dumped her.


Maomao gotta fix this man's heart. Dude is clapped.


this man got poisoned and came back......tf? sir go become an artist or something lmao fuck

Hasnain Khan



According to the original author, the base model for the story is the Tang Dynasty, but things like medical knowledge and some cultural details are mixed up with other eras.

Earphone Jack

Jinshi had me screaming at the end! He was legitimately mad that MaoMao left with someone else! Then he got stuck/malfunctioned and I hollered! 🤣🤣🤣


I understand why they tried to kill him though, him buying them out is a big deal because that means he freeing them from working in the house. Also they didn't believe that he would buy them out, they were all in on it. It was the plan from the start to kill him because he was tricking the women.


The Servant girls sister killed herself after getting played by the merchant's son, that's why the servant girl and everyone in the brothel wanted the guy dead.

AnnameSama (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-12-07 23:52:49 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.
2023-11-28 03:20:53 I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.

I doubt everyone was in on it from the start. The little girl wanted him dead because her sister killed herself after being duped and "Big Sis" agreed to help. I bet the other girls and old lady figured it out on the fly and went into cover-up mode.


Yo Roshi I know the dad wasn’t really faze by Maomao coming home, but you gotta remember when she got kid napped she just said oh well and went abut her business 😭😭😭


Gyokuyou (Maomao’s consort boss) and Frieren have the same VA



Byron Wright

The same way she is sly about things, her dad is. He understands how things are and at his old age he knows he can't do much about it so he rolls with the punches and helps where he can. Maomao learned well.

Sai Pavan

WTF? Damn. Her range is crazy. I was already in shock after getting to know that she voices Anya, Frieren and Nikki(muscle girl from Dr.Stone). Incredible talent.


It's implied that he went to different brothels and did the fake buying thing and that's why he has a reputation. He was probably in the process of sweet talking the girl he was with and hadn't fucked her over yet but she poisoned him before he did it so that's why his guard was down. But like maomao said, it's all speculation


I have no sympathy for these women. He was beating them he literally just lied to them. There job is to drain money for them and whisper sweet nothings in their ear

Jamaal Ellison

I'm sorry that girl lost her sister. But how many times would someone need to be burned to figure out that fires is hot. They said he'd done shady shit before And the women still trusted him?! My question is were they not looking out for each other?

Oax Al

This merchant fuckboi has the worst survival instinct. I got attacked with a knife by multiple women then poisoned, you know what let get some bodyguards and keep doing the same shit that put me in these situations. Definition of insanity. Long hair bro being interested in our fake freckles having protagonist is the worst kept secret in that universe and I'm eating it up! I find it entertaining watching her tungsten level density and how the different characters interact with that fact.


I mean, she’s a Japanese seiyuu, it’s not surprising she has range when it comes to voice roles.


You don’t seem to understand what entails courtesan work in high end brothels like that.

Esperance Adzem

They also said that he always got away with this. these women are sex workers, they don't have that many resources so I think killing him * for them* felt like the best solution.

Esperance Adzem

jinshi being jealous at the end killed me. and the courtesan is just like me fr, we all just laughing at him and the misunderstanding


MaoMao was like, "Yea, I threw it back on him. He was satisfied." Him thinking she gave up the butt for a consolation prize is CRAZY! 🤣

Devin B

He has no game so he took the easy way of getting some, even at the cost of his life

Chris Hee

First episode I felt bad for Jinshi hahaha

Jamaal Ellison

What I'm asking is are they not talking to each other? Keeping out of each other's business? They knew bro would sprout a bunch of lies just don't listen!!! They should've been clued their fellow sex workers on his bullshit. They could've just milked him for his money kept it strictly business and stopped getting personal with him.


i love this show so much

Deku Kana

Captain save a hoe is crazy lmfao


I want to believe that Gyokuyou is what Anya would sound like as an adult (same VA). Lucky bastard Damian


At least fucking do it in some other whorehouse where they don't know your ass smh...


I bet the moment they saw this nigga who has a rep poisoned, the madam was like "notto disu shitto agen" & went like "welp"


It becomes more apparent once the feifa w/ cocking mechanism come to play, instead of just a fuse that you light w/ a tiny torch or w/e


Yeah the loli's big sis was starting to be a bit too old for a whore, hence the buyout lest you have to fuck some syphilis niggas on the street above X age point (Meimei is a bit of an exception as a god-tier courtesan, but even she's starting to pretty much be above the age limit by now, but still popular enough so she can prolly easily pull it thru before a buyout offer comes up at one point or another. Hell Pairin & Joka are starting to approach that line as well, so while the anime doesn't rly seem to adapt some of the internal monologue lines that aren't rly plot relevant, this is why the madam pretty much at once point muses that she prolly has to start to pick/train their eventual successors from the stock or w/e, since the training is still gonna take like 10 years or w/e potentially, w/ apprentice courtesans starting doing oddjobs etc at like 10, and depending on their stats etc prolly start out in mid teens or thereabouts, so 15-17 range or w/e)

Antonio Williams

Did you not hear the part about him offering to buy them? Use your brain to think about why they'd need to be bought in order to be free

B Mowglli

MaoMao's voice changed so much when she got in serious mode to try and save them. It sounds like a completely different character, amazing VA work


I love Maomao going full Damganronpa piecing together the incident again from start to finish. Was just waiting for “HERE’S MY ANSWER!!”

Bria A.

Charcoal is what we still use today as an antitoxin. 😂 Most people who intentionally (or unintentionally) poison themselves and make it to the hospital end up being given activated charcoal! It absorbs toxins in the GI tract, which keeps your body from absorbing and circulating them.


The charcoal thing actually makes a lot of sense, they use it in modern medicine to kind of absorb certain toxins that are ingested. The less realistic thing is how that guy survived after getting CPR and being down for at least a few minutes most likely. Even with modern medicine, survival is like 50%.


So maomao gets both her nonchalant nature (bro was legit unfazed when maomao returned) and her big brain from her dad

Vik Persson

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Don't ever mess with courtesans, concubines and random apothecaries.


My whole thing is why didn't the little girl just stay somewhere for about 15-20 minutes then come back and say nobody was home if she wanted him to die so badly like she even knocked on the door even though she knew he most likely wouldn't be there🤣. Also my man jinshi thought in his head canon Maomao was bouncing on lihaku's meat pole and his soul left his body poor guy😂.


Going to that one brothel rubs the fact that they haven’t been able to kill him in their faces, fueling his superiority complex and making him feel powerful, which is the entire reason he strings those women along before destroying their hopes. He probably avoids women he can tell would never fall for his scam. All of this is to fuel his pride. Some people just value that more than their own lives.


They probably are talking to each other. But he is probably shrewd enough to avoid the women that wouldn’t fall for his scam, and specifically targeting the younger girls who have their heads full of romantic dreams that would ignore any warnings. “I know he’s done this so many times, but I’m different!” It happens all the time in real life, to both men and women.


That's the thing I don't think she would've. First off the little girl went to an apothecary not a doctor then she even knew he probably wasn't going to be home so if the plan was to help her sister then she was already pushing it to the limit. The little girl face when she saw Mao Mao says a lot too.


Why would she go back so easily smh

Millie Long

I love Lady Gyokuyou. She seems just honestly fun, smart, and well-meaning. She was clearly having fun with the whole hairpin misunderstanding while still being clearly aware of the conflict and potential humor of the situation. She's like a prime example of a noble, high-ranking lady who isn't just cartoon evil.