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Cam Kaneki

Crack this early...Feeling like christmas


next eps peak fr


They gave me my crack while im hitting the thoinky, CRACKKKKK


Mans went out like a whole cuck 😔 wife getting fucked even in his last moments by another man.

Jamaal Ellison

Looks like crack's back on the menu boys!!!

Janaire Bradley

I was finishing you guys Cobra Kai reaction and got a notification you guys dropped this … The reason why I subscribed 💯💯💯




Only two more weeks of snowfall 😭


I just want to say yall look amazing man. I go back and watch other reactions like a year ago or two. I can tell yall been in the gym n healthy I love to see it.


And thank you for providing us with this amazing content y’all are hilarious 🤣😭


Damn so next week we get the last couple episodes😭

Hasnain Khan



crack in the am shiii

J Man

That Pimp was U-Turn from Weeds


I wonder when we getting JJK


Louie's bullshit excuse that men dont see her as the boss is crazy. She started as some crackhead side piece who Jerome would make fight bitches on the porch. She should be happy with how far she has already come. and I felt that when Roshi said, "why is everybody blaming Franklin?" it's crazy how no one wants to be responsible for anything except for Franklin. And these people are way older than him.

Ginger Dwarf

All the people asking for jjk not reading the weekly schedule. I feel for you roshi


crazy how good the show is till the very end, a lot of shows final seasons just be mid or terrible but Snowfall kept it together


Not surprised Jerome died they've been setting up death flags every time he said he was out or had plans of getting out. Top five favorite character feels bad man.

J Man

Buckley? More like Butt Lee

DJ Muldrow

Rip to the realest OG


Damson acting is insane, never knew this dude British


Just noticed I think this the first time Leon and skully been right near eachother since Leon smoked his kid

Michael Pamon

Calling her a crackhead when crack wasn’t even a thing when she met Jerome is insane 💀💀💀💀💀


most likely next week when the next ep drops like they did a few wks ago

Sincerely, the Best.

i don't fuck with louie too much but this comment is pure ass. Because she started at the lowest she should be content with being looked down on when she's doin most the work?? Niggas be saying the stupidest shit cuz they can't put themselves in other people shoes. Having to work so hard to STILL be seen as only Jerome's girl is foolish. I don't mess with a lot of what Louie has been doin these past seasons but some issues people got with her is craazzyyy


Nigga are u slow? When u start as some hood rat and family puts u on, u dont snake and betray them at every turn and think u deserve to be #1 when u didnt do what it takes to be #1. Not to say louie aint do nothing but she definitely didnt do enough to be in charge. And like rome said, if he was gone she woulda been dead. Louie not gon fuck u. If she didnt want to be jeromes girl she shoulda started her OWN business. Not snake a business built off the backs of others.


I remember when I first saw a clip of him I immediately thought Tom Holland idk how they do the voice switch up is insane

Rashad Winters

Great Reaction!! R.IP Big Rome. Fuck Louie. The nigga that clocked out is the smartest character in the whole show idc lmao

Michael Pamon

Louie so full of shit man holy fuck. You’re a fucking millionaire and you actually bother to give a fuck what the niggas beneath you think about you?


Written by a competent writer. Too many shows nowadays have garbage endings.


When I watched this episode, I just remembered that once scene from season 1 or 2, where Leon Franklin and Kevin just messing around Jeromes house having fun all four of them just laughing, watching that scene hits hard after this episode


This ep had the whole gang tearbending


Can't wait for final episode of the great series

Russell Rountree

We are in the end game now folks let’s gooooo

R Blass

No one is talking about how cissy just lost her brother. She's about to be devastated


man i blame alot of this on LOUIE man 😂


OFC when Jerome finally took a stand this had to happen bro 😔


Had this spoiled for me so early on but it stills wild to see how it went down

Aaron Owusu

Ya'll can say whatever you want about Franklin's part in this but at the end of the day keep in mind that none of this shit would've happened if Louie and the others knew her place and kept workin with Franklin instead of tryna to go the "Imma do my own thang" route. Think about it, if you asked a nerd doing to do your homework for you would ya'll ever try to tell him how to complete it or answer the questions? No you wouldn't cause you know their wayyy smarter than you. The same way Louie should've never branched out and try to run her own business like she knew better than him. I mean he was setting his whole famliy up to win at one point he also was the only one who had to deal with Teddy's bullshit until Louie overstepped and went behind him. At end the day Jerome's dead because of Louie's ambition and hubris.

Jose Angel Martinez

Dam. Few times roshi shed a tear and it got me in my feels too.

Devin B

Big Homie Rome was that guy for the majority of the show, even though he had his moments in this season you can tell he was tired of the bs from everyone, but not tired enough to try and help his loved ones.


Even tho I knew he was gonna die cuz I seen clips when the episode first came out shit still got me it still hurt beside frank Jerome was my favorite unc 😭🥲


This was so hard to watch 😭


Louie partly to blame for Jerome death because he been wanted out but he had to protect her.


FUCK!!! 🥺


Rip super unc


louie fault


Buddy knew what Franklin was on and he didn't like what they were about to do to lou so he got away from there


Doesn’t need to be said. Next episode is gonna be a shitshow

Aaron Brown

YEP. thats one way of summing this episode up.

Dark Danny

Mind you at one point the reason she turned on Franklin is because she didn’t want to work underneath someone but like Franklin literally said everybody works for somebody, if you’re not working under Franklin you work under Teddy, everyone has a boss even Teddy

Dark Danny

Her reasonings are dumb she wants to be on top of everyone and she fails to realize she will never be the boss, that’s my problem with her. Literally everyone works for someone even Teddy


50:38 idk what it was about that “NO YOU GET UP!” from louie but my eyes started sweating n its crazy cuz the first time i watched this episode i did not cry


Fuck Louie

Jamaal Ellison

*Sniffs Hey look everybody Louie had a plan!!!🥹🥺😢😭 #TeamFuckLouie


now that is done, i can’t wait to see y’all react to the last 2 episodes, you thought this episode was sad? boyyyyy

Sincerely, the Best.

first of all, louie is the reason this business even made it off the ground floor, franklin DEPENDED on her in the beginning and her connection swith that one woman who she later killed and when she wasn't respected she left like she should've. If anything Louie put Franklin on. I don't fuck with any of Louie's actions these past like 2 seasons but to dismiss the intergral part she had in the bussines before she branched out and did stupid shit is a bit dumb. Also I apoligize for my aggresiveness in my first comment.


@sincerelt, the best. SHE NOT GON FUCK U NIGGA, she not real. Louie aint the reason franklin where he at. She did 1 thing in the beginning that helped things along, just like a bunch of people in the show. That alone isnt enought for her to be queenpin of an organization she didnt build. You one of them retarded louie simps who says “oh i dont agree with what she did” just so you can dick suck her in the next sentence. No matter what you say Louie doesnt deserve to steal the operation franklin built. If you disagree with that you just not watching.

Jamaal Ellison

Louie didn't just want a piece of the pie. She wanted to learn to recipe herself, so she could to be the one who decides who gets what Size slice.

Jamaal Ellison

Kane is crazy, this fool assembled the negro avengers to torture and rape Louie. At 36:45 that's the moment Louie knew she had fucked up.


Rip Unc, nigga just wanted Franklin to go to school like a normal ass kid at the start of it all man


That Jerome scene feels too real every time I see it 🥹🥹😢


fyi the actor who plays jeromes directs the next ep

A. P.

Louie talm bout "I couldn't have known Teddy would do that to Franklin," MA'AM?! You should've assumed that Teddy would try to KILL Franklin since working with you means he's done with him. No way if she was thinking about anyone but herself would she have gone behind Franklin's back like that. Pretty much started this whole shit. Louie with Jerome, Tasha with Ghost, damn when your man want out the game just let him go 😭😭 Big S/o to Amin Joseph, he bodied his role as Jerome this entire series. Possibly the most dynamic character on a show with very dynamic characters.


Franklins “Unc?”Gets me everytime


No JJK this week ?

Paul Reyes

I’m glad everyone on the couch pretty much doesn’t fuck with Louie anymore. Her refusing to take accountability only gets worse from here.

Jamaal Ellison

On another note, I'll bet that mechanic from last episode is pretty happy with his decision to break Ties with jerome. Especially after he reads the obituaries.


Y’all should just finish the show next week, too good to drag it on fr

sotonye ogan

AHHHHHHHH didn't want to cry until Franklin kept saying Unc? AHHHHHH

Alexis Sullivan

If Kane had just shot Louie, Franklin woulda been fine with it. It was all the extra shit, the branding and plans to r word her is where he lost Franklin. I dont think it was so much about Kane disrespecting Franklin. Franklin was like I may not fuck with Louie but I also don't fuck with the r wording. That's why he hit the steering wheel in his car, he hated Louie but his conscience wouldn't let him let her be r worded to death.

Art of Trolling

First time in my life i ever teared up over a show. I didn't think the shit was possible


It sucks because I know for a fact Louie is still not going to take any accountability in the situation and will blame Franklin for Jerome's death. Also her point on self-worth was weird because she was really just talking about how other people viewed her. Being ready and completely willing to throw your life away over how other people view you is dumb to me. Self worth literally is something you give yourself. After Jerome did the 50/50 split with her to show they were in it together, Franklin trusting her to handle things with Teddy while he was away, Skully trusting her, I dont get how the only opinions she cares about to let affect her feeling of self-worth are of other expendable people below her.

danial javady (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 00:09:22 They came in before, Louie didn't actually get r***** yet. (Is this being censored for youtube uploads?). Kane needed the information out of Louie to get Buckley, which is why he said he was going to torture her and have Percy come in and break her mentally. Like franklin said "Give him up and pray for a quick death". If he wanted to participate in the violating acts he wouldn't have been chilling upstairs watching it from afar. I also don't think Kane was disrespecting Franklin there.
2023-11-25 00:06:50 They came in before, Louie didn't actually get r***** yet. (Is this being censored for youtube uploads?). Kane needed the information out of Louie to get Buckley, which is why he said he was going to torture her and have Percy come in and break her mentally. The plan was to torture her until she gave him up. Like franklin said "Give him up and pray for a quick death". If he wanted to participate in the violating acts he wouldn't have been chilling upstairs watching it from afar. I also don't think Kane was disrespecting Franklin there.

They came in before, Louie didn't actually get r***** yet. (Is this being censored for youtube uploads?). Kane needed the information out of Louie to get Buckley, which is why he said he was going to torture her and have Percy come in and break her mentally. The plan was to torture her until she gave him up. Like franklin said "Give him up and pray for a quick death". If he wanted to participate in the violating acts he wouldn't have been chilling upstairs watching it from afar. I also don't think Kane was disrespecting Franklin there.


well would you look at that. shitting on jerome this whole time because he was opposing franklin and now yall wanna cry for him. fuck out of here. aint no room for you over here. team jerome since day 1. rest in piece OG you were the best


Man Snowfall is a wild journey and it sucks that we're almost at the end. Not sure if y'all have decided on what y'all are going to replace Snowfall with but if y'all want something similar I recommend checking out Narcos that shows the drug trade south of the border and how it gets stateside. Mainly focused on the DEA taking on the drug cartels and the cocaine trade.

OpM AllMoneyIn

That was the first time skully seen Leon since the killing of his daughter. That’s why they was looking at each other like that


They was shitting on him cuz he was letting Louie run his life, the only time he wanted to stand up for himself was when it was too late. He’s still a beloved character regardless of his stupid decisions, nobody wanted him dead, if anything Louie deserved death more than him.


you know what I let my emotions get the best of me. this about Jerome not some petty stuff. RIP Jerome! the best OG you'll be missed


Lmaoooo Jesus 😂 man had his morning coffee like “uh uh uh.. I told that nigga to get out while he could. 🤦🏿‍♂️”

Franklin Saint

I remember watching this episode when it was first broadcasting on live tv earlier this year I was really sad asf for a week he was my 2nd favorite character in the show 🥲

Devin B

Louie didn't get hard R, that screaming was from them taking her clothes off and right after Franklin started shooting up the place you can see they only got her down to her panties.

Davon Thomas

2 weeks left of Snowfall


😂 dawg everyone on that couch knew what was up when he said “I got a lot of niggahs fresh out”


I don't feel one bit bad for Louie, like she wanted to be the big bad boss. Unfortunate that Jerome was the one that ended up with the bullet and not her.


😂😂😂 niggahs souls was genuinely scared for Loui


Jerome yelling Louie’s name was so emotional for me because you can tell how much he loves her and the fact he died saving her is gut wrenching. It’s forever going to be fuck Franklin for me I’m sorry he’s just the devil. But Louie did bring it upon herself but Fuck Kane sick ahh too. R.I.P Jerome the best character in the series.


No he didn't. He directed episode 8, The Ballad of The Bear, also one of the best episodes in the entire series.

J Man

LOL... The Crack Head Power Ranger crackin it up. Power Rangers SPD, crackin SPD to the rescue

Fatak Scar

I’m sorry but Louie is a bitch 😂 not that she deserves what happened to her but she have been manipulating niggas since season one she always want more than what she has and that resulted to Jerome death


Franklin is my guy! I agreed with anything he's ever done until this episode. IDGAF what they were gonna do to Louie, she asked for it trying to be something she wasn't and only thinking of herself 💬Conniving azz! Jerome "the love of her life" told her he was out and going to Jamaica she could give 2 F***s all was on her mind was how can I get these ni99az to respect me without Jerome. SMMFH


Before the next reaction can y’all react to Lean Brim feat. Uncle Jerome “La Nevada”. It’s a 2 min clip but Unc was spitting 😂🔥

Casually PS

Aint no way they had page kennedy from vine days as percy🤯🤯


She never stole the operation delusion fan boy. She never knew Teddy was going to do that Franklin bitch ass is salty because she’s on her on thing and that’s why he got robbed.


I don't think Franklin gave a damn about Louie he probably did it for Jerome because when Louie had the chance to help Franklin and she didn't relationship over right there but Jerome was different. I still don't really care about anyone in this show or that's what I thought until the final scene when Jerome went out gangsta I realized I do care about some and he was one of the main ones. I think Louie is gonna be on that bs with Franklin next episode because she's gonna wonder how Kane knew about the stables even though Franklin didn't have to come back and save her. Also loquacious is ridiculous Percy was hilarious 😭😭😭 glad he got shot in his chest though thought we was going to see him crawling on the ground cursing at them like Rick James for a second there. Finally Teddy getting in his demon mode going to another secret agents domicile is bonkers this crazy man was trying to talk no jutsu and buddy was looking at him like this man off the deep end for sure mac had it right last episode Teddy and Franklin are two peas in a pod insane that is.


if you think about it, Skully ruined everything with the LSD. If that didn't happen, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did for the most part


Hey when yall finish the snowfall series would yall chrck out BMF on Prime Video definitely another great show yall would be interested in


i mean i cant really say we should blaming franklin for this. everything happens for a reason and the reasons are always connected. and none of this would have EVER happened if louie didnt go and mess up everything with franklin and teddy. literally one act out of greed and now her husband is dead.


W him for that because some people be having so much hatred for people that they could really care less about what happens to them.


bro you're actually slow lmfao. franklin already told her teddy was an issue when she asked to meet him at the drop. he said no as she got all huffy puffy because he was deadass looking out for her. teddy is so unpredictable so the idea of what could be the outcome of her actions before doing them not being in her brain is exactly why she's where she's at. teddy and oso even were talking about how BAD of an idea it would be to go behind franklins back to sell to his family. its not like franklin was the only person who didnt see the problem in this. oso did. teddy did. jerome did. franklin did. without teddy and franklin doing business there IS no operation so yes she quite literally stole it from underneath him. at the end of the day at least the money franklin made actually had a cause even if it was a shady one. and did you forget franklin made over 56M for funding the war? dont forget the 70M he already had, the money he put down on properties, and the money that was also stolen by peaches. thats over 100M he made in a span of some years, i promise louie was never going to come close.


@foreignkarma stick to anime fuck nigga. Franklin looked louie dead in her eyes and said “what do you think teddy will do to you if he did this to me.” And she said “i’ll take my chances”. if you seriously going to sit here and say louie had no idea teddy could do sumn like this you dumber than she is. 6 seasons and this what you came up with?

Digital Alikin

Teddy don't give people an out he gives the illusion of that being an option. Did y'all forget what happened to Alton lol


Sheera talking during important dialogue…. Again smh

Nita - Kento's Widow

The thing is, the trio was right sayin that them not killing her immediately was Kane's wrong, Franklin probably would've left it alone if they just shot her through the head. But I don't think Franklin was thinking about Louie in that moment, but two other things: Jerome (who he clearly still had love for deep inside) and repayment because they would've owed him one (even if they didn't know that Franklin was the one who told Kane what happened). Tbh were it not for Jerome, I don't think Louie would've been saved.


All i learned from this episode is that Franklin never would have shot Jerome in the shop, that nigga crashed here, shit got me teary eyed and shit.

Kumi Chan

that's a good point, but none of this would of happened if teddy left franklins money alone.

Nita - Kento's Widow

I don't think Louie wanting what she wanted was bad, but the way she went about it was infuriatingly awful. The way she becomes almost spiteful and not taking accountability makes it hard to even sympathize with what she's saying, especially when you have other characters who also struggle with this. People don't and may never look at Wanda with respect again, lost love with her family, but she still had to do her best to make money, trusts in the love Leon gave her. It took Jerome (RIP) exploding on her to at least look at herself. When you do not acknowledge and accept your mistakes you're not building self-worth, you're feeding into vanity and arrogance. That said, analyzing these characters with all of these flaws makes for a fun, painful show lmao I wanted to talk about this and not how I cried for Jerome and Franklin's response to it....


Day after Jerome tells Louie she'd be dead without him she gets caught lacking that's crazy.


I agree with Roshi on accountability everyone keeps blaming Franklin like he didn't tell them what timing he was on. Nobody listens and get upset about the consequences. I blame Louie for this one.


I'm so happy they caught that the guard that let Franklin in knew some shit was about to go down and tried to save his homie lmao. Alot of people missed that.

Tre'son McClendon

I haven’t seen yall this dead silent in a while. RIP Unc.

C Miller

I was fine till I heard “Unc?”😭😭😭


hopefully gangs of london replaces Snowfall it's top tier


Roshi is 100% on accountability. No one in this show owns their shit and everyone blames Franklin. Like they aren’t grown ass adults that got into the crack business knowing exactly what tf was going on


Now that I went back and watched episode 6 of season five Kane was justified for what he did. I forgot Kane was Kev’s older brother

Dark Danny

Well obviously he’s not a good guy nobody in this show is, you must not like anybody if that’s the reason for not liking Franklin


finished the rest of the season and i cant wait for these next reactions

Dark Danny

That wasn’t why, Jerome was acting weird and everyone even his friends saw that. They originally loved his character up in till he started acting like a baby, they just didn’t like how he was acting. I’m pretty sure he was there favorite character, imagine seeing your favorite character acting like a child and blaming his actions on other people like he isn’t a grown adult capable of thinking for himself


what? why would you need to censor your patreon comment for a youtube upload??

Dalvin Williams

It is bad for what she wanted simply because why would you want that in the drug business of all places? Shit was dumb


Teddy himself said Franklin had to get his family in order and Louie still kept fighting with him. He told he that he's terrified of Teddy and they if they want to make it out they'll have to work together. But Louie can't stand the idea that she isn't in charge Franklin is and she can do whatever she wants below him but when he makes a team decision they need to fall in regardless of how they feel about each other. She at one point seemed to understand that but she let the power get to her head after Franklin got shot. Plus she failed to acknowledge that Jerome was the biggest reason she made it as far as they went. He was constantly trying to hold them to the family, he tried to stop her from making dangerous decisions he was the one in the field fighting. Ultimately he paid the price but if Jerome had it his way they would have made it out by now.


Should have just let that man go to Kingston and should've went with him then send someone back for the horse if she cared about it that much. Smh they always show the parallels and everyone this episode had someone saying let's just leave but not one person listened or moved fast enough


I doubt she'll have any accountability but this is really her fault for waaaay before. Jerome didn't want to start then he didn't want to be too deep in, he wanted a business and no drama, he didn't want to take over from Franklin, they didn't have to go go behind Franklins back and get Kane shot he didn't want to be at war with family he didn't want to stay there at all and Louie is just greedy. They could have had their speaker shop and club and called it there they could have left after wedding but folks mad greedy!! Now look. Louie alone and beat to shit and the only support she might have is lil ole Frankie who tried to find a clean way out for everyone before Louie crossed multiple lines into the deep end

Dalvin Williams

Nah Louie knock over them dominos and this is her effect 🤷🏾‍♂️💯 she’s the only one to blame. Should’ve never stole Franklin’s entire business and plug, I suppose your gonna blame her ending on Franklin as well 😂😂😂


The next parallel will be people close to them dropping. Teddy's dad is gone, Jerome is gone it's not looking good for Wanda or Franklins mom or V or Osos family. The cast feels like it's about to thinned out BAD. At this point they better hope for jail.


I really hope Louie feels guilty af tho. They had one last golden opportunity to be eating complementary peanuts otw outta this hell hole instead of being nearly assaulted and harassed by a pimp named slickback and catching a few hot bullets smh but I know it'll be Franklin to blame AGAIN 🙄


Fr that shit broke me when I first saw this episode hearing Franklin say "Unc?"


Never ever do the “R” word idc what’s going on WE DON’T CROSS THAT LINE….EVER!!!!!

Dalvin Williams

19:40 Louie said she scared of teddy. But a couple episodes ago when she was talking shit to Franklin, she literally said and I quote, You just gone do what the white man say? That tells you she didn’t give a fuck about Franklin and how he was under the CIA, so all you people saying he wasn’t listening to her he did hear her ideas like everybody else that had something to say, and Franklin is the leader as a leader should hear ideas from his group and then he gets the final say that’s what leaders do, and they also protect and are responsible for his gang which is why he always is the only person actually figuring shit out.




Ah this scene killed me the first time seeing it

Legendary AB

I want to comment on something so bad but don’t want to catch heat


At first yeah but then he went on and did all this extra shit, so fuck Kane ngl


It’s fucked up but I can’t say Kane wasn’t justified brother killed because of Franklin and Kane got shot because of Louie. Eye for an eye


I mean Kane didn’t owe any of them respect. Lol she nearly killed him, put him in a hospital bed, Franklin killed his brother. He was going to inflict maximum pain and humiliation. Plus I think he felt that Franklin was done with them too after all the times they shot at each other.

Doby Greg

What really made me sad was Jerome and Franklin not having some nice last words together. Him and Cissi never got beef but he never got to truly reconcile with Franklin just fight one last fight together. that episode 3 tested my love for Jerome but I hate to see him go. All the man ever wanted was to chill and be good with his family by his side.

Doby Greg

I think Leon is the biggest example we have of what Louie is talking about and Jerome used to also take her for granted before she left him. And while I can understand a need for validation I still the way she fucked over Franklin made her deserving of being killed by Franklin when she refused to help him get back his money.

Elle E.

Lord Lord Lord this episode was a hot mess. Teddy like “I have no one” well yeah bc you chose cocaine & money over your child, wife, father, brother, & friends Then Louie like “You did this to me!” to Franklin….ma’am??? No you did this to you


And it’s crazy, because after the fact, jermome lives of Franklin doesn’t tell him anything, and it would’ve been to the same benefit for him personally.

Bona Fide

I cant


Ugh one of the best characters gone just like that


idk who that random nigga was that dipped out but he just jumped into my top ten characters list lmao. He tried to save his boi and just hit him with the "nice knowing you" dap and left im weak.


Jerome is a first ballot hall of fame tv character no question.

Sylas Juniel

Just saying all of Kanes dudes were handled so if they let him walk out he woulda got lit up and Jerome could’ve lived.


not jerome, nooooooo!