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Nah this character is COOKED, any redemption arc will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes



First here😎




For folks who saw my comment last reaction, what I say? I said Roshi is about to soon retract that statement talking “I fully support it of Beom Seok” 😂😂😂


all my homies hate beom seok

Lannelle⁷ (edited)

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2023-11-17 19:28:42 its the way i laughed last ep when Roshi said he supports beomseok 💀💀 we knew whats up this ep
2023-11-17 19:28:04 its the way i laughed last ep when Roshi said he supports beomseok 💀💀 we knew what was up this ep

its the way i laughed last ep when Roshi said he supports beomseok 💀💀 we knew what was up this ep


Honestly Bum is such a tragic character, the true definition of hurt people, hurt people. So well written but I hate him smh.


Facts if only he knew🤦🏽‍♂️🤣🤣🤣

Shay Peart

I hate his guts; I don't care what he had going on. This episode was the one that made me feel like he deserved what he got from his dad, and he should whoop his ass some more.


I cannot wait for the reaction to the last two episodes bro I'm FIENDING for them


Nah bro ain’t no way you almost kill me on purpose and I’m not torturing you , I don’t care if it’s family or friend you do this shit imma beat you within in inch of your life.


This man is evil


Shera’s theory about the glasses is funny when you consider the very real “takes off glasses = evil arc” Kdrama trope lol. It reminds me of a post I read that said something to the effect of “K-Drama characters lose their glasses when they become evil so they don’t have to see their immoral actions.”

Miekala Jones

Ultimate anime betrayal 😆 I knew this was coming since I've watched it several times, but even though I was ready for it, I wasn't ready to be that upset again. I really wanted to jump into the screen and light'em up 💀

J Man

I never expected Bum to get the ultimate villain arc


they cut the break on his bike so that he could be weaker for the fight


They mentioned that Soo Ho and the UFC guy already fought and Soo Ho won. That's why they cut the brakes off his bike. To put Soo Ho at a disadvantage for their upcoming fight.

Mozart Waddell

It's Jiho all over again 😟


Redemption Arc? Lol 😆 🤣 😂


I can't wait for s2. What's interesting about this first season is that it's only like a 10 or so chapter flashback in the webtoon but I can see why they'd adapt this first to give context for what comes next


They didn't even believe the UFC nigga could beat soo ho without putting him at some type of disadvantage 😮‍💨


Nigga trash no matter what he do nigga could save the world he ain’t redeemable to me bro I’m sorry

Mozart Waddell

Hot take I don't hate Bum Seok. I really find tragic bullied characters who become menaces quite refreshing. This probably has to deal with my bias and favorite character from Lookism. If you read it you should already know who I'm talking about. Honestly I get more wrapped up in their story more than the MC. There's a path to redemption for them. Through the character change of heart and willingness to serve out his time in prison (extra points if he turns himself in); tragically dieing while saving the person he tormented. As long as the character haven't killed or gave someone a near fatal or life altering disability (paralysis or comatosis) the character might be able to be redeemed. I'll just have to see how far Bum Seok will go. I haven't read the webtoon yesterday but I'm tempted. Just seen this episode yesterday.


I kind of understood Bum Seok until the attempted murder. After that, fuck him.


Really hope Uncanny Counter is on the next kadrama poll🙏🙏


i neeedd the next episodes uploaded already 😭🙏🏼

Uriel Batuk

You can be weak, but it doesn't mean you have to be a p*ssy. Since the episode Bum got mad at Yoon Yi, I started to have a bad feeling about him. He is a coward. His only strength is his dad's money. When he has enough money to buy his bullies, he forgets he is weak and acts as the strong. At least what he believes the strong acts like. An Soo is strong, the real kind of strong. He understands order and only fights to defend himself and stop violence. Bum Seok is delusional and blames everything horrible happening to him on other people. He has no notion of fighting for himself like Si Eun does.

Hasnain Khan


Sukisuki (edited)

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2023-11-17 22:52:13 I think the way Bum is the way he is, is because of his dad and any behavior he does the dad enables it weather its abuse or hiding the evidence so Bum going on a villain streak is not surprising.
2023-11-17 22:51:04 I think that Bum is the way he is, because of his dad and any behavior he does the dad enables it whether its abuse or hiding the evidence so Bum going on a villain streak is not surprising.

I think that Bum is the way he is, because of his dad and any behavior he does the dad enables it whether its abuse or hiding the evidence so Bum going on a villain streak is not surprising.

KS Neelesh

Dont worry about the redemption roshi🤣 just see what happens. ITS MAD

Twin Hallow

This guy turned into a villain mad fast lol. The switch up is insane.


My disappointment is immense🤦🏾‍♀️

Twin Hallow

They did a pretty good job on making me hate that kid though.


nah this dude needs another tee off from his daddy

Davon Thomas

They missed the part where they came up with the idea of handicapping him for the UFC kid fight that's why they cut the breaks.

Davon Thomas

Next 2 episodes about to go crazy


i love hearing shera say nigga she rarely curses and i think its hilarious


They said they cut the breaks to give him a handicap against the ufc dude since he beat him before when they fought.

Walter Peavy III

Bum seok is on his Kisaki arc right now

J Man

No matter what, Punk ass move by the bullies.

Mai (edited)

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2023-11-18 02:21:07 The bullies wanted to handicapped SuHo (that’s why they did that to his bike) so that the UFC kid will get a higher chance of winning since SuHo beat him up before.
2023-11-18 02:19:59 The bullies wanted to handicapped Soo Ho (that’s why they did that to his bike) so that the UFC kid will get a higher chance of winning since Soo Ho beat him up before.

The bullies wanted to handicapped Soo Ho (that’s why they did that to his bike) so that the UFC kid will get a higher chance of winning since Soo Ho beat him up before.

Jamaal Ellison

He's got such a punchable face doesn't he? Every time I look as Beom Seok's neck i just wanna hit him in the throat.


Hopefully yall see this, but make sure you watch after the credits for episode 8. There's a little scene of what is to come for season two!

rickie woodson

the text underneath the picture said "your birthday present lol" well the korean aquivalent of "lol". closer to jajaja or hahaha

rickie woodson (edited)

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2023-11-18 05:12:39 damn bum seok, is that soo dick that good lol i swear he is lacking like a petty heartbroken bench. and she wants si eun anyways so your psycho ass got jealous for no reason lol DICKMATIZED!
2023-11-18 05:10:27 damn bum seok, is that soo dick that good lol i swear he is acting like a petty heartbroken bench. and she wants si eun anyways so your psycho ass got jealous for no reason lol DICKMATIZED!

damn bum seok, is that soo dick that good lol i swear he is acting like a petty heartbroken bench. and she wants si eun anyways so your psycho ass got jealous for no reason lol DICKMATIZED!

Elle E. (edited)

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2023-11-18 06:04:08 This just got VERY SAAADDD and dumb. I lowkey thought Beom Seok had a romantic crush on Soo Ho. He’s coming off as a jealous physcho scorned lover from one of those True Crime shows, who’s upset his crush getting closer to a girl (Young Yi). He don’t have the same energy towards Shi Eun. Don’t make no sense. Never crossed my mind or looked like Soo Ho looked down on Beom Seok at all. So why target him⁉️⁉️⁉️ He mad at the wrong person. Be mad at your bullies & your dad. Not the person who fought for you.😑
2023-11-18 05:52:57 This just got VERY SAAADDD and dumb. I lowkey thought Bum Seok had a romantic crush on Soo Ho. He’s coming off as a jealous physcho scorned lover from one of those True Crime shows, who’s upset his crush getting closer to a girl (Young Yi). He don’t have the same energy toward Si Eun. Don’t make no sense. Never crossed my mind or looked like Soo Ho looked down on Bum Seok at all. So why target him⁉️⁉️⁉️ He mad at the wrong person. Be mad at your bullies & your dad. Not the person who fought for you.😑

This just got VERY SAAADDD and dumb. I lowkey thought Bum Seok had a romantic crush on Soo Ho. He’s coming off as a jealous physcho scorned lover from one of those True Crime shows, who’s upset his crush getting closer to a girl (Young Yi). He don’t have the same energy toward Si Eun. Don’t make no sense. Never crossed my mind or looked like Soo Ho looked down on Bum Seok at all. So why target him⁉️⁉️⁉️ He mad at the wrong person. Be mad at your bullies & your dad. Not the person who fought for you.😑

Elle E.

My EXACT thoughts. He gave me the vibe that he likes Soo Hoo more than a friend.


You know, my boy BUM is dealing with a lot right now... He's got TONS of pent of emotions from all the years of abuse... He's ADOPTED, which comes with it's own issues... Now he's been befriended by the Bully's Bully (An Soo) and he's not handling people being nice to him well at all. More off, he didn't like how An Soo treats EVERYONE like he'd kick their ass if they ever told him no (Bum's perspective). Bum is trash, but I agree more that "Hurt people, hurt people" because boy had every reason to be mad at the world. He just took it too far...


if Bum's character has no haters then I'm dead

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

The shit that might even piss me off more than Bum Seok is how these “delinquents” be running like a lil bitch then try to act hard when they get someone else to do it holy shit that shit triggers me every time and it happens 3 times an episode 😭😭


all of this bc a girl was getting closer to ur friend? that does not seem platonic at all. it’s so much deeper than that as well. add all of the past abuse and inferiority complex… phew. its sad really but like why not just talk to him? i was very sympathetic to his character at first but he’s insane really. there’s no going back at all. he played bum seok so well😭😭😭 i hate him so unbelievably much.

The thing that flows

I also wondered for a second if "Look at this cheese" is a threat in Korean.

Franklin Saint

I think both si-eun and soo hoo are both right I think both Bum and the bully’s are both using each other that how it is at least to me and bums actor is killing it with his performance he’s doing a good job making his character hateable I really feel bad for both si-eun and soo hoo they don’t deserve this they both was kind and protective and showed him care especially si-eun he was the kindest to him fuck bum and yes I know I’m spelling his name wrong but I don’t care


Can't wait for the redemption arc🥶 about to be lit🤯


I understand Bum Seok's anger towards Su Ho to some extent. Su Ho is way overprotective.

Jay rellim

nah i hope they piece this dude up


Shouldn't have gassed this man


Damn, I've spent this entire reaction series so far thinking it was the same show as Extracirricular. I just combined these two things in my dumb brain, wondering when the breaking bad starts.


I said this mf'er a whole BUM!!! It would be on sight if it was me. Also, not Sheera thinking the text saying cheese🤣

Brooke C

No redemption for Bum

Gabriel Curtis

As far as I can see this dude Stephen has put hands on this dude twice for no reason. Reason 1. He said something not nice. Reason 2 because he cut in line with his friends. Neither of them are in the right

Gabriel Curtis

I regret everything I said this man had his breaks cut


Theres so many bitchmade characters in this show its actually infuriating


these shows are fun, but i cant help but laugh at how blood thirsty teen bullies are depicted. Like bro when anyone stands up to a bully in this show the bully first thought is they gotta murder them???? like wtf


its more about morals than anything. hes treating bum seok like hed treat any other bully since he wants to hang out with them now. that isnt gonna change just because they were friends before that isnt how it works. bum seok is trying to justify all of the bs he did to soo ho because soo ho was doing the right thing and standing up to the bullies.

J Man

Bum Suck is Butt

Chris Hee

I guess Bum Seok wanted to prove he was "his own man" (hah) by staying in line Damn this sucks

A. P.

That "Look at this cheese" caption clapped me for a second too lol But damn, know what, next time I see Bum Seok I'm pullin up wit a whole set of golf clubs


All this cause sook hoo didnt follow booty cheeks bum seok on instagram


I fully understand Bum wanting to get his ex friend beat up. But cutting the wire on the bike is absolutely insane. Bro CANNOT come back from that


Nah bro. He put hands on Bum, but cutting the wires on the bike is literally insane. He tried to kill that man


Nah bro. Cutting the breaks can literally kill someone. There's no coming back from that


Nah bro, cutting the breaks is how you kill someone. There's no coming back from that


I liked him better with the glasses. He looks like an a-hole now


Facts. I lowkey was on his side when he was going off on An Soo, but once they cut the breaks, I lost all sympathy for him


Classic anime villain moment. Queue Aizen theme*

aeraaa (edited)

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2023-12-11 23:13:18 Bro will NEVER be able to comeback from cutting that wire. Bum SUCK is DONE FOR.
2023-12-08 16:54:10 Bro will NEVER be able to comeback from cutting that wire. Bum SUCK is DONE FOR.

Bro will NEVER be able to comeback from cutting that wire. Bum SUCK is DONE FOR.