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head popper got plans


Hasnain Khan



Ending to this episode was great

PJ Rivera

Its funny how in the boys shetty would be a good guy and its okay what she’s doing because all the supes aside from kimiko and starlight are pure evil. Thankfully they balanced the supes out with the gen v crew showing they aren’t all evil POS


I dont think you watched the boys? Shetty would not be a good guy. None of the boys want to kill all supes globally. Even butcher who hates them wouldnt agree with shetty


They'll never turn me against Cate 🥺 She did what she had to do!! 😤 I don't know how I can wait until Friday for the finale though lmao


I think her eyes changes to white because she doesn't use her hands to use her power like Marie does. Maybe its just a technique she has to learn because Marie mainly uses her power with her hands.


to be fair butcher would likely be the only one with this idea. maybe not globally but def having that ace in the hole


Neuman's concern with the virus is interesting. I think she's gonna try to weaponize against Homelander, she definitely can't want an outbreak since her daughter is now a Supe as well.


Dean Shetty genuinely loved Cate Btw.


Friday feels so far away.. The last ep was actually crazy and I havent been this excited for a react in a loongg time


I don’t want it to endddddd

Isaac (edited)

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2023-11-15 03:09:30 If anyone is confused on the Shetty and Cate scene. Yes, Shetty was telling the truth. Cate is a powerful mind reader and can tell Shetty was being real. Makes zero sense that Shetty flooded her mind about her dead daughter and Cate not noticing it as powerful a mind reader she is now that she stopped taking those meds to dull them and I doubt Shetty did mental training like that to hide her real thoughts. Even though Cate knows Shetty is being truthful Cate made a real choice to punish Shetty anyway because what she's doing is pretty fucked for the wellbeing of Supes. Honestly the supe situation is a hard situation to take sides on because sure there are innocent super powered people but a lot of them have that "we can do whatever the fuck we want" mentality even if innocent.
2023-11-15 03:09:30 If anyone is confused on the Shetty and Cate scene. Yes, Shetty was telling the truth. Cate is a powerful mind reader and can tell Shetty was being real. Makes zero sense that Shetty flooded her mind about her dead daughter and Cate not noticing it as powerful a mind reader she is now that she stopped taking those meds to dull them and I doubt Shetty did mental training like that to hide her real thoughts. Even though Cate knows Shetty is being truthful Cate made a real choice to punish Shetty anyway because what she's doing is pretty fucked for the wellbeing of Supes. Honestly the supe situation is a hard situation y
2023-11-15 03:09:20 If anyone is confused on the Shetty and Cate scene. Yes, Shetty was telling the truth. Cate is a powerful mind reader and can tell Shetty was being real. Makes zero sense that Shetty flooded her mind about her dead daughter and Cate not noticing it as powerful a mind reader she is now that she stopped taking those meds to dull them and I doubt Shetty did mental training like that to hide her real thoughts. Even though Cate knows Shetty is being truthful Cate made a real choice to punish Shetty anyway because what she's doing is pretty fucked for the wellbeing of Supes. Honestly the supe situation is a hard situation to take sides on because sure there are innocent super powered people but a lot of them have that Homelander mentality of "i can do whatever the fuck i want". And Sam is so cute but it hurts my heart seeing that the supe supremacist shtick easily invaded his impressionable mind. Mentally he's still a child that was abused and kwpt away from the world by The Woods so I aint surprised it was that easy to influence him. For me as a normal human, im terrified of Supes. They do leave a path of destruction because we've seen so many acts of reckless fuckin behavior. Andre nearly killed a random woman while he was high. Rufus rapes people as a norm. So many people get permanently damaged just for having sex with a supe. Kids kill their parents because of some kind of situation ( yes there are accidents but be for real and know there have been kids who straight up killed their parents on purpose from lack of mental control ) . Yes it's the parents fault for the most part but that doesn't negate the reckless nonsense other people suffer because supes actually think they can do whatever whenever for funsies and if they get super hero status they can get away with it with a slap on the wrist. Eventually it'll get to a point where non super hero status supes can and will get away with reckless behavior if this supe movement goes further.

If anyone is confused on the Shetty and Cate scene. Yes, Shetty was telling the truth. Cate is a powerful mind reader and can tell Shetty was being real. Makes zero sense that Shetty flooded her mind about her dead daughter and Cate not noticing it as powerful a mind reader she is now that she stopped taking those meds to dull them and I doubt Shetty did mental training like that to hide her real thoughts. Even though Cate knows Shetty is being truthful Cate made a real choice to punish Shetty anyway because what she's doing is pretty fucked for the wellbeing of Supes. Honestly the supe situation is a hard situation to take sides on because sure there are innocent super powered people but a lot of them have that Homelander mentality of "i can do whatever the fuck i want". And Sam is so cute but it hurts my heart seeing that the supe supremacist shtick easily invaded his impressionable mind. Mentally he's still a child that was abused and kwpt away from the world by The Woods so I aint surprised it was that easy to influence him. For me as a normal human, im terrified of Supes. They do leave a path of destruction because we've seen so many acts of reckless fuckin behavior. Andre nearly killed a random woman while he was high. Rufus rapes people as a norm. So many people get permanently damaged just for having sex with a supe. Kids kill their parents because of some kind of situation ( yes there are accidents but be for real and know there have been kids who straight up killed their parents on purpose from lack of mental control ) . Yes it's the parents fault for the most part but that doesn't negate the reckless nonsense other people suffer because supes actually think they can do whatever whenever for funsies and if they get super hero status they can get away with it with a slap on the wrist. Eventually it'll get to a point where non super hero status supes can and will get away with reckless behavior if this supe movement goes further.

Matthew Osteen

I think Congresswoman Nueman did something to Polaris to make him have a heart attack. She only did the interview because he had a heart attack and needed to be replaced. She might have had a reason to speak to the reporter instead of him. Just a theory

Kevin Jenkins (edited)

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2023-11-15 03:17:28 Shetty is literally a female version of the way Butcher was.She is just more extreme when it comes to her methods
2023-11-15 03:17:28 Shelley is literally a female version of the way Butcher was.She is just more extreme when it comes to her methods
2023-11-15 03:17:28 Shetty is literally a female version of the way Butcher was.She is just more extreme when it comes to her methods
2023-11-15 03:17:28 Shetty is literally a female version of the way Butcher was.She is just more extreme when it comes to her methods
2023-11-15 03:17:28 Shetty is literally a female version of the way Butcher was.She is just more extreme when it comes to her methods
2023-11-15 03:13:30 Shetty is literally a female version of the way Butcher was.She is just more extreme when it comes to her methods

Shetty is literally a female version of the way Butcher was.She is just more extreme when it comes to her methods


the song at the end was so perfect

John Cedar (edited)

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2023-11-15 03:25:32 Shetty (and Butcher if he would consider this) is a fucking idiot for believing that she understands the virus enough to know it 100% won't mutate and transfer to humans someday. A hastily engineered virus, made for a target that is almost genetically identical to humans, that kills people horrifically and eventually becomes airborne? Yeah no way that backfires onto everyone else lol Biological warfare is always a bad idea, full stop.
2023-11-15 03:23:23 Shetty (and Butcher if he would consider this) is a fucking idiot for believing that she understands the virus enough to know it 100% won't mutate and transfer to humans someday. A hastily engineered virus, made for a target that is almost genetically identical to humans, that kills people horrifically and eventually becomes airborne? Yeah no way that backfires onto everyone else lol Biological warfare is pretty much always a bad idea, we cannot predict negative outcomes and it gets out of control almost instantly.

Shetty (and Butcher if he would consider this) is a fucking idiot for believing that she understands the virus enough to know it 100% won't mutate and transfer to humans someday. A hastily engineered virus, made for a target that is almost genetically identical to humans, that kills people horrifically and eventually becomes airborne? Yeah no way that backfires onto everyone else lol Biological warfare is pretty much always a bad idea, we cannot predict negative outcomes and it gets out of control almost instantly.

Bria A.

Couple things: Emma explained that she paid off a guy with fire powers to burn all of Sam’s blood-covered clothes and other evidence, so she went to do that and then picked up food. Idk if it’s a weekend, a holiday, or a cancellation because of the Neuman assembly, but it didn’t look like anyone had class this episode lmao Also, Shetty really did love Cate and thought of her as a surrogate daughter; Cate even confirmed it. She’s just a hypocrite who hates Supes at the same time. 😅

Themperor Xaquayza

I'm at 28:40, this asshole has the virus and is about to give it to the blonde supe whatever her name is (I'm bad with names) isn't she? I swear if the mind control girl dies this way I'm gonna,,, idk but I'mma be mad.

Saint Nexus

Man, I just find it so interesting that they treat Homelander as such a problem when you have people with cool powers like blood blending. Like, she never tried it lol. If she does need the virus, it REALLY shows how strong homelander is and makes you wonder how much compound V he has within him to be that strong.


Shetty is basically eren jaeger if you really think about it. Her family died so she wants to kill all of the supes

John Cedar

I don't think she wants to try it because it's been shown she has to look at someone to use her powers, and if she's in Homelander's vicinity and it doesn't work he'll obliterate her immediately. Maybe Edgar took someone with similar powers like that girl Cindy from S2 and used them as a test subject to go after Homelander at some point in the past, and he discovered it doesn't work, or won't work fast enough. You have to figure he was constantly testing the limits of Homelander over the years.


The difference with Neuman and Marie's powers is that Neuman can use her mind to control blood, Marie can only use her hands but with enough training, I think she can do what Neuman does too. It's like Bloodbending in the Avatar universe, there's regular bloodbending like we saw in ATLA and Pyschic bloodbending like what Amon did in LoK.


I think that alpaca is a supe named Sloane


Honestly I hope the next season explains why she doesn't just kill him outright with her powers. Everyone thinks it's because he's too strong but like ... I doubt that. He can be hurt. Maeve shoved a rod in his ear and he bleeds so he can be physically harmed. She must be playing a politics game keeping him alive and active.


Yea cause her eyes didnt change colors when neuman cut her hand to show they had the same powers


He would but he'd most likely use it as a direct threat than just outright doing it. Like he would have cold war with the supes. They overstep, he'll release the virus. That's more his business given his development because season 1 Butcher would be for it no hesitation. Current butcher, Cold War because Huey, MM, Kimiko, Annie, Maeve and Ryan soften him up, plus his group would obviously be not for it and he'll lose all of them if he did.


Safe to assume they can cancel eachothers power out in a blood tug of war.

Tommy G

I believe her eyes will charge if she pop people heads



Michael Armstead

Her eyes didn’t change when she cut her hand open and controlled her blood so I think they only change when she pops heads


The Dean loved Cate, it’s just that it didn’t matter because she still manipulated her. And the meds helped her control her powers BY limiting them, which is why she was more unhinged as well, acting on impulses, her powers mess with her head because of all the thoughts she has to experience.


I think butcher would have done the same thing if not for Ryan being around.


nahh that bitch victoria is a whole menace

Big Daddy Dre

That’s crazy cuz they don’t like how shetty is handling it but was cool with eren murder billions of innocent people 😂

John Cedar

The one thing that's really risky about what Victoria just did is she basically just told Marie that she's the one who killed like a dozen people on national television during the trial that was televised in S2. The head popping was on full display there and if Marie stops to connect the dots for even a minute, she will realize that her benefactor is actually extremely dangerous and will kill pretty much anyone to get what she wants. I wonder what she has planned for Marie to take such a risk like that when she's so close to reaching the oval office.


100% it’s something Marie will learn because neuman basically said that blood lassos and daggers are tiring she most likely had to use her hands also at one point


Not gonna lie, I'm with Cate cause fuck that bitch

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-11-26 03:49:36 I don't know why FemJordan and Marie haven't kissed yet like I have needs
2023-11-26 03:49:36 I don't know why FemJordan and Marie haven't kissed yet like I have needs
2023-11-26 03:49:36 I don't know why FemJordan and Marie haven't kissed yet like I have needs
2023-11-15 04:33:26 I don't know why FemJordan and Marie haven't kissed yet like I have needs

I don't know why FemJordan and Marie haven't kissed yet like I have needs


I don't think it would be enough to think of something else to attempt to stray Cate from reading your immediate thoughts that theory doesn't really make sense to me as Dean Indira Shetty was only human I don't think she trained herself to manipulate Cate's telepathy in the few years shes known her (they met when Cate was 18) which if Cate's telepathy are so easily fooled why would she need medication to limit her powers? you could hear in her words alone (and her facial expressions) that she did genuinely care for Cate. she grabbed Cate's hands to show her how sincere she was while it also being a manipulation tactic as she obviously feared Cate's powers and needed to take control of the situation quickly (which obviously faltered lol)


Fuck cate

Url Robbo

Emma explained everything she was going to do yall were talking over it


Why does everyone keep assuming it was the girl Maeve wanted to take? That kid was white and was with her mother.

Oni Legend

TO BE FAIR it was do or die for Eren where it was either i do this or they kill the rest of us no questions asked. Shetty just really fucking hates ALL supes regardless of if they’re good, bad, innocent, or have anything to do with her. Its not like humanity is in danger because of the supe population

Devin B

It probably takes an insane amount of concentration to rush that much blood to someone's head to make it pop


I'm right with Lupa: Victoria is terrifying. The one consolation is that she seems to genuinely be on Marie's side, with no bullshit.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-11-15 05:15:08 I can't lie... Shetty is right and did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter if even half of them have wholly good intensions, all the Supes gotta go. That's too much power for humans as we are right now, all these seasons of The Boys PERFECTLY illustrate this - and in the real it would just be calamity after calamity in the real world. Too many dying in a system that doesn't hold the superabled accountable because of the business they bring... Compound V needs to be destroyed and all those people need to die.
2023-11-15 05:15:08 I can't lie... Shetty is right and did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter if even half of them have wholly good intensions, all the Supes gotta go. That's too much power for humans as we are right now, all these seasons of The Boys PERFECTLY illustrate this - and in the real it would just be calamity after calamity in the real world. Too many dying in a system that doesn't hold the superabled accountable because of the business they bring... Compound V needs to be destroyed and all those people need to die.
2023-11-15 05:15:08 I can't lie... Shetty is right and did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter if even half of them have wholly good intensions, all the Supes gotta go. That's too much power for humans as we are right now, all these seasons of The Boys PERFECTLY illustrate this - and in the real it would just be calamity after calamity in the real world. Too many dying in a system that doesn't hold the superabled accountable because of the business they bring... Compound V needs to be destroyed and all those people need to die.
2023-11-15 05:14:13 I can't lie... Shetty is right and did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter if even half of them have wholly good intensions, all the Supes gotta go. That's too much power for humans as we are right now, all these seasons of The Boys PERFECTLY illustrate this - and in the real it would just be calamity after calamity in the real world. Too many dying in a system that doesn't hold the superabled accountable because of the business they bring... Compound V needs to be destroyed and all those people need to die.

I can't lie... Shetty is right and did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter if even half of them have wholly good intensions, all the Supes gotta go. That's too much power for humans as we are right now, all these seasons of The Boys PERFECTLY illustrate this - and in the real it would just be calamity after calamity in the real world. Too many dying in a system that doesn't hold the superabled accountable because of the business they bring... Compound V needs to be destroyed and all those people need to die.

Alfredo (edited)

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2023-11-15 05:23:17 Really looking at it, Shetty was right, but killing all Supes doesn't mean shit if the Vought can still make CV. Everyone who knows the formula and knows where the storages are would need to get clapped too, and I'm sure Vought or a new company would create some bastardized experiments like the Russians did with Soldier Boy.
2023-11-15 05:23:17 Really looking at it, Shetty was right, but killing all Supes doesn't mean shit if the Vought can still make CV. Everyone who knows the formula and knows where the storages are would need to get clapped too, and I'm sure Vought or a new company would create some bastardized version.
2023-11-15 05:22:28


You do realize regular people aren't good either, look at how they experimented on innocent supes. Shetty was upset because her family died because of HL. Don't drag all supes when both side haves good and bad people.


Not even Butcher is good either, just like Shetty they are angry at the same person.


But that's on the people who continued to promote and allow supes to do what they want. Regular people do terrible things too so don't say it's mostly true with supes. Shetty is the same person who used innocent children for her selfish plans and caused deaths as well. Fuck Shetty and Homelander.


this is literally reminding me of marley vs eldians😭

These Plums

I'd assume that Nueman and Marie would be immune to the virus due to the nature of the powers.


The bitch is no better, using broken children for her own plans and caused deaths too. She is angry at Homelander and wants to take him out is justified but not all supes.

nami (edited)

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2023-11-26 03:49:36 If youre talking about Head popper lady Im pretty sure there was a scene in the boys where he openly challenged her to try it and she backs down. Unless for some reason my head randomly made that up lol. It feels like the type of ability where if the person is way stronger than you it wont really work.
2023-11-26 03:49:36 If youre talking about Head popper lady Im pretty sure there was a scene in the boys where he openly challenged her to try it and she backs down. Unless for some reason my head randomly made that up lol. It feels like the type of ability where if the person is way stronger than you it wont really work.
2023-11-26 03:49:36 If youre talking about Head popper lady Im pretty sure there was a scene in the boys where he openly challenged her to try it and she backs down. Unless for some reason my head randomly made that up lol. It feels like the type of ability where if the person is way stronger than you it wont really work.
2023-11-26 03:49:36 If youre talking about Head popper lady Im pretty sure there was a scene in the boys where he openly challenged her to try it and she backs down. Unless for some reason my head randomly made that up lol. It feels like the type of ability where if the person is way stronger than you it wont really work.
2023-11-15 05:47:13 If youre talking about Head popper lady Im pretty sure there was a scene in the boys where he openly challenged her to try it and she backs down. Unless for some reason my head randomly made that up lol. It feels like the type of ability where if the person is way stronger than you it wont really work.

If youre talking about Head popper lady Im pretty sure there was a scene in the boys where he openly challenged her to try it and she backs down. Unless for some reason my head randomly made that up lol. It feels like the type of ability where if the person is way stronger than you it wont really work.

nami (edited)

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2023-11-26 03:49:36 Sheera the doctor got manipulated by Shetty because he didnt want to die lol. The "guess we'll both get clapped" thing doesnt work when one party actively does not want it lol
2023-11-26 03:49:36 Sheera the doctor got manipulated by Shetty because he didnt want to die lol. The "guess we'll both get clapped" thing doesnt work when one party actively does not want it lol
2023-11-26 03:49:36 Sheera the doctor got manipulated by Shetty because he didnt want to die lol. The "guess we'll both get clapped" thing doesnt work when one party actively does not want it lol
2023-11-26 03:49:36 Sheera the doctor got manipulated by Shetty because he didnt want to die lol. The "guess we'll both get clapped" thing doesnt work when one party actively does not want it lol
2023-11-15 05:51:57 Sheera the doctor got manipulated by Shetty because he didnt want to die lol. The "guess we'll both get clapped" thing doesnt work when one party actively does not want it lol

Sheera the doctor got manipulated by Shetty because he didnt want to die lol. The "guess we'll both get clapped" thing doesnt work when one party actively does not want it lol


mmmmmm i think its more to neuman's powers than what we just heard cuz why does her eyes get cloudy during her powers and marie's don't?

Saint Nexus

Now that you mention it, I remember him saying that. I don't remember if it was her,but it would make sense lol


That and he was thinking of his family too.


Theory is Newman's eyes get cloudy because she's doing the blood bending with her mind. When she cut her hand and did a demo they weren't clouded.


Yeah but here's the thing. We ha e shitty regular people... now we have shitty super powered people onto of the regular people problem.


Very true but here's the issue. Yes there are shitty regular people. We don't need shitty super powered people compound onto of an existing problem and what's worse is that super powered people are just as racist homophobic and then they'll be against themselves and it'll be one massive crisis after the next. Honestly the virus thing is cruel and too dangerous because thar can mutate and kill everyone regardless so I can't really be onboard 100% with that method. A way to dull powers or eradicating the V in their system to make them normal is the only nice way. That or make everyone super powered. But realistically both those solutions will be met with opposition and both methods are extremely dangerous so everything is fucked.

nami (edited)

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2023-11-26 03:49:36 you just watched an episode where college aged supes feel superior to regular people and as though they are above the law. While what Shetty is doing is fucked up and a bit too extreme, the logic of wanting something to even the playing field is completely valid
2023-11-26 03:49:36 you just watched an episode where college aged supes feel superior to regular people and as though they are above the law. While what Shetty is doing is fucked up and a bit too extreme, the logic of wanting something to even the playing field is completely valid
2023-11-26 03:49:36 you just watched an episode where college aged supes feel superior to regular people and as though they are above the law. While what Shetty is doing is fucked up and a bit too extreme, the logic of wanting something to even the playing field is completely valid
2023-11-26 03:49:36 you just watched an episode where college aged supes feel superior to regular people and as though they are above the law. While what Shetty is doing is fucked up and a bit too extreme, the logic of wanting something to even the playing field is completely valid
2023-11-15 06:08:33 you just watched an episode where college aged supes feel superior to regular people and as though they are above the law. While what Shetty is doing is fucked up and a bit too extreme, the logic of wanting something to even the playing field is completely valid

you just watched an episode where college aged supes feel superior to regular people and as though they are above the law. While what Shetty is doing is fucked up and a bit too extreme, the logic of wanting something to even the playing field is completely valid

Elle E.

Marie and Jordan ❤️❤️❤️ Sam and Emma 😍😍😍 Lovers unite! 😌 lol


This show is too good


You misunderstood. The interviewer replaced Polaris. Polaris was originally the one who was going to moderate the rally, and Nueman was the guest of the rally.


@nicklas as easy a solution that is, you know people on both ends will be opposed to it as stupid as that sounds. And making people super who are already developed at a certain stage is extremely painful and could kill them. Plus the unpredictable powers that can happen with the drawbacks. People will be too terrified to go through with it.


Then you right. And I often forget nobody knows she's a super. Well now Marie knows but she can't say shit because Neuman is backing her and Marie needs her so she can make a difference. Yeah Neuman is op power wise and well on her way on being op politics wise.

rickie woodson (edited)

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2023-11-15 07:29:23 i had the same reaction to marie not being stealhy. superboy of the team lol
2023-11-15 07:29:11 i had the same reaction to marie not being stealthy. superboy of the team lol

i had the same reaction to marie not being stealthy. superboy of the team lol

rickie woodson

nah, shetty really does love cate. she never got over the loss of her daughter or went to therapy so she is self medicating by imprinting herself onto cate, her surrogate daughter. by spending time with her she got to be the mother cate needed and cate got to be a replacement daughter but its all surface level.


I'm pretty sure Shetty was telling the truth about how she felt about Cate. It just doesn't obviously make up for her using Cate.

kage Rodgers

Sheera been confused and confusing them this whole episode lol what’s going on?


At this point I feel like “gen v”is just a gen jutstu byproduct of the sheeragan


I noticed when Marie first got her powers she did the same 'popping' thing almost. Her mom and dad both got impaled with blood projectiles but then she screamed and their bodies kinda exploded and then the whole bathroom was drenched.

Red Death

So we're just supposed to just trust Cate wholeheartedly because she was manipulated and she didn't mean it? Ok


Keep in mind Homelander is not gonna just sit there and let her charge up her head popping powers. Plus she kinda teased Starlight and was like "I could kill you if I wanted to, it would be difficult but not impossible." She probably has to focus harder or take longer to kill a supe than a normal human since in this universe every supe has some degree of enhanced durability.

Red Death

Facts, it's not all Supes are bad here but I gotta kill everyone on the planet besides my people for us to be safe for AOT.


Keep in mind y'all. The newly discovered shady blood bender just recovered a virus, that is contagious. All it would take is some infected blood to be shot at a sup. Poison blood bending lmao.


Her eradicating supes won’t solve the problem Because they aren’t the problem It the people profiting of them and making temp V who are the issues

nami (edited)

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2023-11-15 15:22:56 Shetty was telling the truth and no she wasnt thinking of her dead family to trick cate. She legit had no one else and took in cate when she had no one else too. It just didnt make up for what she did or what she was doing but she genuinely cared about her. Thats why Cate looked how she did laying in her lap
2023-11-15 15:22:56 Shetty was telling the truth and no she wasnt thinking of her dead family to trick cate. She legit had no one else and took in cate when she had no one else too. It just didnt make up for what she did or what she was doing but she genuinely cared about her. Thats why Cate looked how she did laying in her lap
2023-11-15 15:22:56 Shetty was telling the truth and no she wasnt thinking of her dead family to trick cate. She legit had no one else and took in cate when she had no one else too. It just didnt make up for what she did or what she was doing but she genuinely cared about her. Thats why Cate looked how she did laying in her lap
2023-11-15 15:22:56 Shetty was telling the truth and no she wasnt thinking of her dead family to trick cate. She legit had no one else and took in cate when she had no one else too. It just didnt make up for what she did or what she was doing but she genuinely cared about her. Thats why Cate looked how she did laying in her lap
2023-11-15 15:13:20 Shetty was telling the truth and no she wasnt thinking of her dead family to trick cate. She legit had no one else and took in cate when she had no one else too. It just didnt make up for what she did or what she was doing but she genuinely cared about her. Thats why Cate looked how she did laying in her lap

Shetty was telling the truth and no she wasnt thinking of her dead family to trick cate. She legit had no one else and took in cate when she had no one else too. It just didnt make up for what she did or what she was doing but she genuinely cared about her. Thats why Cate looked how she did laying in her lap


Yeah I understand her wanting for revenge but she gunning for the wrong people the only Reason why the supes get away thing is because of vought they made people into supes to gain profit from them they irony is that the main culprit in all of this are regular people always has been.


Reminds me of how the Boys dude faked having a broken arm to Newman xD She insta knew it was fake

Metweet .c

Cate literally just proved Shetty's point. Leaving a path of destruction wherever they go.


yo s4 of the boys is finna be an all-out race war between supes and humans smh.


Y’all brains were working on overtime with that dean shetty scene but y’all over thought it, it was just go time for the Supes she was telling the truth

Reckless Company

QUICK question hypothetically can Marie use her blood powers to remove the virus from a supe blood i think at least her power should do something extra that sets her apart from neuman

John Cedar (edited)

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2023-11-15 21:18:52 She could theoretically do a lot of things, the most interesting of which might be the removal of Compound V from someone's blood in the future. As an alternative to a violent death like the virus, she might be able to depower someone without bloodshed. She could also do any number of things to poison someone with their own blood; she could prevent the recycling of dead blood cells and lead to the eventual buildup of toxins which could kill someone with a very delayed effect so that there isn't a messy head explosion like Victoria does. Considering how much more subtle and useful it'd be to just give someone a heart attack, I'm surprised Victoria doesn't do that. It's like, the ultimate assassin power and she wields it in the most unsublte and gruesome way. It makes me wonder how much fine control she actually has over it.
2023-11-15 21:17:04 She could theoretically do a lot of things, the most interesting of which might be the removal of Compound V from someone's blood in the future. As an alternative to a violent death like the virus, she might be able to depower someone without bloodshed. She could also do any number of things to poison someone with their own blood; she could prevent the recycling of dead blood cells and lead to the eventual buildup of toxins which could kill someone with a very delayed effect so that there isn't a messy head explosion like Victoria does. Considering how much more subtle and useful it'd be to just give someone a heart attack, I'm surprised Victoria doesn't do that. It's like, the ultimate assassin power and she wields it in the most unsubtle and gruesome way. It makes me wonder how much fine control she actually has over it.

She could theoretically do a lot of things, the most interesting of which might be the removal of Compound V from someone's blood in the future. As an alternative to a violent death like the virus, she might be able to depower someone without bloodshed. She could also do any number of things to poison someone with their own blood; she could prevent the recycling of dead blood cells and lead to the eventual buildup of toxins which could kill someone with a very delayed effect so that there isn't a messy head explosion like Victoria does. Considering how much more subtle and useful it'd be to just give someone a heart attack, I'm surprised Victoria doesn't do that. It's like, the ultimate assassin power and she wields it in the most unsubtle and gruesome way. It makes me wonder how much fine control she actually has over it.


Honestly, the whole head pop thing is clearly to keep the live adaptation inline with some event from the comics. I do remember that there was something involving supes having their heads explode from something different. The live adaptation translated that to Neuman's powers and I think they only have her do that in the plot for the shock value over stealth and are just sticking with it.


It did look like her mom's body exploded but it was more like Marie had the blood that was all over the floor detonate so it's still the same thing.


Yeah. I know in DC comics they have people ( normal and super powered people ) who have trained themselves to actively throw off a telepaths ability to read their minds via clouding their thoughts with a lot of nonsense ( Bane did it against Megan in Young Justice ) or having equipment designed to block telepathic interference ( Magneto and Juggernaut's helmet ). I doubt anyone from The Boys universe has bothered with this.

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-15 23:05:10 This sounds like what's going on in Gaza/Congo yeah?
2023-11-15 23:05:10 This sounds like what's going on in Gaza/Congo yeah?
2023-11-15 23:05:10 This sounds like what's going on in Gaza/Congo yeah?
2023-11-15 23:05:10 This sounds like what's going on in Gaza/Congo yeah?
2023-11-15 23:03:32 This sounds like what's going on in Gaza/Congo yeah?

This sounds like what's going on in Gaza/Congo yeah?

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 03:49:36 Yea sometimes they overthink and talk over the important parts then I end up missing it.
2023-11-26 03:49:36 Yea sometimes they overthink and talk over the important parts then I end up missing it.
2023-11-26 03:49:36 Yea sometimes they overthink and talk over the important parts then I end up missing it.
2023-11-26 03:49:36 Yea sometimes they overthink and talk over the important parts then I end up missing it.
2023-11-15 23:33:21 Yea sometimes they overthink and talk over the important parts then I end up missing it.

Yea sometimes they overthink and talk over the important parts then I end up missing it.


I am not sure if it's the same thing in the show as in the comics since they change things, but in the comics, the scientists legit used everything they could to try and kill Homelander to see how durable he was. The headpopping could give this man a simple headache and i dont think Neuman wants to test it out.


Butcher is luckily not as insane as his comic counterpart. Otherwise he'd be all about the genocide.

Paulson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-16 04:37:24 I mean Marie IS a "head" popper herself ;). but seriously Marie exploding Rufus's dick was an example of that power.
2023-11-16 04:37:24 I mean Marie IS a "head" popper herself ;). but seriously Marie exploding Rufus's dick was an example of that power.
2023-11-16 04:37:24 I mean Marie IS a "head" popper herself ;). but seriously Marie exploding Rufus's dick was an example of that power.
2023-11-16 04:31:11 I mean Marie IS a "head" popper herself ;). but seriously Marie exploding Rufus's dick was an example of that power.

I mean Marie IS a "head" popper herself ;). but seriously Marie exploding Rufus's dick was an example of that power.


She can do it without her eye’s changing to remember the very first time it happened she killed dozens of people with her eyes staying the same she was even running away

J Man

Y'all know what would be a good Trio replacement for Gen V? The Disney-made KDrama called Moving. Because superheroes, spies, and violence


After everything Cate was 'forced' to do to the Crew and her ex-Luke I can't believe people aren't more grossed out or point out how much of an over-compensation this scene was. Like yeahhh sure bud you did it for us and not because of all the bullshit that made us loathe you for the past couple episodes


The X-men vibes are unreal with cate having professor x powers but magneto mentality and like lupa said polarity having seizures like in Logan but anything metal gets magnetized this show is amazing if someone says homosuperior in this show marvel better sue. To me it's like Marie has a two or three tomoe sharingan and Victoria has the mangekyo sharingan .

Painted black

Roshi stay supporting genocide.

Bria A.

Except that’s exactly why he actually had his arm broken lmao. Unless you mean after he took the Temp V and healed?

William Tippen

Why does this nigga lupas head get greasy as hell when he laugh 😂😂


Neuman was being real asf in that scene with Marie.I already was fucking with her, but she just got my respect on a different level. Badass 💯

Tuny kun

33:50 Wait what. Is there a stigma against corned beef? That + potatoes is like a comfort food to me.


As seen in the boys most of the supes leave a path of death and destruction so really they should use the virus to stripe all of them of their powers and arrest them for their crimes instead of kill them


Any analysis that places the blame on the "species" of supes instead of the particular structure that produced them and the one that enables the existence of a company like Vought is reactionary. That's why I personally couldn't get on with Shetty's logic. Glad she is out the way.


That doesn't make sense because Neuman was slotted for the interview the entire time. Polaris is just a a has-been superhero why would Neuman be a second option replacement for a primetime interview of HIM


Neuman is actually a top 5 character for me in the verse ngl

Lupa is Dadi

the fact they thought emma took that long to “get food” is crazy 😭 maybe pay attention so you would’ve been able to catch that she went to clean up bros “muppet massacre” mess to get rid of evidence and then get food 😭


I think Marie and Neuman have very similar powers but slightly different. Neuman needs line of sight and Marie doesn't seem to need it. And yeah, Neuman has the milky eye thing and Marie's eyes doesn't do that. I think their powers are the same with slight variations.


i just think marie is lot stronger than neuman and thats it

Twin Hallow

I dont know how you would agree with shetty in any way lol. So you agree with her making viruses to attack supes if it wasnt kids? It is still fucked either way.


Lmao yes. All them niggas gotta go. Sorry starlight, love ya girl but you better keep some sanitizer on you or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Because she is hot, if she was ugly people would have demonised her from episode 1


I totally get what your saying, but be honest, if you lived in a world where there was Supes like Homelander, and what if one day, one of them Supes, decided to bump in into you, and "say move it asshole! Before I fuck your bitch", and then spits on you, with you knowing damn well you couldn't do dick about it, except take it, like how he mentioned you're girl was going to, otherwise they or whoever it was would burst you open like a water balloon, you telling me you ain't cool with massive genocide to evil Supe'd up scumbags like him? Nahh they gotta go man 🤣😂. There's a reason why this shit don't actually exist, and it's specifically because of ppl like Homelander, or even worse (if they're even is lol.)


It’s like how that freak niggas dick blew up