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cant wait to watch


Just in time.


I didn't expect the betrayal

Renni .



Emma is a walking bio hazard I can kind of understand why she doesn't get big could you imagine a pool of just her puke somewhere

Url Robbo

cate turning into emma frost😭

Eddie James

i just signed to your patreon last week really enjoy it


she really had us thinking it was him

James Bryant

been dying for this one. really upped the show in my ranking for me this episode

Hasnain Khan


PJ Rivera

This is where it gets even crazier


This is probably the best live action spin-off I've seen. Screw gloves, Cate would have to wear mittens around me, can't blame Tek Knight for that threat.


Sheera I think you didn’t understand what happened with Rufus: they started to run towards him so he ran too and then he asked for that one due to take his appearance when he was running it wasn’t planned or anything so actually Rufus doesn’t know anything Edit: okay mb you got it at the end

Oni Legend

Cate is a Hall of Fame Gaslighter at this point. She on that Tsukishima and Ginjo shit from Bleach

John Cedar

My favorite thing about this episode was how fast they began to figure things out, they didn't act like idiots that ignored the signs that something is wrong like characters typically do in amnesia scenarios like this. I loved seeing Marie use her intuition to piece the story back together multiple times really fast. It's so frustrating when characters don't think a situation through just so the plot can have more tension or the amnesia can last longer. One plothole that bothered me was that the security guards that came to scoop up Sam just used regular guns, instead of that sonic weapon they've shown a few times. They might as well have been threatening him with plastic spoons, guns are worse than useless in this show. I guess he wouldn't have escaped otherwise, but I think that's one of the few instances of sloppy writing for the sake of a cool sequence in this show.

Levi’s Tea Cup (Lexii) (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-08 00:23:35 idk why sheeras acting like marie being weirded out by sam when he approached them isn’t a normal thing even with memory loss anyone would be skeptical if some stranger approached them & acted like they knew them😭
2023-11-07 22:59:07 idk why sheeras acting like marie being weirded out by sam when he approached them isn’t a normal thing to do. even with memory loss anyone would be skeptical if some stranger approached them & acted like they knew them😭

idk why sheeras acting like marie being weirded out by sam when he approached them isn’t a normal thing to do. even with memory loss anyone would be skeptical if some stranger approached them & acted like they knew them😭

Bria A.

The back half of the season is wild. 😭 I wish we got full hour episodes, it’s kind of annoying that they basically slashed the runtime in half for this show. Sigh.


the “llama” is an alpaca and apparently shes a supe ?? she can transform but just likes staying in that form 😭 thats why they call her sloane because shes a student there not just some random alpaca lmao.

Devin B

If I see the person that blew my dick off I probably would run away too


no one else found it sus that we saw her in the flashback with luke checking on sam in the forest? and even though both of them were there, when luke had questions about what the forest was she never said anything.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-12-11 23:30:03 I wonder what blowhole buss taste like though fr
2023-12-11 23:30:03 I wonder what blowhole buss taste like though fr
2023-11-07 23:52:32 I wonder what blowhole buss taste like though fr

I wonder what blowhole buss taste like though fr

John Cedar

Well with the information we had at the time, the scene implied that Sam was so volatile that no one except Cate could get him to calm down. I had the impression that Luke asked her to be there, I didn't suspect her at all until the reveal. I really wanted to like Cate 😅

Big Daddy Dre

Marie kinda thick 🤔🙄


Ngl, Jordan's "Wtf? That's fucking crazy?" Was a pretty bad delivery.


Can you all please watch The Good Place please😩😩


Me personally if I had cate powers, I’m using it on the dean and staff🤷🏾‍♂️

Themperor Xaquayza

Of course the fucking school would recruit the two fucking mind controlling people. Motherfucker! God Damn it! i haven't finished the episode just at the part where Cate touched Marie.

nami (edited)

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2023-11-08 02:59:16 Cates actress is really talented because during that reveal scene, before it actually happened , it was the first scene in the show to me that felt eerie and fake
2023-11-08 02:59:16 Cates actress is really talented because during that reveal scene, before it actually happened , it was the first scene in the show to me that felt eerie and fake
2023-11-08 02:59:16 Cates actress is really talented because during that reveal scene, before it actually happened , it was the first scene in the show to me that felt eerie and fake
2023-11-08 01:16:49 Cates actress is really talented because during that reveal scene, before it actually happened , it was the first scene in the show to me that felt eerie and fake

Cates actress is really talented because during that reveal scene, before it actually happened , it was the first scene in the show to me that felt eerie and fake

Renni .

felt like a nice northern accent came out for a second

Jaelyn Mcgee

I think Rufus mentioned that he has telepathy, Psychometry, clairvoyance and Astral projection, and his whole roofy pheromones, in addition to a minor healing factor. I think that's the only thing that could let him survive getting his dick hammered on and exploded


The powers in this show is FUCKING SCARY. WTF?

rickie woodson

they mentioned in the dick explode episode that his powers work via pheromones. he doesnt have to TOUCH you, just be close (which was said here). he is basically like killgrave and wallflower from marvel comics

Darren Banks

That sheeragan was busted today... she was so confident at every turn 😂😂😂

MM (edited)

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2023-12-11 23:30:03 Please react to Reacher on Amazon prime!!
2023-12-11 23:30:03 Please react to Reacher on Amazon prime!!
2023-11-08 02:53:00 Please react to Reacher on Amazon prime!!

Please react to Reacher on Amazon prime!!


So was cate just lying about her migraine because with the amount of powers she was using her brain should have exploded


Sheera, get up off Marie for not believing Sam immediately. Think her perspective and the college setting where damn near all her peers party, get drunk and get high on weekly basis. And Emma didn't believe him either until she found the shirt of the place he mentioned to her later on.


At this point Sheera should do commentary for each episode the way she constantly talks and points out the obvious lmao


That was a great catch by the crew!! They hyped her up, even when Emma was "big". I missed that on my solo watch.


Just to clarify; The scene when Luke (Golden Boy) & Cate visited Sam and he killed the guard wasn't in "The Woods", it was at Sage Grove Center, the same Psychiatric Hospital that The Boys broke into during Season 2. In that moment, Cate wasn't manipulating. She was genuinely trying to help.

Damarcus Miller

Yea it’s kinda getting annoying now because she distracts them from missing a whole fcking scene. Like if the episode explains it why Does she have to double explain it everytime?? Through a whole scene that’s most likely going to get missed lol


Facts. She just feeding into the Sheeragan joke I guess.

Damarcus Miller

I have a love/hate relationship with it because sometimes I enjoy the predictions.. so now I usually just stfu & just deal with it, the good & bad 😭


Facts same here, but sometimes she just be talkin too much while Roshi is tryna focus and not miss anything lol. I know he be goin crazy in his head 💀💀💀

Richard Washington

Then when she’s wrong try to flip it to make it seem like she was still right 🤣🤣😂😂


Wrong. It's called pushing yourself. People do it all the time.

Levi’s Tea Cup (Lexii)

i always notice how roshi says “hold on” whenever sheeras talking through something he’s tryna focus on, it’s funny 😭


Not the puppet frenzy 😂


Especially some stank ass man off the street in a jumpsuit


I knew something was up when I did a rewatch 1-4. It felt SOOOO ODD how she was wondering "who sam was" when Andre showed Sam to Cate and then we see her in flashback with sam when he killed that guard.


I knew something was up when I did a rewatch 1-4. It felt SOOOO ODD how she was wondering "who sam was" when Andre showed Sam to Cate and then we see her in flashback with sam afterwards when he killed that guard. Now it makes so much sense why she was so damn against Andre trying to get to Sam in like episode 2.

Nate D.

Lmao they're more than slightly upset at cate, she's getting people killed ffs

Dean Joyner

At that time he was in Red River not the woods so she was not lying in that moment for all we knew. Because in that time frame Luke found out he had "killed" himself after that encounter.

Dean Joyner

Thank you no other reactions Ive seen ever metions her being a supe and Im lile guys they directly talk and call her name all the time lol

Jigga Man

You know it's serious when you can see the Roshi finger 🤫 😂

Skye Brooklyn

its crazy that most of the powers we've seen throughout the boys is shown her too. idk if there doing it on purpose so each "side" has certain powers but still its dope asf how they're doing it.


Yeah when she's wrong she makes the 'could have' argument.


Then you'd have a felony on your hands the second someone finds out

Darion Wilson (edited)

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2023-12-11 23:30:03 Naw Lupa does it too. Especially when he can't put two and two together. The scene will literally show you and hell go "wait, what happened?". Like bruh its right there.
2023-12-11 23:30:03 Naw Lupa does it too. Especially when he can't put two and two together. The scene will literally show you and hell go "wait, what happened?". Like bruh its right there.
2023-12-11 23:30:03 Naw Lupa does it too. Especially when he can't put two and two together. The scene will literally show you and hell go "wait, what happened?". Like bruh its right there.
2023-11-08 14:58:37 Naw Lupa does it too. Especially when he can't put two and two together. The scene will literally show you and hell go "wait, what happened?". Like bruh its right there.

Naw Lupa does it too. Especially when he can't put two and two together. The scene will literally show you and hell go "wait, what happened?". Like bruh its right there.

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-08 16:29:08 I had to finish the show before yall. I couldn't wait any longer.
2023-11-08 16:29:08 I had to finish the show before yall. I couldn't wait any longer.
2023-11-08 16:29:08 I had to finish the show before yall. I couldn't wait any longer.
2023-11-08 15:26:24 I had to finish the show before yall. I couldn't wait any longer.

I had to finish the show before yall. I couldn't wait any longer.

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-11 23:30:03 They seem more complex than the powers in the Boys.
2023-12-11 23:30:03 They seem more complex than the powers in the Boys.
2023-12-11 23:30:03 They seem more complex than the powers in the Boys.
2023-11-08 15:39:09 They seem more complex than the powers in the Boys.

They seem more complex than the powers in the Boys.


Sir, there is murder, torturing, and kidnappings going on bc of them and, you're worried about a felony😐


fuck cate

Damarcus Miller

Yea Sheera hates being wrong like it’s literally nothing bad about that 😭😭 idk why she try to double down or go into a whole rant to clear herself like it takes away from the reaction & the show their watching. Just my opinion but overall I enjoy them watching shows daily! I can’t complain but :)

they call me JoJo

They are new gen powers, like the adults in the boys they have simpler but strong powers, but with the new generation they get more complex powers.


These powers are amazing especially mind abilities I feel for Andre if I randomly went from talking to someone to getting mcdonalds then I'm just taking my mcdonalds and leaving no questions asked 🤣. I also think a good career path for Marie would have been a doctor because her blood powers would make her the greatest in the world for sure. Lastly that Muppet fight was equal parts hilarious and gruesome the humor and gore in this series is top notch this man Sam is cuckoo for cocoa puffs but he might be my favorite next to Andre and Marie.


I mean the "sheeragan" is somewhat of a joke. It's true she predicts things but for every 1 thing correct there are about 20 incorrect. it's always "busted."


haha i love seeing people that are fairly new to the channel because you can watch a reaction from like 2021 and it's the same shit


Sheera be so confused 😭. Even during the most basic dialogue her face scrunches up and it's just like damn those gears are turning huh


Lmfaoo facts. I been watching them for years though, but I stopped paying for Patreon cuz they watched all of my favorite shows already so I had nothing to watch 😭😭


No wonder cate moved on so easily 😂


That cut you had to do during the Cate reveal was perfect timing 🤣


all this and multiple other people's blood under his nails. But nah she should've known immedeately somehow lol.


she wasn't pretending she didn't know who he was she was pretending to be surprised he was alive. I think her exact words were "omg that's sam" because at the time we were supposed to think that she thought he was dead. Nothing really suspicious about that scene.


luke thought his brother died as a kid and they both clearly saw him and they were generally around the same age. it was clear that Luke’s memories were altered to believe his brother died as a child. and with her abilities it just seemed sus


Bro I was high so I didn’t think much of it but she used her powers on Sam when Luke was knocked out