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this is fucked



First one🙌🏾

Casually PS

Bruh i was watching it and then it disappeared 💀💀


my high ass was 20 mins into the last upload before i realized it wasn't just my brain moving in slow motion


Yes we got Peakfall today and tomorrow.

Paul Reyes

Lol I swear fuck Louie.


Louie is literally turning into Claudia. This whole thing is Fucked


And that conversation shows why Oso is so much wiser and more liked than teddy. He understands people and understands crime families.

Ryan Ryan

Thanks for the quick fix guys 🙏🏾

Alexander Flores

claudia literally warned Franklin tho she said louie was welcomed at the club until she got greedy

R A (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-03 01:10:31 This is why women shouldn’t get involved in man shit. Louie and Cissy put the whole operation in jeopardy wit their own selfish intentions when none of the men in their lives asked for help. Let that be a lesson.
2023-11-03 00:09:08 This is why women shouldn’t get involved in man shit. Louie and Cissy put the whole operation in jeopardy wit their own selfish intentions when none of the men in their lives asked for. Let that be a lesson.

This is why women shouldn’t get involved in man shit. Louie and Cissy put the whole operation in jeopardy wit their own selfish intentions when none of the men in their lives asked for. Let that be a lesson.


That white boy from Kansas line was a “ I can get at you too, let’s bygones be”


fuck louie

Franklin Saint

Teddy is capping out his ass right now talking about it ain’t personal get the fuck out of here it’s obvious that shit was personal to him


Louie's actions annoy me she is pretty hypocritical (not saying other characters in this show haven't been) But the issue with Kane was resolved but she decided that because his brother died he would not let it go. So she decided to have him killed. Leon brought up Black Dallas and Diamond but he should have also brought up Skully. Granted Skully is crazy but he has proved loyal however, his daughter died then his daughter's mother died and he went to the hospital to shoot and kill Louie. Somehow with all that they got past it and Skully has been chill. It just does not make sense to me that she would be okay with Skully and not Kane.


It’s new but y’all NEED to react to the kingdoms of ruin


well its definitely morphin time for Buckley lol. SPD crack ranger ranger!!!! lmao

Cedric Jackson

What blows me about Louie’s argument for Kane is that exact argument can be used against her with Skully. They killed his brother in law, wife and child and they were still able to make it right. If she’s willing to work things out with skully then there’s no reason why she can’t be okay with Kane

Devin B

and they would've had a better chance of making things right with Kane because he has history with Franklin and Leon

Devin B

Say what you want about Franklin but at least he never tried to directly mess with the people close to him the way Louie did

Cedric Jackson

I have a feeling that if Louie didn’t go behind his back, Franklin probably would’ve passed the torch to her. She ran things when he was out and had she stayed loyal she would’ve gotten what she wanted anyway


Louie bout to live through all the mess she then caused and the ppl around her is the ones that's gonna pay 🤦‍♂️. Yea she became mad unlikable this season and I guess Franklin didn't tell Leon that she wanted to give him up to skully or to the cops


Idk why y’all in the comments can’t understand ppl liking a twisted protagonist. Like yeah Franklin might be the antagonist but you can still find him compelling

Erica Collins

Eh I would say Louie is turning into Franklin rather than Claudia. Her going behind Franklin's back to work with Teddy is EXACTLY what Franklin did to Avi. Her still trying to kill Kane regardless is EXACTLY what Franklin would've done in her shoes and I think she was right to think that Kane would cooperate for a little but still go through with his revenge. I didn't trust his word anyway so waiting to kill him giving him the opportunity to try again would've been a terrible idea. And I know people are gonna bring up Skully and the reason why I think Louie is willing to work with Skully is because he's easy to manipulate and I think she realized that when she talked him down from killing her at the hospital. (and then on top of that she solidified their bond by saving him, etc.) But just like Franklin, she wants people she can control. She only knew about Kane from Franklin and Leon's pov. It's obvious that a man like Kane cannot be manipulated which is dangerous for her just like Louie (and Leon at one point) not being under Franklin's command is dangerous for him. Also to compare Skully and Kane, Skully specifically targeted the people who killed his gf and daughter whereas Kane tried to kill EVERYBODY Franklin knew. I mean that pull up was so wild and unexpected I would've done the same thing Louie did so say what you want but I kinda like this version of her 😂


Franklin is and will be the protagonist, regardless of what his character becomes. Protagonist doesn't mean good guy, it just means they are the character the shows point of view is based on. Teddy is the antagonist mostly.


Skully definitely got his Revenge dosing the whole wedding party because LOOK AT FRANKLIN!! Skully ATTACKED this man’s Mind.. What did MANBOY say? “That boy’s mind still works” I’m theorizing that The LSD altered his perception, his thoughts, his way of thinking etc.. because I believe he knows he’s losing his mind… hints why he said, “It’s not the same V” (when she shares how her and her mom killed a man) and V say, “Then you better win” something along those lines.. I hope we get see Franklin slowly lose his mind! That would be fire 🔥


not a spoiler, but idk if yall caught it at the end of the ep but franklin knew and said where teddy is from, “a white boy from kansas” im pretty sure teddy never told franklin where he was from

danial javady

This is why i say Franklin and Teddy were acctually close. "Franklin won't start a blood feud". He has expectations of him. And then you see him actually get disturbed and his good mood ruined by Franklin saying he's leaving him. Their duo was something I really enjoyed throughout this series.


I'm trying to rock with her but I can't 😂. She messing with family now and trying to step over anyone she can and Jerome is along for the ride. She gonna see like Franklin said what it's like to be in charge, just like Leon did, when that Kane mess come calling. Go ahead and take care of that Louie 🤦‍♀️

James Stephenson

But black dynamite I sell drugs to the black community!!!!

Erica Collins

I definitely get the frustration 😂 but she been told Franklin so many times that she wants to do her own thing but he just doesn't like that. (he's controlling) and even at the wedding when he told her she was right and that he should've listened to her he still brought up being partners with him still in charge like I can't blame her for being over it now even if he's family. The boy aint listening 😭 but you're right, she's gonna learn what it's like to really be in charge. I'm hoping she somehow succeeds tho


Lupa "it's morphin time" is crazy lol

Hbk Lee

read that book roshi…

Dontsop Keran

The LSD didn’t make him lose his mind, it helped him gain clarity. That mixed with Louie buying from teddy are the two things that pushed him to finally quit


It’s morphing time is hilarious since he was an actual power ranger


Ngl you guys fr need to just enjoy the ep without talking over the character 👍


I know this isn't the season finale that's next episode but I get the feeling shit is gonna be fucked for everybody next season to mich shit going on not enough of it is getting finished to.


Demon time Franklin saint Goated


watching this season again with the gang reminded how much i couldn't stand Louie.


yoooo i love unhinged franklin lmaoo

Franklin Saint

I just realized did they just called Ruben the DEA guy? 😭

Hasnain Khan


Devin B

Facts, he saw first-hand Lucia getting rid of her uncle when he tried to take over her business and Pedro when he tried to get her caught up

Erica Collins

Yes he did lol the same thing Louie is doing by working with Teddy is the same thing Franklin did to Avi. They had a good relationship until Franklin got greedy and eventually started bossing him around because he wanted to do his own thing, like Louie. So him being mad at her is kinda funny because now he knows how Avi felt

Devin B

This is different because Franklin and Avi weren't as close as Franklin and Louie are, this whole business started with those two working together and despite that she went behind his back to do business with Teddy which would ruin Franklin's business. Plus Franklin not doing business with Avi didn't mess with Avi's business since dealing cocaine is his side business.


Bro said Good guy franklin, not one singular person thinks that. Chatting


By definition Franklin the protagonist the same way Light Yagami is the protagonist of Death Note and Eren is the Protagonist of AoT. Protag does not equal "good" guy.

Art of Trolling

Nobody was saying he was a good guy dawg. He is the MC and we have the most attachment to him so people root for him 😂

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

You just proved my point. All it takes is someone being a main character for you to root for them despite the long list of terrible things they've done - impressionable. This in turn led to most of you that defending his actions.

Courtney Alexis

The last two episodes of Season 5 were some of the best of the entire series imo. Loved this one. Louie pissed me off so bad. Ugh. You can tell Jerome not really fucking with any of this but he can't tell that lady nothing so it is what it is. Leon and Wanda are so cute lol. Loved their development throughout the series as you guys mentioned. Franklin. Sigh. He's not a good person but that's my boy lmaooo. Next episode is even better imo. Looking back, Season 5 started off kind of slow and not as good as the previous ones but it finishes up really nicely. Still a really good season.


Mf you slow or something when has anyone ever said Franklin is a good guy lol niggas like you just be rambling


Louie is literally proving Claudia point lol she is wayyy to ambitious and stubborn


Facts Oso been in Franklin shoes and know how the drug game works teddy doesn’t that why he makes these decisions he thinks are “tactical” but it reality it extremely detrimental

Nita - Kento's Widow

It upsets me so greatly that these characters want to get out of the game when it might be too late. Like with all the mess Louie is doing, Jerome for sure got that death flag waving and I do NOT like it, like bro please, that's our guy right there The only heartwarming moment I got in this episode was Wanda and Leon, and as yall said, their growth has been great to watch. Looking forward to the next episode and the final season, I'mma miss this show


Franklin shoulda toll Louie to at least bring a condom if she was gone fuck him 😆


Don’t wanna spoil it but things basically all go wrong from here, Franklin was right that the entire family should be operating as one, that’s their best chance of surviving and coming out on top. Regardless whether or not Franklin was controlling, 80% of the time he was correct anyways and so far he seems reasonable


Nigga read it

Rico Ayala

I mean Bo did used to be a power ranger so 🤷🏾‍♂️ lol SPD emergency headass

Erica Collins

It's not different tho lol it doesn't really matter how close they were, they were still close which was the point you were making. And didn't Franklin start this business by working with Avi first? I mean Louie did him a favor by connecting him with Claudia but at the time she wasn't working for him. And even though it was a side business, Franklin was bringing in good numbers so him working with Teddy did effect Avi's business. I just think it's ironic that history is repeating itself and Louie is turning into Franklin. It's good writing

Devin B

Franklin and Avi were close in a business sense, Avi respected Franklin and saw the potential in him but aside from business they weren't that close until later on. Franklin and Louie were basically family and even though Avi gave Franklin a chance, Louie gave Franklin the chance to make use of that chance so it's really 50 Avi and 50 Louie when it comes to Franklin starting his business in the beginning. I'm not saying that the situations are different because of the actions but rather the impact it had on the person being fucked over. Avi being fucked over wasn't as bad as Franklin being fucked over because even though it meant him making less money he was still good whereas Louie basically took away Franklin's main stream of income.


I swear this niggah Beau looks like “keegan michael key’s” Father.

Erica Collins

True but I think it's safe to say that Franklin is set for life (so is Louie & Jerome) and as we saw he was over it before Louie revealed working with Teddy so yes he got fucked over bad but it's not like it's going to ruin his life. Louie offered him deal to keep making money (yes it was messed up but Franklin has made deals like that to so many people now he's getting a taste of his own medicine) but he declined because she hurt his feelings lol

Devin B

It really is just him being hurt by Louie at that point. Plus what I was saying before was with the knowledge of what happens right after this so my viewpoint of this is biased.


i think back when him and his parents were doing alot of research on they might have figured it out. but then again probably not since they didn't know his real name even. so at some point franklin was doing some heavy research


It’s a reaction channel, and of all of them I feel like their balance of speaking to pure listening is great. At least they retain and remember most of this shit. Unlike others.

Kryptik _

It’s funny roshi mentioned “the last of us” in this episode because the CIA dude that cissy is working with actually plays manny in the second game. Name is Alejandro Edda


What Omnibus does Lupa want Roshi to read?

Url Robbo


Cleven Anthony

Facts ! Read INJUSTICE Roshi 😭😭😭 it’s good I promise it’s so good

Jamaal Ellison

Item one: Louie is a greedy fucking moron. Item Two: Rosh read injustice it's made for your type of justice.


Does sheera have to constantly speculate during important dialogue?..

Franklin Saint

Wym bro we in 2023 now this ain’t the 80s anymore this the modern age I was in my 20s back then now im about to hit 60 next month


Sorry but I still fuck wit Louie.😂💯


damn if this the result of lsd I might need to cop lmao. Everybody done found their greater purpose I life and shit.


Its a reaction bro thats just how it is lol

Sylas Juniel

Lupa saying it’s morphin time is everything 😂cause that cop used to be a power ranger cop

dolphin tho

Louie gotta go man she been pissing me off