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Sorry about the double audio beofre!


Sean Cruz

Lets go!


Didn't even notice lol thought it was cuz of the events happening in the TVA


Roshi hit the YMCA when moms spaghetti dropped 😆


Kinda wanted Victor to turn up in this episode. Felt a type of way watching Renslayer/Minutes telling this man basically "You ain't s***" We should have a P.O.S award at the end of the year; between these two and some characters we know are going to pop up in shows the crew haven't even gotten to yet...it's a competition.


bro got clappedddd

Hasnain Khan



yall missed loki saying that we are gods when sylvie said we cant play god. line was cold

Sergie Arruda

Double audio actually was fitting for this xD

Devin B

For certain scenes yeah but definitely not the while thing

Drake Rage

30:20 Exactly like Sheera said, Sylvie complaining for 2 seasons when she caused all of this, and she continues to make stupid decisions like taking "revenge" on Renslayer by sending her to the end of time without even checking if she had a tempad.. of course Renslayer comes back immediately and wreaks havoc, Sylvie is a whole clown.

Devin B

She really had the nerve to try and call out Loki and Mobius for not doing much when she caused this whole mess in the first place


It was just the Temporal loom

Arima Kana

Black guy always die


Victor timely getting spaghettified was seriously one of the funniest things marvel has ever done 😂 also he reminded me of myself when I first had hot chocolate. I think the whole thing with ouroboros and loki this episode kind of just solidified to me that time is a closed circle even though everyone has free will it will always lead to chaos then destruction then order again and again and that by the season finale loki might take over running the tva like he who is remains wanted in season 1. Especially with loki saying we're gods he just has to be a benevolent one whatever that is to him. The only thing that ran through my mind at the end of this episode was it's all just inevitable in a Thanos voice. Sidenote maybe if mobius had a mcdonalds apple pie to offer sylvie she would've calmed down like damn you don't have to yell at me like that.

Ian Hover

Bro the rick and morty writers are literally steaming off this season😂. From the music to the plot lines to the comedic moments you can feel their touch for sure

Lamaree Jackson

Probably just got sent to the quantum realm or something. They don’t have any idea how anything really works, just what they were told. They thought getting pruned was getting erased completely.


Is Lupa okay? Did he run through a field of poison ivy? My boy was scratching like no tomorrow


and then immediately went into hiding when shit hit the fan which is like wow, self project harder please.


i'm actually kind of surprised they just got noodled bro like that. but as they said, there are potentially billions of kangs. i think this was a "canon event" if you will. because they did everything they could do and couldn't keep it from happening. the time loop was done so well too.


The end of this episode had me feeling the way I felt after Infinity War ended with the snap. I can't wait for this week's episode.


Just rewatched the first episode. If you didn't know, the Everything Everywhere guy is Short Round from Indiana Jones.


poor victor, just add a little parmesan cheese and he still good


When Sylvie like "we're playing God" I was like.... y'all are God's 😐😐 I'm glad Loki said it 🤣


Lupa trying to give ASMR on the low with all his damn scratching