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Honestly after 400 years ownership defaults to the borrower lol



Whaaatt uploading on a Sunday


Uk time here


The reason why Kanbaru said Hanekawa is because this takes place around the same time as the arc where Hanekawa had that tiger incident all the way back in Mono second season.


Damn surprise sunday, I was 99.9% sure theyre gonna upload next week

Greg Harrison

We basically went back in time timeline wise. We're at where Hanekawa had the tiger issues that was burning everything up.


A shame, but understandable. All those minor details talks about hanekawa, stepping on the tiger tail, araragi was told to introduce kanbaru to a certain someone but not wanting to, why shinobu is the only one araragi wanted to die with... those happened like what ? last year ?


The bed is there in the cram school because Hanekawa was staying there


This 'suit of armour' was shown in Kizumonogatari Movie 3 as well.


The reason the place catches on fire is because Hanekawa slept there the day before during her issues with the tiger. The tiger burned the place down, which was one of the main plot points of that arc. It's also why there's a random bed in the building out of cardboard. The reason why Araragi is meeting Kanbaru here is because Gaen Izuko asked Araragi to introduce her to Kanbaru. This was right before Mayoi died. We watched this about 1 year ago. It was 1 season ago.


LOL Mandark


Yeah it's been over a year since they watched that arc. Even i forgot and i've watched the show mutliple times lol

khải trần

I read this comment on a yt video, and I wanna share it with you so you can see timeline of this event more clearly. You guys are doing great, keep it up. "On August 21 the events of "Tsubasa Tiger" started. On the way to the school ceremony Hanekawa met the tiger, her house got burned down, and she slept over in cram school. At the same time the event of "Mayoi Jiangshi" ended. Araragi time traveled, fixed the "Route X" and traveled back to his timeline but he would be late for the ceremony (2. Season, Ep 10). And then "Shinobu Time" happened, where Araragi and Hachikuji escaped from the "darkness". On August 22 Hanekawa stayed by Senjougahara's place and later got a message from Araragi (2. Season, Ep 1). The same message Araragi sent in episode 19 of the Second Season. After that Araragi got help by Izuko Gaen and solved with the problem on August 23. On the same day Hanekawa learned that Araragi want to meet with Kanbaru (2. Season, Ep. 3) which leads to this episode. And the reason of this meeting is because of Gaen's favor in episode 20 of the Second Season. Right now Hanakawa stayed by Karen and Tsukihi, and encountered Shinobu. Source: bakemonogatari.fandom : Story_Timeline"


Frickin crazy for the author and studio to green lit this decision, they really had this confidence that the fans are gonna keep notes on everything


if you binged all episodes or watched it at least twice it's not that hard to figure out what's going on and what order the episodes are at

van (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-05 02:51:01 "pigs would sooner fly through a frozen hell" that had to be a sub thing. I wonder what nisioisn actually wrote
2023-11-05 02:51:01 "pigs would sooner fly through a frozen hell" that had to be a sub thing. I wonder what nisioisn actually wrote
2023-11-05 02:51:01 "pigs would sooner fly through a frozen hell" that had to be a sub thing. I wonder what nisioisn actually wrote
2023-11-05 02:51:01 "pigs would sooner fly through a frozen hell" that had to be a sub thing. I wonder what nisioisn actually wrote
2023-11-05 02:51:01 "pigs would sooner fly through a frozen hell" that had to be a sub thing. I wonder what nisioisn actually wrote
2023-11-05 01:38:39 "pigs would sooner fly through a frozen hell" that had to be a sub thing. I wonder what nisioisn actually wrote

"pigs would sooner fly through a frozen hell" that had to be a sub thing. I wonder what nisioisn actually wrote