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Timelines in shambles



Ep 1?


Sylvie is holding He Who Remain's tempad at the end I'm pretty sure. She had it from the end of season 1 iirc.


Not gonna lie this is one of the few show’s where I’m very on the fence since on one hand those are lives yes while on the other I’m not trying to see what an army of kangs can do.

Hasnain Khan



There was slight hope for a double drop of this but it is an hour long show😭

Jamaal Ellison

Damn, so loki could've just crushed Brad and his blood and guts would've just drained into the floor!!! That's pretty brutal.

Dark Shogun

Is the destruction of the branch timelines what we saw when Loki went to the future in episode one? I thought it was just showing the loom malfunction, which was why the TVA was being evacuated. There were a whole bunch of timelines going in but only one coming out. Now in the present, after what Dox did, there is only three.


i think the reason brad didn't tell them because he was still loyal to dox.

October Veil

Loved Brad's "cinema" comment because it feels like a clapback at Martin Scorsese for calling all the Marvel movies trash lol

October Veil

Also, Loki's little admission DOES make Avengers waaaayyyy better.


wait so.......they bombed all the timelines right? so even tho they killing billions......wouldn't that get rid of all the kangs? or are they in a pocket dimension where they can't be destroyed?


Kang is smart so I'm guessing this is leading to the fact that all of them are on the sacred timeline


A god working at Mc Donalds well then.

rickie woodson

brad speaks: no lies detected. the tva are just villainous slave masters keeping people from living their lives. gross. how are they the protagonists? dont like sylvie but burn it down it burn it all down and reboot the mcu!

rickie woodson

brad had a plan. its called living life as a free man with free will YOUR way cause its YOUR life, not theirs #freeyourmind #downwiththeestablishment

rickie woodson

instead of me stop running, how about you stop chasing me.............

rickie woodson

where is bbc kang? im forever waiting for his sexy ass


Yeah no forget the tva as soon as I learn I was kidnapped I'm out. I'm off riding seadoos and what do you know I hit the lottery jackpot.


the sacred time line will branch out again. thats the tva exist


For a minute Loki's simp card was on full display. I was begging Mobius to snap him back to the real world where if she don't want you...LEAVE IT ALONE.


I think if they didnt let the timelines die. They would never find the lead to renslayer and have a hope of fixing the obviously bigger problem with the meltdown

Michael Pamon

They didn’t bomb ALL of them, I think. Just as many as they possibly could.

Joshua Garcia

She worse than thanos with that body count

Drake Rage

I feel like there is one kinda big problem with all this, the fact that there is a machine that has to handle the "production" of universes... like was there a God at the beginning of time that made this highly inconvenient machine thing..? They saying that the issue now is that the machine cannot handle so many alternate universes getting created without pruning.. so was Kang pruning universes since the beginning of time so this weird machine doesn't overload? 13:26 I really enjoyed the intelligent dialogue in this, it is definitely very rare from Disney.

Lamaree Jackson

Kang (mk. He Who Remains) created the loom to stop his universe from from intersecting with other universes, so he doesn’t have to fight himself anymore. Sylvie killing him just prevented him from coming to fix it, so now our (the MCU) timeline can branch out and intersect with other universes where Kangs are failing to keep their timeline separate. So if, say, at a particular moment in time several universes are branching out while a know it all sorcerer is doing a reality breaking spell on Spider-Man, it might affect more than one. Really the only good Kangs like HWR are doing is keeping Doctor Strange from causing incursions. Of course none of that matters once Wanda and her evil book also start fucking things up. The real deal Kangs already know time wrangling is light work. They’re hanging out where it doesn’t affect them 🐜 🐜 🐝

Mellow Cho

why cant I find 2x1?


It was posted on Oct 6, you can find it if you use the search function at the top of the page but the tag is wrong so it's not grouped correctly (they used a lowercase L instead of an uppercase L like the tag for the other eps)


so if sylvie could see his memories… why couldnt loki?

Jared Craine

They don't have the same powers, he can't enchant people like she can and she can't make illusions

FreshxEli Tv

When you have Doctor Strange & Wanda doing bs for shits and giggles you’ll understand why the tva was needed in the first place 😭😭

Steve Harvey Dent

29:48 this would be a fucked up way deadpool kill storm in deadpool 3.

Lamaree Jackson

Exactly. Like Kang was literally preventing incursions those two could cause (and did cause)


Yeah I understand what you're saying but still we're regular humans with free will instead of sitting up in the tva eating that nasty looking key lime pie and working 24/7 shifts or how ever time works there I'm gone. I won't even submit a two week notice I'm just hitting the Irish goodbye and if they try to hunt me down oh well but like you said they have bigger fish to fry than me. On second thought I might take some pie and hot chocolate to go as a pension since they don't give you anything else. 😂


Logically speaking it seems crazy to be able to lock the door from the inside in a cell

Shiki Granbell

Why is Sylvie acting like she aint the one who Fd everything up last season


He literally lived eons of looped timeline from the “beginning of time” in the void to stop other him from being born


You say that, but you also would have had your brain wiped and your personality would have been different based on your experiences in the TVA. So while me and you as we exist now would totally be "fuck this shit I'm out", mind wiped us with different experiences might be different.


These mofos complaining about Ikea furniture as if the problem 99% of the time isn't someone skipping the instructions and just throwing all the parts on the floor disorganized


Cause she is Loki, blame others for your problems until you learn humility and take responsibility for you actions when it is too late


Am I tripping or is season 2 episode 1 missing?

Antonio Williams

For some reason the Loki filter doesn't work for S2 ep !. You have to actually type it in the search bar


Sheeras screams are piercing