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This really is her NG+

sorry for being out of focus, camera decided to screw us over one time today lol



Isnt it episode 5


I think cause it was technically all one episode when it aired if I’m not mistaken. They split it up into four after


Technically no, the first 4 episodes were released as one episode but Crunchyroll decided to break it up into 4 episodes


I thought yall rewatched episode 2 for a sec 💀

Grant Beaudette

My mom said I made a mistake taking German in college instead of Spanish. But look at me now! I can tell all the names in this anime are really basic German words and be mildly annoyed by it.


Bud cleaved the fuck out of that cliff side (or mountain side idk man) but is too scared to face a dragon 💀


It is episode 5 but lupa and his fuckery got in my head during editing smh


Well ep 2 is just fine. Because the first 4 episode is a one 2 hour whole episode. Crunchyroll just made it into 4 parts.


I love how the thing uses their memories and according to frieren's memories, Himmel would tell her to shoot. Himmel really was that guy.


well now we know who roshi would be if he was in one piece lol. yaboyusopp lol but I guess this guy is like usopp because he is a coward but usopp is actually very nice

Hasnain Khan



It's basically tradition at this point for someone to translate all the German names and words in the discussion thread for every manga chapter.


I hear you, but if I was staring down something with a mouth full of fangs that are all at least as long as my forearm, I’d be at least scared as hell.


my guess magic is here like in its first stages of discovery people for many ages in this case more than 1000 yrs have known magic but since people die so fast not many people have studied properly on how is magic possible why they have it or what can you do with it. like prev eps they sealed the demon mage cause it was too strong and it made a spell to kill people. then 80 yrs since now the world is at peace from the demon king places and people that uses all that time to kill him now use the resources to make spell and improve em. also getting information seem like it the send a letter and hope it get to whoever it was intended for, it could get lost the carrier killed by dragons or even just falling a cliff and poof there goes how to cure aids. also since frieren has lived so long maybe her memories fade after a centuries cause she forgot her master place right up to being in front of the house. is that just her or every being that is that old in order to stay alive so long as long as they purge memories the brain has enough space to not turn to a vegetable.

Cleven Anthony

Damn bro I need more damn it 😂


Fuck it I might die but I ain't gonna be a shittyass actor


Goat stark incoming


TBF Fern used Zoltraak, and that fucker just yeeted off the scales, smh. I wouldn't feel like bonking a being like that either if I was Stark




Nah Frieren, I need some clarification on that "I'm used to hearing her beg for her life"


Well the scar stark has isn’t BS he got it from a shadow dragon I believe?


She can't just make the book float towards her?? Like she got options

Oh Alone (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-10 04:50:08 My guy, buy some camera monitor for recording. Thrust me. Bigger is better. You will see immediately focus is on point or not.
2023-10-10 02:23:28 My guy, buy some camera monitor for recording. Trust me. Bigger is better. You will see immediately focus is on point or not.

My guy, buy some camera monitor for recording. Trust me. Bigger is better. You will see immediately focus is on point or not.

Jeremy Acevedo

The camera wasn’t focused because lupa didn’t have his glasses


I’m saying, making all this complicated for what 😭


Only reason I can think of why she didn’t was maybe the dragon can sense magic or sense his property being stolen


“Thrust me” “bigger is better” 👀

Oh Alone

Ah hell nah… English isn’t my first language. One spelled wrong complete different meaning


not complaining or anything but why wait until monday to release?


They're going on vacation for a week, so they probably did it to have content put out for the schedule.

Fernando Delira

Y’all should react to ragna crimson


It was not crunchyroll that broke them up. As far as Im aware the 2hr special was only a special thing that happened in japan. Then it aired normally there aswell.


Bro no, they've literally said how much they already plan on watching in the coming weeks n ragna crimin isn't anywhere near. U would have to wait for, Tokyo revengets, eminence, Dr stone 3, unread unluck, etc. To be over


mfs have lives now. can you believe that?

Vincent S Deluca

They didnt explicitly say it but I'm pretty sure Eisens family died in the monster attack he ran from, seems like thats what they were implying when he had the flashback and said stark is like him


What the hell. This is lowkey peak storytelling bruh.


A few new names and meanings in this episode, let me get into it: The Einsam, a ghost quite literally called after the German word for “lonely/loneliness/lonesome” – as you might deduce from the episode, haunts its victims by conjuring phantoms of their most cherished loved ones, compelling them to succumb to their feelings of solitude. Stark, the German term for "strong," "powerful," and even "thick," manifests itself as a fitting epithet for an apprentice to Eisen. These attributes are aligned with expectations for such a role, even though they seem contradictory to his occasional bouts of cowardice. However, it is reassuring to note that Stark rises to the occasion when confronted with perilous circumstances, unveiling a latent reservoir of courage when it matters most.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

The twist is actually kind of funny. Stark is a whole unit with all the makings of a powerful warrior but outside of training he has zero actual combat experience fighting monsters. Just give him a few years and he'd probably be quite the threat down the line.


Just a point on Fern's comment at the beginning because every reactor seems to misunderstand; She's spent half her "current" life with Frieren. Fern met Frieren at around 9 years old. That's 20 years after the death of Himmel the hero. Then after meeting her, 4-5 years pass as she trains her and before Heiter's death, then they travel for a few years and at 27 years after the Death of Himmel, fern has her 16th birthday when Frieren gives her the harir ornament. It's sometime in that next year (28 years after Himmel's death) that they visit Eisen and are having that conversation. Fern is around 17-18 here. That is why Fern says "It's been half my life. The time I've spent with you." - and not "half my lifespan". Half her lifespan would be 40-50 years. It's been about 8-9~ish since she met her.


I’m adoring this series

AnnameSama (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-06 20:08:42 So, the adventure was about 3 weeks in her lifespan. I can see why it would be hard to get attached to people.
2023-12-06 20:08:42 So, the adventure was about 3 weeks in her lifespan. I can see why it would be hard to get attached to people.
2023-12-06 20:08:42 So, the adventure was about 3 weeks in her lifespan. I can see why it would be hard to get attached to people.
2023-12-06 20:08:42 So, the adventure was about 3 weeks in her lifespan. I can see why it would be hard to get attached to people.
2023-12-06 20:08:42 So, the adventure was about 3 weeks in her lifespan. I can see why it would be hard to get attached to people.
2023-11-29 03:58:07 So, the adventure was about 3 weeks in her lifespan. I can see why it would be hard to get attached to people.

So, the adventure was about 3 weeks in her lifespan. I can see why it would be hard to get attached to people.


When you see an episode that is missing, just spell out the shows name in the search bar. Then go down and it’ll be there. Hope this helps.

Kristian Thaler

I tried searching for ep 6, I don't see it anywhere.