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Buddy was talking all that shit, just to get turned into burnt toast.

Anthony Chase

The fact that Divine Bloodlines started playing is what told me this scene was going to be epic!


Oh yeah they fucked up not killing this nigga this nigga down there starting a revolution for night creatures got them niggas thinking you know what yes yes I do deserve to be free be my own person 😭


Every vampire about to catch Richter's magic hands like Sypha


off the richter scale


The sheeragan had a slight malfunction at the end there


Yeaaahhh Roshi, Vambussy?! Somebody grab the holy water.

The GoDKing 27

If Dracula was brought back 300 years ago then his wife would be dead but I think Dracula would still be alive and be a powerful vampire.

Fernando Perez

The Bloodlines remix was immaculate

Devin B

Bro really entered the avatar state


Yoooo, Sheera's Sonic Tshirt slaps!!


I'm just realizing now that his outfit matches Syphas (at least in colour). Makes sense that he would be so good at magic.


So wait.. Olrox’s old lover was native, and Julia came over from Europe with the colonists and killed him… and most likely other natives (vampire and not)?


Dracula comes back every hundred years. since it's 300 years later. he's either around and laying low or been back couple times and been defeated


bro a 1v1 between the messiah and dracula would be too cold


sheera: they taste better when they afraid >.> ummmmm you know this how? ayo lmao


Roshi. You’re correct, the animators said that Drolta would have either a different hairstyle or outfit every episode she’s in.


To be fair he's not answering the question at all. His lover might have been dying when he decided to turn him, we don't know, he was a fighter after all. In any case, in how he describes him, seems he was a vampire fighting for a good cause - maybe Julia kind of fucked up and killed him just because he was a vampire without evaluating the situation properly.

Art of Trolling

This is why I can’t be a villain this would never happen to me. I kill somebody’s parent in front of them, they are immediately getting bodied. That big dumbass left his ass alive now he about to come beat that ass 😂


No by the time he was turned he had already joined up with the American revolutionaries, so it’s not a case of Julia Minority Hunter, she legit killed him because he was a vampire.


Yes, I agree. But I’m sure there were plenty of vampires in Europe. Not to mention she and Maria’s Mom (her name is escaping me) knew about Elizabeth Bathory. Why not go after her? Why cross an ocean to fight native vampires? Why not go to Haiti and kill the vampire slave owners? I need answers Julia 😭😭😭


Lisa could be alive. I believe Vampires and Damphir are not the only immortal of long-lived human sub-species in the series. Maybe coming back from hell or crossing the corridor could have extended her lifespan.


This episode had me googling the hell out of some shit lol. Did you know Castlevania might be THE biggest JoJo's reference in the history of... well, Video game, at least! The story structure from the many games in the series is very much early JoJo influenced. Either way! I watched a fun video that explains a lot of cool shit... Like how in the 1st series, Carmillia and the 3 sisters all wore a ring with a cracked mask: Carmillas OG design. Even Olrox is based on a 1-off boss fight, as well as Drolta literally just being a Succubus instead of a Vampire.


That’s only the games lore, there’s nothing to suggest he ever died before season 2

Wassim aitikhlef

i mean juste is the truest Magician of the Belmont family but is Red as fuck like a grandmaster of a circus.

Wassim aitikhlef

Dracula would beat her. Man is the equivalent of Satan in this universe. As a matter of fact, Dracula whooping a living universe with his hands on a 1v1 and the worst its that the living universe "Chaos" is the fuel of dracula powers and strenghts.

Wassim aitikhlef

Drolta is not a succubus in the games. the design of her in the serie is from a succubus, but Drolta is a old ugly witch like the ugly form of the Evil queen in snow white.


“but fuck it” he ate that


Dracula is levels above but ye, it would be interesting to see


Richter: What were you saying about me? Fans: um.. we didn't say anything. You're good😨👏


Bro unlocked the six eyes cursed technique

James Woodson III

Lmao you so right, step one: kill the opps, step two: eviscerate the bloodline, step three: smoke their pack


Bro did two-three attacks the entire series, got turned into a demon, then sings the rest of the show? waste of such a good character design

Champion Bescos

One sided stomp in Dracula’s favor. Man was blood-starved, depressed, half-hearted, and suicidal and he still was beating the golden trio’s asses.

Zachary Shepard (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-14 00:16:50 Bustle is what Roshi was talking about. Under a skirt to make it pop out.
2023-10-13 22:16:14 Bustle is what Roshi was talking about. Under a skirt, they use a dress bustle to make it pop out.

Bustle is what Roshi was talking about. Under a skirt, they use a dress bustle to make it pop out.

Hasnain Khan


Owen Halloran

Honestly if Issacs more merciful teachings bled into Forgemaster education over the years, that might be why the abbots creation process seems flawed

FreshxEli Tv

Wait that song Ed was singing isn’t that Beethoven or what I remember hearing it in Hunter Hunter when The phantom troupe killed the mafia


Sheera tries to bring up some Olrox + Edouard fanfic and roshi is just "No"


Yeah Castlevania lore videos are really cool. I especially love Belmont family tree videos. Because of those, I was hyped when Juste introjusted himself

October Veil

Granddad is being played by Ser Jorah Mormont! (Iian Glen) Just barely recognized his voice


All the hate I seen towards Annette I’d think she was some super evil bitch lmao this fandom is so odd imo she’s still one of the best characters I also think the cast feels very human and real, her hot headedness and impulsiveness fits her character given her background but I do hope we get some great development for her and everyone else next season


Yeah there's disagreeing with Anette who is a flawed character which is good for story telling and then there's people comparing her to Amber who is another character people have irrational feelings against. Lol

A. P.

Yeah they definitely forgot to set the night creature machine to Wumbo

Deric J

The blame game reference😂😂😂


Belmont kill vampires and monsters indiscriminately. They've even killed child vampires without flinching. They hinted at that in season 2 when Alucard was looking at a small vampire skull. She didn't need a reason other than he's a vampire. Hell, Trevor was straight up gonna kill Alucard if the plot didn't demand they had to work together. Belmonts are heroes but there have been hard hints they di their duties no matter what. If you are a vampire, you have to die.


Yes buy nobody respects him anymore. Remember he pulled a stunt in the name of love for a human that had all his people but Isaac turn on him. He has no influence like he used to and if he tried they'd all just be against him.


He was resurrected at the end of season 4 and has kept out of the spotlight since. We don't know what he's doing now other than living or he decided to die with Lisa once her time was up.


You are so cute with this idea of Dracula winning one sided when you've never ever seen how Erzabet fights or what magic she's capable of. Lmao


Remember what Queen of Fables said, PUT AN END TO THE BLOODLINE to prevent revenge kills. Though real talk Olrox isn't even worried about that shit. If anything he probably wants to die deep down.


What does this have to do with forgemastery that's being done by a machine and not by a person?

Owen Halloran

If the programming is flawed or incomplete you can expect flawed and incomplete products. Issacs teachings being the flawed programming.


@tia hall it would be suicide going to fight her. Asking why Julia didn't go after Erzabet is like asking why didn't the Belmonts go deal with Dracula way before they were exiled and down scaled to just Trevor, because it's not that easy to win against the abnormal s tier vampires with extreme influence over vampire kind. Erzabet is in the same league as Dracula and please don't argue that she's not, she basically took his place. The proof is in the plot itself.


Why do you think Isaac even spread the teachings of forgemastery on that scale?


I’m not saying that she’s not. It’s just weird to me that you see this evil brewing.. you’re a Belmont with magic, you have a speaker friend. She knows her history which means she knows of the Belmont hold. With all her pride that Juste said she had why tf did she not take care of her own vampire issues on her own soil? Ya know.. for Juste to be such a horrible father she wasn’t such a great mother either. That “proud” behavior got her killed, because there was no reason for her to go to the Americas and create new enemies.


@tia hall You are basically asking why didn't they make Castlvania Nocturn about her and Tara and not Richter, Maria and Anette. You're mind is focusing on the wrong issue asking why litteral side characters didn't do solve the plots issue chronologically before episode one.


No that’s not what I’m asking. I was clarifying that Julia really went to Massachusetts to kill a revolutionary native vampire (when there were plenty of others). From Olrox, Richter, and Juste’s story of how/why she got there and what happened— I don’t feel too bad that she died. Shoulda stayed in Europe and fought those vampires.

Bona Fide

blue flames wow


@Tia Hall Trevor has said that the Belmonts follow where the work/vampires go. They originated in France and then they moved to Wallachia. I guess Julia decided to head to America cause vampires were heading that way. 🤷🏾‍♀️

WackySwacky (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-14 07:08:39 The fact that Juste is the most powerful magic user in the Belmont clan is supported by the vast array of spells you can cast in his game. Ritcher on the other hand uses item crushes, which are a more limited but still very powerful version of holy magic. Both forms of magic are tide to item type as well.
2023-10-14 05:07:53 The fact that Juste is the most powerful magic user in the Belmont clan is supported by the vast array of spells you can cast in his game. Ritcher on the other hand uses item crushes, which are a more limited but still very powerful version of holy magic. Both forms of magic are tied to item type as well (cross, holy water, dagger, axe, stopwatch, etc).

The fact that Juste is the most powerful magic user in the Belmont clan is supported by the vast array of spells you can cast in his game. Ritcher on the other hand uses item crushes, which are a more limited but still very powerful version of holy magic. Both forms of magic are tied to item type as well (cross, holy water, dagger, axe, stopwatch, etc).


I thought of that too. I forget the episode, but they said vampires started laying low, joining the aristocracy, becoming slave masters. Maybe the vampires making the most noise were the ones in America (fighting against the colonist). Even still Auntie Tara knew what Elizabeth was doing and didn’t convince Julia to do anything about it. Would it be suicide? Maybe, but the same thing happened when she went to America. In fact she realized it was safer in France (which is why she was sending Richter back).


the night creature revolution is real

October Veil

The second one was the Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1-TrAvp_xs

Douglas Kelley

She went to America to kill vampires. It’s that simple. You are looking for a problem where there isn’t one.


The video I watched pretty clearly depicts the final form of Drolta as a dead ringer for the Succubus in the games, even including a very specific move involving the wings. Agree to disagree, tho! 👍🏾

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

As always... Trevor Morris wit another banger bro that bloodline soundtrack was fyyyyaaaaa!!!


I think it's more of a quality over quantity thing. Isaac and Hector did their forging by hand whereas the Abbot uses a machine. For all we know, the Abbot just puts bodies in and press a button and has no other involvement. He can probably make night creatures faster than Hector and Isaac could but at the cost of them potentially having parts of their souls still intact.


Bruh I’m not looking for a problem lol. I’m just saying how crazy it is you skipped over vampires at home to go kill them somewhere else 🤷🏾‍♀️ Forgive me for thinking about it critically.


Hey, roshi, lupa-san, and Sherra. I love all of your guys' reactions. I was wondering if guys could consider reacting to "RWBY" It's one of my favorite shows of all time. And for any of the RWBY fans in the comments who are higher-tier patrons let's try to get a poll going that would be amazing. Also, now hear me out but I would also like it if you guys could react to MLP too. It's not a bad show and shows that have as crazy of a fan base as MLP isn't just for show something about the show is good(all of it). But that's just me putting my thoughts out there. Whether you do or not won't make me stop watching your guy's content at all.


Like some have said, Juste is from the games as well! But also the characters he talks about while recounting his past were also from his games


Yeah Lydie and Maxim were both supporting characters in Harmony of Dissonance. Maxim was actually a playable character that you unlock after beating the game. He was a pretty cool ninja type character, his sword unfolded to become a giant shuriken. We don't know what happens to them after the game so their fate in this show is fair (even though it's a different canon). Was absolutely shocked they actually brought my boy Juste on to the show. He's my favorite Belmont no contest. I hope they have some kind of flashback about Juste's grandfather Simon Belmont at some point. Maybe if Dracula ever returns he will mention Simon.


Fun fact! Lydia and maxim actually die in the bad end of harmony, so the show is kind of following canon!


He literary looked like Sypha.


I could tell u why a lot say he’s on another level but that would spoil things for u and others

rickie woodson

i get what sheera is saying. she is going by personality traits so yes, if orlox took the time to get to know eduard, i can see him falling in love with him. who knows what the future holds? monsters need love too. and he is quite beautiful still, much more so than any human could be. the wings, the eyes, the haunting voice. its not like he looks like that anteateresque grey beast from a few eps ago, lets keep it real.

rickie woodson

i think olrox is a toph. one who waits and listens before striking. he seeing where all the pieces are being laid out on the field before making a move of his own. he seems to be a romantic who just wanted to live a "normal" life with his love but after losing him, he has become disillusioned about that lifestyle and has shut himself off from emotionally connecting to others. i think his only interest now is to live and live well (in a life of comfort and luxury) and whatever side affords him that, he will latch on to. i have hope that something will happen to bring back the pre show olrox, the one who believed in his lost love's dream of enemies becoming allies so he can join our crew and be this team's alucard.


Axe gun Stealing tricks out RWBY's bag.


wow i haven’t heard anyone mention RWBY in ages. It wasn’t the greatest but that show is heavily slept on. Don’t know if roshi and the gang would like it cause of the animation but i’d love to see them react to it