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the fall of khlahadore


StorySmith []

one of my few nitpicks with these last 2 episodes is that I feel like Usopp was under utilized in his own ark.


Like someone else mentioned I love the entire love action series but my only complaints lie within usopps arc. I still enjoy it!! It’s just the weakest part of the live action imo


I got the notification for this like 5 times😂 my phone loves me


Goosebumps when they incorporated We Are into the soundtrack and Luffy was getting hyped on the merry


Imagine waiting like 12 years for a plan to take place and this Brazilian dude just eats your soup and beats ya ass lmaooooo

Xanny Man

Down D Stairs strikes again


I love how much marine content we're getting from Koby & Helmeppo this early on compared to the manga & anime


Yes roshi she fell down the stairs and died my face when that shit happened I was like ik you not dead ass bitch id be mad asf if that’s how I went out 😭

Antonia Moore

The yonko level stairs

Ginger Dwarf

Garp reveal is AFTER water 7. So Lupa shouldn't have known that


you can die quite easy from a fall down a flight of stairs, broken neck head trauma and the chances of these happening skyrocket with a small child


I mean its been forever since the series had been out. Prolly seen a few spoilers here and there


True I’d just be mad if that’s how I went out especially since I was a 🔥 as swordsman I ain’t die in battle I let some stairs take me out 😭


"Cuz he's a fatass" damn Roshi

Paul Reyes

I wish they kept the Usopp pirates. They were pretty integral to Usopp’s character development.

K Jack

Grandpa Peaky Blinders


i think we also saw good ol daddy in the first ep at the execution


this Kuro telling Kaya she's never done anything with her life... Sir, I'm 18 and you've been poisoning me for the last five years, when exactly was I supposed to get my degree?


All love to Jacob Gibson (he actually makes Usopp more bareable), but for me the less Usopp the better. Always has been my least favorite Straw Hats.


now that I cant unsee jawana man all I remember is that one dude falling in love with jawana and crying when his wig came off lmaoo


Kuina didn’t just die to falling down the stairs, she died to the strongest being in One Piece, she died to Down D. Stairs


I don’t know how to post in the community anymore with this new update, but if anybody can help i recommend the show overtake! Something new that i and others would like to see


no woman cant beat a man look at boa who makes all the guys fall for her beside luffy


always disrespect for the big dudes. that's exactly why someone like that would end up killing you. when she came out she was dope tho? okay lol

Jordan Postle

When you think about it. If Klahador is really the captain of the black car pirates and Axe-hand Morgan supposedly killed him then shouldn't Helmeppo know what he looks like or atleast any of the other marines know what he looks like from his wanted poster?

Devin B

At this point in time even if you don't watch One Piece you would know Luffy's family background

Erica Collins

I looked it up thinking Roshi was joking but this girl actually died by falling down the stairs. That's so random wth 😭😭

Devin B

You can be the strongest person on Earth but if you fall a particular way, especially if it involves falling down on stairs, that's it for you.

Hasnain Khan


Erica Collins

Patreon changed the name to "Member Posts" and as of now it's only available on the web version


I just noticed that they didn't include usopps crew in this live action. they cut out the little kids awww lol

October Veil

Maybe Juwanna Man had a juwanna son and that = Usopp?

Mubarez Ahmad

As funny as it is, it's also traumatic as fuck for zoro. Death can come in any shape or form and at any time. Not everybody has the luxury to die a glorious death


The kid who played Young Zoro is actually pretty experienced with swords, I remember seeing somewhere that he had a social media where he posted videos of him using swords

Miguel NoName

I think I started watching one piece 17 years ago, and probably stopped about 6 years back and I still remember garp was his grandpa 😅

Ginger Dwarf

Everyone in the replies saying it's not possible to not know Garp is his grandpa. Meanwhile my ass read all of one piece a month ago and didn't know at all until after ennies back at water 7. Not everyone on the internet has been spoiled on everything you know.


i mean ik her death fucked up zoro but falling down stairs was traumatic for zoro then he wouldve reacted when sham fell down the stairs as she did.

Saucy Jonathan

Down d stairs is the incarnation of zoros hatred 🗣️


Naw cuz Helmeppo prob just been at base doing jack shit while Morgan been sailing the east blue looking for Kuro


Thats what I was thinking cuz I remember Lupa said he stopped at like the beginning of water seven


Naw, cuz nobody really talks about it, its not like a main thing in the story, the things you'll mainly get spoiled on is like the outcome of a fight or the death of an important character or one of Luffy's gears, anything else besides that you'll never really see any spoilers for

Fred Thomas

You are right that 'falling down the stairs' sounded random. The phrase is also used when you don't want to say that the real reason was suicide. It is implied that that is what really happened. It makes it sadder when you realize this.

Quinton Campbell

Lupa said he stopped watching after Water 7 right? I think it was a little bit after that when we find out Garp is Luffy's grandfather,


If I recall correctly, it was right at the end of Water 7. That is when we first see upgraded Helmeppo and Koby and they fight the Straw Hats a bit.


not sheera fatshaming

Papa Souls

"Ah, time to penis it." absolutely killed me! lmao!


The accents being all over the place was really my only real issue with the show. The diversity of accents is great, in a world of islands and travelers it makes sense, it makes the worldbuilding so rich, but they could have streamlined it. If you have a character that grew up around people with mostly have XYZ accent and have so most of their life, why do they have a very different from those people, or why does that accent even change to be different from any of those previous accent? Either make the effort to explain (without losing focus from the story) or have the actors take more time with dialect coaches.

Sean B

if i remember correctly lupa said he watched until the beginning of water 7, the garp reveal was at the end of water 7


Could argue that while Luffy knew his grandpa when he was young he may have spend more time around other people than him? Wasn't garb on the seas a ton as a Marine?


@JG yeah, if anything most of Luffys accent woulda come from Dadan and the mountain bandits.

Nicka Snax

I know Nami is popular and all, but I think it was a mistake writing it so that Nami was the one to convince Kaya to do things, think for herself, confide in her, etc... that role felt like it should've been for Usopp, because they basically took all the important one-on-one conversations and gave them to Nami and made it look like Usopp didn't really have a serious connection with Kaya.

Paul Reyes

Isn’t there a theory out there that she self deleted by pushing herself down the stairs?

iTzDeionte (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-17 01:38:42 Man where’s jjk
2023-10-16 23:10:28

Pan Cakes

juan piece

Jaime Ruiz

If I would’ve lost to Kuina, I would’ve said… “that’s why you got a big ol fatass nose!


Dont they reveal the garp thing after water 7, lmao roshi

Felix _Raiz

The fact that they actually build every ship is inasane i can see all the budget they had for this series they spent 18 Million dollars per episode


This all went down about 3 or so years ago. Helmeppo was about 13 at the time. I doubt he really paid attention to wanted posters back then.


Kuina was talking specifically about swords. Hancock takes advantage of her beauty, haki, and devil fruit to fight. Plus, Kuina was only able to see from the perspective of an inexperienced kid. The fact of the matter is that the sword style her father taught wasn’t suitable for someone with a light, slender build. Eventually, she would’ve either had to adapt the style to suit her, or abandon it altogether and find a sword style that she could use that takes full advantage of her abilities. That’s what fighting is about in end. Training your body is half the effort, you also need to use weapons and methods of fighting that complement your body and maximizes your advantages.


no way y'all watched physical 100 without us..


Sheera getting upset over Kaya not figuring out about what was going on was so funny to me 🤣🤣


Me being Jamaican with a white grandpa sailor 😭😭

General Grevious

It was also implied that she was murdered, kind of funny that it’s not actually implied that she just slipped and fell though😂

Yolo Samurai

Lupa said he stopped at Water 7, which means he stopped right before it was revealed that Garp was his Grandfather.

Evan Jenkins

My favorite subtle joke is when Ussop says "what was that?" when he hears the cannon fire and hit the ship. Then in the next episode they have him on cannon duty because "he's loaded thousands of them before." Lol.

Evan Jenkins

I think that despite Ussop caring for Kaya, his lies and stories ultimately fed into her sheltered life. I think had he actually been the one to help her gain independence, he would have been worthy of staying and being her man. Ussop's story is just beginning and his act of bravery was really just the first step on a looooong road for him. I liked having Nami connect with Kaya mainly because of that great moment when Kaya asks her if she ever lost a loved one and she says, "no" and lies right to her face. This shows that Nami isn't suddenly cured of her duplicity, but she's willing to change her mind when she meets someone who is deserving of her friendship.

Pedro Barrera

The reason given of Kuina's death was "fell down the stairs" or something like that but i remember reading in a post a theory that in Japan "fell down the stairs" is called when somebody commited suicide, like she could probably suffer depression because of the "i will never be the best because "woman can't beat man eventually"" i remember when i read it and was interesting, i repeat, this was just a theory i read time ago ♥

Evan Jenkins

He's different looking enough that Zoro only thought he recognized him but didn't immediately say, "THAT'S KURO!" And Zoro looks at wanted posters constantly.

Evan Jenkins

I always thought it should have been a riding accident. Like a snake spooked her horse and she broke her neck. Very few young people are going to die to falling down stairs.

Drake Rage

I have believed in the "Kuina's dad is fishy" theory since the beginning, lol. The "fell down the stairs and died" felt to me like the author was winking at us saying "haha, no way would that be the actual reason she died." I just learned from the comments here that "fell down the stairs" is a phrase that is used for suicide in Japan(?), but I personally still think there is more to Kuina's death. Kuina's Dad just felt off to me in the anime, in his scenes that were about Kuina's death, like his glasses getting shaded-in which hides his emotions to the viewers.


DOWN D. STAIRS strikes again


Ok, I guess they can handle it that way depending on how they code Dadan's accent. But they would have to bring up some story beats earlier in the story. Plans for season 2 already sound so dense.


I'm not only talking about Luffy, even if his case was the most apparent.


You know what’s missing from the live action? It’s that psychotic feeling/ look the characters give in the anime even when the straw hats joke around it’s loud and eccentric. The live action actors are playing too cool for school and Marvel-esq scenes way too much.


I don’t think lupa has gotten to the end of water 7 so he wouldn’t know that garp is the grandpa…I think, it’s also been a long time since I’ve been that far back


Down D. Stairs always wins

Matthew Grant

They're the Black Cat Pirates. Cats famously like to play with their food


Never thought about that but I agree on that take. Giving Nami’s role to Usopp in this scenario would’ve felt better in the long run but im satisfied with how it ended up. The lack of Usopp Pirates/Django did notably diminish his role, though.


You do realize that it wouldn't land whatsoever in real life right? It would come off as extremely cringey


Your telling me Zoro hit her with 2 swords and she was able to physically withstand the impact? Cap...


And this ain’t cringey? Also that’s the whole point of good acting, I mean look at the joker

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-19 03:00:45 Would like for yall to react to more horror with Lupa. Five nights at Freddy's is nearing.
2023-10-18 23:15:57 Would like for yall to react to more horror with Lupa. Five nights at Freddy's is nearing.

Would like for yall to react to more horror with Lupa. Five nights at Freddy's is nearing.


*sheera or lupa make a joke* *look around desperately for laughs every time* *roshi makes a good joke* *absolute crickets every time* all in good fun, im just messin, but it's not standup comedy. let jokes die sometimes too it gets unbearable sometimes. im legit skipping past the cringe multiple times lol.

Lucas Theret

Joker is literally a maniac it fits his character no matter what. This zoro laughing like a maniac like he does in some anime scenes would translate terribly to live action. I definitely wish they did more anime like close up reaction shots especially when characters get mad


Your comment is contradictory but we move

Patrick Eggers

I like when they do silly stuff like that though, it's the fact that it makes me go "yeah?" along with them to their jokes, good or bad, that elevates the reactions for me. I get what you mean, but for me it's just silly and fun.


Yup, was just about to comment this. If I remember right, I think he was in the middle of the arc, so he probably stopped JUST before the reveal in the anime lol Also, your name made me laugh cuz i was literally eating ramen while watching this reaction lmao


I can relate to that. it can be a bit much at times


From what Lupa has said he was in the middle of water 7, Garp being his grandpa is revealed after water 7 ends episode 300+ They revealed it in episode 4


"Never been to this Island. Time to Penis it" :D Now that's entering my library of jokes

joshua barnett

They revealed garp being luffys grandfather mad early.


nah lupa said he only watched till water 7 and that's around the time they revealed that Garp is Luffy's grandpa so he probably never saw it.