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Never trust the church in castlevania


Wtf this patreon update kinda cooking


Love the quick releases


I just opened mine and was confused with the new update

Fernando Perez

Man I was pissed I really liked him too.

Solivigant Kaiba

1:00 When you've been best friends for centuries you're in tune with eachothers bs 😂


yeah i was surprised, im used to the patreon updates being dog shit. This one is kinda fire so far.

KingKai _

how tf do you adjust the quality on patreon? my shits locked at like 480


I know you guys have a life and everything. But please It would be god sent if you could binge record


Why did they update patreon, it looks so much worse now


What in the update is this 👀


need tokyo revengers


Anyone else's patreon fucking up after this update?


why is patreon always updating stuff like who asked for these updates!?


This update is giving me hives


Not going to lie, not a fan of Drolta's design. Looks way too modern for me.

Fernando Perez

For anyone wondering, Erzsebet Bathory was a real person and an alleged Hungarian serial killer from the 1500s. She supposedly killed and tortured hundreds of young women and bathed in their blood since she thought it made her immortal. Whether her crimes were that bad or exaggerated is hard to pinpoint since most of the evidence at the time was hearsay.


For those who don't know. Saint-domingue is modern day Haïti🇭🇹. The first black Colonie to fight & win their independence. Haïti represents!!!

Joshua Bridges

This patron update is asss


Y’all are the first positive review I saw about his singing lol

Simple Fan

I’m glad y’all have seen the black queen Castlevania has blessed us with 👏


why’s it always some fuckshit going on under the church in this show…lol everytime they walk into a church i’m just like HMMMMM, keep up the fire reactions guys


Appreciating the early Castlevania uploads


this new update is chefs kiss 💋


Am i tripping or did patreon do a full ui update

Erica Collins

hold on this patreon update is nice wtf especially the app version


This app update is weird ngl, still can't look at all the tags like the browser sadly.

Jack SV

She got her friend clapped and I bet she is going to blame it on everyone else. This version of Annette is dumb and annoying lol


Y’all gotta look up the real countess a report said she killed hundreds of kids

Damarcus Miller

Yooo what is this fancy shit? Anybody app or web Patreon update😂😂, all the tabs are gone now?

Joel Amoa

Erzsebet hoped out the wagon in that Rick Owens fit on that slaughter gang shit ⚔️

Stanley Labissiere

I'm sorry but that Haitian Creole is HORRENDOUS


idk drolta is kinda mothering! carmilla watch out girl she might take yo spot


are we getting any horror movie reactions this month?? like talk to me or any other horror movie recommendations? i know there is a fuck ton of releases for anime but i was just curious.

John Cedar

I mean, you're dead wrong. The next episode starts with her sitting in a grass field, blaming herself. She especially hates leaving people to die or the concept of "saving yourself", even if there's no chance of winning. She has naive notions of how to approach this threat because she is so driven by retribution and rage, and she's still young. It's part of her character development, but it doesn't seem like you're interested in that at all lol


Shawty hopped out in FW23 Rick Owens then got to slaying

Im high cuzz

This new layout is 🔥


Sheeragon been leveling up lately


I'm sorry, but when buddy started singing, I BURST OUT LAUGHING, I could not help it.

rickie woodson

yeah, some auto update went through. turned my notifications back on too so i came back to 99+ messages lol


I like how the vampires didn't chase after them cause there was running water

John Cedar

Erzsebet is her mistress, the silhouette in the doorway in the flashback. That woman, Drolta, is her right hand.

begang 99

wait why cant i search with tags anymore wtf


Please chime in. There’s something I don’t understand that the show doesn’t really get into, and I haven’t played the games in forever, except Castlevania-adjacent Bloodstained (and I barely put more than 4 hours on it): Is becoming a vampire makes you evil (for example Buffy rules), or is more the biological enhancement and I’m guessing initially overwhelming senses and cravings that make it more likely to develop a superiority complex, and hedonistic and antisocial behaviour? Because I feel like in-game lore Vampires are just fundamentally evil (again haven’t played those for years), while in both shows it seems more like the cruelty and violence from vampire is more of a choice, almost like a cultural norm and you’re either punished or ostracized if you deviate from doing demonic shyt. Like some of the evil stuff they do is more like “I’m powerful and have opportunities to do wild stuff and get away with it” rather than “I AM A PRIMORDIAL FORCE FOR EVIL.”.

Devin B

It's been a common trope in most TV shows were they portray the church as always corrupt in some way shape or form. Even in Shield Hero the church turned out to be messed up.


In case you were curious Erezebth Bathory is based on a historical figure with the same name accused of killing hundred of virgin maidens and bathing in their blood to stay eternally young.

Dante Senpai

Hopefully alucard will will make an appearance this season

John Cedar

Considering the different opinions of what to do with the humans they wanted to turn into cattle in the original Castlevania, like the difference between Lenore and Carmilla, I don't think vampires in this show are inherently evil. They have philosophy, science, and dreams, they aren't just mindless predators. In one of Dracula's flashbacks, he waited for the women and children to leave a town before he attacked it, so at least at some point, he had a some code of ethics. The fact that even the night creatures, which are literal hellspawn, have nuance to their thoughts and actions means that there isn't any group of beings that are entirely evil. This show adds to that grey even more, although I think most vampires will side with their kind because humans would turn on them even if they tried to make it work. Humans (as a collective) have historically turned on and killed anything that they fear and can't control.


i almost forgot they were on bad timing in shield hero too lmaoo let me get reincarnated into another life i’m staying 500ft away 💀

That Guy

If castlevania has taught us anything its that don't trust the church and the church has no idea what it us doing.

That Guy

Yeah i dont think becoming a vampire makes you inheritely evil but it doesnt help your perception of humans. most vampires in castlevania see humans as entertainment (pets),food and possible both. very few see humans as lovers( other than lenore and dracula) but usually after a while they turn them into vampires.I think its just easier to see humans as inferior because even though they can eat human food it won't nourish them as much as human blood.And also they become stronger,faster than them,live way longer than them and can be way more intelligent(living longer more information)so i think thats why the vampires are "Evil"


Please form ur own opinion on this show, its been somewhat divisive


While the French revolution (and other revolutions) was good and needed, it got pretty brutal. The first series the church was just being the worst because it could, but in Nocturne do present the church as not just being against progressivism just for the sake of it.

Drake Rage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-04 23:04:27 The difference between Sheera calling the little kid tryna protect his mom an "A-hole" vs. this adult girl who literally was 100 times more braindead trying to start a fight when there were 100s of vampires and many nightcreatures.. and Sheera says "It is slightly her fault, just slightly"... okay ma'am okay...
2023-10-04 20:56:53 The difference between Sheera calling the little kid tryna protect his mom an "A-hole" vs. this adult girl who literally was 100 times more braindead trying to start a fight when there were 100s of vampires and many nightcreatures.. and Sheera says "It is slightly her fault, just slightly"... okay ma'am okay... Forgemasters are human sheera, remember Hector and Isaac? Vampires needed them even though they were humans cause only humans can be forgemasters.

The difference between Sheera calling the little kid tryna protect his mom an "A-hole" vs. this adult girl who literally was 100 times more braindead trying to start a fight when there were 100s of vampires and many nightcreatures.. and Sheera says "It is slightly her fault, just slightly"... okay ma'am okay... Forgemasters are human sheera, remember Hector and Isaac? Vampires needed them even though they were humans cause only humans can be forgemasters.


He was definitely hitting that shit though.


It doesn't make you evil, but those who fall into darkness or deem themselves better than others tend to become vampires. Those who are seemingly good people who get turned tend to just cave into the hunger and eventually start seeing people as nothing more than cattle, basically losing their humanity. Its why Leon Belmont's (the one to kick off the fight against Dracula (his ex-best friend)) wife let him kill her to make the Vampire Killer whip, because she would've eventually lost her humanity.


Dumb and annoying is two more descriptors than you could give the game Annette


Also take into account and assume the vampires in question have lived over hundreds of years and their opinions, morals and outlook change. They get absorbed into the vampire culture. How this culture started is a mystery though but they're evil because they gained power and a metaphoric and literal thirst that drives them to eventually drop their previous 'human' morals and feed for survival and eventually find it thrilling over their immortal lifespan.

Kenyon McKee

I would have slapped tf outta that black girl she literally gave there position up as soon as they get there like huh.🤦🏾

Nita - Kento's Widow

'Everyone on the timeline about to be horny' Roshi, the things I saw under this one tweet man...... They did not bring honor to God that day.

Terrel Hudson

New update for the app is DOPE

Erica Collins

She saw the vampire who killed her mom and was her slave master.... I can't blame her for the reaction. I would be PISSED seeing that mf live it up too and then he gave her a little smirk nahhhh she's better than me. It would've been on sight regardless of how many vampires were there 😂


OHhhh woah the opera singer dude is probs the one singing that higher part at the beginning of the trailer


People on reddit were complaining about the writing, but it's not that bad. It's just funny since the worst thing that can happen imaginable always happens for no plot purpose other than revenge, like Anette seeing her mothers enslaver at the Marquis' estate and the vampire messiah being Tera's Speaker clan exterminator.


Look up Elizabeth Bathory in real life. Serial k*ller from Hungary

Rin B

This app update goes crazy🔥


That bird better get reborn as a phoenix by the end Also, with no prior knowledge of Castlevania, I absolutely did not expect Elizabeth Bathory here. I read up on her way back, and she was a noblewoman, and supposedly also a serial killer who would murder children, drain and bath in their blood because she thought it would keep her youthful. But anyways Drolta... Yep. Would

Champion Bescos

She did - accidentally, of course - get her friend killed. It’s unfortunate but believable and it’s hard to blame her knowing how knee-jerk her anger and trauma came rushing in. However, what could have been treated as a great bit of development for her seems somewhat sidelined afterwards, and that’s the frustrating part. She blames the wrong aspects of her actions that night, and so a different lesson is taken away. This is from someone who actually really liked the changes to her character and backstory!

Champion Bescos

John, that’s not wholly true though. As I recall, she blames herself for *leaving*, not for revealing their position due to a sudden bout of anger. She’s fueled by rage and hate, and all about being proactive, but instead of facing the downsides of that, she seems to think she just wasn’t strong or stubborn enough. Different ‘lessons’, I suppose.

John Cedar

I don't really want to get into spoiler territory, but she definitely does more self-reflection on her philosophy in fighting and respecting the point of view of the others in her group later. Both Richter and her are younger than Trevor and Sypha with more naive ideals are are more hot-headed because of that. They need room to grow and just like S1 of Castlevania, this first season is mostly set-up. You'd think Isaac and Hector were pretty stubborn and childish too if you only looked at how they acted in their initial season.

Champion Bescos

I will say, following Warren Ellis’ infamous writing standard of ‘all characters affiliated with the Catholic Church are bad’ is a little exhausting. It’s beating a dead horse at this point, and it’d be refreshing to see one religious character other than Isaac (who was Muslim) seen in a positive light. I’d even take an incredibly unlikely Buddhist somewhere in nineteenth century France making a wholesome appearance. Lol. People can harp all they want against the pitfalls of organized religion and the wrongdoings of ‘the church’ and I’ll be right there with them for most of it, but I’ve never enjoyed blatant bashing of any one subculture, creed, or belief of any sort. Even the half-hearted attempt to make the Abbott and his men conflicted and/or misled in their beliefs, yet so blatantly uneducated and hypocritical is just silly. Repeated one dimensional writing like that is juvenile, especially in a show trying so hard to be mature. Mix it up, y’know?


You'll live. Just be glad it exists in the story.


Ive heard of ogun before. I believe he is a god that cuban people worship. so her dad was probably cuban or something. that's dope that they adding Caribbean deities and stuff


i think she only invokes Papa Legba (spelling) when she wants a buff.


i knew the first time i saw Dralta that she was going to be a WHOLE problem. like who even has the heeless horse hoof shoes in the 1700's. fr fr

Champion Bescos

Roshi outta pocket with that hilarious Family Matters reference! He said “that’s the machine that changed Steve to Stefan”. 😂 I’m dead!


true. love her but them shoes is out of place. and where'd she get latex in the 1700s


i love his singing. personally oprea is better when its not in english.

Joshua Adeyemo

Castlevania universe is so dope. I've never played the games but watched all 4 seasons of the original. This is already a dope follow up! Love y'all reactions!


they are all teens and all dealing with some form of trauma, they're gonna f-up occasionally. sometimes in a major way.


Sydney James Harcourt got a voice on him


Erzsebet, Olcarox, and Drolta were probably the best part of this season. Everyone else was either uninteresting or wasted potential.


Drake loves to make himself a dumbass in the comments for many shows apparently. It's actually quite comical. The difference between Ritcher being a dumbass and Annettes situation has nothing to do with age. It has to do with the fact that Ritcher was intentionally a dumbass, while Annette was simply out of control for a mere moment. Ritchers mom told him to leave. He chose not to. Then, knowing damn well he is weak and nowhere near his mom's skill or strength, he decided to intervene in her fight. That is undeniable stupidity of the highest level that happens in media to give young characters "background" all the time. So not only is it stupid, it's extremely unoriginal and boring. There is no reason to feel bad for Rithcers situation. He brought it on himself. Annettes situation is nowhere near the same. She saw the person who snapped her mom's neck right in front of her and then talked shit several times, kept her as a slave nearly her whole life, and had escaped her when she tried to kill him, chilling at a party and laughing. It is understandable that she had a moment of blind rage out of her PTSD and hate. She controlled herself in under 5 seconds, but obviously they had already sensed her magic. The two scenarios aren't even close to comparable


I didn't realize until rewatching it with y'all but he really sang us a death flag. "Remember me, but forget my fate."

Kameron Renae

Not too much on my girl Annette in the comments chill out. They’re still young in this series with a lot of room to grow and mature. 🤫

Bona Fide

I'm way too eager for these. i binged it and now I need the reactions even more lol


I mean the role of the Church in this time was specifically at odds with the people so it's historically appropriate.


To be honest, my only issue in this series is Annette. If you don't know Annette is blond and did not came from Haiti. I understand the series has been tweaking stuff around. But she is a departure from her original design in the games.


Bathory is a servant in fate as well it’s cool to see another character design 💯

Bona Fide

I think it makes sense because all the vampires are gathering at one place for the Messiah and Anette happens to have a mission about the Messiah. No comment on the other part

Bona Fide

Oh fair enough. Let's just be grateful she's not a terrible character at least. I didn't know that and I really like her. Opposite feeling for what happened in invincible though lol i didnt know and still didnt like her


I didn't mind change her appearance. They did the same thing with Isaac. Difference is Isaac was still forgemaster. Annette on the hand wasn't a fighter of sorts. But still a important character to Richter.

lakewood145 .

Sheera writing the script as usual


A lot of cringe in this show. Olrox carries the slack to a degree and its very stylish. They managed to pull off a huge hook for next season so I haven't given up on it completely despite the main villains being ridiculous and boring.


i think in this scenario they are referring to Ogun the Yoruba (nigerian) god which makes more sense since they called him an "orisha" aka yoruba spirit. Elegba and Orunmila are both part of yoruba religion.


It's Netflix, you already know they gotta splash it with some woke. Wait til they see how Olrox gets down


Bro Im from Haiti and it feels good to not see voodoo demonized. Writers did their research. Time period of this anime was at the height of the slave revolution and slaves descending from various different tribes related through voodoo even tho they couldn’t understand each other linguistically. Voodoo preaches love of nature and respect of ancestors. Black magic is just the mainstream version of it.

Lord Of Frog's Congolese Uncle

i also thought it was really interesting that despite anette being enslaved she didn’t lose trace of her nigerian heritage, a great touch of detail from the writers

Nita - Kento's Widow

This patreon update is crazy cause I ain't even seen you but there were WAY too many comments under a tweet about whips and chains. And like... I do not condone the behavior but I understand them...

Aniki Pft

@NormalHero Splash it with some woke? ngl the changes to Annette and how her story correlates to her powers make her very much interesting in my opinion, that woke term gets thrown around like a stray bullet sometimes. But again I'm not sure if you meant woke mockingly/negatively or what so.

Stanley Labissiere

Of course I’ll live; what kinda comment is that? 😂 Also, I’d rather it not be in the story if it’s gonna be butchered


finally caught up from s1 rewatch, Castlevania really is S Tier


idk how richter will be better then trevor, trevor was an animal with that whip. and their is no new sypha she was too cold/hot lmao

Bona Fide

oh she wasnt a fighter omg I think they did it the right way making her a fighter since they changed her race cause today's people would be mad and call her useless lol

Hasnain Khan


Aniki Pft

@Stanley Labissiere Yeah I figured that, anything that isn't white, straight or 80% of the time boring asf is considered woke.


Aniki, you're no better than the people that cry over Woke bruh. Why the fuck cant I just get a good show without stupid shit being brought up. Black, White, Purple dinosaurs, I dont care, I just want a well written show.


also to add to this, Im not calling Castlvania Nocturne, not well written, though it definitely has its issues, im just bringing up the fact that some of these comments are brain dead.

Aniki Pft

@Steve Yeah, because me being accepting to pretty much anything that adds more to characters/plot(a.k.a real world shit lmao)- story overall makes me the same as those that whine about it. There is no correlation between those who dislike it, and to those that support it. And I don't think I'm wrong in my last comment either, the woke term is like a stray bullet when anything doesn't fit those conditions lmao. Also no one is stopping you from enjoying anything so what the fuck are you talking about?


Bcuz he is a descendants?🤔 Bcuz it’s a continuation of the series that followed Trevor and sypha? Tf u mean when u go from S tier shit and then get B tier follow up in my opinion u gotta compare


Elizabeth looking like she straight out of The Matrix like damn they didn't even try to make her look period appropriate.

Hueki Yuuki

God this fkin show blows donkey dick, and typical Netflix fashion they just splashed them characters with that black paint LMAO


You're literally talking out if ur ass. How u gonna call it "black paint" ? As if they aren't actually diving into African history and culture? Fuckin retard istg. Get ur fucking head out of ur ass, jumping on the hate bandwagon when the only genuine reason u actually have to dislike this show is "black people are in it" fuckin braindead racist ass mf


You gotta permit for all that baseless hating?

Zion Noland

“My bird back” made be laugh so much 😭😭

rickie woodson

is the vampire messiah just going to be alucard? i dont know if he is in ALL the games but was the chosen one in the last series and the son of dracula so i can see it being him. plus, he was alive last time we saw him.......

rickie woodson

lady bathory? the red blood queen herself is the messiah???????!! what the history books is going ON!?

rickie woodson

sis is wearing the god of oshun and channeling the powers of the orishas! YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS my CULUTURE! it was love at first sight from the trailer. annette is officially my fave of the series.

rickie woodson

i wondered how yall knew about papa legba. thought it was the islands in you lol. yeah she knows some voodoo cause she says she was trained by a mambo, which is a voodoo priestess. but she also knows some vodun if she is channeling the powers of the yoruba gods as well.

rickie woodson

oh i was getting death flag vibes from homie in episode one. he does not have main character energy. i was like "yeah, you just there to be fridged"

rickie woodson

i knew the priest was foul. didnt suspect his buddy but he was being swarmy and was being dismissive of their warnings so i thought "yeah, you're working with them vampires and now they know yall are on to them". thats why the night creatures were sent to their home and knew where they lived. didnt know he was a forge master, just thought he was a crooked normie.

Cee Dubuyu 97

They also mentioned the revolution of 1804 if you caught it I thought that was dope too

Benjamin Chen

Guys you have to listen to Mike Duncan’s Revolutions podcast episodes about the Haitian Revolution! The actual history behind this episode is all there. Oh my god!