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super strong start!



Damn that's an early drop

Art of Trolling

This then Gen V to follow we eating 🔥

Stephen Delong

Descendant of Trevor and Sypha not direct child 😭

Andres Rojas

😈😈god I missed Castlevania

Pedro Barrera

Just to know, do I need to watch something else first to watch this?


EU friendly upload I'm here for it ♥️


I had to log out and log back in to make sure I wasn’t trippin bout this early ass drop 😂


This is based 300 yrs after the last series based on what I’ve seen of it you don’t need to watch the first series at all. There’s minor details you’d pick up if you do but definitely not necessary

Mob K.O.

I try so hard with English dub maybe I crossed over to hard in the sub


I recommend watching the original Castlevania show

Mob K.O.

LMAO I know but whenever I watch it I watch it in Japanese voices just sound better to me


I need an up date on what happened with issac and Dracula and the village Trevor Sypha and Alucards was building I know it’s 300 years later but maybe the speakers know or one of Isaacs night creatures. And hopefully ALUCARD is still around cause I need to know


dawg this is like 300 years after that


I loved the dub in the first series. Didnt really feel the dub in Nocturne ngl


I know bro I said it already but it’s possible the speakers handed down the information and Allucard should still be alive




I almost felt the same way but remembered that the first season of the first series only had 4 episodes and was a build up season so let’s see where this series goes from here.


Roshi clapping himself seconds into the first ep had me dying I was like oh no nigga you can't say that with the lore accurate people hover around you 🤣


lmao this is a western show weeb. You probably don't even understand japanese


Yeah I thought he was they son too till somebody said this 300 years after they death then I was like then that def can’t be they son😭

Michael Blake

I'm dead am I the only one who thinks the first vampire is Native American. I legit can't tell. I'm just going off of nigga's hair not being like that.


Well he is voiced by Zahn Mclarnon. I assume he's supposed to be native.


Olrox (aka purple rain, I just call him bollocks cause that situation between him and Julia is bollocks) is an Aztec Vampire or so I read on other comment sections.

Erica Collins

You're right. He is lol a lot of people thought he was black, including me, but he's not


For clarification you guys, Nocturne takes place centuries after the first show. Like 500 years into the future. The setting for Nocturne is during the French Revolution, and the first show took place in the late 1470s during the Witch Hunt. So it has been a VERY long time since Trevor and Sypha.


Six episodes into this right now. I love the art style but I'm having issues with some of clunky dialogue, pacing and writing decisions. Overall, coming away pretty mid and lost interest in binging it. Will watch it week by week with you all.


Lupa and Sherra hating on Ricther 6 year old tryan save his mom is stupid sorry😂😂thank you Roshi

Charlie baker

who watches castlevania is another language, this shit is a western production and unless you were trying to play an unreleased in the states game or speed running i doubt ya played castlevania in japanese either

Charlie baker

this is late 1700s where trvor and sypha lived late 1400s so its been around 300+ years

Son Goku

Where is the Baki and bleach reaction??

Mob K.O.

I watch Castlevania in another language and if a Japanese game was available with subtitles I'd do the same lol people so offended when others disagree or don't go with what they want I don't care if Castlevania was made in Transylvania I'll watch how I want


I’m glad that they are somewhat sticking to the castlevania lore because Roshi was right people thought that they were making Richter the son of Trevor and Sypha even the people who played the games and know the lore thought so too.

Henderson C

Well that makes sense because his dragon form looks like quetzalcoatl


bro relax, this post is SUPER early as is. The rest will come lol chill


Nah the Allen Iverson step over his mom was disrespectful LMAO


This anime was a disappointment


I hope we at least get some sort of reference back to Trevor and Sypha. And there's always a chance Alucard and Dracula could show up. And maybe even Lisa, given that she came back the same way Dracula did.


I wonder if there's going to be a mana limit this time around. Sypha was the first character I've ever seen in a show have infinite magic outside, or at least it seemed that way. It was fun to watch though, she was casting her ass off.

Simple Fan

W rewatch with y’all 🙌 I binged it when it first came out so hopefully I can catch new details and opinions

Alexander Szabo

Wdym 500 years?? 😭 This takes place in the late 1700’s - early 1800’s. The beginning took place at like 1784 or something. Maximum of 350 years after Trevor and Xypher


Ahh my Patreon parents popped out early today🫣❤️

Julius Emmanuel

I’m so happy y’all started this, this season is so good


I mean it was. It’s not terrible but it’s a lot worse than previous seasons on castlevania was.

Ranginald Vagel

Now I’m embarrassed because I thought they would say something excited about there being Hatians because I had a weird little pop off myself


Don't forget to say in your opinion, not everyone has the same opinion as you.


Ngl I was extremely disappointed by this entire season. Granted I really loved the first series, so it might be decent but I’m just comparing it to the previous seasons since it’s a different writing team

Charlie baker

everyone you mentioned are human. alucard is immortal while the others are dead,gone and forgotten to history

Ranginald Vagel

Wdym close? It’s the french colony that became Haiti. That’s like saying the colonies are close to America. Are you getting it confused with Santo Domingo? That was the Spanish side that became the DR.

John Cedar

The colonies aren't just close to America, they're a part of it, geographically...are you saying they're not? It's all America, the American continent, north, central, south, and the islands around it. I think you're confused with The United States of America which was definitely not colloquially synonymous with America at the time and imo shouldn't be now. They would be called Yankees or American Revolutionaries, but American applies to Aztecs, Mayans, French and Spanish colonies in South America, Canada, etc.


I think they just need to find their rhythm. The first show got more polished as time went on. I think the same will happen to this one. I enjoyed it for what it was though.

John Cedar

Comparing the complete 4 seasons of Castlevania to the first season of this show which was like 90% setup isn't really fair, it needs to be compared to S1 of Castlevania which ended before Sypha, Trevor, and Alucard even did anything together yet. I think they executed the setup really well, there are a lot of intriguing characters and I legitimately have no idea how they will kill the main villain.

Matthew Knell

This is weebing like I’ve never seen before. Like watching Ed Edd and eddy in Japanese because “it sounds better”

Mob K.O.

How Dare you Ed edd Eddy actually sounds good in English


Cmon 4 episodes a week mane


Binged this last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it! I just know the next season is gonna be 🔥🔥🔥!

Pedro Barrera

Oh, i was about to watch the previous one and just realized that are 4 seasons o.o, well, i think i'm going to start those seasons, i regret don't watch the show when they uploaded back in 2021 😂


Guys. 17:46. They were cute. They had Richter do his trademark 3 finger salute. He did that in his game and it's a victory pose in Smash bros.


Why do you feel like that? I feel like they at least kept to standard, possibly improving on the fight choreography, but that just might be cuz i enjoy the way they do combat magic in this show.


You already got a Trevor reference in ep1, keep in mind though this is 300 years later.

Isaac (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-02 21:14:10 21:42 Reason dude can turn into a snake dragon is because strong vampires can just do that. Alucard can turn into a wolf and you never questioned that so this is no different. Powerful vampires are capable of powerful magics. The most basic is turning into a bat. Turning into mist is next level. Transforming into land animals and a mystical monster beast is top tier vampire power.
2023-10-02 18:56:53 21:42 Reason dude can turn into a snake dragon is because strong vampires can just do that. Alucard can turn into a wolf and you never questioned that so this is no different. Powerful vampires are capable of powerful magics. The most basic is turning into a bat. Turning into mist is next level. Transforming into land animals and a mystical monster beast is top tier vampire power. Although not all vampires bother learning magic like that and just do the baseline vampire abilities.

21:42 Reason dude can turn into a snake dragon is because strong vampires can just do that. Alucard can turn into a wolf and you never questioned that so this is no different. Powerful vampires are capable of powerful magics. The most basic is turning into a bat. Turning into mist is next level. Transforming into land animals and a mystical monster beast is top tier vampire power. Although not all vampires bother learning magic like that and just do the baseline vampire abilities.


Fun fact, Annette in the games is Richter's girlfriend. So maybe they'll do something with that here. Yes, Annette in game was a hwhite hwoman.


The only person who can be alive is Alucard. In Aria of Sorrow, which takes place in modern era, Alucard is alive under the name Genya Arikado so he is immortal despite being half human. 300 years is an breeze for a vampire. Looks like this series takes place way far away so Alucard probably won't show up but he should still be alive.

Kameron Renae

My babies Edouard and Annette 🥹 my favs! I’m excited to rewatch with you guys 😊


Definitely where my confusion came from when I first started it. But this show is fantastic without tying back to Trevor or Sypha. I say only 5 episodes in.

Will Jones

I liked the look they gave to Olrox's quetzalcoatl transformation.


Lisa referenced his fangs in their last conversation, so I figure he's still a vampire. And she was brought back with magic through the rebus ritual, so I don't think she's quite human. But I could be wrong.


I think the first series was set in like the late 1400s? So it's been atleast 300yrs but yeah that animation is CRISP.


i think it was 1450's and the revolution happens in 1789


Just about to comment this when I saw your comment! So true! Now knowing he’s an Aztec, seeing the Quetzalcoatl transformation was SICK and instantly got me hyped for what else Olrox was hiding.


richter is cool and probably my fav overall idky ppl dont like his character

Isaac Cobbinah

8 mins in and this is the first time ive been annoyed by sheera lol. still the best tho


That’s a fair point. I’m still willing to give it a shot with future seasons and stuff

Alexander Flores

when u guys have time pls add ragna crimson

Ranginald Vagel

OK let me be completely clear. I said, "there being Hatians" and you said "lol i mean it's close, geographically at least". This is saying Saint-Domingue is close to Haiti. But Saint-Domingue is the French colony that BECOMES Haiti. In the same way the English colonies BECAME America. That's why I compared them, because, "The colonies aren't just close to America, they're a part of it, geographically" is EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING, just replace colonies and America with Saint-Domingue and Haiti.


Art styles this season go crazy


lmao, what an intro to adult Richter. I thought he was striking a cool pose until buddy's head just exploded.

Jack SV

Saw the show and again some characters got some unnecessary changes but at this point I saw it coming lol

Misatos Beercan

Does anyone know if they're going to watch Eminence in Shadow season two

Jack SV

Spoilers ahead: Annette and Tera are completely different characters that only share a name with the game counterparts. Richter and Maria look just like they do in the games, but don't act like their game versions for the most part. Story is different, setting is different, lore is different. Everything is different.

Jack SV

Besides the obvious race swapping of course ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cleven Anthony

It’s actually 300 years after so I think he’s their great grandson I think I’m always terrible w family tree stuff 😭

Jack SV

Plus no offense but they got my boi Ritcher acting like a coward until a certain episode.


Because people seem to be more attracted to grizzly cynical dick heads and not the cocky fresh faced twink. Lol I like him too though.

The Pebble

great grandson 300 years later? How long do your family members live for that math to add up lol

John Cedar

I mean, Dracula isn't here, Annette's story from the games makes no sense if he isn't the main antagonist. You're acting like the original Castlevania was even a little more than loosely connected to the games, the entire story is original. The adaptation was always its own thing. And to be frank, as someone who liked the games as a kid, the story here is 100x better, as it was in the original show. It's so much more interesting. They added so much more depth to many characters, especially Dracula and Isaac. I didn't see anyone complaining about "unnecessary changes" with Isaac, he was probably the best character in the show.

Cleven Anthony

It’s not that deep for me. I can’t say why cause spoilers but I didn’t look too far into from what I saw that’s what it looked like but idk if it’s 300 years later for sure that’s what I heard

Douglas Kelley

DeMarAdams, are people really that dense that they don’t understand this is an opinion without saying it’s an opinion?


dont be a dick bro, yk exactly what he meant


Bro you won't regret it. There are 4 seasons, but s1 is 4 episodes or so, s2 is like 6, and the rest are 10. 30 episodes of 25 mins

Lamaree Jackson

Can we all just agree to say descendant instead of trying to track the exact year and the average generation length at the time to figure out what level of great grandparents Trevor and Cypha are to him?


We’re like the Watcher: watching a whole line of descendants throughout history

Champion Bescos

I’m fucking hyped! I binged the show with my wife and we both had a pretty fun time, seeing as the original show is among our mutual favorites. Interestingly enough, she liked Nocturne a bit more than I did.. The following is only for people who’ve finished the show, as I don’t like influencing blind watchers. I personally loved the art direction, the character and creature designs, the incredible and constantly fluid animation, the colors, their willingness to experiment more than the last show did, the music, some of the directing choices, and the voice acting. I was indifferent to the overall plot, much like with the original series. I actively disliked the character writing and a lot of the dialogue. Some of the scenes… made me have to pause or let out an annoyed grunt. It’s definitely the Achilles heel of the show. Overall, a pretty fun show and I’m excited for the inevitable next season, albeit not so much as I had been for this initial one now. 7/10

Pedro Barrera

Oh yeah, i will definitely watch the previous seasons, i already watched S1E1 on my lunch time :P


Yeah i know they dead but that doesn’t mean their stories are sypha was a speaker so their stories could have been passed down and if alucard is still alive he might tell stories of the past to Richtor


Richtor “i I just need to stand by you” me he a runner he’s a track star


Not really. The Lore is completely different. The show just keeps the barest of details the same, like the year and character names. Everything else about the show is it's own seperate Canon.


Alucard is definitely showing up. The game this is based on is a prequel to Alucard's game, Symphony of the Night.


I've played all the games. The Canon of the show is not the Canon of the games. They are totally different and seperate. This was true of the first Castlevania series as well. The stories are just not the same, with only cosmetic similarities. In the games, Trevor Belmont's battle with Dracula took place in 1476. Richter Belmont, Trevor's descendant, had his first battle with Dracula in 1792. 316 years seperate the two. Many Belmont generations were skipped over by the show (Christopher, Simon, Juste).


The exact time difference is 316 years (in the games at least). Trevor was 1476, and Ritcher was 1792.


Something to think of depending on how this story plays out. It's been 300 years since Trevor. Obviously the majority of human characters are long pass dead at this point. Alucard should still alive but what I forgot is that Dracula is still alive too. Remember, Saint Germain and Death were successful in ressurecting Dracula and Lisa. Lisa is probably long dead if Dracula didn't turn her and I'm sure they had conversations of turning her just to be together forever. Dracula, if Lisa is passed on, is probably keeping himself on the down low living simple and helping people like Lisa would want or he decided to romantically die with Lisa and be in hell with her again. Alucard probably still in Trevor Village which should thriving as a town by now after 300 years if no fuck shit happened to the place. So maybe Alucard and Dracula will show up for some hero work? I'm kinda hoping so. I always wanted to see Alucard and Dracula have their time together as Father and Son.


MASSIVE episode 1 Thorfinn vibes and IT IS PISSING ME OFF😂. Just leave like your parent told you to do


Imagine complaining about castlevania anime changing characters completely….like that wasn’t something done almost constantly in the previous show….


Weebs are next level calling an American shown an English dub. It literally says English is the original audio when you switch it on netlfix

Evan Jenkins

Aztec? Mayan? Probably. The feathered serpent was known to both civilizations under different names. Remember that Spanish conquistadors were very light skinned compared to the natives and that kind of skewed how we perceive South Americans today.

Evan Jenkins

The dialogue is no where near as good as the Warren Ellis stuff, but I think it's on par with a lot of action anime out there. Definitely not an instant classic like the first run was.

Evan Jenkins

It's rare for the next Belmont to be a direct descendent of the hero before him. Mainly because that would mean that Trevor and Sypha accomplished nothing at all because evil came back like seven years later, lol. It's generally a few hundred years before Drac comes back. SotN is a little different because of things I won't spoil here (in case the animation covers SotN).

Evan Jenkins

It's really hard to follow up Trevor's performance. The underdog with a heart of gold who finds love and friendship is a very compelling archetype. Hopefully Richter will grow into a very interesting and nuanced character of his own.


dracula is back yeaaaaaaaaaaaah. also this is probably a dumb question but does this take place during the french revolution? or during Napoleon's war time?


It had some good fight scenes but the dialogue and story of the first one is leagues ahead of this one

Bona Fide

I just watched the 1st episode before you guys and that priest gives me villain too. I immediately didnt trust him then after they spoke to him the new night creatures pop up? He's for sure up to nonsense or working with the vampires cause the are literally at the chateau like they suspected. I didnt pick up on maybe they're turning the villagers into those creatures. Sheera so smart

Matthew Barrett

Its episode 1, ofc Richter has to have some rough edges that gets smoothed out. Trevor was an arrogant doucher in episode 1 of Castlevania



Matthew Barrett

Why you be droppin whole season reviews in the comments on episode 1 bruh. Sure there's no spoilers but you're out here tryna set expectations rather than letting people come to it as they will

Soul King

richter def got his moms killed smfh


im watching yall reactions to castlevania first from 2021 since i postponed it bcuz it was english and i watched it in japanese but i just finished castlevania nocturne shit was pretty decent

Aniki Pft

@Matthew Barrett I lowkey agree with you. I feel like this is something best suited for the season finale lol.


I'm surprised they haven't figured out who the "Vampire Messiah" is lol


yeah at the time i found english dubs for animation like this cringe but now i fw it


I watch all anime in sub, even things like fmab that people claim has a superior dub. But Castlevania in english (it's original language) is amazing lmao why would you watch it in japanese


thanks for letting us know now I can't help but go into it with this comment etched in my brain hell yeah


actually makes a lot of sense good explanation ^


I have seen like 4 of these comments so far and as someone who only watched the first episode and liked it alot I am wondering how awful it is that so many feel the need to say this. like jesus


did you just subscribe to the channel or


@Matthew Barrett as someone who has only seen the first episode I would agree but we have already gotten multiple comments literally amounting to "this season was mid." At least this comment didn't totally shit on the season.


it's hard for me to fathom viewing tv shows like this. of course it isn't reality, but like, you can't even remotely understand this behavior? a kid sees his mom getting attacked, stays behind instead of running away - and that doesn't make more sense than anything in the entire world?

Davon Thomas

Dracula and Eren did nothing wrong. Both justified in their actions.

Pan Cakes

ill have to get used to richters voice actor. it does not match his character lol

Champion Bescos

What? I literally said “the following is only for people who’ve finished the show, as I don’t like influencing blind watchers”. Anyone not caught up, with half a brain would stop reading there. That disclaimer serves the opposite of desiring to set expectations, bruh. The “review’s” purpose was clearly that of a fan looking for community; eager to discuss the show with other patrons who’ve also finished it and may/may not agree. Really simple stuff, but go off.


It’s not an English dub, it’s made by westerners, English is the default language, Japanese is the dub

Mob K.O.

Because it's just better sounds better flows better (to me) don't know why this matters so much

Champion Bescos

Again, @ok, respectfully if you’ve only seen the first episode, why would you keep reading the comment after that clear disclaimer/warning. I kept things very general and vague, but come on. Also, the dozens of people praising the show on this thread are literally ‘reviewing’ the show in their own way and setting expectations. So long as there’s no spoilers, I don’t see the argument you’re agreeing with not being hypocritical.

Isaac Cobbinah

Lol her random screaming and not a understanding why a boy would want to save his mother as roshi was explaining got annoying to me. Lol like the scene started with the boy asking to stay and fight with his mother. So his act to jump into the fight wouldn't be a surprise.

Jamaal Ellison

This maybe an L take, but my man with the musket deserved his fate. Because if I knew there were things living in my city that looked and sounded like me, but wanted to eat me, I wouldn't want to be caught lacking.

Arsean Wilbon

Sheera mad at a little boy who just wants to save and be with his momma is hilarious 😂


He shouldn't be. His reputation got ruined with the stunt he pulled wanting all humans to die which threatened vampirekinds livelihood. I doubt the vampire species as a whole respect him like they used to.

Arsean Wilbon

That’s normal 🤣 she has my emotions flip flopping on a daily. One moment im with her next L take. It’s hilarious

Erica Collins

I mean Richter had said that vampire attacks were rare plus they aren't living in the city, they're at the chateau but no one knows that so I can't blame the guy for letting his guard down to have some fun thinking it was safe 😂

X__Dead Man

Episode 8 gonna be crazy


I’m guessing Alucard is still alive

Nita - Kento's Widow

Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 and we're adults here, but I feel like as a kid I would've been naïve enough to try and protect my mom too. I understand 'he should've just ran', don't get me wrong, but he was a kid.


People mad cuz you called it an English dub, same way they would be mad if you called an anime Japanese dub. It's a Japanese dub, which is why the mouths are off in the Japanese version.(Not saying you can't watch it in Japanese of w/e the fuck just saying why people get salty lol)


The whip was trevors, the zoom it was to show it was the same one. All Belmont's use it.(not the morning star the leather one, it's always the same design). It gets kinda weird, but in the game they were the same but they were sometimes leather and sometimes chain, where they made the leather and chain whip differnt in the series.

Dud3 itsj3ff

they have big shoes to fill.... but it's a good start. Richter may eventually rival Trevor, but Sypha will be hard to match!

Matthew Barrett

Or how about you just wait to have your discussions until its done? Posting your opinion on the first episode just seems like a move without tact

Mervyn Larrier

I love how they merged the Speaker blue and the Belmont crest into a new Belmont uniform


She’s right. He should’ve just left & made her have to look out for him while fighting an all powerful vampire.


LOL, they trying real hard to bring Sypha back. She gone man, like Aang, her story is over.


Lmao there's nothing to understand idiot. The kid was a dumbass

Hasnain Khan



did Voltanimation do the intro? looks like their work

Jaelyn Mcgee

the art style is gonna take a minute for me to get use to. The eyes remind me so much of the stuff you see in AI art, but still this is good stuff

Andrew shultz

Does Native American = black now or am I trippin? Between looks and accent def seemed Native American.

rickie woodson

not into the story yet but as always im into the art and lore. that first vampire with the god form: what the tiamat is going ON?! maybe dracula isnt the only godlike vamp in existence, just the one in that region at that time? or he and/or his son have sire children over the past few centuries giving us more super vamps?

Lupa is Dadi

this takes place 300 years after the show where sypha and Trevor are alive. they are long gone by this point