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Sheera is too powerful



Fseee perfect timing😭💯




Finally, my daily dose of crack


time for chaos


Let's goooooo

Dalvin Williams

Yes sir! Here for crack!!!! 💯💯💯💯


i will never get tired of the crack jokes in the comments lol


Do yall know that manboy is actually a vine star called melvin gregg i just thought that was cool for some reason.


The actor who played man boy is the exact opposite in real life ! He’s a down to earth kinda dude

Hasnain Khan


Oni Legend

The actor for ManBoy was really tryna get in his Denzel Traning Day bag for his death scene. Man sounded like he was doing a whole impersonation fr

Devin B

I gotta give a shoutout to Melvin Gregg because when I first saw his character as Manboy I didn't think he had what it took to act like that since I'm used to watching his Vines but he killed his role up until the end.

Doby Greg

I have sympathy for people that try to the right thing. So wether it is Alton or Irene trying to bring attention to how the gorverment is fucking up their citizens they have all my sympathies. Same with Andre before that.


FR, he did so well. And he's been booking more movies like the blackening


I personally think Teddy asking if she wanted to get a cab was still a play. We already seen how much Irene hated Teddy and was completely against everything Teddy stood for. So when he asked she in her mind was like I'm not doing anything this man says." I could be over thinking it.


This episode and reaction was chef's kiss. 😆

Silva Jin

The people that made made mafia should make a snowfall game. LAWD that would be so good


Manboy was a great character to challenge Franklin but they didn't have wiped out his whole bloodline lol

The Endless

How..? When the same effects would happen if it was just another dealer? You really just hate Franklin huh?

The Endless

This episode had the most real nigga moments from Saint in the entire show imo


@37:41 is all I gotta say lol… perfect timing

Devin B

I respect them for trying to do the right thing but the only problem I with their methods is that they don't fully think of the consequences before doing anything.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

I would hate WHOEVER was doing it. Altons point was never that it would stop with Franklin, but that his own son was capable of such savagery. His whole point was watching what Franklin was doing to his people every day in the clinic. It doesn't matter WHO did it, just that it was done. I predict this story will end horribly for everyone, and it will all be Franklin's fault

Robert Golden

Yeah, Irene was the antagonist to the protagonist but ultimately she's the good guy in this story.


Yall should look into this movie called The Blackening that came out this year issa comedy with Manboy's actor in it could be fun for the channel during halloween time or sum


Roshi, the filming of Season 4 of snowfall was halted because of the pandemic and only the first 4 episodes were filmed. Due to scheduling conflicts they had to write Lurp's character off the show.


That was their fault they kept gunning for them they could’ve just left them alone


end of manboy season :(


Lupas right imo, the show shows you in several occasions how much she likes to drink. Making her assistant drink every time she says “I don’t know” Franklin talking about how her and Alton get along after he sees her order drinks, she’s always meeting people in bars, so yeah teddy definitely took advantage of that

Kumi Chan

Sheera just casually used her sheeragan and we cant fathom her power

Lord Of Frog's Congolese Uncle

Irene coulda lived so much longer if she wasn’t such a fucking dumbass. You sleeping on your couch and surprised the CIA breaks in? You taking drinks from the agent you’re trying to ruin??

Silva Jin

Teddy didn't have to look up info on Irene if you go back and watch the scenes with franklin and with her intern when they had that drinking game, and even at the radio station. Everyone around her always paid attention to how she chugs her drinks, her dumbass even did it with the drink that teddy gave her lol she was cooked from the start.


I know they had it coming just pointing out Manboy's bloodline gone

Dalvin Williams

Roshi walking off camera made me cry of laughter 😂 that was so funny

Dalvin Williams

It will stop when teddy decides to let go of Franklin, why do all you Franklin haters say this like he always had a fucking choice? He has a whole escape plan once he has enough money and legitimacy but know that’s all fucked up cause Davis backed out, now Franklin gotta come up with another life business plan

The Endless

Understandable but that’s the difficulty of human autonomy. You can’t control others or what they do, just how you respond which is how this started. Bc of the position he was in with his mother struggling and what black ppl had to go through in general he fought to get more for him and his ppl through the avenue that was most available for him I’ve never been able too look down on/admonish drug dealers bc everybody has different circumstances why they do what they do. And as such with my earlier statement with human autonomy, ppl have a choice and drug dealers don’t Make anyone do anything, if simply having access to it is enough for you to fall prey to it then that is objectively a you problem, the world isn’t a padded cell. Also can’t really blame Franklin for everybody’s decision’s, not Louie’s for taking him to Claudia, not Jerome for deciding to get in the game, not Leon’s for wanting to do things his way or committing murder since the very beginning and certainly not Teddy’s or CIA for being the ones responsible for bringing cocaine in the country in the first place. Everybody in this main cast has their fair and equal share of blame for how thing are and will turn out.



Bona Fide

Go teddy!


Noooooo they killed Melvin Gregg 😭


that's 3 times for sheera now lol. the dude who died in the beginning . andre messing up franklin house and now this lol. she on a roll .


I feel sorry for Irene simply because she was doing the right thing but she was dumb to think she can beat the CIA so many people told her to leave it alone.


To be fair in this time period people didn't know methods the CIA used to get rid of people nor how powerful they are, our current time period only knows cuz we see the shit they've done in the past and from many films made that take place in this period, but for people living in this period they wouldn't have a fucking clue yk. That's how I take it. Like our current government could be doing a lot of fucked up shit and killing a shit ton of people in ways unknown to us and we wouldn't learn of this until decades later.

Teddy McDonald

Yep, some good old social engineering, exactly what intelligence officers are hired for

Nita - Kento's Widow

This episode was phenomenal; Sheeragan working overtime, Roshi leaving the couch lmao. Felt good to see most things wrap up even though it was mainly through death but well- Like a few already said, I can dislike their execution all I want but I can understand what people like Irene are trying to do. Hope he makes it to Cuba I know it won't end well for Alton

A. P.

Bruh was amazing as Manboy, went out talkin his shit too lol crazy he from the east coast and not an actual LA native

Tuny kun

Sheera brought up an interesting point at the end. I think Teddie talked to the reporter as a way of giving her a last chance. I feel like throughout the story so far, Teddie has always tried talk-no-jutsu first before fucking people up. Dude is cold, but he definitely gives people a chance to save themselves first.

Kywan Mallette

You know y’all forgot in season one Jerome said the same kind of thing to Franklin “ When your mama come here, wildin out her mind; you can be sure she will know I ain’t the one who gave you that gun” Franklin waited four seasons to flip that statement

rickie woodson

khadijah is the one who shot louie so jerome needs to go after HER not manboy..........

Paul Reyes

I’m gonna miss Manboy. He was the perfect foil to Franklin, and he actually made Franklin stay on his toes.

rickie woodson

if irene was smar-TER, she would have given her info to other people both verbally and written as a contingency plan for if she got taken out.

rickie woodson

what the hell was that? like lupa said "he took advantage of her being an alcoholic" she drinks brown constantly and puts it in her coffee..........lupa was RIGHT

sotonye ogan

Andre was a dumbass that got himself killed for mouthing off, Irene got several warnings from different people but still wanted to go solo against CIA now dead, Alton. No matter how right your motive its wrong to be a dumbass in this kind of dangerous game.

FreshxEli Tv

Crazy how Manboy , Avi & Teddy all of franklins ops Tell him the same thing everyone around him going to turn on him that for-shadow been there all along


The perfect antagonist is always the one that play off the protagonist

Quinton Campbell

They nerfed tf outta Skully. Nigga went way harder in the manga.

Corey Greene

Damn this the second time in a show where like I hate the main character like I honestly want Franklin to suffer in the end loll

Lamaree Jackson

Damn hit her with the Tony and Christopher. Feel bad but we’re not watching the good guy show. It’s like Tara snitching on Sons of Anarchy. Or Adriana on the Sopranos. What happened to her sucks but the story ain’t about the virtuous people trying to stop Franklin


i really thought teddy was gonna hit Irene with some rycen


are yall gonna watch the live action one piece

Doby Greg

They arent choosing to be smart. The smart solution when dealing with dangerous people is to leave them alone. And thats why most people try to not get involved because there is no keeping yourself safe. They are choosing to do the right thing despite it not being smart and having a high chance to backfire. I would never do so. But I have great appreciation and respect for it the people that take that risk/make that sacrifice because the right thing matter to them more than their self.

Koosha Mokhbery

Yeah! A few weeks ago Roshi said they would after they finish up a show or two, to open up space in their week:)

Damarcus Miller

Roshi yea why would she set Alton up!? That big ass forehead you got & you always be saying some random shit that makes no sense.. she went thru allat pleading for him to stop & travel to Country just to set him up? What nigga 😂


@The Endless you gotta be one of the dumbest motherfuckers I have ever seen. You really out here dick riding for drug dealers. I would hate for you or someone you care about to fall prey to drugs. It would be crazy to see if you still have this same type of mindset.

Caleb Exama

Lmaoooo Sheera was like "🙏🫶👐🙏Ninpo! Wtf are u doing here!!!

brian hill

roshi suspect???

Kryptik _

I honestly don’t understand what Irene was expecting, Teddy literally told her what time it was, “tomorrow you’ll wake up, next time you won’t” and her response to that was to threaten to expose him on the radio.


Y’all trying to hard to defend drug dealers lol

Meme Chanel

I’m glad everyone feel the same as me about man boy. They should’ve kept him😩

random citizen (edited)

Comment edits

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2023-12-19 03:49:10 NIGGAS OF DUTYYYYY💀💀😭‼️



Manboy & his sister was fuck niggas rest in piss