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Crazy finale blueballed us!! Wasnt too much a fan of his true goals (guess we watch too much anime lol) but the last two seasons have been immaculate!


Danger Tomato

Save a slot for Pluto next month

danial javady

Fukuchi is the guy at the end(or at least his body is). He said something about the page making amends when some condition came about. Fyodor was either teleported away by Nikolai at the last second, or, he became Sigma. It may be that he passed all of his memories to Sigma and the moment you gain those memories is when you become Fyodor. That might be his power too. Touching him is what triggers it, a ridiculous amount of information that most people cannot withstand that will kill your brain. That's my guess anyway https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bungostraydogs/images/9/95/Chapter_110_Colored_Spread.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20230904064300 that's a picture of him wearing the mask that came out at last chapter of manga. Fyodor also seems to have a similar mask for whatever reason. Also criticizing him sacrificing 500 people for 210,000,000 is kind of wild. That is literally 210,000,000 people. It's not like he went out of his way to kill 500 people, it's the limit he set for himself of how much chaos he was willing to wreck. 41,999,900% more people were saved lol


Here I am emotionally broken watching the ending.

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2023-12-06 20:23:28 How is saving 210 million by sacrificing 500 a bad choice? Gonna be honest here that was a braindead take. You guys possessed by Bra-chan too?😂
2023-09-21 00:42:29 How is saving 210 million by sacrificing 500 a bad choice? Gonna be honest here that was a braindead take. You guys possessed by Bra-chan too?😂

How is saving 210 million by sacrificing 500 a bad choice? Gonna be honest here that was a braindead take. You guys possessed by Bra-chan too?😂


2 hours later = 2 1/2 hour long movie for the final battle with actual real time shots XD

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2023-12-06 20:23:28 Bro was dying to spoil this. He had this shit ready to paste
2023-09-21 00:44:18 Bro was dying to spoil this. He had this shit ready to paste

Bro was dying to spoil this. He had this shit ready to paste


That guy at the end is totally Fukuchi. Same hair, same scar, with the sword. I don't know what happened to him but its clearly him


I have mixed feelings about this conclusion, but watching Fukuchi die in Fukuzawa's arms actually made me tear up. Teruko essentially telling Atsushi to "give them some space," followed by that look in her eyes when she saw the two men together in Fukuchi's final moments, followed by Ranpo's comment about Fukuchi feeling more than just loneliness when his friend moved on to create the Detective Agency... it makes me wonder if Fukuchi had unrequited feelings for Fukuzawa. Speaking of unrequited feelings, asking Teruko to kill him was cruel. If the guy I like asks me to deliver the finishing blow, I'm gonna suggest we just go out for pizza instead. Oh, and yeah, there's no way Fyodor is dead. Not until we've seen a corpse. And even then, I'd suggest poking it a few times to make sure he isn't acting.


wait is it just me being lost but ain't fyodor's ability already known? wasn't it crime and punishment or some shit?


that cliff hanger fucked me up


It is indeed the name of his ability, but his ability was never explained in details. All we had until now was some clues to make assumptions of how his ability works.

Alex Omega

I can't wait to see the new poll for the next anime show.

Jovoni R Canty

Now I need you guys to get back on the Monogatari train!!!!!🤩🤩


You might be waiting a while. October is when the Fall 2023 anime season begins, plus Roshi has mentioned some of shows they plan on reacting to (One Piece LA, Castlevania, animated The Boys, Dr. Stone, etc). Long story short, we probably won't be voting on a replacement for Bungo Stray Dogs. I could be wrong though.


dam. they save the world all of a sudden the world government attacks lol. CP9?

Big Daddy Dre

See yall in 2-4 years for season 6🥲


I understand where you are coming from, but Fukuchi's case is quite different from others. He even knew the specific casualties, 210 million is crazy (I still don't fully understand how his future self is able to warn him about something this far ahead though). If you are aware of this, and most importantly you have the abilities and are in possession of tools to prevent it from happening, won't you do it? And yeah, sure, they can try to come up with a plan to stop this war, especially with Rampo and Dazai's intelligence, but will they be able to stop it with less than 500 casualties? Don't get me wrong, he is no hero, he is a murderer for killing 500 people, but at least the result is better than a world war.


Do we know for sure that 210 million lives were gonna end? Fukuchi said he was told that through a message from his sword, but he also stabbed Jouno from multiple possible futures or something, right? A death total of 500 is far better than 210 million, but I'd hate to be one of those 500 people if it turned out to be a false alarm from a different timeline. lol


you forgot Gen V Eminence in Shadow S2, Tokyo Revengers, Undead Unlock which will be must watchalongs. Would be insane for them to ask for another trio watch (that they cant finish within 3 weeks)


Everyone asking for a new trio poll really have no clue how much content will be dropped. If Anything I think they should watch movies to fill in the blanks.

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2023-12-06 20:23:28 You realize that Fyodor and bunch of others were scheming to destroy all gifted? That alone would’ve probably resulted in a world war and a shit ton of casualties. So this way was actually not bad
2023-09-21 01:19:37 You realize that Fyodor and bunch of others were scheming to destroy all gifted? That alone would’ve probably resulted in a world war and a shit ton of casualties. So this way was actually not bad

You realize that Fyodor and bunch of others were scheming to destroy all gifted? That alone would’ve probably resulted in a world war and a shit ton of casualties. So this way was actually not bad


Tbh Roshi, I agree more with Sheera, Fukuchi wanted world peace and it fits his theme well. Plus, if we wanted villains are just evil for the sake of being evil, then we already have characters like Fyodor and Nikolai. Fyodor just has his messiah complex while Nikolai is just being the clown he is. Even that one dude from the Dead Apple movie who just like collecting people's ability or Pushkin (virus guy) and Port Mafia Boss

Branden Jenkins

Can’t believe the anime is now ahead of the manga😂. Normally we’re ahead of anime-onlys, but this is a pleasant twist!


I honestly hope they don't end the story with just a movie. Mostly because I also believe that Fyodor AND Sigma are not dead and we have no clue as to what his ability is and what Sigma found out. Also, WHO/WHAT the hell is Atsushi? He has to be one of the most mysterious main characters in a show ever, so I feel like there's a lot that the show could potentially explore yet about his origin and why exactly he's so special.


Finally Mid is over and can be replaced with LITERALLY anything.

Big Daddy Dre

Either they’re gonna start adapting the LNs or they might pull a dragon ball super and just have the anime ahead of the manga


Aramaic: "Eli, Eli lama sabachthani?" English: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" I didn't realize this in the moment (because I don't speak Aramaic), but the quote from Fyodor just before his apparent "death" is something Jesus said on the cross. We already know Fyodor considers himself to be holy and righteous (lol), and I know most people expect he survived, but that quote nails it for me. Now we just gotta wait until Easter when Fyodor rises again.


I don't understand why you take the time to shit on a series you don't watch. Don't you have anything better to do?


That alone is reason to worry, because there's no way Fyodor is dead. However, something to keep in mind is that Fukuchi willingly involved (or joined) him. I suppose you could argue that keeping your enemies close allows you to monitor them, but Fukuchi literally helped further the plans of a madman. His comment about Fyodor being harmless now that he's in jail on the other side of the planet felt naive and woefully ignorant of just how dangerous Fyodor can be. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the "2 hours later" scene is something Fyodor planned. I do see your point, however.


Their last few moments together and Fukuzawa’s screams really got to me, Bungo knows how to play with emotions.


We've also been told about other organizations that have yet to appear. Back in the first or second season, we learned about a group called the "Order of the Clock Tower." Then, in the fourth season, we were told about a secret pro-terrorism government agency called the "Seventh Agency." Maybe it was just throwaway lore, but I would like to think the manga author has something in mind.

Henderson C

If they were just going to kill him anyway then why didn't Chuuya just do it? He really let that timestopping cat lady die for no reason. They also just sacrificed like 2 prison guards to crash the helicopter lol

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2023-12-06 20:23:28 I’m totally on your side. Just saying with the logic Fukuchi was going with it made sense. Fyodor 100% isn’t dead and now that u mention it you might be right. Feel like he inserted himself into Sigma somehow the way they showed him in such a weird way and also buddy Nikolai being able to transfer things with his ability even from very far away. Wouldn’t be surprised if he used that to somehow transfer Fyodors brain or some shit like that
2023-09-21 02:18:52 I’m totally on your side. Just saying with the logic Fukuchi was going with it made sense. Fyodor 100% isn’t dead and now that u mention it you might be right. Feel like he inserted himself into Sigma somehow the way they showed him in such a weird way and also buddy Nikolai being able to transfer things with his ability even from very far away. Wouldn’t be surprised if he used that to somehow transfer Fyodors brain or some shit like that

I’m totally on your side. Just saying with the logic Fukuchi was going with it made sense. Fyodor 100% isn’t dead and now that u mention it you might be right. Feel like he inserted himself into Sigma somehow the way they showed him in such a weird way and also buddy Nikolai being able to transfer things with his ability even from very far away. Wouldn’t be surprised if he used that to somehow transfer Fyodors brain or some shit like that


I can see the.reasoning for the color page of the last manga, but how is the rest spoilers???? The anime literally passed the manga LMAO. The last chapter ended on Aya jumping down onto the table, you can't spoil something that isn't even there. Unless they have an in with the mangaka lol. But also the dude at the end has the same scar as Fukuchi and has the time sword so it wouldn't be surprising if that's him.


To speak on Roshi's thing in the end, I feel like just wanting the antagonist to be a dick for no good reason is way more boring than the "they wanted peace the whole time" antogonist. Then we would get nothing but Saturday morning cartoon plot with not much depth at all. We definitely get the secretly good villain thing a lot but I feel like that's way better than everybody just being the Joker or something.

cooluno 9

Akutgawa had on that bloodborne fit


Why did I become a villain you ask? Well one day years ago I was watching a movie with a friend and he said "No one could actually do that." I said "Bet." Thanks for listening to my very deep origin story.


What if the final fantasy boss at the end is Fyodor’s "god" he keeps mentioning ? There’s no way Fyodor is dead since we still don’t know anything about him (except that his goal may be to get rid of all gifted) and I truly believe he is the real vilain of this whole story.


In the grand scheme of things, Chuuya and Dazai are murderers lol I don’t really think they care about the cat lady and the prison guards

Roxas 123

I think the end of the episode is maybe the last thing Fukuchi did with the page, because the character we see with Amenogozen is litteraly Fukuchi (you can see the scar on his face) , and I don't understand why Akutagawa has an armor like a knight's one (it litteraly doesn't make sense for him to wear that). Maybe Fukuchi with the last space on the page, litteraly make's it looks like a movie or something. But if litteraly something else happened then I don't know what the hell is happening XD


On god it still fucked up cause either way people are gonna die anyway but to avoid war and save the world fuck it I am be in my kiritsugu bag


also what you said kinda contradicts your point on the villian wanting world peace as a cliche in anime When villians who are evil for the sake of being evil is also a cliche in anime and other media’s such as comic books lol but I get what you saying


Idk man I feel like Fukuchi is an example of a villain actually wanting real peace. It’s not some infinite tsukuyomi nonsense it’s real people being able to live their normal lives with no war. Also unlike madara Fukuchi wasn’t working off an ideal, he knew for a fact that 210 million would die in the future


The plot twist I’m thinking of for the 2.5 hours later though is that the message that Fukuchi originally got from the future wasn’t from Fukuchi at all but from Fyodor, setting the events in motion for him to start his real plan.


those are the last two members, i think


the peace trope in anime is lame thats why Baki go hard


Completely agree Roshi wasn’t a fan of it here (you can think something makes logical sense and not like it/how it was done).